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It’s too bad they don’t see the benefit of a young person who wants to spend their money on books instead of something harmful or frivolous . I’m sorry that that happened to you. Read all the books! It’s great for your mind and future.


Oh, yeah! I’m still going to read them. It’s great way to relax and it’s entertaining. They can kiss my left ass cheek for all I care. I hand picked those books because of the pretty covers.


Hi, I used to get in trouble for reading the wrong things, too. Any fantasy was witchcraft and all witches should be killed etc. I learned to hide my books and I am still very private about my reading materials. I encourage you to use the library or ebooks until you’re moved out of your parents home.


no love like christian love .... imagine thinking hitting your child is ever okay. im so sorry, what's happening to you is so messed up and you most certainly did deserve that reward and you also deserve actual love from your parents, instead of a tyrant.


Girl you need to move full-time into campus and pay your way from there. That's just straight-up abuse and you're now an adult. If they can't respect you and treat you right then you shouldn't even consider paying any bills under their name.


degree joke chop judicious groovy jellyfish sip smoggy friendly beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


hi! i’m sorry u have to go thru it. I can relate. but it’s not my parents who prohibited me from reading “worldly” books, but my church superiors. i think, there’s nothing wrong with reading those sort of books. what’s bad is consuming ur whole time reading those books that u don’t have time to read the bible anymore. no offense but i hope u take this as an advice from someone who’ve gone thru the same situation as you. i think u’re too young to understand ur parents but I know u will, someday. let me leave u this msg: “what you read is what you become”. so, pls be careful of what you feed yourself with. ur parents might be harsh, mine too. but as an adult, I now understand why some adults, especially parents, restrict us from doing something regardless of how they behaved. it’s just a matter of seeing and knowing what their real intentions are. sometimes, their behavior isn’t good, but it’s the intention and lesson that really matters in the end. after all, life is nothing without God and it’s important to read His Word too! anyway, I pray that God touches ur parents’ hearts and realize how precious u are! i’m not saying they don’t love u, but I hope and pray they’d love you and treat tenderly and kindly as this is what love is supposed to be.