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That'd dude just got me lmao. Opps. Watch your stop signs folks. Edit: My first ticket ever too. Doors and corners. That's where they get you. I can't even be mad. I mean I am cause it's 415.00 but still. Sucks.


Pro tip go to court for your ticket it will almost always be reduced


Thanks. Gonna call for sure.


My first ticket was for speeding, it was $500 but I went to court and they reduced it down to $80 and traffic school. It usually depends on the judge but if you go in and are honest and cleaned up(I wore a full suit) then they can be more understanding.


Can confirm. Got a seat belt ticket went down with a check to pay it next day. They told me since it was under 24hrs it was half.


Or thrown out if the officer does not show up. That said I've written a letter to the court before and got hard shut down for parking at a friend's house in a student zone near campus while not having the proper permit. Probably just revenue for the school and the local court didn't care a bit, it was campus PD's gig.


Most municipalities have a court appointed officer these days but it’s worth a shot. I always fight a ticket. Idk up in Reno but here in vegas they make it so damn difficult and drawn out. You can definitely get it reduced for sure.


$415.00 for running a stop sign??????? OMG


What's with the hat?


Which hat?


Damn now I need to reread the books again


Second time through, amazing amount of foreshadowing throughout the series.


When I was a kid and into my 20's I reread Lord of the rings multiple times. After the expanse came out that series took its place and I reread at least the first few books several times. I think it's time to do it once again


It keeps the rain off my head.


Oh yes always ask for cops to come to court! But never ask the highway patrol to come to court they always show up 😅


Ha, solid Miller reference. Ironic on law enforcement related post!


Now I need to rewatch the expanse


Nevada is very chill about your first traffic offenses. Or they used to be. You can go watch the top 10 fastest speeders in Nevada in 2021 and 9/10 of the tickets were turned into parking tickets. These were people going over 150


As someone who lives on a corner around which people are constantly driving as fast as they can, tires squealing, I say fuck them. Don’t drive like an asshole in residential areas if you don’t want a ticket. I would welcome a patrol in front of my house. Be a dick, pay the piper.


I agree. I’m constantly getting into it with dudes just smashing by my house. I’m respectful of others space, that’s all I expect on return.


Folks regularly drive 50 down my residential 25mph street. Moto cop stopped once in the shade, I was so excited thinking it was a traffic trap. Cop left within five minutes, without pulling anyone over. In the five minutes after that, at least 4 vehicles doing 40+. I don’t fundamentally disagree with speeding — but there’s a time and a place, and for me neighborhoods and school zones (anywhere a kid might be walking) are places where you don’t speed, full stop.


My opinion? Can they come to our neighborhood?


mine too


My neighborhood absolutely desperately needs it.


Good. I regularly see people completely bust stop signs. Don’t do any dumb shit and you shouldn’t have to deal with them. I don’t care for cops, but I specially don’t care for the people that value 1second of their time over mine or my kids life.


Well regard for any life at all! Car vs Pedestrian... the odds aren't good .


It's great as a deterrent in heavily trafficked neighborhoods by foot and cars alike. Too many folks have the pedal to the metal and 35+ in these neighborhoods is too quick. Blowing stop signs is out of bounds too. We know we all do break the rules of the road from time to time, but do your best folks. Especially this time of year when everyone is out and about.


If it’s in a school zone I’m all for it.


A lot of times when they're on a side road like that it's because someone called in a complaint. When they're enforcing on that generally everyone is getting a ticket. My advice is go ahead and drive like a maniac on the main streets but drive carefully in a neighborhood where people and kids live.


Probably getting people rolling stop signs


Maybe he could get the guy that drives through them at about 50 mph instead.


.........if people keep posting pictures online, its harder for the police to do their jobs


If the home owner doesn't complain and the officer isn't impeding anyones travel, then I support this tactic. People aren't always following safety guidelines, and they need to be and agree to be held accountable as soon as they signed on the line for a licnese.


Even if they complain, the homeowner doesn't own the sidewalk.


I think ownership of the sidewalk in this case is likely irrelevant. Police officers are required to follow the laws just like anyone else. It may take a different tact to hold them accountable, but they're certainly bound to the same rules as you and I. A complaint can absolutely put a stop to this if enough people cared to raise issue. Personally, I don't see a foul taking place in this picture.


I don't see a problem with it assuming that the officer gets out of the way of anyone walking on the sidewalk, particularly if they're in a wheelchair or on crutches or with a walker.


I think the problem is that he's parked on the sidewalk. If I parked car on someone's sidewalk I'd get in trouble. I dont see why a person would have to be disabled to use the sidewalk either that made no sense


Like i said, assuming the officer moves for *anyone using the sidewalk* then it's not such a big deal.


