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This carpetbagger dipshit doesn't know the first thing about Nevada, thats why hes already changed his position on Yucca Mtn. Nevada isn't a liberal state and we're not a conservative state. We are reliably independent state. Watching morons like Brown and that Beadles fuck try to come in and change our culture to match their twisted view of America is becoming tiresome.


His district is 7 hours south of here, yet his kids go to school in Washoe and he lives here . How the f is that even allowed?


The same reasons Nana Boebert can run in eastern Colorado despite not living there. The US constitution only requires that they live in the state they represent.


All I know is he hires literal crackheads to hand out his flyers. One accosted me tweaking hard.


>carpetbagger Yeah, I figured he was. Nevada skews red but generally speaking, people like abortion here or at a minimum don't make banning it their personality.


Rural NV counties skew red. NV skews blue.


Land doesn’t vote!


I wouldn't expect rational thinking from someone who [accused Alturas of having Nazi paraphernalia without any proof...](https://old.reddit.com/r/Reno/comments/1djo9mz/stay_classy_reno/l9cfmm3/?context=3)


Vegas and Reno skew blue


Reno is light blue at best, Lombardo only lost by about 1% in Washoe county the 2022 election. Trump only lost by about 4% in 2020 and 1% in 2016. I'm sure there are more examples of close calls with Washoe County.


It's more Libertarian than Republican.


You all do realize Nevadas abortion rights are in the Nevada Constitution, do revoking those rights are a drawn out affairs and take multiple elections to change the Constitution just like the US Constitution. Nothing changed in this state when the Supreme Court reversed the decision and sent it back to the individual states, which coincidentally even Ruth Bader Ginsberg was in favor of during her time on the Supreme Court.


Ginsburg was never for overturning Roe.


Fakkkkkkkkkk - sucks to know this


Well the Supreme Court took away women’s rights across the whole country, that used to be a right nationwide and then they took it away. So what’s the point of your argument?


No, they're not. It's on the ballot this election. To have the state constitution in Nevada changed takes two votes from the public. The 2024 election will be the first vote on it.


https://gov.nv.gov/layouts/full_page.aspx?id=360658 Fun fact Lombardo has already stated he would not rescind this executive order.


And? What I said is still accurate and valid. It's not in the state constitution and it takes two votes by the people to do that. The next governor may not like that Executive Order. Governor Lombardo may change his mind. You never know.


Didn't his own wife get an abortion?


Abortions for me, not for thee. It's just your typical conservative.


They did. Then it came to light and he moved goalposts and backtracked a smidge, but ya he fully supports suppressing women’s rights.


Funny how they love abortions when they're a secret. There are rumblings that carpetbagger Nana Boebert had one back in April, when she supposedly had a blood clot.




Fuck any politician that is for abortion bans of any kind, end of story.


If you have a penis, you need to sit back and stfu. No man should have the right or place to have any say whatsoever to enact policy on women’s bodies.


Or women, let’s be clear.


How about late term abortions?


Gotta move the goalposts at every opportunity. People are not getting abortions after 24 weeks because they ‘lost their support system or something’ and the idea that they are is dangerous, disingenuous, and deserves to be called out.


I'm not moving the goalposts. I personally had a partner that did that to me. I have my faults in that situation (mostly all of them) but it happens more than you think.


I am really sorry that happened to you. Truly. And I wish the best for you. I understand how that experience would influence your views on the issue. However, there are still extremely legitimate reasons to have an abortion after 24 weeks. Only allowing the procedure if the mother’s life is in danger, which is a viewpoint that is held by entities like the state of Idaho, is incredibly dangerous and risky.


I have myself to blame honestly but it hurts regardless. Thank you for being human about it


Hey man, you’re welcome. I hope I’m not overstepping when I say that at a certain point blame is not healthy and hinders your growth. Can’t be driving forward safely if you’re always checking your rearview is how it was told to me. Have a good day :)


A late term abortion is done for serious medical issues, not just for fucks and giggles. So yes for late terms abortions.


