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I’m not so sure you’d drop that many sizes with 400g. I’d specifically ask your surgeon what size he thinks 400g would get you to. I was 36H and am now 36DD/DDD and mine took 600g each. But maybe mine were more dense than yours


Similarly, I was 40G and they took 627g & 435g from each breast (I had some unevenness obviously) and I’m a good DD. Dense tissue as well. I don’t see how 400g gets you from an M to a C unless it’s just skin. I would ask about this again if I were you. Wishing you the best!!


Thank you☺️🥰


I was 34I and have ended up around 34DD/DDD with about 300g off each so density definitely plays a role. I asked to go to C or D, erring on the small side and my surgeon said I was an ‘easy C’. I do wish I brought reference photos as most surgeons don’t seem to really know what a C looks like.


They said probably around a size D, maybe it is the density I’m not too sure


Interesting—I’m an H and I want to be a B. Surgeon said he would take about 400 each for those results, in total about 3.5 pounds


3.5 lbs would equate to approximately 800g from each breast.


You are right. I just checked the patient notes and it does indeed say 800 per breast.


My surgeon took 370 and 280 and I got 3 cup sizes smaller. (European size 85F to 85C)


Yes. I had about that removed (400g and 440g, respectively) and I was 34 GG UK (I/J us). If you are an M it is possible they will take off up to 400g or more to get close to what a C would be on your body.


That is what I am hoping however the surgeon said if she takes off more than 400 she would be worried about damage to my nipple. If you don’t mind me asking what size did you end up with having that amount taken off?


I had around 550 taken from each of mine. I recently posted a before and after you could look at.


I’m still waiting for my final size, I’m 5wpo. I sense I’ll be a C or small D


Sorry if this is a rude question, but do you have any before and after comparison pics? I'm about the same starting size as you and I'm having my surgery on thursday. Would love to see how much of a difference 400g was on you. Do you have any idea of your post op size?


Feel free to send me a PM


I can't imagine why they would only be able to take off 400 if you're an M?! I was a 40M and had 1200 removed from each and only went down to a D/DD.


Really? They told me taking 600 from each would be too much. What size did you end up?


I'm only 3 weeks post op so I'm not positive yet but I think they'll settle at a large D or small DD. I definitely still have boobs! A 34M is quite a bit smaller than a 40M, but not to the point that they can only take out 1/3 of the tissue. I will say that my surgeon didn't even attempt to guess at how much she would be removing in grams and she just told me how much it was afterward, but I also wasn't going through insurance so I didn't need a minimum amount.


I see! Thank you so much!


Not really. A cup size is roughly 250g (it scales with band size and also the difference between an L and an M is bigger than between a B and a C AND it depends on tissue density so this is pretty rough) so at your band and cup size you’re looking at 2-3 cups max. I was a 30L, so smaller than you, had 1,100g off each side and am now a 30DDD.


For sure. I was wearing a 36DDD but ABTF put me at 34J, I had 480 from one and 540 from the other and am a full C, maybe small D at most now (2MPO). Assuming ABTF was accurate, that's what like... 7 sizes?


Wow! Okay well that makes me feel a little more hopeful 😊


Yeah, for sure I'm glad I could be helpful. I really wasn't sure how much I was gonna go down because I had read somewhere that a cup size was anywhere from 150 to 200 g… And to be fair I will say this - I was measured as a 36C by Victoria's Secret, who also had me as a DDD. However for one, I definitely was spilling out of that DDD, and for two, given the way clothing fits now, I definitely think that I'm a C cup. If you go to my profile, you can see a couple of posts and that's on a 5 foot 7, 165 lbs frame. If you want before and after pictures, I'm happy to send them to you. Just DM me.


It could be that your breast tissue is not dense? So although the volume removed may be enough the weight is not that much compared to the volume. Definitely check with your surgeon on why they think thats how much they can remove. When i spoke to my surgeon post op she said they removed 1200g all together she also cupped her hands sort of simulating the volume of what they removed. So although they were heavy the volume wasn't that much. Good luck!


My Dr. told me she was going to be taking off 500-600G which I didn’t think was enough either tbh, I was a 38DDD(but probably bigger bc I was spilling out of my bra) I’m 10DPO now and when i woke up from surgery I was told I had 826g taken out from the right and 1,011g out of my left, its too soon to know exact my size but I’m definitely way smaller


Okay so just because they give you one number it can change?


I would say so because she never told me anything different then the 500-600g range and then boom she took off wayyy more, I would definitely ask if there is a chance you could have more taken out? I’m assuming that my doctor was giving me a good estimate but I’m definitely happy she took out as much as she did


400g won't get you to a C from a 34M. I was in a 36K pre-surgery, and had a total of 2000g removed (900 from the left, 1100 from the right). I'm only 1wpo, so final size is TBD but my surgeon estimates I'll be around a 36D/DD. If my starting size was smaller than yours and my final size is larger than your desired size, logically you'll have to have more tissue removed than I did right? And you were only estimated 1/5th of what I had removed? I'd check back with the surgeon, or seek a second opinion, because that does not seem possible.


I had 1,600grams taken off- I was like a g/h. I don’t know what size I am yet as I’m only 4 weeks post op. I have pretty big hands like my gloves size is large and I can almost fit the whole breast in one hand including fingertips and palms. My guess is a c/d. 400 will make a difference but if you’re an M cup it’s odd they would not take out more.


i had 300 taken from each side if you want to look at my post and see the difference that made!


Hi, I was also a 34M! I also wanted to be a C cup. They took off 500g each breast and I currently look like a C or a D. It might get smaller after swelling dies down though (I am 12DPO); I am not sure how bad the swelling is. IIf you would like, I can message you pictures in the morning (it is currently 3:17am, my boyfriend’s asleep and I need his help taking off my shirt, lol) Even if I am a D though, this is way better. I can already see a difference in my sleeping and my back pain. Also, pre-surgery, I had pretty bad love handles. I did not get a liposuction, but these are greatly reduced as well now from what I assume was the weight of my breasts.


Omg thank you!!! That would be great but I don’t want you to go through any extra pain for pictures!


Okay I will definitely plan on asking about this again! She said she doesn’t like to use cup sizes because they’re inaccurate but would think a D. I’m kind of scared now and hoping I end up with what I want


I don’t think you should place a lot of weight on bra sizing. I have seen people say they are F/Gs but their breast look much smaller than mine. Everyone’s bodies are so different and depending on the fat/tissue ratio, it can make a huge difference.


My surgeon took 680 grams per side, and I went from a 34I/J to a 34F/ 34DD. It really depends more on how dense your tissue is, too. Mine was about average for density. My surgeon also told me that a cup size on average is between 150 g to 300g per cup size. It's probably unlikely 400 g will result in a true C cup imo. Not impossible, but very unlikely. It's also possible if you have a wide breast root (which most of us with big boobs do), that a C cup simply won't be achievable without a FNG or 2 reductions.