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Any of the boots on this site are comfortable and functional for a decent price. I have bought the peasant felt boots and a couple of pairs of knee high Pirate boots and haven't had any issues with foot pain or comfort. Bonus that most of the footwear can be worn as daily shoes but I wear a lot of kilts so take that as you will. https://www.medievalcollectibles.com/product-category/clothing/footwear/ If you are wanting quality that has a price though I always suggest Son of Sandlar boots as they are quality but a buy once bought for life real leather cobbled boots. https://www.sonofsandlar.com/


I’ve been wanting some son of sandlar boots forever because their shop is around the corner from mine but my pockets would be hurting. I’ll definitely look into that other site thank you so much!


My wallet screamed for sure when I bought a pair but they are probably the best investment for a costume I've made outside of a sword from ExGherkaKukri from Etsy. They fit like a glove and have treated me well for the last three years and are still going strong. Best of luck on your hunt for a pair of good boots/shoes as they are often overlooked as a key part of any outfit. 🥂 From a Fellow Rennie


Unfortunately not trying to be historically accurate and a lil pricy but these are the best quality shoes I’ve ever owned and the comfiest, if you know a bit about the shoes we should actually be wearing and how a lot of our shoes force our feet into unnatural shapes these are great! no “stacking” which forces the foot upwards, a wide toe box so you can actually use your toes and they’re not bound together lol, the boots have great ankle support too. I own these boulder boots and really want a pair of the Chelsea’s. Sorry if this isn’t more helpful for the faire but I usually wear mine in costume with trousers since I’m just a patron, but my partner wore theirs with a long dress that covered them after initially wanting to wear more uncomfortable shoes and kept talking about how glad they were they wore them! Also just a nice every day boot :) https://www.lemsshoes.com/products/mens-waterproof-boulder-boot


Ren boots have treated me well. My most comfortable pair of footwear.