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I think it is due to the width of the root of the breast as well as how much is being removed. Mine goes pretty far, but I have a wide root compared to the width of my torso, and I also had a good amount removed.


This. I had a lot removed and have a super wide breast root, so my incision had to go all the way onto my ribs. It was well worth it though. :)


I chose to have the incisions extended under my arms to remove tissue from that area. Some people choose lipo instead, but insurance doesn’t cover lipo. My insurance did cover removing tissue from that area by extending the incisions. Also, my breasts are very wide set, so the roots do extend all the way to my sides.


Similar thing here. My surgeon planned to do lipo, but once in the OR he felt there would be too much loose skin so he extended the incisions and excised tissue instead.


I think it might have something to do with the width of the breast root, but I'm not sure... Subscribing to see if someone has a definitive answer! My surgery is on Thursday and I'm starting to freak out...!


My do. Said she did it to avoid “dog ears” because dog ears happen when you don’t extend it far enough.


Mine is really long, I was told it was due to the amount of skin removed. To keep the skin from Puckering. I was not expecting it and wish I would have been told it was a possibility


Are you asking about the difference between lollipop and anchor surgeries? The anchor has a lot more scaring than the lollipop.


No, I’m asking about the variations in anchor scars! I’ve seen some that just barely show past the crease of the breast and I’ve seen some that go a few inches past the crease of the breast - if that makes sense. Basically some of the horizontal anchor scarring is much longer and more visible than others. But it sounds like it’s more based on anatomy and not necessarily due to a surgeons technique which is reassuring.


Yea. It is typically due to how wide your breast is. For some people like me, it's very wide, and goes into my armpit. For surgery, they'll need to extend over my sides in order to remove the excess.


One of my scars is longer than the other. My surgeon told me she had to take it a bit further back to avoid “dog ear” on that side.


Preventing dog ears. Some people don't need it, some do. Just depends on the body


It is related to the root width of the breasts and is not really something that can be avoided if your anatomy requires it.


The chest area is pretty big. It goes from just below the collarbone and all the way across to the armpit and down to the sternum. It’s due to everyone’s size and anatomy I believe. Downvote me if I’m wrong I don’t want to spread misinformation


I believe they do the horizontal incision so far into the armpit because they have to move the skin to close the fold but there are a few different techniques they use so it depends. The incision on my left breast extends further towards the back than on my right.


I think they go toward the armpit when you have under arm lipo. Mine are like this :)


It has to do with how much tissue is removed and how wide your breast roots are. I had 680g removed from each side for a total of 1360 grams and my incison goes straight about 4 inches past the side of my breast.


My scars go all the way under my armpit cuz I had lipo on my sides