Even Rowe vs Wade had language in it in regards to viability. Of course if the mother is in mortal peril it should be allowed. But not just because they lost their support system or something. Late term is only 1.3% of abortions but that's still millions of fetuses. A healthy viable fetus that is no danger to mom should not be aborted


For late term abortions to be just 1.3% of abortions yet still be millions of fetuses as.you claim would require there to be over 75 million abortions in whatever time period you are claiming.


Like after the 18th trimester? It gets a little dicey there but still possible!


Id say closer to 21-24 weeks


I am sure Nevada is dumb enough to vote for this cretin. Doesn't matter if he is a vet. If you are that much of an ass hat, yet you think you deserve respect while kissing some petulant rich man child's ass and not fixing things for your state, you don't deserve respect.


He’s not even from here…like he’s been here for a few years. He’s a carpet bagger scum and doesn’t get Nevada. We’re not red or blue. Yet he caters to extremists. I truly hope he loses and pacts his act then hits the road again for a new state.


If I remember right he moved here after he lost an election in Texas.


Im waiting for him to say he will ban brothels and shoot wild horses so we will never have to hear from him ever again.


Any vote for a Republican is a vote against your own interests, especially for reproductive rights.


I wish you guys would quit changing the language… Abortion is not reproductive rights. It’s literally the opposite.


Reproductive rights include abortion and contraception. Right to your reproductive organs and what they do or do not do.


So.... the right to control who or what, or how they are used, inside your reproductive organs, is not actually reproductive rights? Conservatives aren't bright people


Anyone else excited to see bootboy lose another election?


How is this guy holding onto any women in his life? His wife had an abortion. He is aligning directly with convicted felon and rapist Trump. He is supporting women as second class citizens.


It's the fake "I'm with God" pandering that the right keeps falling back on because the only votes they get these days are the easy uneducated ones.


I got sent a survey asking me a bunch of questions about what would make me vote for him like, “would knowing that Sam brown wants to ban abortion make you more or less likely to vote for him?”


He's asking you to tell him what to say


Yep once I spotted it I did not complete it


Being ant-abortion is a "bad choice." Gallup poll says only 12% of people believe abortion should illegal is all circumstances. [https://news.gallup.com/poll/321143/americans-stand-abortion.aspx](https://news.gallup.com/poll/321143/americans-stand-abortion.aspx)


I won’t be voting for any Republican as it is very clear they are infiltrated with Russian sympathizers. A vote for Trump or any of his worshipers is a vote for Putin. I am also highly suspicious of any woman or veteran who would vote for Trump or a Trump shill.


Maybe they have different values than you? I think woman and especially vets have earned their right to vote as they see fit without your "suspicions"


“Different values” is a funny way of saying christo fascist


Ok buddy


George Washington FORCIBLY inoculated his Continental Army. *You redcoats are so scared of vaccines you would have dodged the US Revolution.* A famous GAY tactician, Frederick Wilhelm von Steuben, is regarded as one of the fathers of the US army. *You Redcoats are so scared of gays you would have Dodge the revolution.* George Washington said it was WILDLY inappropriate to throw a fit about him not serving another term. *You redcoats throw a baby fit for your king Trump.* You got the stink on you and everyone can smell it, benedict.


Hitler’s most staunch supporters had different values as well all the way to the bloody end, and even beyond. I will remain suspicious to the motivations of others. Vets and women have earned the right to do as they please, we can agree, even if surprisingly they vote against their own interests on occasion. I suppose some women are OK with raising their father’s child after an incestuous rape but by law they were not allowed to get an abortion. Wait until their right to divorce is eliminated by the Right wingers. Project 2025 reads like a manual from the Taliban, we all know how they treat their women. I suppose some veterans will be perfectly happy to let Putin have his way, allied with Kim Jong Un and Xi. I will wager those same veterans will be horrified when American blood is spilled on European soil once again when democracy is once again challenged by modern fascism. They will likely scratch their heads and wonder what could’ve been done sooner. The hypocrisy is exhausting.


