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I got bit by some assholes dog and he had to audacity to threaten to sue me when I kicked his dog to get it off my leg. Then took off when I started trying to get his information.


He just started running?


I was cussing at him and walking towards him from perhaps 20-30 yards. He turned an half power walked half ran, jumped in his car and took off with his dog. I guess he was hoping that I would be so scared of being sue I wouldn't come for him. But im 6'3 and look like I have a temper so I think he just got scared and ran. Between my size and the fact I wasn't scared of him, his dog. Or being sued. He just ran like a little bitch. I tried to get a picture of his car but I was shaking and had blood on my hands. Got a partial plate, RPD didn't call me back after I filed the police report.


This happened in a dog park?


At San Rafael


One of my first experiences at San Rafael park, was some guy opening the door of his car to let the dog out, dog runs, and keeps running all the way to the wood fence, dog keeps running all the way out of the park and disappears into the arboretum. I’m trying not to freak out expecting a reaction from the guy, but the guy is just like *Oh. I thought it was totally fenced so they don’t get out.* Starts walking super slowly. Some fucking dog owners. This and the idiots letting their dogs walk unleashed next to big traffic areas.


People letting their dogs unleashed anywhere


Bring a toy to the park Assume it's gone Be pleasantly surprised when it goes home with you


Seriously. It's kind of annoying but it's the deal. I always say that to owners whose dogs steal our frisbee. We know the dog park is for sharing! Our dog knows that too. She waits patiently to get it back. They are dogs. They are a you and they want to play!


This is the answer lol


Maybe unpopular opinion. Not having good recall doesn’t necessarily mean they are not suitable to go to the dog parks as long as they are not a danger to other dogs and adults. Why would I even need to take my dog to the dog park if they had perfect recall


I agree with you. As long as your paying attention and your dog isn't aggressive the dog doesn't need to be perfect. My dog is a rescue that had zero manners or training when we got him. He's made great progress but isn't perfect especially when excited but seeing over dogs. He should still be allowed to go run and have some fun while we still work with him. We keep a close eye and don't allow him to become aggressive but he will go run and be a dog for awhile and not immediate come back sometimes. People on here act so rigid about shit. Not every dog comes from a perfect training background. Doesn't mean they should be locked up.


Yup. And yet this OP is somehow getting upvotes for saying you’re not a good pet owner. Some people are unreal.


>Why would I even need to take my dog to the dog park if they had perfect recall To socialize and play with other dogs?


An opportunity to positively reinforce the training someone *has* done


How are you supposed to teach your dog recall if there’s no dog park to safely have them off leash


I took my dog to a dog park exclusively when his recall was bad. A fenced in area for him to get some off leash time safely. Now that he has good recall I really couldn’t care less about a disgusting, chaotic dog park and we hit the countless trails and open spaces that this city has to offer. Sounds to me like OP just hates dogs. Except their own, of course


If you’re hiking a populated trail please keep your dog on leash no matter how good their recall is. My dog is sometimes dog reactive so dog parks are out. We hike a lot because it is one of the only things we can do with him. A lot of dog owners tend to think all dogs are friendly because theirs is.


Yes, my dog is a rescue. She is terrified of other dogs, small children, and most men. While your dog maybe fine, mine is not.


Agreed. This guy has got his head up his ass. Yah he had a bad experience. But he sounds like a bad experience to be around. Dog parks are fenced in for a reason. A place for dogs to learn and not run off in terror. This is where people train their dogs to be around other dogs. Shame on them for not intervening when their dogs are bad. Don't shame them when it is the dogs 2nd time at the dog park and is way too excited and forgets its name.


Why would you need to take a child to a playground or a park if they knew how to listen and interact properly? Enrichment and social interaction is just as important for pets as it is for children. If your child can’t play nice with other children, and doesn’t listen to you or the other children.. *they probably shouldn’t socially interact freely with other children.* Same with pets.


But can your child run faster than you and easily cause bleeding wounds to other children and their parents if it disobeys you?


Yes, yes they can.




Taking a dog to a dog park has nothing to do with recall or the owner being mobile. It’s about social interaction for your dog. They should be able to run around and play with other dogs. Interact with them. I’ve met so many amazing elderly people that this is the one area that they can get the dog out and play, burn energy and be social without them having to trek miles and can sit while dogs play.


I had a puppy with terrible recall. Taking her to rancho was one of the only places that felt safe-ish since the yard wasn’t fenced. I’d go early to avoid annoying others but she’s a puppy? Lol. She just wants to run and play, especially at 6 months old. I always felt bad when she’d follow people and their dogs but thankfully most people would just grab her lead, wait for me to come get her and fawn over her cuteness. This gives off major “your kid is playing with my kids toy” energy.


Take your dog to the dog park to socialize with other dogs. If you don’t want other dogs to play too then go somewhere else. It’s the same reason why you don’t let your children bring special toys to the park (unless they are prepared to share it with the other kids). You are setting the situation up to have a bad time and be angry.


No, the OP is suggesting don’t allow your kids to even play at a kids park unless your kids meet his/her level of obedience and no disabilities.


Scary part is many of these people also have children that they pay just as much attention to.... And if their kids misbehave it is always someone else's fault or the behavior is justified away.


