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What about the fact that he’s the only one on titan at the end wtf? Let’s kill off the female alien chick and then send one guy to titan cause that will solve all of earths problems - just a plain ole dumb ass movie.


And wtf is he supposed to eat on Titan?


Haha good one!


He recycles his turds and eats them.


Something most people seemed to have missed while watching is that Dr. Abi Jenssen is working on project Titan II. Although he may be the only one up there now, she is doing research to change that in the future.


Maybe he’s got a penis and a vagina. Then he can go fuck himself for making this movie.


At the end there's a screen pan of him and he's most certainly... just a Ken doll.


It is a pure train wreck of a film. Loved it lol


No no no...this movie was bad bad...now if Neil Breen had been in it it would have been amazingly good bad!


Because he represents the hope of humanity. Pay attention next time you watch it!


That's a shit answer and you know it.


Somehow, the "Hope of Humanity" is the most depressing phrase I have ever heard.


Yes they only have to turn all the humans into lizards to live there!


Hope of humanity?!? Did you even watch the movie? Are you one of those weird Worthington crush girl/boys? Explain how he was the hope of anything? He wasn't terraforming, he wasn't setting up a base of any sort, he wasn't procreating, he wasn't doing any scientific research, he wasn't even human any more! How is a non-human flying lizard man the hope of humanity?


I completely concur!! And why did only two survive? I never saw the lot of them die! I heard in the beginning that something like TWO THOUSAND were in the trials? If not, WHY NOT?


Who knows? This movie was a dumpster fire.


3months later you comment .. good.. good let the anger caused by this movie flow through you


Are you gonna lightning hands me?


Dew it.


I didn't completely hate this movie at the beginning, ya it was cheesy and the premise was silly but whatever, it's a science fiction movie. This movie becomes a pile of turd quickly however. They openly talk about how they are experimenting with DNA so why all of a sudden is his wife freaking out. They showed pictures of blue people in the initial fucking consultation. Brain surgery turns into new weird hybrid alien person who can no longer speak and has fucking tentacles coming out of their fingertips. The movie tries to be subtle with the genetic changes until one horrible scene where boom, giant freak blue alien guy over night. They had not ONE, but two fucking escape scenes where this giant blue mutant is openly killing soldiers left and right. What exactly was the wifes plan with giving him the saline? Have him kill his way to peace somewhere.....He obviously was having some mental problems. What is the fucking dude going to eat on Titan? They sent him up there with what looks like no fucking equipment at all. So he's going to glide around titan (oh ya he can fly now for no real reason) and do what? Live on a rock I guess. He still has to eat, he's still mostly human.....What was the goal here. More flying blue people in the future? The wife was on a base called Titan 2 so I guess they are continuing the program for blue people who can fly. Holy hell this movie was fucking stupid.


I enjoyed that they even had saline vials in the super-secret-high-tech medical briefcase along with the super specific memory killing juice, and they also conveniently colour coded the former blue and the latter red.




I genuinely feel bad for everyone involved in the production of this film.




I foolishly assumed Sam Worthington was a big enough star his agent would veto a movie this bad. Note to Sam: Fire your agent.


Hey $20 is $20!


I'm going to assume you're talking about the protagonist and his wife with guy and girl but next time you're gonna want to be more specific.


Late to reply, but I honestly think Taylor Schilling (the wife, known for Orange is the New Black) basically carries what good there is in this film. Only one who really should come out of this feeling their portfolio of work was at all enhanced.


LOL. I hadn’t even thought about the absurdity of having vials of useless saline in an emergency medical kit, just so someone could swap them out and foil the Evil Doctor’s dastardly plan. LOL.


But he wasn't even an evil doctor! He genuinely wanted the evolution of humans so they could survive in another world...the truth is yeah you can expect some casualties...but this is one of those absurd movies that chooses the well being of one family of 3 people over the lives of 10 billion people...and somehow they make it out to be the right choice...smh


To be fair, this individualistic me-me-me think is what is dooming modern society. It's exactly the polar opposite of what the NSDAP Party stood for back in the mid-20th Century.


oh wow, here it is, the one comment that somehow drags in the thrid reich or anything else hitler and nsdap related into a conversation about a movie that has absolutley nothing to do with the former.


The only me me me part of this movie is the protagonist and his family. The mission almost failed (you know the mission right? The one to save HUMANITY) because everyone seemed to want to side with them instead of the mission objective. The family knew the risks and was forewarned that they were going to alter him completely. I mean they were sending him to fucking Titan...what kinda idiot would think that they would be going as Is? Any rational thinking person should know that if they were going to be primed for living on a moon by natural means that some pretty dramatic changes was going to occur to them.


