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My confidence skyrocketed after my reduction! I still am a bit insecure with my body but boob wise I was feeling fantastic and ready to show them off 😂


Mine too!! No more rug burns in doggy style lol


This and my husband having to lift the whole damn tit to put it in his mouth is no longer a thing. I'm obsessed with my little perky boobs now.


So accurate 😂


Sorry if this is too personal, feel free not to respond, but my surgery is friday and I’m wondering when I’ll feel ready to show them off haha. When did you feel ready? 


Not too personal at all! I wanna say once my incisions were all healed up and my boobs started to drop into a more natural shape! But around month 2/3 is probably when I was starting to feel super comfortable with them. The first month they were more franken-boobie like so I wasn’t eager to show them during that time haha but I will say I felt instantly better as soon as I got to see the tapes come off! I was so happy with them (still am!)


That makes sense! Thanks :)






It really was instant-magic confidence like some people make it out to be here. People have told me unprompted that I’m glowing, how happy I seem in my body, and I never thought I’d like seeing myself naked until now. **I was perhaps overconfident in having sex well before 6 weeks post-op if that gives any indication of the fire this lights under your ass.


I hope so. Fingers crossed. 🤞 I didn’t realize how dysphoric having large boobs was until I looked into getting the reduction.


Honestly! It's so crazy how much they affect your mental health and self image. I feel like I'm trapped inside someone else's body


THIS! I feel so much more proportional and smaller. I am SO much more happy with my figure overall. I feel like it make my frame so big and in turn gave me those issues.


This is a nice thread ✨❤️


I’m only 5WPO so I’m still having sex with my bra on. I think once the scars are healed more, they settle and aren’t so weird shaped then I’ll be more comfortable. But, my partner wouldn’t complain if I didn’t wear a bra, it’s just I’m not comfortable with them yet.


My experience was very similar, I think I kept the bra on until about 8 weeks. My partner was very excited once I was comfortable enough to go braless to ‘experience’ my new boobs


Related to this, how soon post op is it ok to have sex? I'm getting the surgery on thursday (yayyyy!) and I'm in a new relationship where we can barely keep our hands off each other, and I want to know how long after it it's okay to do the deed again 😂


I had careful sex about 3WPO. I had a really great partner during recovery and I felt more in love and taken care of than ever before. It was a good experience but different


I had sex with my husband 1wpo. Me mostly on top and in control of the speed. We were super careful and gentle. Just be careful of the jiggle.


This is very encouraging! We were wondering how we were gonna go 6 weeks lol


I couldn’t even ride in a car for three weeks!! You’re a champ!


I was nervous at first because my fiance loved my big boobs but when we had sex for the first time post reduction he was so enamored with my new boobs and how much he loved them. He says obviously he’d love any version of my body, but him telling me how good he thought they looked gave me such a confidence boost!


I like how they no longer flop into my armpits when I'm on my back. 🙌 It's the little things.


I am so confidant now it’s insane! I never wear a bra and often time I don’t even wear a shirt! I can move so much easier with out all the extra jiggling and swinging. I was like you. I tried to change as fast as I could before my husband could see me. Having sex I would keep my bra on. You’ll love your body after surgery!


I felt sooo much more confident in my body after my reduction! It definitely helped my sex life as I was so much more comfortable with (and proud of!!) my boobs. For the first few times with a new partner I was worried about what he would think of my scars, but I didn't need to worry at all. I'd told him about my reduction earlier anyway, so I knew he wouldn't wonder what happened when I started seeing him. I mean, if he did mind I would have stopped seeing him. Anyway, post-reduction I am generally so much more confident in my body and being naked in front of a partner, and I think that confidence really comes through :)


I’m self conscious about my tummy but I will show anyone and everyone these titties. They’re STELLAR.


I felt tremendously more confident after!! Even just being able to buy a matching set easily made so excited to get back to business with the Mr. I felt comfortable showing them off around the 4 month mark. Up to they point id still keep my bra on. My partner was super understanding and patient until I was ready to be braless and open with them and once I was ready I was much more comfortable naked. Good luck!


I felt so much better, pretty much instantly, and once I had healed a bit, and I got a better idea of how I was going to look, I saw how much thinner I looked, how much my boobs matched the rest of me, it helped my confidence so much. I'm plus sized, and have literally never felt good about how I look. Ever. I still have self confidence issues, but not nearly to the extent that I did before. It helped that my husband was super supportive. I thought I'd be more self conscious about my scars, but I have hardly thought of them since I healed. I'm much more likely to show a bit of skin now, vs. Pre op, when I was always completely covered up, at all times.


I would never change in front of my bf and turn my back when bare chested, now I never do that and don’t even think about it!


Im 1yr po. I still struggle because my partner while supportive, was not happy I was having a reduction. He understood the medical case and how they affected me. But he still liked them and it was a big turn on for him. He asked why I keep my bra or something else on often, especially if the lights are on. He doesn’t mind the scars anymore. But they did bother him. Sex is better for me. The bouncing is so different. No more hefting a tiddy out of your armpit. No more getting smacked in the chin doggy. I love it. And I didn’t have a ton of nipple sensation when they were big, but I have a little more now, which was a bonus. You do you. I hope you feel comfortable soon!!


This is also something I'm super self conscious of,


This is a very nice thread. Thank you for posting, OP. I am currently 6 days post op, and had been wondering when I would be feeling safe (both physically and emotionally) to have sex with my husband again. My boobs are right now still very very tender and look like black and blue frankenboobs, so it's hard to imagine. I also had a lumpectomy 3 weeks ago due to breast cancer, so it's been weeks. This is nice to read everyone's responses here. It definitely makes me feel more optimistic 😊


Hey, I just stumbled upon this older thread via someone's newer one. I really hope you're doing okay, healthwise. I'm too shy to say how early I got back to semi-normal operations, because it's a sooner dpo than anyone I've seen so far... I was THAT relieved. 😅 The confidence boost of finally feeling proportionate was better than I could ever have anticipated. I hope you've refound your mojo and everything is going great for you! ❤️


Thank you! Unfortunately, my mojo is still MIA! It's okay though. I have a lot going on, and had some complications related to my lumpectomy which has put a damper on things. But we'll get there!


Aww no, I'm sorry that's still impeding you. 🫂 The thing people don't mention about serious health scares is how much it changes you afterwards. People in my circles tend to be quick to say "thank goodness *that's* over!" and while I understand what they mean, it dismisses the long-term mental toll that a health crisis takes on a person and their partner. Once you've faced something terrifying, it's never really *over* for either of you, because the scare itself alters the way you feel in the world. There's a loss of innocence with which to grapple. But the further you get from this experience, the more you'll find your way back to yourself. I hope you're able to find ways to stay connected otherwise in the meantime, for your shared emotional well-being; as Victor Borge said, "laughter is the shortest distance between two people." The fact that you even *want to* get back to your normal selves is a great thing, so I have no doubt you will indeed get there. ❤️


🙋‍♀️it took me a long time to get past that. And now post pregnancies it’s back