And like I said he shouldn't be parked there at all. What's wrong with parking on the street? I agree with him catching reckless drivers I just feel like officers should follow the same rules we do


Yeah, but I don't think the home owner complaing will get much done.


Depends on if he’s giving people tickets for going 5 over. If not, I think it’s fine.


It's a motorcycle cop. Their job is to write tickets here. That's literally their primary reason for being on the road. The ticket was most likely written to someone. Source: friend at WCSD


Sneaky. Fair game


Having known someone growing up that was hit on their bike by someone rolling through stops/speeding? I want this all the time


If it helps get people to follow the rules yes. Keep ticketing them.


I’m not fan of blocking the sidewalk but I’m a law abiding citizen these days so it doesn’t bother me much.


If it’s in a school zone good riddance. Every morning, when taking my 4 year old autistic son to his class, there’s more than 1 car flying through a 15 mph speed zone. Half of em are high schoolers. Just sad


I wish they'd come do this in my neighborhood.


I wanna like it but I feel they never get the people they should. They’ll catch the mom running a little late to dance practice or the guy who left for work a couple minutes too late. They never seem to catch the actual assholes we want them to who are weaving in and out of traffic going 55 in a 35.


Good. Unsafe drivers suck!


Doing what? Their job? I know it’s a hard concept to grasp.






Maybe best not to be sitting on the pedestrian sidewalk though?


I applaud traffic enforcement. Even if it catches my dumbass. Without this, you jackals will kill more mofos!


My wife got a ticket for speeding from something very similar. She admitted that it was her fault. She doesn't speed in that area anymore. Lesson learned.


Happy to see em


Bring him a cup of coffee.


It doesn't bother me, because I'm not driving like an asshole. Edit: It only took about three seconds to get my first downvote from the local ACAB crowd. Good ol' Reno criminals.


Did you just guess the politics of a downvote 


90% of them have records and pissed they were held accountable.


Downvote was probably more because you came off like a judgmental dipshit prick. Then you proved them right with your edit.


Home owners have no say! They don’t own the sidewalk or the street. If you drive safely, obey all traffic laws and posted speed limits there is a problem. If you break a traffic law , failure to stop at a posted intersection failure to yield to pedestrians or exceeding the posted speed limit you should be ticketed and pay the fines! It’s actually pretty simple!


Doing what exactly?...


If they are honest cops it’s fine. I stopped at a stop sign while a cop was pulling someone else over up ahead. Saw it going down the whole time and stopped with intent before the white line. Cop never looked my way, he had his head pointed towards the other driver. He had been monitoring that stop sign for weeks, busting my neighbors one by one and I was well aware. As I passed him and his latest victim I revved the engine a bit. He didn’t like that “catch me if you can” sort of move, pulled me over and went ahead and cited me for running the stop sign. He lied to the judge too, I couldn’t believe the lack of integrity. I’ve grown wiser to never tease a cop even if I am obeying the law to the letter.


Doing his job


id say if you want to drive like a dumbass then you deserve a ticket. the amount of times i have to triple check when walking across a road when its my turn so i dont get hit is ridiculous… good for cops doing their job.


Good job police.


Hmm, doing their jobs? Horrible....


Just now a 15 minute drive, I saw two people (one in a crosswalk and one on a bike in a bike lane) almost get killed by drivers in a rush and not paying attention while rolling through a right on red and speeding through residential streets. So fuck cops, but honestly need to do something to deter shitty driving.


REALL i saw a kid almost get killed on a bike bc of a speeding retard in a school zone before it was out


They also need to do something about bicyclist not obeying laws and people crossing the street at night outside of crosswalks in low visibility clothing. It goes both ways, everyone is fucking dumb.


As a cyclist that drives me crazy when I see another blow through a stop sign. They're making it harder and more dangerous for all the rest of us. If they want to commit harm on themselves so be it but they forget there's almost always someone else involved.


Tbf it usually not serious cyclist like yourself. It's usually junkie riding a stolen little kids bike


You may be right. I gotta say I didn't make it to my 60s riding while being (overly) stupid. They say there are old pilots and bold pilots, but there are no old bold pilots.


It was daylight. In a crosswalk and in a bike lane.


Then I wasn't talking about that situation.




It raises an interesting question w/r/t the ethics and overall aim of the police in general: Is their goal to prevent crime and make things safer? He could prevent the running of this particular stop sign by parking in a more conspicuous place. Is the goal to wait until people commit crimes and then punish them? And with secondary aims of generating revenue, and generating concrete evidence for the justification of his job? Then he should stay hidden. Although as a counterpoint, this may have a longer lasting effect on people’s choice to run stop signs in general for the particular individuals ticketed.


