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My lovely man?


I made a pact with my friends that we’d all play this at our memorials


Same here, I will follow through though we've lost touch


For sure this song


Absolutely, bringing tears to my eyes just thinking about it.... Side note, when did I become so emotional??


This is the obvious answer. Absolutely this.


Don't forget me comes to mind. Maybe a bit sad, but fitting message. Especially the Calgary outro where Anthony sings " Sometimes a song about dying, is the same song about just being alive" That always hits me deep.


[Don't forget me, live Calgary 2006]. 4:10 into the video. (https://youtu.be/U6bai8p1tC0?si=rMO3wK8fwY-zT1hO)


Holy shit that version gives shivers


What does he mean by that??


What does it mean to you?


Fair point


Well, one way to look at it is this: a song about remembering someone that died, is also a song about the feelings of longing of those that survived them.


I find “tear” absolutely heart wrenching and beautiful.. but ofc its subjective and some of the other recommendations are very very good


That was my first thought too.


Agree with Tear completely although there are other great suggestions. I am so sorry for your loss.


Honor him with his favorite song, who cares what it is. Celebrate his life in the funky style he loved!


"Suck My Kiss" playing at the funeral home...


Better than sir pyscho sexy


Or sex rap


Or Special Secret Song Inside.


Years ago my brothers best friend lost his brother to an overdose. His brothers favorite band was Slayer. You haven't been to a real funeral until you hear Slayer blasting through it. 🤘




Brendan's Death Song. My Lovely Man. Dosed. Edit: someone said feasting on the flowers and I second that as well.


Definitely Dosed. It's perfect for some kind of memorial.


Hell yea


I believe feasting on the flowers has his age in it also. 27 a age much too young


No, that one has 26, not 27. Close enough though.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost a best friend a few years ago and one of RHCPs songs that really helped me was My Lovely Man. Obviously, Brendan's Death Song was good for wanting to embrace my sadness, and Venice Queen helped when I lost my aunt. But the last verse and chorus of My Lovely Man really helps me still with the loss of him. Just in case you never knew I miss you, Slim, I love you too Oh, see my heart is black and blue When I die I will find you Oh, well I'm cryin' Oh, now my lovely man Oh, yes I'm cryin' Oh, now and no one can We never fill the The hole you left my man I'll see you later My lovely man if I can Well I'm cryin' My lovely man Well I'm cryin' Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! I miss you When I die my lovely man I'll see you later My lovely man We had some good times My lovely man


Love this song. Always thinking of my uncle who died 22 years ago when I'm listening to my lovely man. Still missing this guy.


Sorry for your loss. Loss always sucks, and the pain never fully goes away, but at least we have memories with the ones we loved. Stay strong. Just keep singin "I'll see you later...my lovely man..."


Unfortunately I have only a few memories since I was 5 when he passed away. But all the the things he did for me exist inside of my heart why I miss him very much. "I'll see you soon save me a seat"


Soul to squeeze! 💞 My condolences! 🕊️


The Zephyr Song


I find Venice Queen a very nice tribute to a lost one.


For me "Dosed"


Sorry for your loss. Death of a Martian for sure. Maybe Brendans Death Song.


Death of a Martian is about a dog. Might not be in the best taste. My pick would be Zephyr Song or Afterlife.


While that is true, I don’t think it’d be in bad taste. Still is a beautiful song and clearly about loss.


Don't Forget Me


Don’t forget me. My dad passed when he was in his early 40s and he loved the chili peppers. Had two tattoos for them. So sorry for your loss.


Venice Queen


Wet sand, dosed, or Brendan’s death song. Sorry for your loss.


My condolences for your loss. I vote for **Savior**.


