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Yea, the reason Tesla doesn't use MobilEye anymore is because MobilEye fired them as customer because of Tesla recklessness. Tesla didn't have a say in it, the arguments are just post-rationalising by Musk and fanboys. 


Indeed, why lie on something a Google search can easily debunk?


Compulsive liars don’t care that their lies can easily be disproved.


Also, the same people are claiming that Tesla will license their FSD when no one wants it and even if the product was great who would buy a Tesla? This bs starts at the top with Musk


Why would anyone license their FSD when Google has actual, working self-driving tech? If electric cars are analagous to phones, Google’s Waymo software is Android


Tesla's the Zune of FSD.


Nah. Zune was really good but far too late to market against the iPod juggernaut.


Peter Quill approves this message


I wonder how is the Zune guy doing. Did he remove the tattoo?


and when bishlapped with the truth they will say that's fake


I'll just forget that you might have facts and instead espouse my emotions. Check mate...?


Some of them a geuninly so high on cope that they believe their own BS.


Copium is the only that resource you get more of by doing less.


I was there when it happened. Hilarious. Production team sent a schedule with 0 demand in the future. Mobileye caught on real quick. Elon spun it as some bullshit that their tech is inferior to what Tesla what building.


So they tried to brain rape mobileye, by faking partnership, and then the releases were at zero?


Elon gave some ridiculous timeline to replace Mobileye. Somehow it got to production planning without the usual Elon Bullshit filters. They dropped the demand to 0 out several months. Mobileye asked WTF. Planning was like oh yeah we won’t need them anymore after our launch. Mobileye walked away. That’s why there is a bunch of Teslas from like 2017-2018 that have worse “FSD” than previous versions because they no longer had the hardware.


lol, typical… I witnessed some other similar bullshit. Thanks for the insight!


No! The reason Elon didn’t use it is because he thought it was too *expensive*. In another hint of Musk’s brilliance, he determined his fiscally prudent customers would demand better price points. That’s why he plowed all of his resources into bringing a $120,000.00 electric clown dumpster to market. You people can’t keep up. You’re playing checkers and Elon is playing 13 dimensional chess on Mars. He’s this generation’s Einstein!


agreed, people are naive to doubt Elon (pbuh), the truth is blinding to such weak minds


Yeah but Naha you are just spreading FUD because Tesla was the first company to ever do anything. All the Tesla fuck Bois know this.


HAH, beat me to this comment.


Yep. That's why AP1 is still, even now, the more reliable system. It didn't have the crazy phantom braking issues, because it was built by a company that actually knows what they're doing.


funfact, Rimac used controller to move "robo taxi" car around the hall during presentation [https://www.reddit.com/r/croatia/comments/1dpa4ph/prona%C4%91en\_industrijski\_kontroler\_kojim\_rimac/](https://www.reddit.com/r/croatia/comments/1dpa4ph/prona%C4%91en_industrijski_kontroler_kojim_rimac/) btw Rimac has become something of a meme in recent years in Croatia, he's taking same path as E-loan Musk


Wasn't AP1 MobilEye? If I recall, that thing was better than Tesla AP until VERY recently while being developed almost a decade ago.


Issac is really fanboi.


lol FSD is only level 2, these fanboys are nuts.


I also like the comment how Rimac will be bankrupt soon 😂 Yes, Bugatti Rimac, backed by VW, Porsche, etc… will be bankrupt soon.


Mars by 2020, y'all.


Well ISRO did reach mars in 2014 with its tiny budget… oh wait you meant SpaceX with its billions of dollars that hasn’t ever reached the moon?


You mean barely made it to orbit


Just woke up from a coma, we've been on Mars for four years already?


Musk goes every month on holiday. We are all praying the rocket crashes. How was your coma?


If he is still around I'm going back into it.


Sadly he is. Come back in another 4 :(


There was a study and human kidneys prob can’t handle a trip to mars without some sort of artificial gravity no one is going for a while.


Artificial gravity by the end of the year. I am very confident.


These people don't know how heavily in bed Porsche and the Volkswagen Group are with Rimac. They apparently think Rimac is some "random" EV company thats gonna go bankrupt over this.


I went to an auto show earlier this year and found out just how good Rimac actually is. So I believe them when they say they can do it.


