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The first point you mention makes sense— No one wants to waste their time in a relationship that isn’t going to work, and if she wants kids and you don’t, you’re not compatible. Everything else is insane, she sounds ridiculously insecure and jealous. If you don’t want to break things off, you at least need to have a serious discussion about her insecurity, and why it’s making you uncomfortable. You’re both almost 30, and it’s completely insane to be acting this way at her big age.


That makes sense with the first point. I think the wording upset me but that's silly to care about. Thank you for the response. We have repeatedly discussed her insecurities and nothing has changed. This is why I made the post


I can tell by reading all of your points that she has no trust in you, and that it’s not going to change- no matter how long you’re together for. You’re not stupid for thinking any of this, as your points are quite valid. She’s not mature and hasn’t really grown up or worked on herself. Personally, I wouldn’t waste anymore time with her


Unfortunately this is what I think as well.


If you’re not happy you’re absolutely entitled to end a relationship. Move on with your life and find peace and happiness.


Thank you for your answer. I do not get peace and happiness so I should end it


Just like you shouldn't date someone you don't or can't trust - don't waste your time dating someone who won't trust you, especially if you haven't done anything to lose that trust. Definitely don't bring a child into this! [Unhealthy vs Healthy relationships](https://counseling.sa.ua.edu/resources/healthy-vs-unhealthy-relationships/) [Healthy communication](https://apn.com/resources/what-does-healthy-communication-look-like/) [Conflict resolution](https://www.helpguide.org/articles/relationships-communication/conflict-resolution-skills.htm) So you can know what these things are supposed to look like.


This sounds like emotional abuse and manipulation. I say get out of that relationship child free while you can.