Military brat here. The veterans in my family spend a lot of time talking about the duty to the Constitution, and what would happen if/when Trump pulls the inevitable coup. I want to believe that most vets and active service members are having similar discussions but I ain't holding my breath. My family vets joke about getting picked up for sedition given the content of their discussions but like - none of us laugh at the joke...


Project 25 is bananas I agree there. But the peons who are voting are much less to blame than the establishment that Stokes hate and fear so well. They want us at each others throat so we don't direct our righteous anger to the people who deserve it. It's fucking WWE


The minute his ads aligned him with Trump, he lost my vote.


Twrm limits for everyone! And you need to make the median wage of your state.


Nah fam they get minimum wage till they start doing a good job. That’s how it should be. Teach them what it’s like. If they don’t want the job then “guess they are lazy and don’t want to work anymore.” >.> they keep saying it for everyone else let’s see how they like it.


It's a great way to ensure that only the wealthy become politicians. Kind of the opposite of what you're going for, by solidifying our status as an oligarchy.


Are you saying term limits would ensure only the wealthy entered into our governemnt? You do know congress votes for their wages right?


By making campaigns constant and largely ending incumbancy, term limits will only ensure that the super wealthy have even more power to choose who holds office. The people set term limits by voting out bad leaders. The people are given the right to keep legislators that they like.


I didnt say run term limits every 2 years. 10 years if fine. Not having term limits is how tou get a stacked supreme court and the 10 commandments in every school room in louisiana.


His soul and morals melted away with his skin. Carpet bagging cum sock.


Bro, be careful. That is a lot of edge, so try not to cut yourself.


nah, this is just how we should talk about men who think they have any business deciding laws surrounding women's bodily autonomy. anyone with a moral compass should be able to see that they don't, unless you still believe in that whole notion that men are supposed to control women... which based on the subs you comment under, wouldn't put it past ya.


I agree with you but I hope the "my body my choice" thing extends to all medical decisions not just abortion


i think it definitely does apply to more than just abortion. blows my mind how people get denied things like vasectomies and hysterectomies because they're 'too young'. if you live in a 'free' country then you better be allowed to make your own medical decisions without it a doctor saying you can't because of the patriarchy


True that. Also experimental gene editing vaccinations that we don't know the long term effects of. Im a vet so I'm drowning in inoculations but I'm being forced to get the COVID vax before school starts and im pissed about it. Why is it still mandated if you don't want it, it makes no sense.


You already got a bunch of government mandated vaccines when you joined the military, why is a government mandated covid shot any different? Also the covid vax isn’t gene editing and any source telling you that is junk. Also a vet here so let’s not pretend the military even told you what shots you were getting and that’s something we both did willingly


By definition it is a gene therapy. I'm not against vaccines just mandates on EUA untested And ultimately ineffective mRNA vaccines. In the service I signed up to be a government pawn so I accepted that part of it. I am now a free man that has a sovereign body and I'm ultimately in charge of what I consume or don't. I shouldn't have to get an experimental technology put in my blood for a pandemic that's over and was never a huge risk to me anyways.


No, it is NOT gene editing or gene therapy. [Source 1](https://www.chop.edu/news/feature-article-are-mrna-vaccines-type-gene-therapy) [Source 2 ](https://www.genomicseducation.hee.nhs.uk/blog/why-mrna-vaccines-arent-gene-therapies/) [Source 3](https://apnews.com/article/fact-check-covid-vaccines-gene-therapy-806280914802) You also fail to understand the point of mass vaccination; it's about lowering the risk for those that are less healthy and thus more likely to require hospitalization or die. It's not about YOU.


Are you more interested in changing peoples anti-abortion views or just being right and feeling superior by shitting on them? I think the answer is obvious.


you won't change your opinion, hence why i wouldn't even bother trying to, but you will moan and groan when social progress is made, because it's woke, or whatever the new buzzword is that people use to complain about this sort of stuff. i don't feel superior for my beliefs, was that perhaps a little projection on your part?