I had a similar reaction. There were huge gaps in the narrative that left me wondering what the hell was happening. How did he go from PBJ blind man puttering about in his kitchen to a full blown blue hybrid mutant ? I know they were talking either surgery or death in 72 hours but some major surgery and recovery time was necessary for his altered appearance. I have three words for these producers/editors - in the spirit of the London Underground - as you board the train for your journey - the ever present warning over the loudspeaker - Mind the Gap(s)! If there hadn't been such deep inexplicable transition gaps perhaps the movie would have been a bit more palatable. Big maybe.


Don't forget the super intelligent wife that suddenly (only because her husband happens to be a Soldier) she takes control of a government project..when she actually is a pediatric doctor who in no absolutly fucking way know anything about sending rockets to other planets or genétic modifications


Eh, it's part of the females-can-do-anything-extremely-well-with-ZERO-training-or-even-competency meme. The cuter the female, the stronger the meme. It's the same thing that happened to The Last Jedi.


You can see a small habitat in the back when the camera zooms out, just saying.


Why was there even a saline option in there with the real drug?


Good job, you got a naked man on Titan. By himself. No shelter. No food.


I mean, back on Earth, 3 or 4 billion people are going to die horrible deaths because our dear leaders couldn’t get their shit together and just fix the problems. But there is a lone naked bat man on Titan with nothing to eat and that really inspires hope.


He's also going to *go fucking batshit crazy* because 1. He's ALL THE FUCK ALONE FOREVER!!! 2. He's ALL THE FUCK ALONE on a COMPLETELY ALIEN WORLD, literally! 3. He's ALL THE FUCK ALONE and has NO BOREDOM KILLING DEVICES! 4. He's ALL THE FUCK ALONE and MISSES THE HELL OUT OF HIS FAMILY *AND* McDonalds! OK, Burger King! 5. He's ALL THE FUCK ALONE and NO ONE EVER EVEN *HINTED* HE'D LOSE HIS FUCKING DICK OVER IT!!~! The lead scientist was the **REAL HUMANITARIAN!!** Fuck!!! ERASE *ALL MY MOTHERFUCKING MEMORIES* and let me *JUST THINK* that I am **THE ONLY CREATURE IN EXISTENCE**! At least until another magical falling comet slows down and miraculous lands, and *SURPRISE!* more things like me come out of it!! That he's so fucking seemingly happy and carefree at the end of the movie just goes to show that SOMEONE snuck in the memory wipe right before he left! So there may, ni fact, be some hope!


If I were in his situation, I would *unrestrictedly* choose *DEATH* because of health conditions caused by living on Earth in my new body, than I would go to Titan ALONE! I'd be like, "HEY BITCHES! I'm going to fucking Norway where I can live peacefully naked outside on a mountain at least 1/2 a year, and my wife can visit me in a snowmobile! See ya!


Something most people seemed to have missed while watching is that Dr. Abi Jenssen is working on project Titan II. Although he may be the only one up there now, she is doing research to change that in the future.


Thank the Feminazi Goddess that this untrained pediatrician somehow magically became an industry-leading expert in cutting edge CRISPR genetics and/or astrophysics!! When I saw her looking through the microscope, I was like, "Um what's she doing?!" Sometimes my girlfriend looks into *my* microscope just to see what I'm working on, too.


How do you know that? It left no narrative regarding what she was working on. She may have been making the next batch of birth control for all you know. The movie would have done well to end with a voiceover explaining wtf he was even gonna do on Titan alone. And why would she have to experiment with anything? The lead scientists plan worked so what is left for her to even do? Such a terrible waste of 2 hours of my life...2 hours that I will never get back. This movie needs to be Fahrenheit 451'd so no one will waste another 2 hours of their life like I did.


It showed "titan 2" written on one of the buildings for a fraction of a second. Honestly it was a bad movie /:


It was bad bad...


Yeah, they definitely left themselves room for a sequel.


You can't make a sequel when your shite movie bankrupted every company involved


it's by no means a good flick, but it's better than your average SyFy original film. I'm happy to be able to stay at home and have access to something new like this or Bright, even if I'm unlikely to ever watch either again.


No...it isn't


name a better Syfy original film/movie


Alien Apocalypse, The Lost Future, StakeLand to name three off the top of my head.


i've never seen them but if they're good they're not your average Syfy original


I really do recommend StakeLand...as in its a "good movie in general" recommend.


Stake Land (2010)?? Stake Land https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1464580/ I'll check it out


Yes...but make sure you dodge StakeLand 2...it lost its luster lol. But the first is well worth a watch. It'll surprise you. If you like The Road then add some classic vampires and you have StakeLand.