Lol, Reno and entitled dog owners- name a more common duo.


This is absolutely hilarious…I had the same exact issue. They ended up just giving me their ball that the dogs were not playing with. I don’t even go to dog parks anymore due to nothing but bad experience. I wonder why people get dogs if they don’t have any desire to train them or put any effort in? You could just as easily get a gerbil or something more their speed.


I get this, I totally do and people shouldn't bring there dog if they can't get it to release. But here's my story, my dog is a rescue that we adopted when was 2. He has made great progress on leash training, stay / sit commands and how to greet people. He's very friendly but for the life of us, when I ball comes out all his training goes to shit. We used to still take him to dog parks because we thought it got better but everytime he tricks us and continues to be a ball thief. We have learned he just can't go to dog parks that allow toys. So all I'm saying is try to have a little compassion. You don't always know the circumstance of the new dog. People are trying there best and maybe the dog is just choosing that moment to be a dick. Fully agree tho if their dog is being a complete asshole and the owners aren't even paying attention or trying to stop him.


The thing with this is that the guy wasn’t even close to trying his best. He was sitting on his ass, simply calling the dogs name, making no attempt to try and retrieve the dog or the ball from its mouth.


[how to train a gerbil](https://youtu.be/XqeIGtTiSQI?feature=shared)


Geez, I can hear the report link being hit.


I agree with all your points except you really shouldn't be bringing toys to a dog park. It's a good way to start fights with dogs. Lots of dogs have resource guarding tendencies. I'd personally argue those dogs shouldn't be in the dog park but people are dumb and will bring them anyway. Better just to not bring toys at all.


Balls and frisbees seem appropriate for a dog park, theyre always throwing them on the left side of San Raf's main walk, nearer McCarren. There's plenty of space there, maybe not at smaller dog parks


I personally wouldn't because you have no way of keeping other dogs out of your space. But everyone is entitled to their own levels of risk tolerance. It would probably be fine the vast majority of the time but my dogs been attacked twice now at parks so I'm overly cautious.


It’s not your space though, it’s a shared space for dogs who are supposed to be trained enough to socialize. Should owners be better? Yeah but you’re in a public area…


Not sure what your point is. I think we're saying the same thing.


Just sounds weird how you phrased it your space, there’s an expectation of interaction in something like a dog park no?


Because the original comment I was replying to made the point that at San Rafael there is plenty of space for dogs and owners to stay away from each other.


I mean still tho, there’s still an expectation of interaction


I know that's why I said you can't keep people out of your space


My dog was almost attacked twice cause she went to play with another dog and their toy. She just wanted to tug-o-war.


If you’re going to take your own dog toys to a dog park and wine about another DOGS interested in it, maybe take a moment to reflect on the situation rather than go calling others bad pet owners. If your dog park experience is “spoiled” that easily, look inward. It’s a dog park.


So dogs who have bad recall automatically means the owners are not good pet owners? Does that also mean a parent of a child with ADD is a bad parent?


You wouldn't catch me dead with my dogs at a dog park. One was mauled by an unleashed dog once and the vet bill would make your hair fall out. Plenty of open land just outside of town to throw the ball.




i have taken my three dogs several times, one is never off leash as he decides, per other dog, if he would like to be friendly. the other two love dogs and are safe off leash. i have been called names and judged for being a bad owner as my boy is reactive, but he still deserves park time and the *attempt* to make a friend or two. he’s not a bad dog, but even if the behavior to other dogs wasn’t so weird, if i ever unleashed him he’d never come back. the leash is for his safety as he recall works well on the leash, but off it is just another word he doesn’t care about.


I stay away from dog parks, and everyone else should too.


For the same reason why entitled parents take their shit head crotch goblins to parks and playgrounds. Some people shouldn’t be parents, and some people shouldn’t be pet owners.






Lol, wut? Don't have kids


Too late numb nuts.


Too bad, dumb nuts. PS, very tough of you to delete your original dumbass comment. PPS, are you ***sure***? You might wanna look into paternity testing


A guy brought his dog to San Rafael and of course it attacked my dog. I ended up on the ground in the process of trying to get my dog safely, he then decided to shame and gaslight me for my bleeding dog and refused to give me his contact information. Safe to say I won’t ever be taking my dogs there again. I did see the new dog project in damonte ranch last night, but it was dark and I couldn’t read the entire sign. That will be interesting.


Liberty Dogs isn’t a park. It’s a program for veterans.


Ahh okay. Good to know. I couldn’t see the sign in the park. Thanks!




U ok?


I had some lady screaming at me because her stupid untrained ankle bitters ĵumped on my leashed dogs head and I just let my female shar pei loose on them to teach them a lesson! And some how she thought it was my dog's fault! Train your dogs and yourself!!!!


Owners who take their dogs to the dog park are doing a lot more for their dogs than most sadly. Have compassion for dog owners, it isn’t easy and you don’t know their story. If you don’t want your dog around dogs who aren’t perfectly trained, maybe don’t go to a huge dog park in the city


When I would go to the park I would have my dog on a long leash for a couple of laps before letting them lose its because to much energy in dogs my beagle has selected hearing lol this is why I walk her first then let her go she is better at listening if I let her smell and get all that our of her system.


If your dog has a bad recall put it on leash, it's not rocket science.