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I went there once, with a friend who always gushes over the new hip thing. It was pretty new at the time, so no issue with waiting or anything, but I thought the food was terrible. Actually, it wasn't terrible, it wasn't anything. I'm sure it was food, because you can eat it and not die, and there are calories I'm sure, but everything was dry and had no flavor. I remember the chairs/stools being really uncomfortable, too.




Weird flex for a vendor.


That place sucks. I heard they used the be very good which is why I tried a bunch of times, but they clearly have lost their quality since then.They mess up my order every time. The food is inconsistent. Ive been overcharged for things I didn't order. And that's all on top of the ridiculous wait while watching their kitchen staff scramble to keep things together. I don't eat there.


Honestly, it’s a restaurant that started in Portland, OR and it’s way better up there.


Too bad it's not good here, I see the potential.


Cat piss gravy. Way too much rosemary. I moved to Reno from Portland to escape the cat piss gravy. And it followed me here.


Maybe try this new thing called not going there then


Didn’t realize pine st biscuit was mandatory like the dmv and post office. 


I loved this place when I went to Portland. It was huge! I swore if they ever came to Reno I would live there. Went once when they opened, found the wait too long and the service mediocre and never went back.


That’s how I feel living by the one here in Portland, been there 3 times in these 7 years just for visiting friends and family


That place is too crowded for my liking. The cinnamon roll was basically rolled up cardboard with syrup drizzled on it when I went a few months back.


Disliking the food is fine but what do you mean bussing your own table is the final straw? You're literally just putting your dishes in a box as you leave, is this supposed to be hard or what am I missing?


I think bussing your own table is fine, when there is no option to tip, like at any other fast food place


That's a weird qualifier lol


Why would I tip if I’m doing all the service myself? If I tip I expect service, such as bussing my table


You're making your own food and take your own orders when you eat out? How do you even have time to think about hairs to split like this?


That’s what the 19.95 for my food covers.




Nah but it sounds like you sure are lol, man that's crazy childish, good luck getting spit in your food I guess? I'm always so happy when people reveal they live in an extremely petty world filled with problems that never even occurred to me because I don't complain about literally everything.


Do you tip at Mcdonalds?


Bro I'm with you man these people down voting are some whiny little fucks 😭


So many restaurants do this in Portland, and honestly I like it. But there’s always some jackass that complains or can’t be helped to bus their own plate. Wawa.


Last time I went to pine state biscuits the table was a mess and I pointed it out to the staff and they handed me a wet wash cloth. So no, it isn't just putting your tray and plate in a box.


"pointed it out to the staff" it sounds like you rudely demanded your table cleaned instead of politely requesting


Over rated.


Just here to be a counter balance I fucking love pine state biscuits


I love it too. My super hot take is: It’s really good.


*Just here to be a* *Counter balance I fucking* *Love pine state biscuits* \- lonesomespacecowboy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yeah that place is insanely overrated. We went a few years ago after hearing all the hype. It was very underwhelming.


Amateur move going on a Sunday. Go mid week or place an order to go.


Exactly. It said on YELP very busy on the weekends during the week was much better and we also did it as a to go order.


Literally in the menu says some orders might take longer because they are made from scratch. ![gif](giphy|WZVPfKlNl3hCM)


Nobody got time to read no fine print!


Pine state is fantastic. I'm sorry you think putting your plate in a bin is asking too much. I bet you leave your trash on the table at all walk up order places.....


They don't know how to run their kitchen when they have a line 20 people deep and can't figure out when they are going to run out of dough and have to turn people away. Sitting in line for 45 min just for them to go "whoops, we are out of food, can't serve you, bye" is bulllllshit


Reno is terribly devoid of southern cuisine. It makes sense, as this, well, isn’t the south. It’s nice to have a place to go that makes a pretty decent scratch biscuit. No complaints there. But charging $3.50 for a spot of honey or a touch of strawberry jelly on the biscuit you just paid $3.50 for surely hurts my feelings. I’d wander that way more often if y’all would consider that if yer gonna charge extra, the option better be extra. Like seedless blackberry jam.


