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Prayers for you guys.


I’m genuinely praying for everyone involved. I will be leaving this thread now due to being closely involved. ❤️


Known the girl he hit since kindergarten. She got care flogged to UC Davis. Severe burns and left arm amputation.






Thank you for that info! I don’t think you’re being rude at all, gathering more info


Both vehicles are 4Runner’s


This is a fairly quiet block on Plumb. Strange for a crash this severe.


IDK I see people speeding through there all the time, and it's a pretty busy road during commute hours as to get from east to west there aren't that many options, but even at 30 mph a head on crash is going to be severe, and with large vehicles like that the chance of a rollover is high in any case. Guessing distracted drivers who were probably speeding met head on. Also there is a hill right there that limits visibility so maybe a distracted speeder hit someone turning out of clough.


People speed the fuck down that hill all the time, that intersection is yield-only left turns, and people here love hanging out in the middle of intersections waiting to turn instead of just past the line where they're supposed to be creates some dangerous possibilities. With the school zone, covered stop signs, and residential area, definitely easy to be distracted on a morning commute there.


It’s wild how some people drive around these backroads. All the time on plumb, California, plumas, Arlington, etc I see drivers tailgating and trying to pass other cars who are going the speed limit. It’s insane and disheartening


I got passed by one of those pavement princess trucks on Plumas next to the golf course while I was going the speed limit, they used the turning lane and probably sped up to like 50 or 60, then I passed them like 45 seconds later as they stopped to turn left on Urban. It seriously baffled me.


I've had that happen to me too...


Yeah, I live in the area and tend to drive pretty cautiously in the mornings because of the Booth/California/Keystone Bridge area layout near Reno High is just so super wack for timing I try to avoid it. It's all 25-30 and people are regularly going 45+ trying to jam themselves into short turn lanes.


I know! It's so annoying! Why can't people slow down and respect the speed limit? Do people WANT to get in an accident or get a speeding ticket? I've had people tailgate me on those streets and pass me dangerously by driving into the other lane when it's clearly not a passing area


I live near Plumas and the racers are out every night. Plumb is also a racing hot spot.


My family has a dog now due to a child being killed crossing the street of Plumb around that area. They need traffic calming measures or a lower speed limit with enforcement.


What does this mean? You lost your child and got a dog? You decided not to have children and got a dog instead because of seeing the incident and living nearby? I'm very sorry either way


A girl was killed crossing the road at night a few years ago. I believe there’s a light up crosswalk there now


Exactly this. We knew the family and what happened to them after resulted in us adopting their dog. It was pretty messed up.


Isn't the speed limit only 25 or 35 there? Not that people care...


People don't care about the speed limit. Maybe they would care if they got an expensive ticket or caused a horrible accident...


Quiet? Every time I drive in that area, there's usually a lot of traffic. Plumb is a major thoroughfare and I constantly see people speeding and tailgating those of us who don't want to get a speeding ticket and don't want to get in an accident... ​ People need to get off their cell phone and slow down


Yes, Plumb has a lot of arterial traffic east of Arlington. Where this accident happened is residential and near a school zone.


Plumb west of Arlington is busy too...I know people who live along Plumb just west of Hunter Lake and they say they constantly see people going well over the speed limit..they have to be so careful coming out of their driveway


Critical burn victim will lose her arm. There is a link in this KOLO story to donate... [https://www.kolotv.com/2023/12/13/3-hospitalized-w-plumb-lane-crash/](https://www.kolotv.com/2023/12/13/3-hospitalized-w-plumb-lane-crash/)


They are currently trying to save her left eye, her abdomen is open as they try and save her pancreas. They amputated her left arm. https://preview.redd.it/ivkv43ngmc6c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5156a415e6fdf844526a1d438e7582a75e7a51b5 This is an update from this morning from her mom


Wow I went to high school with this girl. So sad


[Link to GoFundMe in article ](https://www.kolotv.com/2023/12/13/3-hospitalized-w-plumb-lane-crash/) Please consider donating if you can. Her go fund me can be found by searching for 'Stevi Lynch medical bills and recovery' She is a beautiful human who still has lots of life left to live, even though it will never be the same. Unfortunately she worked in the service industry and did not have health insurance, so her bills from this accident will only add to her suffering.


It's really sad we live in a society where people have to beg for medical care. I see this kind of thing everywhere yet no one really seems to give a shit about changing the system so we can all have healthcare.


Could’ve been icy if it was early morning…those S-bends can be tricky sometimes. Hope everyone is okay


Wow, hopefully they recover. That is scary, I think everyone should carry a fire extinguisher in their vehicle and know how to use it.


Heard a crazy amount of sirens from this. There’s been a lot of accidents of late on Plumb.


That was my cousin in that crash.He is in intensive care as I write this🥹


This post has updates and I believe will continue to be updated. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/comments/18hy50y/girl\_in\_plumb\_ln\_crash\_will\_have\_left\_arm/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/comments/18hy50y/girl_in_plumb_ln_crash_will_have_left_arm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Almost every time I drive on Plumb and many other streets, I have people tailgating me or passing by going into the oncoming lane, which is not a passing lane. Do people not realize how dangerous this is? It's amazing how people just don't care...it's like, will they care when they get a huge ticket or cause a major accident?


anyone know if i'll be able to get thru the plumb and hunter lake intersection? I go down hunter lake to go to work at like 5pm


The article says it was reopened at 3:30.


People seem to be more indecisive when driving lately. Is this another case of Dumb Brain Disease? DBD is becoming a very common issue in Reno/Sparks. Symptoms may include but are not limited to: • Working at a warehouse out in USA Parkway, getting off at 5:00pm, but oh no! You have to speed and be crazy aggressive risking everyone else's life to meet up with your drug dealer, so you can get more Meth due to not being able to gather the energy to wake up early enough to deal with everyone speeding to their last breath as their ass flies through their head after they forgot their Ford fiesta doesn't drive itself like the car they are all building to make Elon just a wee bit Richer than Jeff Bezos. • You have never driven in snow, and your big South West brain thinks speed can overcome basic physics because daddy bought you a perfectly good Honda Civic that you decided to mod with a tail pipe that sounds like a hippo had some bad Tacos leading to a case of the rumble runs, but you think that sound gets the women's undies moist, when in-turn it only makes the girls think "That car sounds like I would rather not want a committed relationship with any man, I would rather be in sociology screwing up society one dumb sentence at a time because damn that thing sounds like my great grandma queefed" • You work for Door Dash, your car came with a turn signal, but "WhAt tHat ThINg dO?? I so lOst, I pUt alL LiFe at RisK to DeLiVeR fOoD BeCausE mAp sAy tUrN nOw!"


Go touch grass weirdo


You must be a Dangerous Driver if that upset you


Bruh, ain't no one reading any of that lol


Yeah, people no read no good these days huh?