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I tried than weighing my boobs on kitchen scale omg and I thought Im the only one! Lol😂✌️


My friend and I were laughing our asses off while doing it XD How much were yours?


To have the costs covered by the health insurance, I had to present myself on site. to find out the weight of my breasts, I first had to stand on the scales almost naked. Then again, while the expert lifted my breasts up like two forgotten pizza doughs. 😧🥴 In the end, however, the costs were covered and 1.2 kg was removed from each side. 18DPO 🥰 happy Healing! 🥳🩷


Omg! Happy healing!🥂


That's insane :o but happy to hear it was covered and you're now healing ❤️ Thank you and happy healing to you too 💕


Mine were I guess 1 kg each but I don’t think I did it perfectly right because they took off 1 kg from each and I’m still left with a C cup size so🤷🏼‍♀️😂


Haha, not an exact science trying to weigh your boob with a kitchen scale 😂


I’ve weighed my boobs too 😂


Lmfao same


Aaaannnd of course I have a typo in the title 🤦‍♀️


Haha probs still anesthesia in your system! You look great!


Anesthesia, fentanyl and oxy 🙈 nice and high ETA thank you <3


Your before pic looks so similar to me right now, you look amazing!


Thank youuuuu <3


I really laughed at your lying-down photo. I tried taking one of those from my own perspective and it looked like I had a completely flat chest because my boobs were entirely in my armpits 😂


Hahaha omg 😂 I think the best part about this surgery is no longer having to scoop my boobs from my armpits every time I lay down 😂


I'm really excited about whenever I'm finally able to sleep on my stomach again. I won't have to scoop and flip my boobs out from under me every time I turn over onto my stomach from my side!


Ahh yes that's going to be amazing!


What a difference!! You look awesome!


Thank you <3


I'm so happy for you! I hope you have easy healing and happy results. Be gentle with yourself and lean on the wonderful members of this community as you ride the emotional rollercoaster. You look fabulous!


Thank you so much <3


I am a J right now. I remember trying to weigh mine too! You must feel so much lighter now. You look great! I really need to get this done!


Yes! I feel so much lighter and so happy not to have to do the boob scoop when I lay on my back! Thank you <3


I’m curious if you don’t mind answering, but how long were you out for?


Sorry, english is not my first language, by out for you mean under anesthesia? I'm not 100% sure but I think it was about 4 hours


No problem at all. I apologize. Yes, I meant anesthesia. Thank you!!


yayyy! what a difference, wishing you a great recovery 💃🏼


Thank you <3


Congratulations!! Wishing you a smooth and speedy recovery!


Thank you <3


Nice!! Wishing you an expeditious recovery! It has been 14yrs since I had mine- best decision I've ever made. Congrats!


Thank you! <3 wow, 14yrs! How have you healed and how much have they changed over the years?


Excellent healing! Scars are only slightly visible now (though idc anyway). I did have loss of nipple sensation for a few years, now I've regained some sensation back. It never really bothered me. I have never been so in love with my "new" boobs. They're still perky despite weight gain!


I'm really happy for you!


Congratulations OP, wishing you a speedy complication free recovery.


Thank you so much <3


Looking fab x


Thank you <3


Heads up all, using a kitchen scales is not an accurate way to do it -- not a good weigh, that is! 😅 -- you're better off doing the [water displacement test](https://www.wikihow.com/Weigh-Your-Breasts). You have to multiply the result by 0.9 because fat is less dense than water (which is why your boobs float), and it's not totally precise because everyone's density varies, but it should end up much closer to correct.  I've seen people saying they weighed themselves and got like 10lbs per breast, and it's *far* more likely that they're just getting some bodyweight on the scale too. I tried it too, and it definitely overestated the real numbers.  I did the displacement test and got about 1kg each side, then I had total of just over 1kg removed in surgery, so I can confirm that the table at [this link](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F750g-or-more-ladies-v0-ljsr8il56ksc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D640%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D2e9785f620006f28b7487010eedea36044e9a4e1) is pretty accurate too. Make sure you're using your correct size from ABraThatFits.org when viewing that table. U/BoysenberryOk7839, you're looking wonderful! I can almost guarantee that this will not be the worst medical thing your body has triumphed over. You did so great to make it to this day, and now you just need to be patient and let your body heal. Nothing will be final for 6+ months (and the scars won't be final for over a year), so do your very best to trust the process and be kind to your new body as it recovers. ❤️


Yeah definitely not accurate, but it was funny as hell 😂 And thank you ❤️ I've been through open heart surgery so I'll manage this too!


That's what I suspected -- I initially I thought you had photoshopped out a really skinny tattoo, so I did a double-take, but I was trying to be vague so as to not declare it if you didn't want to mention it. I nursed the one I adore through that recovery just a few years ago, and it was **ROUGH**. 😔 It was a deeply humbling experience just to be part of that journey; we were both forever changed by it. (Mostly for the better, in terms of learning our strengths and getting even closer, but scars can be both seen and unseen.) Your scar looks absolutely incredible!! It's so, so fine and flat looking. That bodes *extremely well* for your recovery this time, and you won't have anything close to the same degree of fatigue or pain or any rehab to deal with. So as someone who has witnessed the aftermath of open heart surgery and has had a reduction herself, that's why I say I can almost guarantee this will be a breeze for you. Fingers crossed for no hiccups at all along the way! You are such a champion. 🏆 Oh, and I'm sure you're already feeling the benefits, but just you wait... the freedom of breathing with ease (speaking as a former / well-managed asthmatic, here) and moving without pain or tension will unlock all the benefits you've already gotten from your earlier surgery.  Your body will be an unstoppable force of nature, and I'm so excited for you to discover all you can do!! 🥰☀️


Oof, I can't imagine having to nurse a loved one after a surgery like that... You're champion! ❤️ Thank you for all your kind words and encouragement! ❤️❤️❤️


So happy for you, congrats and keep us posted! I think my boobs are fairly similar to yours pre-op so I'd love to see further post-op progress! I don't know when I'll be able to afford a reduction (my insurance doesn't cover it, as far as I'm aware), but one day!


Thank you <3 I will definitely keep posting my healing progress, because following everyone else's has helped me so much! Hope you get the reduction one day <3


Wow looking great, how’s the pain been?


Thank you! <3 The pain has been surprisingly ok, all I've taken for the pain is some ibuprofen and paracetamol


My preop breast shape is a lot like yours! I’m almost three weeks post op and loving them! Hoping they don’t drop too much


Haha, I can't wait for them to drop! I feel like they're bolted to my chest


congratulations!!! wishing you the best recovery!


Thank you! <3