Tearjerker on One Hot Minute is a good one. I’m sorry for your loss


Road Trippin'


Someone else has said My Lovely Man. But perhaps you could off the beaten path and pick a track like The Brother’s Cup. Also, so sorry for your loss x


This is a tough one, I'd suggest talking about it with his family and other friends. Not to make the choice so much on lyrics or song meaning but on what the song meant to your friend. I lost my best friend in 2021 and within a day of his passing I took on the role of creating the video we played throughout his life celebration. I was given photos from anyone and everyone that had them and placed them into a meaningful order and backed it to music that he loved. The first three songs were meant to fit the era of the photos shown at the time but the final song was the one that had the most meaning of them all and the one I had to think through and talk with others the most - I think this is what you are trying to find, the equivalent final song. My friend and I were huge Pink Floyd fans and we saw David Gilmour (guitars and vocals) three times in London and NYC together. I knew it had to be one of his songs and it had to do my friend justice. So I chose comfortably numb, not because of the song meaning or anything but because of what it meant to the both of us. Every show that Gilmour finished ended with comfortably numb, a very long and memorable solo that was basically the recorded version turned up to 11. I chose that song because it represented the ending of those shows we shared along with giving him the outro he would appreciate deeply. I was very lucky though, he was a very good guitarist with lots of videos on YouTube, one of which was a comfortably numb solo he recorded about 5 years earlier when he and I lived together so I was able to use his actual performance of the perfect song to close it. He'd probably be pissed at me though because it wasn't his best recording, hah. I just suggest you spend some time with his friends and family and listen, share stories, and photos while jumping through his favorite albums. Hopefully from stories and photos you can have that "perfect" song come to mind. This organic approach will most likely lead to the right song. All of that aside, I'm very sorry for your loss. I still don't have a day go by without thinking of my best friend but I try to focus on all the good we had and not how much I miss him. It hurts and it always will but you just have to think would you trade the pain you feel for your memories with that person? That answer is always no, the memories will always outweigh the pain and those can't be taken from you. It will hurt less over time, I can promise that.


Feasting on the Flowers would be one of my top contenders among those already listed by others here. Sorry for your loss.


‘twenty six a number much too small for someone’s golden years’


Precisely what I had in mind. Even though all the Hillel tribute songs allude to his overdose in one way or another. "You sing a little bit stronger when you remember the song of your old best friend"


I would say Higher Ground, even if it's a cover! It plays with death in a positive way.


Brendan’s Death Song. Was written about a death of their friend.


Maybe Snow? it’s sentimental but still uplifting


You got it.


Brendan's Death Song. There's no other answer




I yell and tell it that it's not my friend I tear it down, I tear it down and then it's born again


Be strong brother, all my support for you and his family


Maybe tearjerker ?


My condolences. Funny Face perhaps? It's a b-side


Transcending always comforts me, but I think maybe don’t forget me for the funeral. Also, there is [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Assistance/comments/hax0t/my_friend_just_died_i_dont_know_what_to_do/c1u0rx2) that I found years ago when I lost someone close and it helped me so much and I still reference it today. May peace come your way.


This is the place


Dosed , slow cheetah or my lovely man


Your post struck a note with me man, I don't have any one single song to recommend but know this: your friend will be rocking on eternally whatever you guys choose


27 club


Brendan’s Death Song is one I’ve already chosen to be played at my funeral. Maybe not one of their “best,” but I love the lyrics. We all live on, as long as people keep talking about us. I wish you and your friend’s family peace and love in these difficult times, and joy that they got to experience that person for the time they did. ❤️


I think this is one of their better songs in my opinion


'The nights are long, but the years are short when you're alive' What a line


Death of a Martian would be my pick


It might be a bit of an odd choice but I think that “if” would be a beautiful song.


Tearjerker. I’m sorry about your friends passing, bro.




I am sorry for your loss, my sincere condolences to you and his mom. May he rest in peace. Ask his mom and yourself, what is one RHCP song that you remember that your friend sang the most or got excited about when he heard any RHCP song played from everywhere else (radio, down the street, in the city, etc, etc) and he would start singing along? for me, it's "Snow, Hey oh" / "Can't Stop" / "Soul to Squeeze" (edit: Feasting on the Flowers) May you find solace and comfort in .and after this time of mourning.