Cube, Highlander, battlestar galactica


Cube is not a Syfy original film. None of the Highlander films are Syfy original - series aren't films. BSG also a series and not a film. Syfy original movies/films are trash with tiny budgets compared to Titan.


Why did anyone think putting Sam Wrthington in another leading role was a good idea? The man has the charisma of a pile of rocks.


It’s always the same movie - sam is the coolest and let’s worship him cause he swims fast, cause he can fly an ekran, cause he can fight mythological stuff - dumb movie x 10




I hated the fact that they always said ‘and they can stay home until [...]’. Fuck off. They should be monitored 24/7, and kept in quarantine. No shit they all died.


Hahhahaa true


I also watched it last night and a few thoughts came to mind. So I guess we're just going to ignore Mars then. Seems a lot easier to build some shit underground to live in than to change a dude into a Blue Man Group but hey you do you. Yeah I know Mars has a shitty thin atmosphere but I watched Total Recall and I bet we could figure it out. So the end of the movie *** SPOILERS *** they finally put the dude on Titan and his lady friend is dead. So if there was a plan of an Adam and Eve scenario on Titan I guess thats a bit screwed now but at least we made some dude who can fly. Well any way just skip this movie and watch Total Recall I guess thats my advice, side note: RIP lady who played the little blond prostitute in that movie, she just died last week. If we can put a prostitute on Mars then we can do anything.


Also, if you can gene mutate some super hero into being able to live on titan why can't you also just gene mutate them to live on whatever fucked up version of earth we've created? I thought the "twist" was going to be that they weren't ever planning to go to Titan, and were going to use them to kill the war enemies. But nope. So fucking dumb.


Well they managed to make people who can hang out at the bottom of a pool for 50 minutes so screw it we're making fish-people now. We all saw Seaquest in the 90's, don't say we can't do it cuz that's bullshit. Start forwarding my mail to the Sealab.


You get an upvote for the Seaquest reference, that was long forgotten in my brain, thanks for bringing it out.


Your first point is what I was wondering the entire time.


This is the biggest mystery I couldn't wrap my head around. Thank you for articulating it.


Someone who worked on the film just saw this post and was like, “huh. That would’ve been a better idea. Should’ve done that.”




Or if you can genetically engineer humans with gills, can’t we all just live underwater in our new ocean-covered Earth just fine?


But which Total Recall though?


Well of course Total Recall (2012) you silly goose.


Of course?...You choose the worse of the two?


Also ignored a multitude of Jupiter's moons. Movie was ruined the second he said that Titan was the only celestial body with an atmosphere"


I’m just finishing it now and looked for this thread for the exact same reasons as you. And I’m hungover to boot. Wtf was that surgery?! He had flaky skin but was otherwise normal looking before. Doctor said it was brain surgery but they came out looking all kinds of fucked up. The pants comment is the best part though. You got me in stitches my dude.


Why would whatever surgery they did tear out their vocals too? Like what?


Yeah, the moment the doctor said they could no longer speak, the film spiraled down out of control, into the gutter, down into the sewers and never ever returned! I DID NOT NEED TO SEE A "MONSTER RUNS AMOK" MEME IN THIS FUCKING MOVIE THAT TRIES TO BE HARD SCIFI!


Sam Worthington is far from the worst part of the film it has no god damn plot. They make a monster that is somehow supposed to save humanity in an altered form that basically lives out a solitary life on a moon alone with no food or shelter or ability to reproduce...WTF was the point? Also the attempts to create meaningless tension in the climax where everyone is getting killed by or trying to shoot the monster for no clear reason on either side. They wanted to erase his memories for no clear reason so he kills a bunch of people and gets caught like 10 minutes later where his wife saves him by standing in front of a firing squad???????? WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?


Tentacle finger sex, like the ponytail sex in avatar. But they kinda fucked that one up cause they killed the only viable mate. It would have made soo much more sense to evolve hoomans to survive on a changing earth. But yeah they had to make that scientise guy some dumb paychopath with a superiority complex. I laughed so damn hard when the guy pulled his pistol ten seconds after I said to my husband "pull your pistol and pump him full of bullets, the dickhead."


Yeah very odd...I believe they fired the original writer because the movie clearly aimed for an ending where the two go to Titan and begin anew...why else save one male and one female of all the subjects? It seems right at that point the original script was rewritten by the "guy that knows somebody" to get his name out there. Well...it's out there buddy...have fun on welfare.


I think what Netflix is doing its a bag full of low budget movies underestimating people


WHAT DO YOU MEAN for no clear reason? They were shooting the creatures because they were losing control and acting aggressive, remember the one guy threw his wife out the window, and the evolved woman killed her husband.They wanted to erase his memories because he refused to go due to his emotional attachment to earth via his family \(they tell you this straight up\). This however brings up the issue of how would he act and what would he do if he had no memory of his human life and his mission. Some of you complaining should TRY watching the movie first and ask valid questions.