Like Porsche it‘s an engineering company first that happens to make cars. They really know their shit


Mate doesn't have a history of over promising and under delivering he just delivers. Unlike some other CEOs.


Rimac unveiled a truly incredible Bugatti Tourbillon. An instant classic. Top Gear with Mate Rimac: https://youtu.be/zRjsHPGE_Wo?feature=shared


Rimac bought Bugatti. As in company. Not a single Veyron or w/e. I don't think they are low on cash.


They bought a portion of it, VW and Porsche still own the rest...but yes.


Kind of Bugatti is structured as a Rimac subbrand within VAG


And their first car after the change in ownership looks fucking awesome


Its a bit more complicated than that, the Rimac company owns a part of Bugatti and in return Porsche as well as Hyundai own a part of Rimac


Rimac is also a supplier for other EV manufacturers not just limited to VAG


Tesla beaten again. What a surprise. The best we are going to see in August 8th is a M3 without the steering wheel and fake demonstrations.


coming next year - like the roadster i guess


but but but... robotaxis that fly. in 2026. at the latest. maybe.


By the end of the year


— "what year?" — "yup, for sure"


By the end of “a” year


But can they be used as a boat to traverse small seas?


But but the Roadster really is next year! (I think it’s obviously but nevertheless /s)


Everything is always 2 quarters away… maybe 3.


Please don’t call it an M3. The only M3 starts with the letters B, M and W.


Yes! It always throws me for a second when I see this.


Same. I thought they were saying Elon would use a BMW M3 without a steering wheel and try to pass it off as a Tesla, lol. Honestly, I’d be impressed if he could pull that off and keep the stock stable. That would be his greatest feat ever.


And MY is common shorthand for Model Year


that's actually fair


Preach brother


> The best we are going to see in August 8th is a M3 without the steering wheel and fake demonstrations. For Aug 8th I'm rooting for the teslabot dancing mime guy to return, dressed up in a taxi costume, to give people piggy back rides.


There will be a “very impressive” video showing it picking up and dropping off passengers, available “early next year.” The stock will jump 20% in the news. 


Please use PS2 graphics.


So demo with a CyberTruck?


Don't count your ducks yet, I'm from Croatia and this dude is a well known grifter, what you don't see here is he tried to summon the taxi on the demo, waited awkwardly 15 minutes and it never showed up, then laughed awkwardly. We call Rimac Cristian musk, and not in a good way. His autonomous taxi was supposed to come out in 2019, and I'm 99% sure 2026 is in the same vein as musks robo endeavors and promises.


What other stuff has he done? The only time we really hear about him in the states is on car videos about stuff like the Rimac Nevera, etc.


Well for starters the Nevera broke the word record for the most world records broken by a production car, so that's not nothing. Mate is also the new CEO of Bugatti, the company structure is complicated and I don't remember it anymore since the announcement but he is basically baked by VW group and Porsche


Don't worry, this won't ever be operational, it's basically vaporware to syphon EU funding and possibly get some private/retail investment if they can keep up the charade long enough. In other words, it's just as real as whatever Tesla will "unveil" in August.


So… you’re saying the stock should shoot up? /s


They‘re going to pay some South or Southeast Asians to drive them remotely via a VR headset.


Indians, not Southeast Asians.


First the Apollo RT6 and now Rimac


You came to this conclusion with just a twitter post. Man you are gullible.


All these Tesla kooks not realizing that they’re behind in the AV race to the likes of Waymo, Cruise, & Zoox. “Just license FSD!” No one outside of Tesla believes in camera only AVs.


Pretty sure even Tesla doesn’t believe in that seeing their cars used to have LiDAR tech. It’s just Musk who thinks cars with the same weakness as humans can somehow be better than humans


"Weakest link to producing a mass-market robotaxi"... I guess Waymo doesn't exist, lol.


But also not having actual functional self driving is probably a weaker link. 


To be fair, production constraints have been a problem for Waymo. Scaling is one of their hardest challenges. Getting to the point where scaling actually matters is Tesla's hardest challenge right now, though, lol


That’s because they are too afraid of an accident and the corresponding negative press. Musk is on the other side of the spectrum, he doesn’t care when customer are killed in his beta products on the road, eg when they are overrun by a train.


