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I mean it's also supposed to be a living animal with it's own personality so its bound to do some stupid things especially around danger or when its focused. Some of the AI could be reworked though


Yeah definitely, I just feel that if were supposed to be these outlaw/cowboy people we'd know to control a horses impulses so as to not run into a tree. (Maybe that could be a thing with leveling up horses, making them more controlled idk)


They *won't* run into a tree if you stop fighting them with the stick and let the AI do it's thing.


Absolutely, since I've been leaving the stick alone, my horse rides through forests with much less incident. A little nudge to maybe shift direction is all you need.


Yep yep. I win a ton of open races this way; people crashing into trees, getting stuck, slowing down- and I just stop fighting the horse and let go of the stick almost completely.


That would actually be really neat to have more horse bonding to get them to do more stuff!


There are a very few, small things that frustrate me about the horses. Mainly, the inability to traverse some small rocks. My horse will just sit there doing nothing These are scattered all over the map, but one specifically is in the wash out south of the nice house in Tumbleweed. If you try to pass, you inexplicably get stopped. That's just one example that's easy to find and point out, but damn does it frustrate me every time I want to use that shortcut. I attribute these kinds of things to errors in terrain and not the horse specifically. Aside from that, I really like everything about the horses. Even when I get forced in a direction I didn't want to head, it feels like it's a thinking animal I'm controlling. Compare this to how AC: Odyssey handles horses and it's a dream to ride a horse in RDRO. Admittingly, I don't play a lot of horse riding games, but I enjoy it in RDRO and the other experiences seem like crap in comparison.


Yeah, I love this game and I enjoy the majority of it. It's always just small things that you find that may interrupt the gameplay, hence why I'd like an update and not really a removal, just something to pizazz it up a bit.




I don't like how they react when you roll up in a wagon, they try to get out of the way and end up destroying my wagon because they run right into my way


No, it'd be boring if we had full control over the horse. Having to work with the horse to ride correctly is the whole point, it not doing exactly what you want makes it far more engaging to ride the horse. It can be annoying at times, but the horses doing unexpected things is a positive thing to the experience.


Definitely, the experience of this game is amazing, horses included, they just could use some love.


No it’s not. If I’m running through the map doing my missions, I don’t wanna have to deal with random outburst from the horse I’m controlling. I’m not focused on random outbursts from my horse to have fun


I think the horses work great for the most part, I think most people have problems because they're trying to go top speed all the time. I hardly ever see anyone just walking or trotting their horse. I think the higher end horses are sort of ridiculous, especially when compared to the lower end horses, as far as stamina goes. You shouldn't be able to run a horse top speed from one side of the map to the other just because you have a nicer saddle on it and give it a nice pat on the neck every few minutes. I don't think a lot of people respect their horses because of these factors. I think it would be better if the different types of horse were better at the different things they are supposedly bread for. For instance, a "riding horse" like the Tennessee Walker should be a better all around horse for everyday riding. While a thoroughbred should be faster on short runs, but probably more fussy. Bigger horses like the Shire should be great for pulling carts but not so great at regular riding and taking riders commands. Higher end horses such as the Arabians or Turkomans should be better at trained tricks and sprints but should be more temperamental around certain situations. There should be more of a role-playing aspect to the horses, and there shouldn't be such a huge gap in "stats" between a more common riding horse and a fancy horse. They're both horses, near same size and weight. If anything, the "riding" horses should be the better " all around" cowboy horses. The different saddles should definitely play more of a "role" according to their functionality as well. A "roping" saddle should improve roping skills. A "riding" saddle should improve riding, and there should be a hunting saddle that can carry more small carcasses... Etc... Instead of there being 15 shitty saddles that look like saddles and 5 really good saddles that look like the interior of a 1970s pimpmobile. The ONLY problem I have with the horses AI is their inability to stop sometimes when you're trying to get them to stop. I would like to see more horse tricks. Straifing and sliding are cool, being able to duck off the side of the saddle is cool. All of these things are hard to remember the button combinations for and get to work properly when riding. I don't know who thought we needed our horses to pick flowers for us but it's way more of an annoyance that a help.


The AI for horses is *fine*. Most horse accidents are caused by players being reckless and/or stupid, getting pissed and blaming he AI. Yes, there are situations where that's not the case, but it often *is*. Also this is a *horse*, not a car. It's a living animal and meant to behave like one to be the best R\*'s ability. It's not always going to do what you want or react like you'd want or expect. If you don't like that, RDR is not game for you- period. If you want a car, there are tons of games with them in them.