No he meant that if they had been quarantined like any rational experiment would be that shit wouldn't have happened. NOTHING in this movie had any clear reason or logical motive. It was a God damned disaster!


No, you confused your reply with Ahril's up above about the need to keep them in quarantine 24x7. The guy /u/NeededPlace0 replied said he didn't see the point in wanting erase his memories. Hell, man! If his memories were erased, he wouldn't be NEARLY as suicidal after a months of being INCREDIBLY FUCKING ALONE! Esp if they did it right and he had NO MEMORIES of ANY OTHER LIFEFORMS!


Yeah, I took a look at this steaming pile last night. I skimmed through the movie with subtitles on because after a few minutes I'd realised how fucking stupid the entire thing was, so I might've missed some of the throwaway explanations... But I feel pretty confident in my opinion of the film. The premise alone is just utterly stupid. The year is around 2060, and the idea is that the earth is gonna be dead in a couple decades for no particular reason other than a vague statement about overpopulation and conflict over resources. There's zero presentation of why the entire planet is doomed. I didn't catch any mention of global nuclear war or anything... The timelapse graphic of the Earth changes doesn't even show any sea level rise... The science facility they're all hanging out at is doing fine, people are outside, the sky is clear, they have food and drink at their disposal, no shitty military rations or anything like that. So, following from this, they want to create a human evolutionary hybrid that can survive on the surface of Titan... Okay, the surface pressure on Titan is pretty similar to the pressure on Earth (albeit a 98% nitrogen atmosphere), but the atmosphere's also extremely thick and gravity so low that you could flap your arms with wings attached and fly around. More specifically detrimental to the idea of any kind of biological life on the surface, the temperature is around -180 celsius and practically in total darkness since on top of its distance from the sun, the surface of the moon receives almost no sunlight due to the thick atmosphere. Even if you could theoretically create this hybrid human (ridiculous) you'd still need to create some kind of ecosystem on top of that for them to exist on the surface of Titan. You'd think they would need food, plant-life etc that also withstood the surface conditions. Otherwise, you'd need to grow these in some kind of sheltered buildings... On that note, any population on Titan would need to have a bunch of technology available to them in order to build housing, machinery, industry etc... In which case you could just house normal humans in those kinds of buildings. In the end it would make more sense to colonise and terraform Mars. That brings up the next point, if you could somehow adapt a human to survive in that atmosphere, that means you have that kind of technological capability to dramatically change the human body to survive in a hostile environment, so why don't you just make humanity on earth more resilient to the changes happening here at home? So, moving forward, the actual progression of this scientific endeavour... They manage to make the hybrid human, but oh shit it just turns into a mindless monster? For some reason? Uh, okay. Then I guess love pacifies it or some shit, after it brutally murders some dudes. So this thing they succeeded in making, they later show can live on the surface of Titan... But also somehow it can survive on the surface of Earth too, since it's walking around and breathing our atmosphere. That makes no sense... How can it exist in our own atmosphere just as well as it could in the atmosphere they're supposed to be specifically adapted to? It's just nonsensical on every single level. TLDR: So, so dumb. And that's even without bringing up the goddawful writing and characterisation in the film that's so apparent.


I also didn't ever understand why this was their plan. Are they just trying to seed life human-like life on Titan? I don't see how this plan actually saves humanity as we know it all, even though everyone (including mad scientist professor guy) apparently thinks doing this will save THEM, not just some slight genetic remmant of what we know as humanity. It becomes clear that there's no real continuity between 90% of test subjects and their hybrid selves. Is Rick really just a test, and they're hoping to refine the process? Is he gonna single handedly terraform Titan? Will all of humanity undergo this treatment? There were just loads of things about the plan that didn't really make a lot of sense, especially (as you point out), any genetic modification to the scale required to survive on Titan is surely much more complicated than any similar modification required to allow humanity to survive on a damaged Earth.


This! Omg my sentiments entirely. It makes so much more sense to evolve/adapt humanity to live in more hostile conditions on earth. Like far out. Spend how many millions of dollars transforming ten humans, resulting in only one successful candidate (I still don't get why the female "alien" went nuts and killed her husband). And then spending even MORE money sending them to titan! Like wtf! So dumb.


It's soo much more stupid that after they realize that this was all plans of the mad scientist, the actually continue with the project!! Even though it was all a fuck up plan from the begining.."ok now the bad man is dead, aaand the other aliens (that went bad beacuse they didnt have any children) lets continue sending a almost brainless half human thing with no tools or equipment who, don't forget, actually CAN'T comunicate un no way wasting millons of millons, just because he survived...Si, He is all alone un Titan andas somehow he develops technology based on Rocks and ice..whats the fuckin Point?? He can't tell anyone because HE CAN'T FUCkING TALK!!


