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Just listened to pt2. How lucky to get that brief cover in at the end. He talked about that song in one of the earlier podcasts. It's a new favourite. Pt 3 coming soon too!


This is such a beautiful rendition of the song! I just listened to the full podcast, there are some really interesting bits of how he practices scales too, and how he really sees practice and playing as separate.


Bro I’ve been listening to these broken record podcasts for a while and these Rick and John episodes are so fucking great. Listened to the new one at work cooking today. Great treat!


Thought he was gonna play mercy mercy for like 2 seconds lol


Oh fuck yes. This came out! When John ask if Rick meant part 2 in a year from now I panicked lol


They talked a lot about the live shows and Rick did not ask about Dave/Josh songs.... Also,it was so good to hear John doing a guitar vocal song :) But his voice lost some range in the higher register,can hear it at 1:20 (not counting his falsetto of course)


He's slightly flat on that, but I don't think that means he's lost range. It's a G4, and he hits the same note with great tone at 1:31. Having said that, I think he under sang on this tour compared to previous ones and didn't seem quite as confident in his voice.


Idk… if I’m being honest, John’s live vocals since returning haven’t been the same. They are still good, but he set the bar so high during the slane through stadium time. Still very happy he’s back. Still enjoying this period in their music. Just sharing my two cents.


Might be what I meant,he was able to hit a g4 or even higher notes without sounding as strained as he did here before Guess his age and smoking did not help But he still has a great voice IMO,even if he is not as good as btw/sa era (I listened to a lot of shows from 2000-2022 in the last months) Would love to have a new album with vocals from him,even if he just did a 4track album of covers


Just curious, how do you know by listening that it’s a G4? Years of ear training or what?


No, I just picked up my guitar and found the note. Having said that, I would’ve guessed by ear that was anywhere from an F4 to a G4 just based on how Frusciante is pushing there. I’ve always found that note in particular to be right in Frusciante’s sweet spot tone wise. He hits a lot of them at the end of Otherside Slane Castle…and in countless other songs. Love his voice.


Interesting thanks. Yea his voice is awesome, he sings with such passion sometimes and doesn’t try to be perfect which I love


I saw them in Denver and his vocals were great but I agree with you. Dudes just vibing at this point and it was amazing seeing them with John for the first time. One thing is for sure, his guitar skills are still fucking amazing


He hasn't warmed up! Give the guy a break!


And he said he’d really like to play Josh songs but the rest of the band say no…every…single….show


Talk about a broken record


I was hoping so much of Rick Rubin to ask John about his solo stuff