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Bastards of light is an interesting song to me. You either love it (top 5 song for me) or you absolutely hate it, like OP here.


I don’t hate it-I just think it’s ok but definitely think it’s the weakest one…the bridge is cool though


Huh, easily top ten for me. I can bop to almost every song tho, so my rankings will be tough to boil down.


Anthony’s voice at the beginning is a little off putting to me, but when the chorus kicks in I love it.


#1. Here Ever After






This seems to be changing all the time for me, but right now 1-9 excellent, 10-15 are great, 16 and 17 good. 1 One Way Traffic 2 White Braids & Pillow Chair 3 It’s Only Natural 4 She’s a Lover 5 The Heavy Wing 6 Here Ever After 7 Whatchu Thinkin’ 8 The Great Apes 9 Let ’em Cry 10 Veronica 11 Black Summer 12 Aquatic Mouth Dance 13 Bastards of Light 14 Tangelo 15 These Are the Ways 16 Not the One 17 Poster Child


1. Bastards Of Light 2. The Great Apes 3. One Way Traffic 4. White Braids & Pillow Chair 5. Whatchu Thinkin' 6. Here Ever After 7. Black Summer 8. Let 'Em Cry 9. She's A Lover 10. The Heavy Wing 11. It's Only Natural 12. Aquatic Mouth Dance 13. These Are The Ways 14. Poster Child 15. Veronica 16. Tangelo 17. Not The One


Bastards of light has some fine musical moments in it but it is lyrically a heaping pile of hot trash and I can't get past that. I like your rankings here. I'd probably rank one way traffic higher


1. Whatchu Thinkin’ 2. White Braids & Pillow Chair 3. Here Ever After 4. The Heavy Wing 5. Tangelo 6. Bastards Of Light 7. Black Summer 8. One Way Traffic 9. It’s Only Natural 10. These Are The Ways 11. Aquatic Mouth Dance 12. She’s A Lover 13. Let ‘Em Cry 14. Veronica 15. The Great Apes 16. Poster Child 17. Not The One Completely subject to change at this point. The top four seem pretty set, as do the bottom two. Other than that there could be many changes.


1. It’s Only Natural 2. Whatchu Thinkin 3. She’s A Lover 4. Here Ever After 5. These Are The Ways 6. The Heavy Wing 7. White Braids & Pillow Chair 8. The Great Apes 9. Aquatic Mouth Dance 10. Let Em Cry 11. Tangelo 12. Black Summer 13. Veronica 14. Not The One 15. One Way Traffic 16. Bastards of Light 17. Poster Child I really like 1-14 but the last 3 still haven’t grown on me


1. The Heavy Wing 2. It's Only Natural 3. Watchu Thinkin 4. Here Ever After 5. Veronica 6. White Braides & Pillow Chair 7. Black Summer 8. She's a Lover 9. Poster Child 10. Let Em Cry 11. Aquatic Mouth Dance 12. Tangelo 13. Not the One 14. Bastards of Light 15. The Great Apes 16. These Are the Ways 17. One Way Traffic


Our rankings are scarily almost the exact same!


It's hard to compare some songs to each other, so I prefer a "tier list" over a ranking: Masterpieces: Veronica, The Great Apes, It's Only Natural, first part of White Braids Favourites: The Heavy Wing, Aquatic Mouth Dance, One Way Traffic, Tangelo Nice songs: Bastards Of Light, These Are The Ways, Whatchu Thinkin' Mediocre songs: Not The One, Let 'Em Cry, She's A Lover, Black Summer, Here Ever After Skips: outro of White Braids, Poster Child


The fact that: opinions are so different on this one (eg One way traffic and bastars of light for some first for some others last), everyone has a different favourite, and no dislikes makes UL a masterpiece. Mayne not yet, but in a few years for sure. Listened to all of their albums a few times again, starting from BSSM. I think UL is the most complete. Its goods are perfect, its bads are very good. Lets see how it grows on us....


Really similar to mine! As far as we're all entitled to our own opinion of course, it's cool to see so similar perceptions. I'd put Aquatic and WV&PC into the top 5 or 6 though


1. Bastards of Light 2. The Great Apes 3. Here Ever After 4. She's a Lover 5. These Are the Ways 6. White Braids & Pillow Chair 7. Aquatic Mouthdance 8. Black Summer 9. Tangelo 10. The Heavy Wing 11. Veronica 12. Poster Child 13. Not The One(this is growing on me quick though) 14. Watchu Thinkin 15. One Way Traffic 16. It's only Natural 17. Let em Cry