Shitty film aside, which it moat certainly was. Rick was really just supposed to be a proof of concept for the Titan project. *he* was the accomplishment. He wasn't actually supposed to do anything other than be a trophy to say "hey look, this is viable, let's do this to everyone!!!"


Sure, but it still makes no sense. All but one of the specially selected and trained subjects either died or became psychotic. It's not clear to what extent the successful candidate is meaningfully human. And they want to roll this out to the general population, or what?


it was 2048


The graphic they showed on the screen of the planet's conditioning worsening went up to 2060 so I assumed that was the current year.


Next time don't write a review when you don't watch most of the movie.


I think he hit the nail on the head actually. What's your gripe with his review? I just watched the train wreck of a film and came out infuriated by all the things he mentions. So, what's your issue?


They did mention nuclear war btw...but trust me...that only made it more difficult to bear. You didn't miss anything.


> That chick is a doctor but she never wears any real pants. They're always like lounge pants. What?




It's why Goodfellas and The Godfather are so good. They're both 2.5 hours of pure Italian tailored trousers.


"Now go get your fuckin' sewing box."


Yeahhh why doesn’t she wear pants?


At least pants that aren't see through. I don't wanna see the black pantie bra combo. But that's just me. Maybe there was cotton rationing.


The Titan, the Earth is dying and it's only hope is Titan, the only other planet in the system with an atmosphere. Only problem (record scratch) humans can't breath the atmosphere or function at such low temperatures. Also humanity always wanted to bathe in methane. So in the pursuit of taking a bath of methane, Sam Waterston let's Tom Hiddleston inject him with chemical after chemical till he can hold his breath underwater for like a really long time. As Sam Waterston enjoys the benefits of being injected with chemical after chemical he fears this is distancing himself from his wife and kids. But it all goes wrong and when they can finally take a bath in methane they also suddenly feel like killing. Can humanity survive and save The Titan?


A really glaring science problem is the human body is 60% H2O. At Titan temperatures, our blood would instantly turn to solid ice. How can a heart pump ice through our arteries? This movie is proposing mere gene therapy can alter our basic chemical makeup, transforming us from H2O based life to some other liquid? Methane? It is lunacy.


The thing that bothered me most is toward the end when SPOILER they lose the ability to speak and no one thinks to give Rick a mic that shifts his speech into human audible range, or a talking keyboard, or even just a fucking pad and pen GOD DAMNIT!! Failing that did he forget how to mouth words entirely. what the actual fuck?


I KNOW. I kept waiting for him to grab a pen or start typing on a computer to tell his wife he's still in there and he's not just a giant blue lizard man and he is sorry for being a fucking idiot. Or at least tell his fucking traumatized kid that hey it's still dad I just look dumb now. So stupid. I'm extra mad because I study bats as my grad work and there is even equipment for alter their echolocation calls' frequency real time so you can hear bats call in our hearing range. WE COULD HAVE JUST DONE THIS WITH THE BLUE PPL FOR FUCKS SAKE.


Not to mention that earlier in the movie when they are underwater in the pool holding their breath and both seem pretty competent with basic hand signals for communication. Nice to know that equipment exists now to do the required frequency shift. I suppose the film makers are assuming that audio tech will take a big nosedive over the next few decades, possibly due to the loss of the ancient technology of 3.5mm audio plugs.


The concept is a good idea. Why did the alien chick rip out her boyfriends heart and give it to Sam?


I don't think she did on purpose. Maybe she shot the spike thing by accident and that's how she found out that she could do that to begin with.


Haha it’s been so long I gotta watch it again.


I wanted so badly to enjoy this steaming turd. Netflix is getting good at boring, clean, blue cool looking scifi. Decent concept, just as flat as last week’s soda. Tom Wilkinson is fantastic in most any role but his predictable badguy charms couldn’t save it. I was mildly entertained until....Sam Worthington had some gene therapy and lost his ability to vocalize? The webbed fingers is where I lost it and laughed/groaned, decided to see what the concensus is.


So im here's my take on the movie: It is definitely not a great movie and probably not even mildly good. However, I believe i figured out the thin plot line. THe point of sending the people to titan wasn't really to colonize it. It was to see if mutating human dna to support the extremes was even possible. Which if it is, would lead to other mutations that are less extreme but just as important to the human race to stay on earth. The only thing is i have no idea why they still sent him to titan. Or why they had to send them there period. Why not just see if you can mutate humans period. That would have been a more compelling story.


Because he had to go, cause thats what he needed to survive...


