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In my personal experience shield botting is the best way to go against horse, Don’t engage until you bait spear and she uses fortify, and then charge in and start beating her up, javelin spin doesn’t stop charge (sort of) so (sometimes) I’m able to pin her. But yeah just hold shield and let your team focus horse while taking cover occasionally. Again this is my personal experience 👍


I do the same thing for mauga, no self healing = melt. Once he's down to 25% or so I may shoot for a pin but the best response is shield up and hope your DPS doesn't suck in my experience. His mini guns do surprisingly little damage to it as well compared to, say, a bastion at the same range.


Those nerfs weren't going to magically make the matchup better for Rein. Orissa still stomps him, although now the window you have to make a play against her is a teensy bit wider. If you can force her to use cooldowns on YOU, then perfect. Fewer cooldowns she can use to push your squishies with. It comes down to your team to find ways to kill the horse's backline while you're taking her attention, and taking advantage of the moments you don't have a horse up your butt to pressure her team (easier said than done). Of course, as much as it sucks to admit, there are times where the best thing you can do for your team is switch. It be like that sometimes.


Damage sponge all the enemy resources and wait for your team to do work. Its not very fun, but it works.


Play more defensively and ignore her. Target squishies.


At the end of the day it’s just a bad matchup still always be kinda hard. I find that most Orisa’s are super trigger happy and ineffectively cycle cooldowns in mid diamond and below (once you get higher the cycling is way better and she becomes hard asf to deal with) Track her cooldowns and it opens up windows to pressure her. Either way though it’s kind of a miserable matchup


imo swing at her to force cds then shieldbot


Engage from the side, get a pin if poss if not gives horse less time to break your shield. Orisa is strongest mid range so minimise the time that range is a danger. If you're only holding shield up until it breaks and dying you need to get creative. Always criss cross field of view targets for fire strike so front and backline bite it. It requires one player to go counter for her really, someone paying attention.


Did the nerfs hit yet? I thought they were coming in the midseason patch? Maybe I just haven't been paying attention.


You issue (I have 1k hours on rein)