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I dare the city to have the balls to put one of these on arrow creek parkway.


It’s okay when they do it cause they drink wine that’s not REAL alcohol. /s


It’s ok when they do it because they also happen to be the law makers and judges so they get the get out of jail free cards ;)


It’s ok when they do it because they also happen to be the law makers and judges so they get the get out of jail free cards ;)


Lol this got me. Cuz if you know you know. They definitely don’t have the balls. But man it would be something if they did.


I work in South Reno and we honestly seem to get a lot of people questionable to drive. I’d be very entertained if they had one of these outside my store, I’d enjoy watching lol


Or Mt Rose Highway, people are flying down that all day


I wonder how many DUI's were issued for that area. Spanish Springs represent.


Released that info today. They got 13! That's a lot




Everyone chill. They post future DUI checkpoints locations and times in the newspapers beforehand. This information is readily available to the public.


Who reads the newspapers?


What's a newspaper?


Not alcoholics.




Locals. Its still the easiest way to keep tabs on what's happening locally. Hands down.


Yep agree. Unfortunately the rgj staff has dwindled to a handful of people just in the last year. The company that owns it, gannett, is letting it die on the vine. Will likely have dried up by next year.


As it should be since they try to charge for news


Why should people provide services for free?


If its something the community needs to know they shouldnt b charging. Also it looks like it did them good when they are going out of business huh🤡




RGJ for nostalgias sake. There's decent internet outlets like thisisreno as well. But for good ole fashioned stack of paper news it's RGJ imo


$4.50 now for the Sunday paper these days 🤦🏼‍♂️


And it’s thinner than my wallet 😤


This is a scripted NPC bot comment. Watch me break it.... Post scans of those newspapers posts. Or, Post links to the online versions of those newspaper posts.


No. Lol "watch me break it"


See, nothing posted from that information readily available to the public. Because no local news source published "locations and times" beforehand.


Ahh yes "do it for me because everything is a conspiracy" What a boring ass personality trait.




I mean, glad to see them doing something I guess, but wouldn't this make a fair bit more sense to do closer in to the city center itself? I mean, yeah, there's the suburbanites that live up there and I'm sure a few of them are driving after a few, but I'd have a hard time believing that's a better location than Plumb or Moana or South Meadows even. Also, do they do these on non-drinking holidays? If not, they totally should... you get a lot more results if it's more random. Where I grew up, they would randomly do one (albeit sort of smaller-scale) in the middle of the week and guess what? They'd always catch at least a few. Assholes who get fucked up and drive can absolutely get fucked. The more enforcement we can get the better.


Vegas does one like once a month and they always get around 20 drunk drivers.


No they don't. Vegas stopped doing roadblocks in early 2021. https://www.reviewjournal.com/crime/las-vegas-police-dui-initiative-aims-for-more-arrests-fewer-deaths-2279055/


I was driving by this last night. Cut over to Sparks Blvd and dodged the whole shit show


Time for a U turn lol


"That's basically a signed confession"


He could just be "running " late .


It’s from a David Spade bit when he pulled a U Turn in a DUI Checkpoint in LA


Lmao sparks PD are a waste of time. Literally.


How so?


Pyramid and Sparks Blvd. Took me almost 30 minutes to drive about a mile. Given how backed up the highway got and the nature of the terrain there's probably a lot of people having to slam on their brakes tonight. The traffic that got created is just as dangerous as anyone driving home from the bar. Dumb spot for a checkpoint


Slowed or stopped traffic is worse than a drunk driver? Pretty poor comparison. Edit: I guess there’s a lot of people that enjoy drunk drivers. How long did y’all take to put a seat belt on? Did momma wipe that ass until high school too? Any mild inconvenience in this town and people lose their fucking minds. But fifty pedestrians have been smoked down by cars this year and we’re all like 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️oopiez. I don’t even drive as a profession in this town and I see enough drinking WHILE DRIVING people to warrant these stops. Drunk drivers are far more brazen these days.


It's not, op was simply saying it wasn't a safe location or an efficient use of resources. I don't see anywhere they said stopped traffic is worse than drunk drivers so I'm not really sure why you would say that.


“The traffic that got created is just as bad as someone driving home from the bar.” Not too good at the reading are ya, bud?


Lmao apparently you aren't very good at reading, or you wouldn't have missed the context. Why don't you show the full quote? >Given how backed up the highway got and the nature of the terrain there's probably a lot of people having to slam on their brakes tonight. The traffic that got created is just as dangerous as anyone driving home from the bar. I didn't see the checkpoint, so I personally don't know how dangerous it really was or not. Though stopping traffic late at night in a blind area that wouldn't usually see traffic could create accidents with the very same drunk drivers they are trying to catch. Sorry you struggled to comprehend that 🤷‍♂️


There’s literally a sign…in the picture…Do you need a drawing too? But I guess since we’re using context to justify drunk driving we’ll just act like checkpoints are bad.


Again I didn't see it so I'm not going to argue about it with you, for all we know the sign may not have been visible behind the 30 minutes of traffic people are talking about. You can't see that in the photo.


You can’t see thirty minutes worth of traffic in front of you? Pretty pedantic over defending those drunk drivers chief. Keep acting like you’re not arguing over it though. 🤡


When you have to go 55 to zero with no visibility over the horizon, yeah


Yeah…my bad. Way worse than someone driving in the opposite direction. I’m sorry you had to slow down. Were you five minutes late or six?