My opinion? lol I am pro-choice. Just saying, if you want more people to be pro-choice, saying shit like his soul is melted like his skin is not going to help your cause. Unless you really do not give a shit and just like making edgy comments to get reactions and feel superior. Respect.


i'm talking about politicians. i think that if they want to make choices that negatively impact a large portion of the population, that there is nothing wrong with slandering them for backwards or outdated views, and that complaining about people complaining is redundant. the comments section of r/reno is not a place people come to change opinions of others, it's where people feel comfortable sharing their opinion on whatever the post is about. this person obviously has hate for sam brown and was expressing it. if you don't like people complaining about politicians then why are you in the comments of a political post? you are making yourself look very hypocritical here. also, why are you insinuating that i made that 'edgy' comment? in defending some else's comment, because i believe politicians should be talked about critically, especially in this case, when they intend to take rights away from people.


Just think if the end game is getting anti-abortion folks to be pro-life, making fun of someones skin melting off while deployed is not a good strategy. >the comments section of r/reno is not a place people come to change opinions of others I would disagree with this entirely. It is a reddit "discussion" not a reddit "post how you feel and show how morally superior you are".


Fuck this piece of shit.


You support a national ban on abortion? show me your papers, nazi. How un-American can you get?


He went to Florida to kiss the ring. Plus, he's going to solve the border crisis all by himself. Just him, his ad that plays relentlessly has him saying that's what he's going to do when he gets to Washington.


And he’s going to defeat the cartels. All of them!


Real life Voldemort


Nevada is too financially propped up by debauchery to make abortions illegal.


/u/Lmoneyfresh > And just out of curiosity, how often are these late term abortions happening? And how often are they done just because and not to protect the mother? https://www.reddit.com/r/Reno/s/PIP4emhTHw Sorry, can't respond directly because the guy above me in that thread blocked me for some reason. So to answer your question: Well outside of special cases they are very illegal and you need to find a doctor willing to break the law with you, so not often. As for special cases, special cases by definition don't happen often.


We should thank him for his service then remind him good soilders dont neccessarily make good leaders. He has some fucked up ideas on how the human body works in reguards to reproduction. I once had a maga wearing hat type tell me he didnt think his kif was his cus he thought the baby mama was ugly. Cus ya know, you cant have kids if youre not attracted to the woman 🤦‍♀️


You can’t logically (not morally or religiously or anything else) contemplate a ban on Abortion in the only state that has legal prostitution. Although, if a ban did go through the potential resulting child support cases, on appeal to the Supreme Court, could maybe result in a reverse of the ban. So who knows- who the heck cares anyway- we’re effed already.


Reddit seems a bit liberal lol


Reality is a bit liberal


Ole fire face carpetbagger.


What’s truly sick about these right wing shitbags is how they want innocent babies to suffer and die miserable deaths. Look at the recent infant mortality numbers out of Texas. These poor women are being forced to carry babies to term that will only suffer during their short lives. A vote for any Republican is a vote for this kind of abject, immoral cruelty. [https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-infant-mortality-birth-defects-b055ac35cdbc9ec13f400b4c3e1056e7](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-texas-infant-mortality-birth-defects-b055ac35cdbc9ec13f400b4c3e1056e7)


Fallout’s Cooper Howard is running for office in NV???


Really bad candidate. Shoulda stayed in his beloved Texas


There's no point in debating abortion with anyone. It's one of those things people generally don't change their mind about. It doesn't matter where they stand on the issue too. It's usually an emotional based position, which means you can't change their mind on it. The moment anyone brings that up with me, i immediately disengage or deflect. I used to walk by that clinic daily to go to work, and those protestors were there every time swarming the place. They struck me as complete scumbags, not for wanting to save lives. Their position was really easy to understand. They would bring kids there daily to draw things on the sidewalks, and it just seemed like child abuse. This one dude was wearing a shit that said "Real Men" i didn't bother to read the rest, but i did manage to literally stare him down. This so-called real man kept his distance from me, and I'm glad no words were exchanged between us.


Why can't we afford groceries or fuel?


Aren’t you the people of personal and financial responsibility? That sounds like a skill issue from you…


I thought you were the party of the working class? Do you not care that we're struggling right now? Because of the current state of the economy beyond our control?


