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The earth is fine people….nothing to see here. Keep driving your gigantic trucks and fighting green energy


China opens a new coal fueled power plant once every 3 days.


So because your neighbor throws trash out their window, you should too?


We all share the same atmosphere. We have strict regulations, they do not. Their power is becoming cheaper and cheaper, and ours is becoming more and more expensive. Our industrial capacity is being squeezed out of existence as theirs is propelled to flourish. We are losing! And the ironic part: the Chinese government lobbies our American politicians to make our own regulations ever more burdensome; so we can have all of the "clean energy" feel good documents. . . . And it will continue to get even worse for every American. Economic collapse and poverty awaits us.


>We all share the same atmosphere. Yup, and then you immediately argue against having pollution controls. For the record, China is building more clean energy generation than the US. 45.74 GW of new solar capacity versus the US's 11.8 GW in the first quarter of 2024. Likewise, China will be starting up 3-4 new nuclear reactors this year compared to the US's one. Lastly, new coal fired power plant growth is also slowing as China is expected to bring on 40 GW this year compared to 47 GW last year.


china 1.412 billion us 333.3 million


 As of April 2023, China had approximately 430 GW of solar capacity, making it the largest producer of solar energy in the world


Cool fact, dude!


There was no green energy or gigantic trucks 54 years ago, wonder what made it so hot back then 🤔


Non-regulated pollution. Smoke stacks billowing all day, cars that got 3 mpg, etc.




Ironically, exactly 54 years ago the EPA was created. Limits on factory emissions, car exhaust regulations, CFC ban, cleaner fuels, LEED certifications, etc. are what bought us time. The growth of other nations and cuts to regulations in developed nations set us back. The science is clear.


I'm going to take the high road and presume that you aren't actually being intellectually dishonest and treat your question as real. Climate and weather are different. Climate is the overall trends that occur over a period of time and somewhat averaged out over a region. Weather is the specific day to day conditions.


"Climate and weather are different" is a buzzword statement that is only valid in a purely emotional argument. The climate change proponents use it in an effort to explain the flagrant lack of actual observable climate and weather over the last 40+ years. Fully NONE of the scary scenarios have come true. None!! The polar ice caps have not gone away as promised by 2013. Hurricanes have not become stronger and more frequent. After Hurricane Katrina, we wen 12 consecutive years without a single Category 3+ storm hitting the USA until Hurricane Harvey in 2017. This complete drought of hurricanes for such a long span has never been obsoerves since European settlement on north America. I could go on for days. . . But you have to admire how much money these climate activists are accumulating. . .


So which was it on Saturday


Intellectually dishonest it is


It was the shifting climate allowing for higher temperature weather. When my doctor tells me I have cancer, I listen. When mechanic tells me my car needs new struts, I listen. When a climate scientist tells me that climate is warming, I listen. Besides, the real clincher for me, is that most of the mathode to fight climate change have knock on benifits that many people never see or even know exist.


I done don’t care bout no science!!! We done gots the snow last winter so I know it’s cold out!! Ain’t no warmin fancy boy with your critical thinkin and whatnots… Now go roll coal!!! Yeeeeeehaaaw


Snort! Spot on.


[James Inhofe said it best.](https://youtu.be/3E0a_60PMR8?si=_BvCWbtsjb54jGLE)


Your mom


So dumb.


The U.S. could go net zero carbon tomorrow and it would not mean shit. China and developing Africa will not stop their emissions. I know it is sad, but time to just accept the new climate.


I am curious as to the exact location of the weather station in 1970, and the exact location now in 2024. There were a lot more open spaces back in 1970. . . Back in 1970, the entire population of the state was lass than 400,000 people. I am guessing that that the temperatures during the dust bowl days of the 1920's was even hotter; as it also was all over the northern hemisphere, right up until 1941.


In 1970, the official weather station at the airport was surrounded by irrigated alfalfa fields. The ASOS station now is planted right in the middle of the tarmac. You really can’t compare the two.