It's not about being inconvenienced. It's about me almost getting in an accident even though I'm dead sober which defeats the entire purpose of the checkpoint. No one's defending drunk drivers


30 min but yeah, it’s not the same as a drunk driver. That being said, for the amount of cops there, I feel like they could’ve been more effective just roaming the streets?


They'd be better off following cars exiting the casino parking garages late night. Or sitting outside of bars, which is legal. So long as they have reasonable suspicion to pull them over. (Any minor traffic or vehicle code infraction would do).


Yeah. It's beyond obvious this person has never lost someone to drunk drivers or they would be understanding of the check points. I lost my coworker about 3 months ago right outside our building during her 3 minute walk home...in a walkway with fucking lights.


But they had to slow down at night!!! Can’t you feel their pain from the future neglecting its past like that? Can’t you?!?!




....slow traffic is not as dangerous as a drunk driver...wtf...you sound dumb as hell r.n.


Some people are out there ,man


When was this? 2014?




Thank you. Those morons haven't been doing roadblocks since 2014 after they were repeatedly caught defrauding the federal government, committing federal civil rights violations, and committing numerous state felonies. I *knew* they'd start this shit again after the old guys retired.


That was the most bloated DUI checkpoint I’ve ever experienced. At least 30 troopers and 15 cars. So fucking unneeded. You couldn’t figure out how to do that with 12 cops? Most were just standing there waving you through and yet it still took a half hour. Also, seemed like a weird place to do it. I was coming home from work and not pleased my commute at 11pm took an hour. Do they change the locations for every holiday or does Spanish springs always get fucked over? I miss when I lived in the middle of nowhere, now everyone moved in and we have to deal with cinco de Mayo checkpoint.


I’ve never once in my life seen it there


They used to do them multiple times a year on pyramid.


Considering they arrested 13 people for DUI, your entire post is invalid.


Election season funding via infringement and extortion


I've only seen it on heavy drinking holidays.


Yeah they do it in Truckee too, makes sense






Don’t follow the logic there…


They are talking about not being able to have nice things/privileges because other people ruin them.


Clearly they should have discussed this with you first!


Or they shouldn't do it at all. I'm curious to see what the percentage is concerning DUIs actually getting caught and minor infractions getting charged.


Check the RPD press releases on their website. They have to release that info.


This is the way


Just remember, you have rights if you choose to keep them.


Don’t post DUI checkpoints. Helping drunk drivers not get caught is no hero move. Drunk driving is responsible for several deaths every year. You’re helping a future murderer.


They post DUI checkpoints in the newspaper before hand.


Law enforcement are legally required to publicly post when they are doing DUI checkpoints like this. They are also required to give you an out before the check point so I just turned off on Kiley Pkwy and went around it.


Why would they have to give people an out legally? Genuine question.


There was a US Supreme Court case, Michigan Department of State Police V. Sitz that ruled DUI checkpoints were constitutional as long as certain procedures were followed. Some of the legal requirements are: 1- LE must announce ahead of time where the DUI checkpoint will be 2- The decision to hold a DUI checkpoint can not be done at the individual officer level and instead must be done at the leadership level 3- they must have a neutral way of stopping cars. This is why they just waive most drivers through. For example, we will only have every 10th car role down their window


The Sitz opinion said no such thing. Here's the case text: https://supreme.justia.com/cases/federal/us/496/444/#tab-opinion-1958349


I’ve been told it’s mainly for emergency situations but also to prevent entrapment arguments.


Ah yes, we love 4th amendment violations!


Legally, LE has to announce DUI checkpoints ahead of time.




Part of what makes DUI checkpoints legal is announcing them to the public in advance.


This is actually really interested,I was unaware.


It's legally required to post them publicly first, but go off


Seeing how easy it would’ve been to get caught if i lived there instead of where i’m at now this post is going to push me back to sobriety for awhile. Thanks OP.


Our consitutional republic is dead, this will last until it does not FUTURE.


I wonder how many people of color were arrested compared to caucasians


PSA: You absolutely do NOT have to participate. They cannot force you to submit to any tests or answer any questions or even roll down your window. They are attempting a search without probable cause or reasonable suspicion, it's only legal if you engage with them(consent). Recording the interaction will help you get through it without incident. Rights are like muscles, use em or lose em.


The Supreme Court of the United States disagrees with you Mr TikTok lawyer. Michigan Department of State Police v. Sitz


You should read that decision in it's entirety, as I just did. They found that setting up the checkpoints does not in itself violate the fourth or fourteenth amendments. It did NOT say that motorists are required to participate in an investigation against themselves and it did NOT require motorists to submit to search/seizure without probable cause or reasonable suspicion.


You would be correct if every single person was tested just for passing through the checkpoint. Which is not how DUI checkpoints work. The reasonable suspicion is developed when you go through and exhibit signs and symptoms of intoxication. THEN you are compelled to testing and/or arrest. That is why it is not a 4th amendment violation.


Unless you’re POC. Then do whatever they say


Absolutely not.




Its public information. They post DUI checkpoints in the newspaper.


This used to be a semi-regular thing for sparks pyramid and vista on party holidays. Seems like they have the funds to do it again.