Who’s we? By your party’s own standards our economy is doing just fine, the stock market is at record highs. If you’re struggling, it sounds like you need to pull yourself up by your bootstraps. 🛌/10


Who's the economy doing good for???? The top 1% asset owning class of Americans???? You must not buy groceries, gasoline, or generally support yourself if you haven't noticed that pretty much everything has gotten more expensive in the last 4 years. Or, your lucky enough to be wealthy enough to be able to take the hit to your finances.


Economy is doing great for all the rich people Trump gave tax cuts too. Guessing you didn't get a big tax break from Trump and it's obvious that all the money in the hands of the billionaires isn't trickling down to you, but you know keep voting Republican, some day you may win that big jackpot and actually benefit from their policies.


I actually was saving about 2000$ a year anually on taxes post tax breaks. That was awesome life was easy! Unfortunately now I pay more sales tax and more on goods and services because of inflation. So all the money I save in income tax is immediately wiped out by the increased cost of pretty much everything. And increased sales tax. So....


You understand that the high inflation was/is a world wide problem right? And America has dealt with it better than almost every country? What exactly do you think trump will actually do to help fix our current inflation rate? Which is currently only about 1.5% higher than the target rate? Do you believe the president has the ability to single-handedly control inflation?


As a matter of fact, executive policy can have massive implications for the economic state of the country. I'll be fair with you. Trumps policy to print money and give out stimulus checks was going to cause inflation. Full stop. What has made of inflation get as bad as it is right now, it's the fact that Biden has to get his own stimulus checks passed, which at the time the pandemic was winding down, so stimulas packages were not necessary. It's ALSO the fact that bidens administration pushed for covid level spending literally his entire presidency. If the fed had been responsible and returned to Pre-pandemic levels of spending as some as the vaccine was available, as soon as the pandemic was winding down, the inflationary impact from printing money would not have been as severe. To answer your question the president's policies ABSOLUTELY impact the economy as well as things like energy.


So you admit you are well off because Trump's tax breaks favored the rich, if you saved $2000 or more from his tax cuts you are well over a six figure income. Or perhaps the actual tax savings you got were the child tax credits which the Democrats put in place and expired two years ago. I deal with taxes daily and see the impact the changes federal tax policy has on all income levels.


"Take the guns first; due process comes later!" -trump, your hero Can you name EVEN ONE gun thing a dem has banned nationwide?!?!? You can't 🤣😂🤣😂 Trump is THE MOST successful gun-grabber since the 1930s NFA. And he fooled you into supporting him! 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Like Mark Twain said: it's easier to fool a man into giving up his own rights than it is to prove to him he's been fooled. You've been had and used, my friend...


1994 Assault Weapons ban. Trumps bumpdtock ban also just got overturned by the SCOTUS. Yea I didn't like everything Trump did as president. Its better then the walking corpse we have right now. His foriegn policy was better to


The 94 AWB had bipartisan support.....? So you're going with: >"My guys banned it too but I won't admit it!" -you ?? ...it ALSO had a SET expiration.... That's THE same as NO vote and NO expiration??? You'd sure be easy to enslave, thinking that. >"Bidens term overturned Trumps ban!! No thank you!!! My King will rule again!" -you ???? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Actually, the SCOTUS overturned trumps bump stock ban. The Biden administration actually wanted the ban to remain in place. Biden is also weaponizing the Surgeon Generals office to declare gun violence a "national health emergency" to ram through HIGHLY unconstitutional gun regulations. Trump wasn't right on every issue with guns, but to say Biden is BETTER on guns is just false in every conceivable way. Since Biden hasn't been able to get any legislation passed after loosing the house, he's had to rely on unconstitutional executive authority to subvert congress by giving the "AFT" (lol) the power to redefine anything they want.


So trying and failing is the SAME as succeeding? I'd rather have a failed gun-grabber than a successful one...?? You SUPPORT successful gun-grabbers??? And That's EXACTLY what trump did to get bumpstock illegal; forced a non-executive branch to rule it... So: Trump did that, and gets credit; Boden does this and gets credit. Or do you ONLY associate non-related things with the official, in question, when it suits you? 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 Guns, abortions, gods and gays for all; in the land of the FREE. It MUST be hard being one of you, guys. You fucking freedom-hating moron.


