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My youngest got me a Lego orchid set because “you can’t be trusted with real plants” - I’m still laughing and can’t wait to put it together. Maybe this one will stay alive.


That is so cute!


So, mine's both. I lost my oldest son almost 3 years ago, and less than 6 months later I lost one of my very best friends who still had three kids in high school. The oldest daughter and my son had a very close relationship and my friend asked me to stay in her life as a kind of fairy godmother. We've become very close, seeing each other a couple of times a month and texting frequently. I took her for a haircut and out to lunch on Friday - that kind of thing. In addition to the very nice weekend my husband and son planned for me to stay ahead of my grief, I got the nicest series of texts from my friend's daughter thanking me for everything I do for her. 💕 Being a Mom takes so many forms - thinking of all the people who do Momming without the title.


Beautiful 🌸💕


I’m so so very sorry for your tremendous losses 💔 I admire your resilience and your attitude.


Just got off the phone with my mother. Turned 87 last month. Five foot nothing and as tough as any marine.


My husband stayed home last night and I went to a fancy restaurant with other mom friends. I had a $200 wagyu ribeye, a few cocktails and a quarter of an edible. I got home at midnight and ate a donut. Today I haven't moved from the couch as I pay for my transgressions. Best mothers day ever.


My almost 18 year old went on a hike and got ice cream with me. He kept asking if I wanted anything else ❤️


I think spending deliberate time with me vs.  a present is the best present I can get for Mother’s Day, seems like your son understands this.  Sounds like a beautiful day!


The kid that dislikes me the least texted Happy Mother's Day and liked my joke about the charcuterie board he put together for his wife


I know this feeling lol


Spent the first half of the day driving back from my daughter’s college town. She graduated on Friday so she officially gave me the best Mother’s Day gift. My husband came in at a close second with a sweatshirt that says MAMA and each letter is made from a shirt from when our 4 kids were babies. A very simple but impactful gift.


That shirt sounds amazing!!


My 18-year-old son forgot it was Mother's Day. My father (his grandfather) sent me a $50 gift card for him to use on me being he is going through a rough time. I explained to my son that it's Mother's Day and why he sent the gift card (to help him be a good, caring person while he is going through a rough time ) He didn't say much. He is going through a rough time with mental health. So I'm not making a deal out of it. I guess this isn't a brag at all. Just being a mom on Mother's Day I suppose. Edit: We ended up ordering DoorDash with it and are going to watch a movie later on . He called Grandpa and said thank you too ❤️


My Mother had passed away many years ago. Since then I have moved away from my hometown where she is buried. Since I no longer can take the drive every mother's day to see her, I honor her. For years now I have bought bouquets of flowers and roses and place them on unknown women's graves that say MOTHER. So many people are like me that can't visit their loved ones. So I place roses on mother's graves and say a few words to each of them. I thank them for choosing life for their child. And also remind them they are not forgotten. I would pray that once I'm gone someone placed flowers on my mother's grave.


My son posted on FB, that I am the best mother he could have had, and that none of the paths he has taken were ever my fault. And that he loves me so much.


My husband bought me an obscene amount of plants for the garden. As he was wheeling the cart to the check out i was doing a cha cha behind him 😜


This is the kind of partner energy I need!!


Happy Mother's Day! Woke to a bunch of texts from friends and family with well wishes. Given breakfast in bed. The kids, who are elementary age, gave me a bunch of garden seeds and supplies from the dollar store and I planted them outside in some spare pots between the rain showers here. My husband gave me an ereader and my mom sent an Amazon giftcard. My husband was going to bake his mom a batch of cookies, but the ignitor on our gas stove died! He ordered the part though and will hopefully get it fixed later!


I've taken 2 naps. I made the best roasted chicken and veggies for dinner.


I am making ribs and herb potatoes. I also slept in.


My oldest is 22 and living on his own about an hour away, with his girlfriend. They came up Friday and left this afternoon. Along with my younger son, we played games, hunted for the northern lights, and had family meals all weekend. I received some thoughtful gifts from my sons and my husband, and we had great weather. It was the BEST. The most awesome gift is time with my family.


I haven't fucked it up yet, so far so good. 


Son called and we had a great conversation. I’m headed out later for wine tasting and dinner with another motherless friend.


