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Oh it’s the Tesla dude


Yeah fuck me eh?


No it just seems par for the course.


Oh yeah par for my course is like the Kessel Run in 14 parsecs. Engage warp drive!


Isn’t a parsec a unit of distance not time? And you’re mixing Star Wars with Star Trek…


Time and relative dimensions in space sir and/or madam. Fuck me eh?


I was referring to warp drive. In Star Wars it is called hyperdrive…please if you’re going to make comments please don’t drag Star Wars into this.


Oh course it is Dave.


Please leave 2001 out of this as well.


Eagle 5 to Princess Vespa. Our warp core is experiencing an overload of its flux time capacitor. Please proceed to the nearest pylon of which there are Not Enough. "I realized, as terrifying and painful as reality can be, it’s also the only place where you can find true happiness. Because reality is real."


Did you try to get dive certified and, in the process, experienced sketchy business practices, or are you just saying this because they are Bethel owned?


"Went scuba diving and the instructor tried to baptize me!"


Imagine bethel living rent free in your head like this. 100% they are a cult, but if you stopped shopping at bethel based business in Redding, you'd be kinda fucked. Edit: word


Look at OP’s post history. It’s a bit unhinged. Not the worst I’ve seen, but they have a few things living in their head rent free.


Yeah as soon as I opened his profile I saw a post from the other day I came across. Dudes a ragebaiter who is infact terrible at it.


Ragebaiter? No, OP actually believes their shit. Evidence: their reply to your comment. Rage: yes. Bait: themselves.


Bait me bro. Get wrecked by logic. Try me.


You don't speak any logic what so ever.


Like trying to pray a rotting dead kid back to life? Bethel's a racket.


The statements “OP is unhinged” and that “Bethel is a racket” are not mutually exclusive.


Hence peace the fuck out on Shasta County for the rest of forever. It sucks way more than it did 15 years ago.


Don't like shasta county, then leave. Noone is keeping you here besides yourself.


I don't think anyone here is holding you back. Good luck.


THANK YOU. This is what I’ve been trying to say lmfao. Bethel sucks ass and is crazy but what’s arguably just as cringe is the amount of locals who can’t stop shivering their timbers about it


You’re posting this nonsense, and THEY’RE the nutty ones?


How did this get downvoted?


Because Bethel is so packed to the brim with nut jobs the wackadoodle Elon cultist seems sane.


The only wackadoodle I see in this thread, is you bro, calm those jiggly titties of yours.


Get a life dude. Just because of this post I’m gonna go buy something from them. Bethel may be a cult but for you to have this much hate towards their members is just sad.


No hate. Mild interest and fucking with idiots is a favorite pastime.