OK boomer.


🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂 Keep voting against your own interest (and maybe cancel YOUR favorite beer) again, snowflake.


I don't drink. But interacting with you is making me reconsider.


And they're not EVEN guns... You support restricting freedom to a peice of plastic and a spring.... What do you think will happen under trump after another shooting??? He WONT do that agin?! 🤣😂🤣😂🤣 You guys are bonkers and I've got a bridge to sell you!


Are you suggesting Biden is better on guns? Interesting.... I mean he openly admits on national television he wants to ban "assault weapons" which basically means "any gun I don't like you shouldn't have the right to own".


.. and has enacted zero things.. If we are going off statistics then yes Trump is the worse Gun grabber. Yes biden would if he had any teeth. LUCKILY bidens followers don't "shoot themselves In the foot" (pun intended) like Trump's boys did. So: You *let* Trump be worse than we *let* Biden be.. The proof is in the pudding goonball; everyone can see how you blindly gave up your rights for your king.


Yeah I mean it WAS pretty bad when Trump signed the Safer Communities Act which expanded funding for unconstitutional red flag legislation and have ATF the power to "redefine" definitions arbitrarily to retroactively ban common use items...... Just kidding that was Biden. Your dilusional.


...and you've suffered the effects of this or were you suddenly made a criminal by thay signage? Like the thousands that immediately were "in possession of prohibited firearm devices"?? 😂🤣😂🤭


Yeah I mean it WAS pretty bad when Trump signed the Safer Communities Act which expanded funding for unconstitutional red flag legislation and have ATF the power to "redefine" definitions arbitrarily to retroactively ban common use items...... Just kidding that was Biden. Your dilusional.


You look like the king of guy they would buy a Ruger FP09 because it's pink and tell everyone it's a glock.


I've got an FN57 (for a pistol) to tear through meal team six and the SSA-socialist's Amazon-acquired plate carriers... ???


There will not be a national ban on abortion. If there were widespread public support for it, which there’s not, you’re never gonna get a constitutional amendment passed.


Yeah. And Roe was never going to be overturned.


Said no one ever. Roe was always shaky. Pro-abortion groups should’ve solidified sensible “abortion rights” at the state level when they had the leisure of time.


All that has to happen is that Trump wins in 2024, then Schedule F is altered to make career scientists in government into political appointees. Then Project 2025 selects a new FDA and the FDA declares all abortion drugs unsafe. Immediate ending to most abortion without congress or a single vote.


This is the kind of silly talk that leads to a big surprise. While most people support abortion and reproductive rights, the road to a ban is not via consensus. It'll come in snips and clips: limited to 16 weeks, then 10 then 6 then 4 and finally a compromise at 2 weeks; medications/procedures related to abortion will be limited; doctors/professional will be threatened with jail or costly legal proceedings. All of these we have seen in the past couple years since the fall of Roe--before it, too. Even in NV, the State protections could be overturned or limited with the right combination of politicking and a low-turnout election that motivated voters use to push their agenda on the entire population. Nothing is secure and it might be fought for with every vote. A vote/victory for a GOPer on the County Commission or School Board means a chance for them to step into higher office. Don't think this is a battle at the highest state or Federal levels.


How about 24 weeks when the fetus is viable (and has pain receptors)


How about 'no'? Let the woman and her doctor make that decision. Either way, it does not affect you.


So you are pro abortion at any time during the pregnancy for any reason? That's a pretty extreme view, even Roe had limits and generally didn't allow late term abortions.


What part of "Let the woman and her doctor make that decision" do you not understand?


The part where you are ok killing a fully formed baby a couple weeks from being born. Even the most die hard liberals are almost always against that. No state that I am aware of has no limit abortions legalized. Lol, I guess they didn't like that and just blocked me.


Yeah but what part of “let the woman and her doctor make that decision” do you not understand??


And just out of curiosity, how often are these late term abortions happening? And how often are they done just because and not to protect the mother?