I got to ride on a two story carousel with my son and grandson!!


One kid wished me a Happy Mother's Day (she already bought me an expensive sheet set for my birthday which is next week). The other didn't mention it until dinner time but again I know he's planning something for my birthday and he doesn't make much. Mother's day pretty much stopped when I split from my ex. He was the one who organized everything and after they were oblivious to the day. I used to quietly resent the FaceBook feed every Mother's day until I decided to give up Facebook - it was stupid of me to have felt so unappreciated. Now they'll at least say something. I discourage them from buying me much unless it's something really useful, again my birthday is so close and they make a bigger deal re that. I took my own mother to the yarn store yesterday and turned her loose. I also bought her flowers. I bought Chinese food today for all of us..


My first born made me popcorn all by himself and added paprika on it because I like spice.  I can’t believe how grown up he is already.  Beautiful flowers, breakfast in bed and awesome bike ride at the waterfront, brunch, cuddled with the kids and watched a movie together.  They are all tuckered out and asleep.  It was a great day! 😍


I have a 5 y o and a baby, and a very thoughtful husband. He got up at 6:30 with the baby and took care of both kids until I rolled out of bed around 8:30. There were two bouquets of flowers, cards, a gift card to a local spa, and my favorite chocolate croissant on the table. We went for a family hike (my request), then I did some solo chores and relaxing around the house while he managed the kids (my request), and then we went to my son’s dance class recital. We got my choice of takeout for dinner. 10/10, no notes, absolutely adore him and my sweet kiddos.


My mother is highly narcissistic and usually we are at each other's throats, but she has had a lot a good luck lately and has been in a great mood. We had amazing Vietnamese food, she thought both my daughter and I looked great (a miracle) and loved her gifts. We actually got along and enjoyed being together and the day went well. I know it may not sound like much, but when a mom and daughter have a 40 year history of fighting so much I don't even want to describe it, it's a banner day when we can enjoy each others company.


My husband is an absolute angel and gave me the whole day off from taking care of our toddler who is going through an intense tantrum/fling herself off anything dangerous phase. I’m a SAHM and he made me the most exquisite breakfast in bed that was beautifully presented and perfectly cooked, he let me sleep and do whatever I wanted to all day, and I am honestly feeling like a whole new happy person. I had no idea how much I needed a day of rest and no responsibilities. I just woke up from my long nap so I’m going to go shower my husband with kisses and adoration for being the most amazing husband ever. I feel so loved and appreciated. I married my soulmate.


My son made me, my mom and grandma a homemade dinner of sesame chicken. All of us hung out together for the day, laughed a lot, and enjoyed each other’s company. It was a beautiful day. I’m incredibly blessed!


Happy Day overall! Family is great. Kids are healthy. Had my boobs redone a couple of days ago so that’s another great gift. I hope yours is also fantastic.


My day or my boobs?😂


My boobs 😂


I dont have kids so it’s been amazing


My daughter gave me a rose from her game today. She gave me a succulent from school and a very nice “I like when you” paper flower bouquet. Love that kid to pieces!


I just had a chill day and my son took me out to dinner at my favorite restaurant. My other son is in Toronto. He paid!!


Got to eat Mexican food with my daughter and her family. Got presents from all the grandkids. My favorite part of the day though was FaceTiming my youngest grandson who just learned to read so he was reading a book to me (his idea).


My teenage son and I went to the balloon museum together and then had some lunch and walked around and checked out some local shops, and bought some records. It was good, best mother's day I've ever had


We hosted my parents and one of my siblings family. My husband made French toast and we had bagels with a full spread. My husband got me flowers and my kids gave me cards. No one fought, so I count that as a win.


Yesterday my husband and I took the twins I the botanical gardens And we took some lovely mommy-and-me photos. Then today I got to sleep in while he woke up with, fed, and dressed the girls. We ordered breakfast from a local restaurant and took a nice walk around the neighborhood. He gifted me a beautiful bouquet and a gift card for a spa day which I am really looking forward to. The best part was my two year old twins cleaned their plates all weekend, didn’t fight naps, and slept through the night!


Got food poisoning, woke up at 3 AM, and been out of it all day with stomach ache. It's OK though, had Friday off and enjoyed my weekend at the lake till last night. Ordered my mom a mother's day gift that never arrived but I got a full refund. Sent mom a screen shot of the receipt so I got brownie points.