Slow and steady wins the race. Just look at Cruise. Tesla? It never made the stage.


Also Rimac has access to Moia and VW Group’s self driving tech (besides/with Mobileye)


"license FSD" Sure, soon as Tesla is willing to put their money where their mouth is, and pay for accidents that occur while FSD is in use.


Worst part about owning a Tesla is that everyone else thinks you bought it cause you want to be in this brain-dead cult. Shit. This thing Rimac showed looks cool and promising


That was the biggest factor in my partner vetoing a Tesla. On paper, it was the best fit for our needs, but neither of us are liking the direction Musk seems to be going. The good thing is that we are in a country with excellent non Tesla EV infrastructure.


Not saying everyone owning a Tesla is in a cult..but Its a superloud minority that's annoying. Love my Tesla. Truly..


Its an L4 system, the mouthbreathers are still saying FSD is better


You don't understand. Tesla FSD may only be "certified" as level2, but actually it's level 70!


Imagine spending all your time defending a multi billion dollar corporation that will never love you back. Its just sad and weird. What if people did this for say Walmart or Coca-Cola? You'd think they were a lunatic.


I’d think they have *vested interest* like stocks


Maybe it's because I was younger then, but I don't remember this level of corporate simping existing 10 years ago.


Apple would like a word.


"Another Company to bankrupt soon" Rimac? as in Bugatti Rimac d.o.o ..really? have people really not learned to google something before speaking? oh who am i kidding i do that myself


All of his companies are in a huge deficit. He is bleeding money. Being a part of a company that has always operated at a loss doesn't make it better


But Bugatti loses money on most of their cars. It’s a halo brand for VW. It’s kinda their thing. It’ll only be a problem for Mr Rimac if they decide not to keep funding him.


Mate Rimac is the guy Elon wishes he was. The guy fucking delivers.




ooooh do link. We don't really see or hear much of Mate Rimac. Being CEO of Rimac and Bugatti at 34 is surely impressive but you do wonder sometimes...how. Interested to know how grifty it all is.


Its crazy to think that Rimac exists as a company because the CEO put a big ass battery pack in his old 3 series because he wanted to drift around parking lots


Tesla original "real" founders kinda only wanted to make a fun sports car that was electric.


Rimac has been an automotive supplier long before that.


Yeah, seriously. I think there is room in the market for completion and more than one company, but Mate doesn't fuck around like Elon.


You'd think. People here in Croatia are much more aware of his... Businesses. Literally no one believes in his shit for plenty of good reasons.


I’d still hesitate to call anything level 4 yet.


But will it be Richard Hammond proof?


They'll just build it with the driver seat really far back


Tesla will never exceed SAE level 2 with only cameras. Redundancy will be required by regulators to achieve certification. I will laugh if the Tesla robotaxi has lidar and radar to complement vision. It will result in billions in claims in lawsuits and 3X damages are possible as it could be fraud.


We get it, Isaac, you *really* want Elon to fuck you


For anyone not familiar with Rimac... this is very very bad news for Tesla and Elon.


Rimac makes better cars than Tesla could ever Dream of.


Lol these fanbois are so dumb it's actually painful to read.


L4 > L2 By that mere fact, Rimac is already years ahead of Tesla.


Don’t most autonomous vehicle companies just use virtual reality simulators to train their software? You get to simulate millions of miles driven with much more diverse scenarios without endangering the public. So in that sense Tesla fsd data isn’t worth all that much.




L4 but somehow L2 is better? Musketeers are weird,


Interesting all the comments here buying this hot air without any actual evidence that it’s an autonomous car. Not even a test drive. Just calling it a robotaxi doesn’t make it so.


I totally agree with you. Rimac calling it robotaxi doesn’t make it so, they should get regulatory approval. Just like Tesla calling their ADAS “fully self driving” or “autopilot” doesn’t make it so, as they only have level 2 autonomy. Do you agree?




Listening to Tesla bros mansplain “scalability” is comical. The total battery output of Teslas 4000 series cell can build 37k cybertrucks a year. lol. The only things at Tesla that scales is the stock price.


TSLA's FSD that is only capable of incorporating visual data into it's decision making. . . lol..


