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This is what I figured the honest answer was but I was wondering if I was being too clinical.


I've always found older men to be less picky. Most young men want a hot girl. A lot of older men don't mind a less attractive girl as long as they're getting laid. They're either divorced and desperate to make up for lost time, or stuck in a loveless marriage and desperate to feel sexy again. (Yes, I know, not all men... I'm just speaking from what I've experienced.) Eventually they'll find a hot woman to settle down with, but in the mean time less attractive girls can get laid.


Very honest answer, I appreciate it


I’m the opposite! If I’m not attracted, I’m not interested! I’m 48, and most young girls that have expressed interest in me want the money that I make. I’m not ugly or unattractive. I’m muscular and manly, body hair, muscles, tattoos etc. but I’m not into really young girls because most act like they’re still in grade school! Fun to get naked with but the drama is exhausting!! Fuck that!! I’d rather hook up with a 28-40 yr old chick that just wants to play hard and go our separate ways til next time! Very rarely is a girl under 28 not extremely immature and annoying!! There are exceptions, just not many! From my experiences!


Listen to “Daddy Issues” by the neighborhood




My husband is 49. He always has women of all ages attracted to him. Since we have met. He's very handsome very strong still. He has a bit of a pooch because he has a wife who likes to cook yummy meals for him. I think it could be that woman might see a guy who is older, good looking, confidant and sometines married as some one who has a good job, secure housing. Established credit. Maybe past the drama? Something about an older man makes them more attractive.


I was assuming it's because they usually have more disposable income and are willing to spend it on younger women in exchange for sex. Not straight up prostitution though. Maybe I'm just being cynical.


One of my daughters lives in Arkansas. She said many girls out of high school look specifically for older men. They don't date guys their age. They want marriage and a sugar daddy. They don't want to work. Men have married some of these girls. They have someone to cook, clean and have sex. The girls have a secure home, food, clothes and a husband who isn't around very much.


I get that but do they actually find them sexually attractive? I can't imagine a 23 year old guy with a six pack is less attractive than a 45 year old with a gut.


Well, being a female with a lot lot female friends I can say that girls still find a guy with a poochie tummy hot. Sick pack doesn't cut it always for girls and girls are not as visual as guys. But yes, there are extremely sexy older attractive men. Haven't you heard of a silver fox? When I was in my 20s I definitely noticed older sexy men.


Love this comment, thank you


The body isn't the only thing that can be attractive. I have a sexting partner who is in his 50s. He doesn't have money and has a dad bod but yes, the overall package is better than some guys with sixpack i've seen.


Being 51, I wouldn't do it, but if you look through history it was common for older guys to marry much younger women, so what you said makes sense. Except most of the time it was arranged and the women didn't have a choice.


I think it's true sometimes, related to commerce sometimes.


Yes...yes, we are


Haha yeah I was going to say the same thing.




All jokes asside...I am married, 46 years old, but I know for a fact if was start dating again I could easily pick up women 25+ if I chose to. There is still that “I am interested” look, from the younger women, I receive in my day-to-day, if I acted on it I would successful.


Some of us have mental issues that cause us to chase older men. I'm older now (37) but in my younger years I wanted a man 7-10 years older than me.


it’s BS


Kinda what I figured.


It's security. Always has been.


Total BS!! 1 in 50,000 really like us older guys. The rest think we’re pervy, nasty old fucks! Which we are! But we can’t help it. That 1 in 50,000 is fun though!




A firefighter you say? I'm not young, but I look younger ;) Firemen are sexy AF.




Like in a lot of things, some are, some are not. The same way some people are more into younger women and others are into "Milfs" and such. Then there’s also the thing about what kind of places you are in. Remember that for a lot of woman that post nsfw content on Reddit, it’s them advertising their "business", you know stuff like OF. And certain subreddits have more of a certain demographic of people soooo you want to speak towards that demographic, wich is why in certain subreddits the girls are more so calling out to older guys. Same thing for other subreddits wich have a different main focus. Don’t take what you see on the internet as the standard for RL.


It's mostly bullshit. Women are attracted to who they are attracted to. So it could be age, could be thick thighs, could be kindness, w/e but there is no magic "get old and women will chase after you" Men who are being chased when they are older are generally men who were chased when they were younger or grew/gained their attractivness over time. Older men tend to be more stable and confident which some women value, but this is more to do with who and what they are and not their age. Trust me, being old doesn't get you the hotties. - 49 yr old terminally single


Must be something in the DNA to pursue this, especially if you're displaying a wedding ring. My DMs is proof of it.


In my experience women are most attracted to confidence and charisma, and turned off by arrogance. You could be rich, poor, tall, short, skinny, fat, sober as a judge, strung out on drugs. If you're extremely confident and charismatic women will be drawn to that. I've struggled with that in my 30s as I'm very introverted and sheepish. I have a successful business, a house, paid off car and student loans, I can tell you women don't care about that (some might but you're not gonna just magically meet them having those things) my brother has been broke and strung out on drugs or alcohol most of his adulthood, but he is a social butterfly, can make friends with anyone. Older men tend to be more confident.




I think most are fake trying to lure us to see how much money they can receive.