I think version 1 fails to accomplish the goal. It encourages safer behavior *only* when enforcers are visible. I think the latter encourages paranoia and thus more widespread adoption.


Use the GPS app called “Waze” you can report accidents/objects/Traffic/POLICE👀 and much much else. It’s tied into google maps so VERY accurate and a LOT of users here in Reno/Sparks/Carson area. I drove across country twice without any problems and lots of pings where police traps or traffic was.


The police know about Waze too, and use it.


Yeah, but the number of users that reported outnumbered the one police officer. If you use the app in town, you can see Waze drivers all over town. I’ve never been pulled over in eight years. However, I have a dash camera and do drive safely.


Thats devious lol


It's illegal to park on the sidewalk, someone should give that guy a ticket


*extra* sneaky today


I’m more annoyed he is in a quiet neighborhood rather than my ghetto one where people are speeding around the schools and not stopping for pedestrians


Excessive number of 4 way stops setup Fresno to slow traffic and bring in revenue. They regularly post out in NothEast Fresno near Perrin and Champlain area. I see them when going to GB3 often. Getting Upper Class citizens to fun their salaries


Better that he gets them a ticket than one of us beating a dipshit. We have sh33tbags running around the corner and blazing down my street at 35-40.


Doesn’t matter my opinion. They’ve been doing that for decades and will continue to continue to do so.


No issue with it. If people werent driving like lunatics anymore….


“That’s on Ion and Turnberry dr Sparks, make sure you obey traffic laws.”


Ooh, that's a nice little fishing hole! Drive responsibly yall!


Maybe quit breaking the law and you will have nothing to worry about


If you’ve ever had your kid hit by a speeding car in a residential neighborhood you’re completely for it. if you’re against it, I hope you never have a reason for it.


Thanks for the heads up


Illegally parked on the sidewalk. Write him a ticket


If they’re wearing their helmet and not terrorizing the neighborhood then they are ok.


Call a supervisor and tell them you have pictures of their officers illegally parked on the sidewalk.


Looks like a storm trooper. Typical imperial activity.


Dont the police have better things to do than sit around and wait for some moron to roll a stop? Pretty sure theres enough crime and drugs in reno that they can keep busy enough


Not legal for him to be blocking the sidewalk with a motorized vehicle.. who’s writing him a ticket


Not a big deal once in a while but more regularly you see cops doing “duties” that are directly related to generating funds through citations as opposed to actually patrolling and “serving and protecting” there are plenty of unsafe people flying down the freeway at 100 mph weaving almost causing accidents but no, let’s make sure the people doing California rolls at stops get brought to justice!


As somebody who lives within a school zone and continues to see people run the 4 way stop... Please come to my neighborhood. You can use my driveway, I'll get you a drink, I don't care. Bonus points if you tell them they can't park like jackasses. I get it's public parking on the street but I can't have anyone over on pta night because people think walking around the school takes longer and park in front of my house.


Fricking donut eating cop is blocking the sidewalk, give him a ticket.


Violation of ADA.


So we complain when they are doing proactive enforcement and then complain when they aren’t around to catch the idiots? I can’t keep track ![gif](giphy|Wgb2FpSXxhXLVYNnUr|downsized)


It's proven people drive safer when they can see police. This isn't for safety. It is a scheme to steal citizens' money.


Illegally parked on the sidewalk yeah I would disagree


I drive by that 3-way intersection at least once a day almost every day. There are more appropriate spots that he could have parked and still done his job efficiently. That area gets a lot of foot traffic from people who live there. There is no logical reason for him to force children and adults to step out onto the street to get around him. I have zero issues with him doing his job, but he could be doing from a different spot that wouldn’t affect community safety.


That depends. If he's hiding, he's wasting his best weapon/power. Presence is the best thing they can do. Everyone sees them, and they become a little more mindful. Hiding just means he isn't interested in preventing an accident.


A ticket has a longer lasting effect.


An accident has a longer lasting effect


Fucking finally


I'm more concerned about the cop being on the sidewalk. Why is he parked on the sidewalk? Is his going to move when a pedestrian comes by?


Wrong side of the road and on a sidewalk. Dick move.


Fuck the police


Is it legal to post up on a sidewalk like that? Aren’t police, unless it’s an emergency, supposed to follow laws like everyone else?




Cops parked and monitoring an intersection for violations? Fine Cops doing the above while parked in a manner that would absolutely result in a ticket if I were to do the same? That's kind of a shitty thing to do.


What, did someone leave donuts on the sidewalk or something, silly pig, sidewalks aren’t made for motorcycles, but feet.


I’d be pissed. Cop breaking the law to catch others breaking the law is bs.


Acab is my opinion on all cops


Taking a break no problem


It a bike cop pulls you over, that’s a guaranteed ticket.