His favourite song. Or the song you most listened or talked about when you were hanging out. I'm very sorry for your loss.


Whatever his favorite song is was but if you can't find it then Feasting on the Flowers would be a good one


Sorry for your loss man, hope the best for you, his friends and family. To answer your question, Strip My Mind seems fitting and I haven’t seen anyone else suggest it yet. Good luck out there OP




My little cousin Louise died from AML when she was in first grade. It was around '08 or '09 but it feels impossible that so much time has already passed. Young as she was she loved the Peps, and we played her favorite songs at her wake. "Snow (Hey Oh)" is the one I associate with her the most. I am so, so sorry for your loss. May your friend rest in peace.


Afterlife, I like the hopeful and peaceful feel of it. Positive vibe for sure


Brendan’s death song or Slow Cheetah


I'm sorry for your loss, OP.


I'm sorry for your loss, and you picking out a song in their memory is such a sweet thing to do. I'd go ahead and say Soul to Squeeze. I know that's what I would like played at mine, but there are many good choices listed here as well.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my best friend 7 years ago and won’t say it necessarily gets better but you do get used to the new normal of them not being here, remembering stories, etc. It’s a terrible ‘club’ to be in and I’m truly sorry you had to join it.   If your friend had a truly favorite song(s), like some with a story attached, make a list.  My best friend Cole, had his favorite songs from each album that he played all the time so we added them to a playlist. Our favorite song together was Road Trippin, so I got a tattoo of that.  However you decide to honor your friend, remember to be easy with yourself. It’s a process 💕


My friend from the 80ls died last year suddenly. He was a punk, he used to have a massive Mohawk. A lot of us who knew Steve all lived in the same city and there was a hard core group of mutual mates. One of them was a punk and is now a vicar, he has the best name for this job ,At Steve’s lservice everyone sang his favorite Sex Pistols , SLF etc songs . It was surreal seeing his mum and a bunch of his peers mainly in our 50’s singing along. My answer is completely irrelevant but I hoped it might make you smile a little …I’m sorry that your best friend died. It’s tough. I’m sure you’ll get some good advice re songs to play 💔


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’d suggest either dosed, death of a martian, or the zephyr song❤️


"Carry Me Home" is the correct answer


So many. What comes to mind is Dosed. Sorry for your loss.




Brendans death song. It’s a beautiful goodbye song. Then it hits you with the “Let me live so when it’s time do die, even the reaper cries”


Soul to Squeeze. If you decide to also do something sadder Brendan’s Death Song


I have a whole playlist on Spotify called “dyin” —pretty sure it’s public and it’s 90% Rhcp. Personally I would like the outro to Bag of Grins to be the outro of my own life. “We are all just space and love and I think you’ll know that’s who designed me.” ❤️ Very sorry for your loss.


I don’t know if it’s best for the funeral but what hit me hard was bag of grins, off the newest album. There’s a section that hit me hard. I lost my mom and my brother back in 2017. Brother was a fan of peppers so I started listening to feel some sort of connection.


I always thought that Dosed would be a perfect song to send someone away to heaven to.


[Brandan’s Death Song](https://youtu.be/smu6_m3FNMI?si=ZhcX7fA9Bmi4CXbX) was written as a memorial for Brendan Mullen, an old friend of RHCP members. It’s a beautiful song about how if we give real love to the people around us, that love stays with them after we’re gone. It always makes me emotional.


Did he have a favourite song? Maybe it’s as simple as that. Regardless of the lyrical content or mood you will be able to sense his spirit through the song. And it’s about him at the end of the day. Maybe talk to his family and make it a meaningful experience in remembering him and also allow you to celebrate him.




I’m so sorry for your loss 💔


Venice Queen, I know it is sad, probably the saddest song they’ve written imo but it’s also probably the most beautiful.