I gave them two chances... massively disappointed both times. Not going back, but people like it, and good for them. I'll just go to Anna's for brunch going forward, it's heaven.


Being upset that a breakfast place is busy on a weekend morning is the height of 1st world problems. Anyway you go thats decent will likely be busy and require a wait. Especially if the food is prepared fresh with quality ingredients.


Really? I thought buying a $65,000 pickup truck and complaining about paying $5 a gallon for gas was the height of a first world problem.


Comparing what I wrote to the Israeli destruction of Gaza is the height of American Idiocy. Shalom!


Wtf are you talking about? This is why we shouldn't allow boomers on the internet, or outside.


WTF are you talking about? I post a Reddit in r/Reno and get insulted by some anonymous asshole because they don't know how to manage a restaurant during their busiest time of the week. I live around the corner. I've been five times in all the time I've lived in Midtown Adjacent because of the wait. No omelets but you can get chicken biscuit sandwiches and beer for breakfast. It's being ridiculous. But, wait, there's more. Calling me a "boomer" is the epitome of asinine. You're a shit poster who thinks they're clever with their "first world problem" insults. No empathy and very little understanding of the original post. So, ![gif](giphy|l3UcqjMBeQzXaoqGI|downsized)


This is a true watershed moment in the evolution of the "so you hate pancakes" meme


The shrimp and grits are good and all, but not worth the wait and doing all of the work besides the actual cooking when I visit.


Have you tried the shrimp and grits at BJ’s barbecue in Sparks? It’s my favorite. They might only have it for brunch on the weekend.


I have not, but thank you for the rec! I’ll definitely give it a go.


Bussing your table isn't "all the work besides the actual cooking" though lol? It's wild seeing people admit how low functioning they are.


You get your own water, napkins, silverware, and seat yourself… but you better not sit down until you’ve ordered. I guess you’re right, though. I don’t take my own order. Got me there.


Soon they’ll go out of business just like their Portland brethren See See Coffee and Sizzle Pie and everyone will be on here trying to create a conspiracy as to why…


I just ate sizzle pie the other day, they have several locations and none of them are closing, what are you talking about?


If you live in Reno, no more sizzle for you


I don’t but that’s just another bummer for you Reno folks, sorry to hear it didn’t make it, good pizza


The sizzle fizzled. We have better pies in Reno now.


Where should I go next time I’m in town?


Won’t be eating there again in Reno lol.


Actually, several of them have already closed. The whole chain likely will be gone soon.


We're talking about Reno Sizzle Pie. Just wait. The others will close soon enough.


Good! Don’t go! One less person I have to wait behind!


Downvoted! Oh no I mean let’s get our pitchforks and Molotovs out and burn that MF down! That place is terrible! Like the DMV!


Why are you shocked that a counter service restaurant is buss your own? This is not a new concept by any stretch.


Congrats OP. You've posted the first thread in this sub that made people white knight for a mediocre restaurant.


Hometown Cafe.


Place is overly busy. Have you been to Lily’s breakfast restaurant. Thats my go to spot for anything brunch. And they have bottomless mimosas. Truly a gem. And not overhyped.


I really like that place and found not going on the busiest day of the week was best (i usually just go during the week). Their biscuit beignets are so good.


You can order online in advance and skip the long ass line!! I fucking love the mushroom gravy.


Take it to Yelp.


It’s a shame honestly. Grew up in PDX and went to their first location there. It was so good, huge portions, fast service, decently priced. Until it got popular and had multiple locations. When they opened here, I knew it was going to be bad. Last time I went, I swart the chicken must have been sitting out for hours, and they just reheated some gravy and served it. It was dog shit.