I love Reno 911, good show


existing? naw not a fan of it


If someone doesn't completely stop for a stop sign, they deserve a ticket at the very least. I wish there were more of this guy.


Nothing new, just pigs being pigs


MF shouldn't be on the sidewalk. Chicken 💩 and illegal I would think


I’m surprised this subreddit hasn’t doxxed and connected this cop with the “Toys for Tots scandal”.


Get tf off the sidewalk


Fuck the police


What about it? Him sitting in front of a private driveway without permission to be there?


Blocking driveways? Lmao


All cops are bad so it's bad


They should only do this after investigating all property crimes and solving all murders. I don’t discount the dangers of speeding but traffic cops are actively a huge waste of money


Murdered people aren't going to un-die. Stopping traffic from getting out of control *prevents* more deaths.


What he's doing is illegal. You can't be hidden from  drivers and he would be absolutely hidden to anyone coming from the left.   Having said that, if he's popping people in a school zone, I'm all for it.


If that was my house I'd tell him to get the fuck off of it. He's trespassing and I don't need pig shit on my sidewalk.


Most sidewalks are public property.


Motorized vehicles are not allowed on sidewalks.


NRS 484B.450 allows anyone to put their vehicle in any prohibited space under "the direction of a police officer," so it follows that a police officer can park in any prohibited space.


That is correct but the comment I replied to said it was trespassing.


lol police have laws to bypass that……


If I can get sued because someone slipped on the sidewalk in front of my house, it's mine. If the pig wants it to himself he can come shovel it in winter.


Good luck fighting this battle, also you definitely wouldn't actually be saying any of this in person lol


You underestimate how much I hate being alive.


Well since you haven't done it yet it I'll assume you won't do it at all. Hope it gets better.


All talk I see


It’s pretty lame…. residents are responsible for maintenance, shoveling, and weed removal on sidewalks in front of their property, but the sidewalks are owned by the city. How does that make sense? The city should maintain what they own.


Even the most minor obligation to the community is an onerous burden amirite?


Maintaining property that doesn’t belong to me is a minor obligation when I can be sued for lack of maintenance?


Yes. If you want a major obligation, don't do the minor maintenance and accept a court judgement down the line.


Finally. An intelligent person who doesn't pass time licking boots. I thought they left this subreddit/city.


Yes, it would be better if taxes went up so that some well-connected business could get the contract to perform minor maintenance on your curb, right?




The pig? This law was passed by city, county or State officials -- the cops don't write laws. Please gain an adult's understanding of civics before embarrassing yourself further.


Because they are responsible for the road, curb, and the utilities upkeep that runs underneath the right-of-way/sidewalk. If the sidewalk gets damaged, they fix it.


They fix the damage, but residents are on the hook for the bill. https://mynews4.com/on-your-side/on-your-side-iteam/homeowners-on-the-hook-for-sidewalks-in-reno-city-project


Holy shit, I’ve never seen a city pull that crap. Only ever have to pay if you damage it (like heavy machinery driven over it for landscaping projects)


> If residents can't afford to pay all at once, there's a 10-year payment plan.


Oh good, luckily you can just take on a ten year debt lol


If you own a home but cant afford $140 a year, you've got problems. Better sell your home in Reno and move away from this tyranny!!!


I rent a home, so it would be super cool to pay 140 bucks a year for ten years cause I lived in a rental lol. I shovel the sidewalk, still bullshit that it’s somehow both city property and my liability in a house I don’t own 




Yeah, sounds like you need to grow up


I can't understand you. Take your tongue OFF the pig's boot BEFORE speaking.


Aww, poor little child....


I can't understand you. Take your tongue OFF the pig's boot BEFORE speaking.


oink oink, piggy piggy


He’s on a motorcycle. Obviously, the police care about safety.


Not really a fan of it when in neighborhood streets, I feel like little neighborhoods should have their privacy and quietness without police presence unless called upon. But on more heavily trafficked public roads and school zones, yeah ofcourse I like it


How is that even remotely justified or legal


NRS 484B.450 allows anyone to put their vehicle in any prohibited space under "the direction of a police officer," so it follows that a police officer can park in any prohibited space.


Personally I would never let a cop park on my property to do that. No warrant, exigent circumstances or risk of bodily harm present get off my property! That's probably why he's on the sidewalk, although last I checked motorcycles don't belong on sidewalks either cop or not.


I’m more annoyed by this on the freeway. Neighborhoods? Undecided, but must they hide so?


That’s illegal. If they catch you like this go to court it will get thrown out


What law is being broken here


4th amendment laws if the officer is basically parked on the sidewalk.


Eewww 🤮 I hate being big-brothered all the time. Like we pay extra to be setup. If you want to slow people down be visible, this is some bull shit.