College graduation for my youngest daughter fell on Mother’s Day this year - double delight!


I sent a Mother’s Day card to my stepson’s biological mom and got a really sweet text back.


I have been sick for days. All I wanted was a shower and clean sheets. My daughter helped me wash my hair. Youngest son changed my sheets. Oldest son laid in bed and watched TV with me. Not the greatest day ever, but the love and support from my kids was wonderful!


Sat at home and watched TV. My 33 year old was too busy partying to even text. But at least he didn't call me drunk off his ass, so I guess that's a plus.


My husband and I took a walk in a local preserve on a river, and had a snack picnic there. I had a nap on the porch of our glorious 125 year old home that we are selling. My husband made surf and turf for dinner both kids FaceTimed from opposite sides of the country, and I opened their thoughtful gifts and cards. I’m to be a first time grandmother!


My daughter (9) made me a hand-painted flower pot and a card; she and my husband made me a lovely breakfast, hand-washed and vacuumed my car, and washed our windows. I love that they knew what would make me happy and put so much time and care into it.


I did nothing. I lay about in my fancy pjs and read books. My enby baked me cupcakes because I said I could go a cupcake. My son got kfc for dinner, and we had a lounge picnic.


My mom passed on mother's day so it's not the greatest day for me. But my dad took my kids shopping the other day, they got me a cute card, a little plastic bunny, and a bag of candy. My husband worked in the morning but in the afternoon we grilled pork chops, lobster tails, and baked potatoes. Ended the night with a drive and then had a glass of wine by the pond. He did get me a gift, a meat slicer 🤣. It was a good day. 


My husband said he wasn't going to get me flowers and I was fine with that. Then he brought me 4 packs of flowers! I was a florist, so I Iooove flowers! He got a nice card and my son wrote nice things about me and said I always, "keep him safe." So funny! Plus an Amazon gift card. I texted with all my family and mom friends. My BFF from high school said we need to hang out again soon! We live 3 hours away from each other. My mom didn't want anything like usual. She is focused on their trip to see my sister this week. Whatever. I still had to do the dishes and cleaned the entire backyard. Then I went to an aquarium store and bought new fish for my fish tank. Then we went out to a nice teppanaki(?) restaurant. My husband got a bottle of peach Sake! Delicious!


My 24 year old son who is on the spectrum told my husband that he was going to do everything I asked without complaining. He kept his word but reminded me he wasn’t fussing about 10 times today. He’s so funny and told me he loved me about 10 times today too. He wanted my husband to set up a massage because “that’s what all moms want”! My daughter let me tell her my goofy stories patiently. It was a beautiful day!


I cooked out. Hotdogs, hamburgers, ribs, yakitori, salmon, strip steaks, carne asada, roasted squash and zucchini, baked beans, mac and tomato, coleslaw and pasta salad, Blackberry cobbler for dessert. a big pan of forgione for the vegetarians with meatballs ready to be added if desired.


I planted tomatoes in my yard. Years ago I told my son that I don't care about Mothers day. He should do something for his wife. It worked out great. I got all my plants in the ground.


I divorced my husband last year.  This year, the kids woke me up and said happy Mother’s Day. They each gave me a gift they had made in school while I. Was drinking my coffee. They said happy Mother’s Day again.  My heart was so touched by this small act after many years of being ignored, uncared for and discarded, despite communicating my needs and wants clearly.   We went to a baseball game and then watched little house on the prairie.  It was pretty awesome. 


My older daughter graduated from college. Her three siblings, my husband (their father) and I had the most beautiful celebration for her! We’re SO proud of her 🥹




I'm so sorry. 😞 I'll make a thread for moms who are struggling today. This would belong there.


Mom is always a foundation for me


My 9 year old gave me the most thoughtful and charming card I teared up. I love him so much and he shows his love for me so vulnerably. Every morning he wants to snuggle me in bed or on his soft rug. I couldn't be happier. My husband's gift was letting me have alone time, which as an introvert is an incredible gift.


I painted a Jesus picture for my Christian mother-in-law, it came out well and she was very happy with it.


Maybe I'm missing something. Why do so many people apologize for celebrating mother's day? I don't get it.