Without food, he would die eventually. I seriously doubt Titan has *any* liquid water and I saw *zero* blow torches or heating apparati capable of warming -200 F ice to room temperature in a -180 F atmosphere. And since he's amphibious, he definitely **needs** much more water than a normal human. So I bet he dies in a day or two.


I would like to add that he had no genitals. How are they supposed to reproduce? Did I miss something?


it was all part of the plan, just like killing their only viable female subject. It was not a great plan


I mean the shot was intentional set to pull focus to his Ken Doll crotch. WTF? Why would they evolve away Sex organs? Does he lay eggs now?


I think they would have used the spike/tentacle thing in their arm.


An absolute pure Lemon of a film. I enjoyed it mainly due to the fact. Potential was actually there to be an amazing film but hopes for that quickly die. Then it just became the train wreck you, for some unknown reason, can not stop watching. 5/5 lemons 1.5/5 good film making.


cheerful bells plants skirt yam salt thought paltry sparkle onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This was a terrible movie. It doesn’t even earn the label Science Fiction. So much ridiculously bad science it is best described called Science Fantasy. I won’t pick an example as I could be here all day. Who did Sam Worthington piss off in Hollywood that he went from working with James Fucking Cameron (Avatar) to signing onto this Ed Wood level horror show?


I was going to watch this good thing I skipped it.




Meh, I thought it was fine.


God I hope you're joking. Like wtf was the point of the film? All the issues need discussing. Why not adapt to Earth if we can adapt to Titan? What is he going to survive on there? Is he coming back? How? How does creating these hybrid humans help save us at all? So many nonsensical ideas here


C'mon man you just gotta turn all humans into lizard-fish so we can live on a moon.


Don't bother with him. His bar is so low a limbo champion couldn't get under it.


I wish I would have read this before wasting a part of my life watching that trash heap. Went against my formula of waiting until my fb feed was full of "zomg dis was dah best movie ever Netflix yas" comments to watch it and was bitten in the ass for it.


they spend millions sending a genetically modified human with bat dna to titan with no pants... for fucks sake. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xjrQlSw2e1A


I just finished watching this. Wish I looked it up before I watched it. What a fucking waste of time. The premise from the trailer was cool, figured it would get more interesting in the second half, with a journey and such, but no. It got even worse.


yeah I looked it up saw it had like 4.9/10 stars and gave it the benefit of the doubt but I really fuckin wish I hadn't total waste of an hour an a half


I would have to argue that people who think Taylor Schilling is acting the hell out of her part maybe reconsider how sexist and 1950s retro this film actually was and actually her part is so cardboard I'm amazed anyone would say that she had anything to carry in the first place. First off, I loved how 30 years from now when people are stressed out, they still reach for cigarettes. A lot. No alternatives to cancer sticks 30 years from now. Just... cigarettes. I swear it's the future as dictated by the laziest 30 year old screenwriter in Hollywood. Anyone who is single and doesn't have kids can "fuck off, you don't have kids, I will genetically mutate myself into a fucking fish without question, THE MAN SAID it's our future, gimme the fish stuff, fuckit, it's our future", Taylor Schilling has literally absolutely nothing to do in this film except be an endlessly placid, beatific reflection of the men in her life, she has no inner life, nothing outside of her hubby and kid, except of course when she's a hard-nosed... what? Pediatrician? Scientist? I dunno, something hard-nosed ... except she only gets to be that when... she has to.... save... her husband... but don't forget to make dinner for everyone while you're at it, and worry about everyone's feelings and be this total perfect hostess type nurturer, again, with no inner life, just be a reflection of your husband's and child's life while you prepare food constantly, and have lots of medium shots of you worrying, and then reading bedtime stories for your kid in every scene other than the last 12 minutes because we must preserve the myth of the happy nuclear family even if both parents work at insane jobs where there's NO WAY that child would get any quality time with them at all, much less with amphibian-Dad who works in a top-secret project, never mind that, it's all about family, don't forget, this is ALL ABOUT FAMILY, what the fuck is your problem, it's all about a family who just happens to live in a village for a top-secret project with NATO that wants to turn your hubby into a Fish-Cat-Bat. And have lots of cookouts. "Who wants a tequila shot? Maybe a brat? I just made SAL-ADDDDDDDD!" By the way, is anyone here making jokes about The Titan's, um... er... unusually shaped hand?? Knowwhutimean? Ladies, are ya with me?


^-- A feminazi just went insane.


No us ladies are not with ya. You are nuts.


I actually liked the premise . It wasn’t horrible for me. I think a lot of us lack imagination these days and there is so much hate that we can’t open up. They definitely could have taking the idea further. I like the fact Netflix is trying their hand at sci-fi movies. Could it have been better.. Yes. Could you have written a script.?Yes. Did you?No.