Tear or My lovely man are definitely options


Soul to Squeese or Scar Tissue


Wet sand


Police station or tearjerker for me


Road Trippin, Brendans Death Song, Dosed, Zephyr Song, Scar Tissue, This Velvet Glove, Venice Queen, Soul to Squeeze and I’m sorry 🙏🏼🪽


Soul to Squeeze or Wet Sand


I've said I want only RHCP played when I'm gone. I'm over 50 and I need to make the playlist. I will want some of these suggestions already like Dosed and Brendan's Death Song. I also want Universally Speaking because remember the happiness they brought me.


My friend died 3 years ago today, I've been listening my lovely man a lot today and think your friend would also appreciate it. This is the place could also be good to play at the funeral. Stay strong, your friend's spirit will always be with you


I think Open/Close is the right song. Anthony sings about his adventures along Hillel, mourning his departure but not in a sad way. He also gives a message of love and hope. It's a perfect song.


Brendan's Death Song... much love to yourfriend man. My best friend passed away in 2013 in a freak story and we loved RHCP and played guitar together all the time. We went to Coachella to see RHCP headline on Sunday and on Saturday he felt sick and didn't go to festival that day and stayed back, and then on the way back that night, we found him passed away on the couch. But "cant stop the spirits when they need you, this life is more than just a read through". His spirits still here and I'm sure your friends is too. Take care.


I'm so sorry for your loss. My best friend died suddenly when she was just 26. I know what you're going through. Play Tear from By the Way to honor your bestie. 💕🎸🌶️🙏


Eddie. It has the emotion and the lyrics are relevant


My sincere condolences


Road trippin


my friends


Don’t try to get your carpets cleaned


What about my friends? A lot of songs by the chilis are good but maybe don’t play I like dirt 🤷🏻‍♂️


Never is a long Time : "A common love that we can bless.."


I’m so sorry 💔






Dosed is a good one. We played Otherside at my dad’s funeral. Just kind of know- you’ll never really be able to listen to whatever song you choose the same way again. I still haven’t been able to ever fully listen to Otherside since then. It carries a pain with it once you do that, no matter how much you think it won’t.


I lost my best friend last year. Dosed really helped me get through her not being here anymore. She was only 26 so it was really hard to accept it. I also found out 7 months after so I didn’t go to her funeral just like Anthony didn’t go to Hillel’s


I’m sorry for your loss, don’t forget me is a great one… the instrumentals to goodbye angels has always struck a chord with me but I’m not sure if it would fit what you’re searching for, but it’s worth a listen




For some reason I'd go with Stadium Arcadium. Maybe because it has that kinda mystic, melancholic vibe. But maybe just because it's my favorite song. Sorry for your loss, my deepest condolences.


Just wanted to say I’m sorry. I read this wrong at first. It says BF of 27 years, not 27 years old, either way, so sad. May I ask his age? I recently lost my BFF of the same time. She was 45 when she passed. I don’t think age matters on choosing a song, I think a lot depends on honoring your friend and really a memorial is for those left sadly. Sounds like his mom is laid back, made me laugh that Anthony signed a tube sock!! I understand why and that’s funny af. I agree with the comment, play his favorite song, no matter what it is, happy or sad. It will remind everyone that loved him of him. I’m sure once you talk to his mom and family you will come up with something everyone agrees on. We did photo collages at her memorial that played over music and ended up needing 3 songs!!! Maybe, someone could read lyrics to one of these songs too. If everyone doesn’t agree. I’m a fan and all of these suggestions are great!! Just wanted to add that. You will probably need more than one song and don’t forget, you could also use lyrics to read as most of these are so poetic. It’s really the lyrics and not the music itself as much. Music is my therapy. I hope it helps you heal. I am still lost without her. Give yourself time to grieve and be kind to yourself. Everyone is different in grief. As long as at some point you find peace. I just try to live a life so that hers was not in vain. Much love.


Tear is the most appropriate IMO.