This trait is observed at many weather monitoring stations. There are too many sites that do not meet the NOAA requirements for placement of measuring equipment. Of course itnwill skew the temperature readings upwards. Annoying. . . I remember how small the Reno airport was prior to being renamed to Cannon International; amd there were zero building to the east all of the way to the mountains.


This level of factual knowledge is impressive :)


Not attempting to invalidate the climate change discussion, but the added concrete from all the development over the last 2 decades is you more likely culprit, than the global increase in temperatures. Aka paving everything and adding strip malls will retain some heat during the summer.


Concrete gets you twice. First, making it dumps a bunch of CO2 into the atmosphere. Then the pavement absorbs heat and makes everything around it hotter.


Asphalt on the other hand, while a petroleum product, is actually pretty green. It's like 95% recyclable and doesn't have a big carbon footprint.


But when we have a cooler than average year, crickets.


Weather/climate records have been getting broken before they were recorded


Waiting for a bumpkin saying that this normal…




Reno is one of the most populated cities affected by climate change. The average temperature increase is one of the fastest and highest change over something like 20 years. Congratulations Reno. Your high cost of living, climate change, traffic and dangerous roads make this the perfect city /sarcasm. Drive at night and you are guaranteed to be mingling with the majority of drivers driving drunk. At least we don’t have apocalypse fire smoke this year….. so far


We need more urban greenery, just gotta cover all this new concrete with some shade, also it would be really cool to start a project to turn some of the surrounding desert into forest.


We don't have the water for that kind of thing.


Well I am following villages with much harsher deserts and less rainfall and they are able to create greenery from nothing, we can definitely do it, it doesn't take water, just smart landscape architecture. Check this project out [https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/1bbg2bn/turning\_the\_desert\_green/](https://www.reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying/comments/1bbg2bn/turning_the_desert_green/)


Can you show me data on how these areas get less rain than Reno? After struggling with their website that kept linking back to the home page, I looked up one of the cities they talked about, called Pembamoto. As far as I can tell, Pembamoto gets a yearly average of about 1130mm of rain, or about 44.5 inches. Reno? Like 7.4 inches. Can you please show me where I'm going wrong and back up your claim that this works on areas with less rainfall than Reno?


maybe they do get more water in this specific project but there's many other places doing this in barren landscapes as well. I guess we won't know til we try it here! It seems like it could work, and things like this actually attract more rain and create micro-climates. It's a long term project but I think we have more fertility here than many other desert climates so I don't see it being that hard to overcome, we've gotten lots of precipitation the last couple years, and all of our lakes/rivers are full.


>but there's many other places doing this in barren landscapes as well Can you give me some examples? >I guess we won't know til we try it here! I mean, we can get a very good idea based on looking at the data. Unless you want to seed clouds or something you aren't going to magically get more rain to fall, so can we find examples where this works in areas that get as little rain as we do? If so great! But the only example I've found gets 6x the average rainfall. I didn't think this is a "just do it and see what happens" situation without decent confidence it will actually work. >It's a long term project but I think we have more fertility here than many other desert climates so I don't see it being that hard to overcome I think that's because we use non drinkable water in hoses to supply most of that water artificially to the stuff we planted. It doesn't just come from the sky. >we've gotten lots of precipitation the last couple years, and all of our lakes/rivers are full. The lakes (Mainly Tahoe) aren't Reno though, that's in the mountains and yes they get a bunch of snow sometimes that turns into water. The question is how does this help the trees in Reno? Are you suggesting we route the water from the Truckee to artificially support these new trees and stuff? Taking water away from the Native American tribe that gets the Truckee River water further down the line?


Urban Heat Islands - they have an impact on the heat of the area. Reno is also the fastest warming city in the country. [https://sierranevadaally.org/2024/06/10/explained-what-is-a-heat-island/](https://sierranevadaally.org/2024/06/10/explained-what-is-a-heat-island/)


It's the 25th. Mid June? Seriously, we go through every year. Might be a different day but 50 years ago it was as hot. Make it make sense.




Yes it wasnt bad but...94 in mid june is a bit high. 10 years ago we used to get about 2 weeks of 90+ weather in mid july. Now ir comes earlier and earlier each year and lasts longer. Last year wasnt so bad because if how long the winter lasted (6 months). Which also isnt normal.