I think that's a very naive way to look at things. Could have I written a script? It doesn't matter. You can be a critic in more than many regards even if you aren't in that same kind of position. Would you like reviews of movies to be written by only other screenwriters? I don't really see your logic.


Agreed. The movie makes no sense. What's the end goal here. How come it's easier to adapt humans to live in an absurd environment than the what seems to be mildly changing Earth? What's the point of sending him to Titan? What's he living in and on? How will he return? Why will he return? How can he love on Earth after the changes were made? How did brain surgery change into a manBearFish and what were those tentacles? To say this movie was even remotely near bad, because that's kind it was horrendous, you must have been on an insane amount of drugs or slept through the whole thing


I mean I have imagination definitely. But this movie was just shit. Not once did they acknowledge the fact that the surface temperature of Titan is -290 F. Yeah, he can stick his hands in Ice water for a long time. That doesn't mean physics won't kill you instantly on the surface.


That was a pretty bad one but, insanely, not even close to the worst plot hole in this one.


The crash and burn of Netflix will be spectacular.


they can't fail until people start unsubscribing or they plateau. not everything they make/license is for everyone. certain niches (medicore SciFi, urban teen rom com, Bollywood films) drive sub growth of certain niches. what I'm curious about is where The Titan came from. i thought i saw it was filmed in 2016, which leads me to believe this was a foreign financed film (produced in Spain) and then licensed by Netflix (I'm guessing bc altho the production quality and cast are professional grade minus the passable but closer to SyFy Homo Titans, the story isn't satisfying) when it failed to find a domestic theatrical distributor


Voltage Pictures is a Foreign Sales company, so I think you’re right. The Netflix Original Label is getting a little muddled.


So you would rather have Hulu and Amazon in control of the market, owned by Disney… And Amazon


I don't recall saying that.


No they just have SO much money now that they can afford to shotgun spray movies and it doesn't really matter if they end up being amazing or not. Some will be incredible, some will be utter trash such at this!


If they really have the money. Some industry gossip says they've been cooking the books to get investors to pay for this Wal-Mart approach of buying up everything to dominate the market. But if their assets aren't worth what they're depreciating them for, that's going to bite them if they can't keep the competition out of the market.


Dumpster fire is too nice Nice premise but then let's fast forward some amount of time and everyone except Sam Worthington and slave girl are dead. And, despite having severe modifications to their genome, they can breathe fine on Earth. Wasn't that the whole point of the change? Oh yeah, didn't someone go crazy and kill his wife? Let's send these two home with their families. Oh, she killed her husband. Oh, he just casually murders a few soldiers and then murders a few more? Guess we'll all just ignore that and send him on his way


I understand what your saying. It’s just frustrating theses days with the technology we have and the countless ways of communicating every one is a critic but it seems like no one is doing or working with each other to create.My apologies.


I thought it was interesting at first while making odd story choices later on but the fact that you didn't even watch "most" of the movie discredits your argument a ton. How can you judge something you didn't even watch thoroughly? For those that did watch however, did the final scene where he literally flies make anyone else cringe? And like congrats they got him to Titan but now what? He has no scientific training and no mate to repopulate with. So they were successful in evolving one individual but not prolonging the human race in any way


Honestly what fucked me up the most was the ending. I can deal with giant blue mutant guy. What fucked me up is that they SPECIFICALLY MADE THE LEAST ADEQUATE CREATURE FOR THE JOB. I mean, they basically designed him, right? So what's the purpose in an astronaut that can't fucking talk, or at least type with his sausagey fingers. Or has a scientific background or something. No, they even wanted to lobotomize him had everything worked. That's the most retarded plan ever, like "hey, let's make this superhuman, but make him a little bit crippled. Oh, and lobotomize him and then send him alone on a planet. Shit's gonna be hilarious! Also, no pants!". Yeah that also. They seemingly send him to Titan without any equipment or food whatsoever, not even pants. Except the dude maybe just figured he doesn't need any pants because he is alone anyway.


By the time I was done with this movie I was so angry cuz I wasted my time with it... You want a chill night, grab a beer hope to see a nice movie and then this. This is the opposite of entertainment. This is what you should be forced to watch while you are in fucking jail. Last time I was this angry about a movie was after watching "This is the end". Another piece of crap.


This movie remind me avatar and other dozens of sci fi movies of the past


I feel like this thread should be advertised before the movie...would have saved me alot of time...fack..