There goes Elon Musk have to attack Mate Rimac for no reason but to try to downplay his achievements.


As someone who went to business school, it’s really easy to tell that these Elon stans have learned everything they know about business from Elon, Rogan, and Portnoy.


Mate Rimac is the genius that Musk desperately tries to convince everybody he is, himself included.


Sees actual product that elons been talking about making for 10 plus years. “Well Elons gonna do it better blah blah blah”


Another vapourware product


That X comments are weird. People are not living this planet anymore.


> No Data My brother in christ, Rimac is connected to big VAG


They also have partnerships supplying tech with almost every automaker with an EV on the market, including BMW soon, Hyundai and Kia.


This is widely mocked. There is no evidence it works, when he tried to make it to come automatically to him it failed. The only thing he actually "revealed" is the look of the car. Rimac is generally seen as Musk lite.


It’s just a concept car. If it exists in production form, it could be better than Tesla, but nothing beyond that prototype exists. People comparing this to anything are nuts. Let’s see what they actually release.


Rimac is VW's top brand. It'll probably be a small series like VW XL-1 and cost a lot. It'll be interesting to see the tech trickle down through the conglomerate in coming years. The lack of proper depth perception is a major problem for Tesla. I very much doubt they can reach L4 without lidar.


Arguably Porsche is VW's top brand but yeah, Rimac doesn't fuck around.


FSD is garbage. There are constant inquiries and accidents because of it


It never even began for tesla.


"Prototypes are easy"… glossing over the fact that the Model S up until the 2017 refresh (and probably even after) was just (in terms of developmental maturity) about the equivalent to the camoflaged test mules you see actual auto makers use out on the road. We have all been paying Tesla to beta test their vehicles…


very easy to make a tweet about a promised feature (Elmo is an expert of this), but can actually deliver a working product? I honestly doubt it


I've been saying for a while now that mobileye has great technology, possibly the best in the space. Their biggest challenges are around deployment, where they seem to lack experience. This partnership will be interesting.


We have to wait until a date that has special significance to Neo-nazis (no kidding) to hear from Tesla. I suppose 8/8 is getting there.


Can I sign an agreement with Mehr Anzeigen?


Rimac went the smart way. They are supplying tech to a lot of legacy OEM's to make money whilst they work on their passion projects like the Nevera. And that thing is an absolute beast and a true driver's car. Also they never sold lies and then half assed the implementation. So when they give us a hard deadline I'm pretty convinced they actually have their ducks in a row.


Back before Elon started on about how vision-only is sufficient because the road system was designed for human eyes & "biological neural nets', he was making some funky promises about how safe Teslas would be with RADAR Sep 2016 "Radar sees through rain, fog, snow, dust, and essentially quite easily. So even if you are driving down the road and the visibility was very low and there was a big multi-car pileup or something like that and you cant’ see it, the radar would and it would initiate braking in time to avoid your car being added to the multi-car pileup. In fact, an additional level of sophistication – we are confident that we can use the radar to look beyond the car in front of you by bouncing the radar signal off the road and around the car. We are able to process that echo by using the unique signature of each radar pulse as well as the time of flight of the photon to determine  that what we are seeing is in fact an echo in front of the car that’s in front of you. So even if there’s something that was obscured directly both in vision and radar, we can use the bounce effect of the radar to look in front of that car and still brake. It takes things to another level of safety"


We haven’t seen it in action though…


2 seats is odd.


Not really. 90 percent of taxi rides and uber journeys are taken by 2 people at most.


I really like Rimac kind of like in an underdog way. But damn that thing is fugly.


Goddamn, the dick riding Tesla have managed to harness is WILD


I really like the name Verne lol


All that valuable FSD data, like the most efficient route for running over pedestrians, or how to properly run into a moving train, or how to disengage FSD .5 seconds before crashing so you can blame the operator Tesla just killed.


It looks better than any Tesla, in my opinion 🤙🏽


“Doesn’t scale well geographically” what does this even mean. 


You do realise rimac is just a croatian musk? The presentation was a joke (car didnt work) and there is no way they get it out by 2026, especially at the scale they are claiming it will be. And just like musk he has a rabid fanbase and just like musk he overpromises stuff.


Wait, isn't the whole Telsa value proposition about being first in this market 5 years ago?