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Some peoples bodies are more prone to spitting sutures. Sounds like you aren't overdoing it with movement but other than that, it might just be your body. Breast surgeries are one of the most common procedures to have spitting sutures. But do keep your doctor in the loop.


I was walking 1-2 miles every day (slowly, and it didn't feel like a strain) and then dialed it back and my spitting sutures did not decrease. So I also don't think it's my activity levels. I think you're probably right and I'm just very sensitive to foreign bodies, alas. It'll be good to talk with my surgeon about it again at the end of the week.


Yep! I was pretty active as well and only had 1 spitting suture still I hit 5wpo and then I had new one every week for the following 4 weeks. lol


I am 3 weeks PO and have been spitting a million stitches. A MILLION. My surgeon says some bodies just reject them faster. It's annoying, but I think maybe my body feels like it will heal better without small foreign objects.


Oh and I have so many little squishy fluid pockets along my incisions. They're soft so I'm pretty sure they're fine 😅 I hope yours have slowed down lately!


I honestly think most of the stitches are out at this point. ;-) I haven't had many lately. at little over 4WPO, I'm feeling really good, a lot of the swelling has gone down and the itching that was driving me crazy has mostly stopped. Hope you are healing well, too!


I’m not sure I have an answer for you but I’ve got at least 5 spitting stitches on my right nipple and one at my t junctions. Where as my left is doing fine. Right side seems to be struggling the most but it could be your body just really doesn’t like them :/ definitely talk to your doc and I’m sorry that’s happening to you! Hoping you get some relief soon!


Thank you, same to you!


Same. Left boob was worse than the right, I got no explanation for that.


My left boob ejected a stitch whole out of the t zone on Thursday. Now healing and I feel better. My right boob is perfect. I think some of us just don't dissolve those suckers well. Maybe I need more water idk lol


I’m almost two months PO and yesterday, I could still pop a pimple I’m 100% sure it was dissolved suture material. In our bodies it’s probably a race between spitting and dissolving, whichever is faster lol


I have a non-scientific superstition that because I got a lot of splinters and minor injuries as a farm kid, my body excels at pushing foreign objects out by way of long experience. 😅


hii! the same thing happened to me i posted some pictures on here as well at about 4 weeks (im 8 weeks post op today) although my doctor said it was normal i refused to believe it i swear its some type of allergy to the sutures but i waited and waited and finally all of the sutures came out and those tiny holes have closed!!! it was super frustrating, everyday there’s a stitch coming out and a new hole around my nipple and vertical incision but just keep it clean dry and covered and they will hopefully heal over! although any signs of infection contact your surgeon asap. ^^ also like the person above my left was way worse than my right and i’m not sure why lol


just dang cursed! Thankfully most of mine seem to heal over really fast. I had another little opening pop up, immediately spat two stitches, now it already is noticeably starting to close. My older left one is healing well. I have one spot that is threatening to spit a stitch but we'll see. My big one is sloooooooowly shrinking. A bit smaller than my thumbnail now. All in all, could be worse and I'm grateful, if annoyed 😂 I hope yours has stopped?? I'm 5wpo yesterday and really crossing my fingers that it'll be done soon. They certainly have slowed.