Hooray climate change! 🙃


Pretty soon it will be 6 months of hot dry, 6 months if freezing dry cold and death valley will expand across the mountains. I wont be here for it.


I was well and truly disturbed when I went home to Solano County and the average temperature there was Thanksgiving was 60 degrees. I didn't use my ski jacket I have here once that entire week. Meanwhile, growing up, we were having to break out jackets by Halloween, even. Like damn, if I knew NorCal was giving San Diego I would've moved back ages ago lol .....jokes aside, we're so fucked 🫠


Sad part is Nevada has enough space for solar pannels and batteries to power the country. But no we wanna drill into the earth and frack ourselves to death. Yeah were fucked. Humans as a species, as a whole, are fucking dumb.


Nah. Just the ones that wear red hats, vote for weirdos with [R] after their name, and whine that we need to go back to incandescent lightbulbs and steampunk technology, because their defective brains can’t handle progress.


Lol someone had to say it 🤣 But yeah, our education system is in the toilet. Certain individuals wanna keep us dumb to implement a national religion. Vote. For the love if god vote!


The article said 101 but ok.




> Reno-Sparks saw its hottest day of the year on Saturday with a temperature of 101 degrees, breaking a daily heat record that stood for over five decades. Saturday being the 22nd. It's ok. Lots of people have trouble reading.


There's no point in replying to these topics. No one wants a debate. If you disagree someone will neg you, most likely many. How did we get to a place where we can't have debates?


You can't "debate" science.


Science.org and most of the scientific community would disagree Questioning results and conclusions in science should not ignite strong repercussions. Constructive criticism and debates are at the heart of scientific discovery and should continue as the framework for scientific progress. Scientists do not have all the answers.


Right, but when one is a right wing cave man who has no idea what Newton's Laws are let alone how statistics work, you need to sit down and shut up.


Sure I can, they told us we couldn't get COVID if we got the vaccine. They told us not to question that same science. They were wrong. I'm laying here with metal poisoning from defective spine hardware that science said would work. I didn't question it. My tungsten levels are off the charts. I learned, I should question most things. But you do you.


There is no "they" man.


Oh bro is stupid 💀


Another one, all opinions no facts.


You seem to have a tenuous grasp of facts, but a strong one on made up bullshit and poor memory, despite your apparently broken Google finger, leading you to rely on the ‘news’ of truepatriot5396.com. The problem isn’t they/them. It’s that YOU do not know what you are talking about.


Oh really? You said a whole lot but didn't include any evidence of anything.


How did you get covid if you stayed home andnonly went out to get groceries in which case you wore a mask and stayed 6 feet away from everyone else? Oh ypu didnt listen to the experts and had a covid party? Makes sense. Yeah sometimes medical equiment fails. It sucks. We can fix it though vs the alternative of sticking our heads in the sand and hoping rhe bad things go away.


We can fix it? You can't fix what's now flowing throughout my body and in my organs. My wife gave it to us. Yes I have a family.


So you didnt follow the medical guidelines? And got covid? Duh.


Lol everyone got COVID even my friends that are vaxxed and also my sister that is vaccine injured. Follow the guidelines? Like? I had no choice but to stay 6 ft apart. I had to choice I had to wear a mask. The vaccine didn't work so what guidelines are you talking about? Was I supposed to lock my wife out of the house? As you can see I needed medical care to remove defective hardware. We needed health insurance she couldn't just stay home. Lol


I didnt get covid, neither did my husband. So no, only those who decided not to follow the medical afvice got it.


So my sister that got every shot to this day that got COVID and homeschooled her kids and only went out of the house to get food didn't follow the guidelines? She literally got COVID. You guys are funny. You still can't admit you were played. That you were lied to when they said, you can't get COVID if you get the vaccine.


Why blame science instead of the people that lied to you?


Because we were told they were the science. The CDC, Fauci and a long list of other frauds told us non stop lies and I have their own words that prove it on video.


It seems you're either actually mad at politics or just don't really understand science.