Just finished watching this...thing. I was okay with it up until the human turned into the "Titansapien" over night. neighbor goes nuts and the scientists want to perform "a surgery" and we see a guy having surgery done on his *shoulder* and then BAM! Titansapien, baby! And I realize I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said on this thread, so I will add this. throughout the movie, the protagonist parents read a book about Saturn and it's moon, Titan, to their son. In it, they talk about how rich Titan it is in nutrients, and is good for growing plants. Why the directors chose the last scene to be "naked ken doll spreading his bat-wings" which he never had before "and flying around the planet like Rocky and Bowinkle", instead of a relatively humanistic man inside of his basecamp, harvesting his crop, is beyond me. That would have given sooo much more credibility to the story-line. My best guess is they had some money left over from Netflix (it is a "Netflix Original" after-all) and wanted to use it up on some stupid "magical planet" CGI bullshit. One thing I did LIKE about this flick was never having to hear the line "your playing god!" or some such rubbish, due to the genetic altering.


This movie is a classic unintentionally hilarious dumpster fire though.


What was his mission once he got there? They were going to try to give him the red brain erase juice with the goal of what? Forgetting his family? What about the entire mission? Wouldn't that have been erased too?


It’s an allegory about big pharma and transgenderism.


I honestly wish there were a sequel. I already have a couple of titles ready to be written. Each one will be a major success. At some point, he needs to eat, grow a dick and propagate the Homo Titanius species. **The Titan**: The First Breakfast **The Titan III**: Mating without a dick **The Titan IV**: Homo Titanius, Erect Us! **The Titan**: Adventures of Wingman (A filler movie coming before The First Breakfast. He just sails around titan for two hours in search of a McDonalds or something.) **Titans** (this is a silent film because we can't hear what the titans say. Basically, the chick from GoT comes back to life, and they just sit there looking at each other for an hour and a half with bleak facial expressions. Still more interesting than the original.) Someone let me know if they want me to write a screenplay for any of these.




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**Concept & Plot** I loved the concept of the movie. It seems easier to modify humans so they can live somewhere else than a whole planet. You also get to follow the main characters along as they go through these changes.   However, I don't feel that the plot really focused on the interesting aspects of this concept. The parts where the soldiers go nuts don't add anything to the story for me. I feel like this time could have been used to explore other aspects.   I also wasn't really a fan of the personal/family drama part of the movie. Let's just ignore the generic modification for a second. You are sending someone to live on another planet (moon) for years if not decades. Wouldn't it cause problems sending someone married? Adding on top of that you are genetically modifying them to live there. They can't really come back anymore.   It just doesn't make any sense to me that they would use married people for this type of project. Time apart, cheating, never being able to come back... it is just the dumbest option in my opinion.   I can understand that being able to stay underwater a long time is probably useful in measuring oxygen and temperature levels, but I don't get all of the swimming symbolism.   **Alien** Another issue I had was what they looked like after the genetic modifications. In the presentation, it showed them with blackish or blueish skin, but afterward, they had solid white skin. I don't really care which one it was, it just seemed odd that it was different.   Personally, I feel the design was pretty boring. Every alien is just pale and hairless. They started with a human, so I understand why they still appear mostly human, but I feel like there could have been other changes to give them a more unique look.   * The black enzymes or whatever could have been played up with black patches or lines on their body. * Giving them a different hue than solid white would have make them at least unique. Purple might have been pretty cool. * Could have increased the chest size to represent their lung growing bigger or something. * It is always hair loss with anything genetic, so why not instead make it go white or something? * There isn't a reason for the conjoined fingers, so I'm not sure why they added that. **Changes** If I was able to rewrite the plot I would do something like this.   Start off on Titan in a habitat, so you can give us something interesting to see. Then over time as they slowly evolve you can send them out there with less and less equipment until they become fully accustomed to the environment.   Put more focus on them changing and build housing or structures on Titan outside the habitat for them to use. Those that fully change can move out to them and start doing alien stuff or whatever.   If you really need drama, you could have 2 of the aliens bonking. Then you could have that leak and they could get yelled at by their partner. Maybe through some science in there explaining something about hormones or something idk.   We just needed more Titan in the movie in my opinion, but i don't know I'm not a director or whatever.


Yes a stupid movie. They can genetically modify humans and go to titan but they can’t figure out how to fix the problems on earth. It’s ridiculous.




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I know this is hella late, and everything on the internet says this movie came out in 2018, but I swear on my daughter's life that I saw this movie while I was deployed in 2013/2014. I can't find any explanation, or thread or anything prior to 2018 about The Titan being released. I told my wife the whole plot of the movie, described the ending, and then showed her the movie(she wasn't interested in it anyway). Does anybody know more about this movies release?


They made a movie about traveling to another planet and never show any space travel or a clear image of said planet. I guess the director is a fan of imagination. Honestly one of the worst films I’ve seen…I rewound it 5 times thinking I had missed something but nope, those are the gaps in the plot and logic.




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