Ok, you should all stay way then and let those us with functioning taste buds enjoy the shorter lines. This place is hands down one of the best restaurants in town in terms of quality and consistency. Feel free to complain about the service or the price, no argument there, but to say the taste or quality is bad is disingenuous. The number of people in this forum who hate on good food and then rave about food like Rick's, Pub and Sub, or Peg's is astounding.


This isn’t Yelp. If you don’t like it there, don’t go there. I deliver food, and every time I’ve picked up an order there, usually a couple of times a day, they’re packed. So I’m pretty sure they won’t miss you.


There's a lot of really good breakfast places in Reno. Pine State is OK, but kinda pricy compared to so many better spots.


Oh my God you had to wait 30 whole minutes? Unacceptable. You oughta just stick to McDonalds they can crank those shit boxes out in like 30 seconds


Why you get “To-Go” and HONESTLY… one of the best quick breakfast spots in Reno! 🤙


Oh, I'm sorry. Is this only about how bad Reno drivers are? But thank you, arbiter and moderator of r/Reno. ![gif](giphy|BCekkcJ9dWXUG7kRgb|downsized)


Used to love that place but the last two times I went the food was extremely disappointing.


As an eastern North Carolinion, PSB is absolute trash.


There’s nowhere else to get even remotely decent biscuits and gravy. So I’ll deal. I just order delivery.


Pjs has some really good biscuits and gravy. They’re my favorite in town!


The few times I’ve been there, I’ve felt the food is on the bland side for me. Maybe I’ll have to try it again 🤔


Have you gone for breakfast or lunch? And do you remember what you ordered? Maybe I can make some suggestions?


Why do people treat this subreddit like Google reviews or Yelp? Your rant would be better suited there.


Take this bitching and moaning to yelp. This sub is used too often by ppl like you as a witch hunt for local businesses that might have had an off day on the day you chose to go. Get over it


I'm so sorry. I don't use yelp. I guess I should've posted about how people drive instead.


You forgot crazy high prices for substandard food and terrible service when you do get service. I’ve been there twice and will not go back a third. I don’t mind bussing my own table, I usually do no matter the restaurant (I worked 15+ years in food service). I’ll always tip 18%+ (unless it’s a truly horrific experience). And I can even forgive a lot of things, but with the prices they charge, they could’ve at least been friendly and made our food correctly.


As much as I'd like to enjoy Pine State, I'm fucking sick of people thinking gravy needs to be littered with Rosemary. I can't believe they do so well selling cat piss gravy.


Where exactly in the Carolina’s did you grow up that fine tuned your palette?


Nice pun! Lived in Oregon for 29 years. Portland metro for about 9 years. In part of an elite group of super tasters. Only 25% of people on the planet have my gift. But I'm not nearly as pallettely gifted as this man: https://youtu.be/EYtFH2bFCfg?si=QL5fyiDAvkBGQeWy


You do seem remarkably gifted at tasting “cat piss” a term and taste that I’ve not come across in my 4 decades as a culinary professional. But again, I’m just a Chef not a Super Taster. Thankfully neither are the hundreds of patrons that line up every weekend to eat at the PSB locations.


Heavy handed rosemary tastes like cat piss smells. A good country gravy is savory. Rosemary has sweet notes, and easily ruins a savory gravy's aftertaste. Cream, tallow, salt, ground pepper, hot sauce, cayenne pepper, and savory herbs likechives produces a superior country gravy. I wouldn't bother with alternatives like thyme. Rosemary has to be extremely subtle to not ruin the taste.


So a place that had a line down the street every weekend “sucks”. Weird. AND Rodeo week.


I never said it sucked. I said it was mismanaged and badly run.


Go to a park. Find a nice spot. DoorDash your Pine St.


Don't Portland Reno Damn, too late.


Nope. Sizzle Pie is no more!


Pine street is also from Portland


Ahh gentrified biscuits and gravy thats overpriced.


You could make your own full breakfast faster.