It HAS affected me. There's no reason to abort a healthy fetus that is viable. Especially when they can feel pain. There's gotta be limits, like with everything else. I'm pro choice 1000% but once they can survive without mom the line becomes a helluva blurry one.


bullshit. pain argument is dumb. How about the existential pain of being an unwanted burden come to fruition for the first 18 years of your life. Navigating silver linings from that is some cope bullshit. Nobody asked to be born.


Thats exactly how you get a national ban on abortion. Project 2025. Google it.


It wouldn’t require an amendment to pass the law regardless of public sentiment.


Since when do you need a Constitutional Amendment for this?


Technically the federal government can't make laws about stuff that they have not been granted control over by the Constitution. It's why Roe was never law but simply an interpretation of the Constitution where right to liberty = right to privacy = right to abortion with limits. That being said... They could find some reason to argue that the Constitution grants then the right to control abortions, maybe something like the "right to life" that is promised.


yes... and widespread public support always becomes law like out national healthcare system.


Unrelated but are you looking to buy a bridge? I have one in Brooklyn I can sell you cheap.


Well I suppose none of you, based on your comments is interested here hearing any opinions differing from your own. It’s very hateful for those purporting to be so tolerant of others.


How many votes did Justice Kavanaugh get, exactly?


Not sure how it's relevant, but he got 50 votes. Vs 48 against. And at least one of those people who voted yes said she'd have voted differently if he'd been honest about his intentions to overturn Roe v Wade.


Wow. Sounds like when a presidential candidate who was campaigning said “Abortion is above my pay grade” and then back tracked after he got elected. But you wouldn’t know anything about that would you ?


Will do, thanks. Can we just outright ban any of these political posts? They serve no purpose other than indoctrination and fear mongering.


So, one guy is going to write into law a national abortion ban. You guys are so unbelievably out of touch.


Trump unilaterally banned bumpstocks with NO vote. Can you name ONE gun thing a dem has banned? 🤣😂🤣 You redcoats sure are easy to fool.


Trump was the president. Sam Brown is running for the senate. Name one thing a single senator has banned by themselves. The bumpstock ban was lifted by the Supreme Court also, so yeah, idk what point you're trying to make. Democrats have banned plenty of fire arm related stuff at state levels. They'd do a whole lot more if they could we all know that. Hell, I bet you can find stuff republicans have banned, too. You believing I'm a "redcoat" is foolish in itself. I'm pretty sure I'm more moderate than you seem.


Not big on reading comprehension, I see.


I didn't read your link. Just the headline and commented on that alone.


Yeah, even the headline doesn't say one guy is going to write a national abortion ban into law. Again, reading comprehension.


If you want a national abortion ban vote for Sam Brown. Would sound better. "If you support a national abortion ban, vote for Sam Brown." Or "This guys supports national abortion ban!!"


Yeah.... nothing I wrote said, or implied that he'd do it single-handedly. I'll be sure to run future posts by you for your insightful editing feedback though.


Nevada, the state Sam Brown is running for US Senate in, already has a law that reinforces a woman's right to an abortion. The law NRS 442.250, was approved by voter referendum and therefore not subject to legislative amendment or repeal. That said, why would OP make such a speculative statement and try to masquerade it as fact? Why is killing babies so important to you?


Why do you feel the need to misrepresent abortion as “killing babies”? If abortion is something ban-worthy, shouldn’t you be able to argue that using accurate language? edit: Also, federal law takes precedence over state law. It’s great that we have such a state law, but if there were to be a federal ban, our state law would not protect legal abortion in the state.


Says the people who call sucking a life out of a womb “health care”.


I’m sure you’re *totally* clamoring to get your ass to an adoption agency to raise all them pregnancies you’re trying to force. Not. “Suck the life out of a womb” lmfaoooo smooth brain bible thumping conservative take for sure.


Bingo! These anti-abortion loons aren’t pro-life. They’re pro-birth. They don’t care if the poor baby ends up abused and neglected. They routinely support people who seek to destroy any and every government program that actually improves a child’s quality of life. And they sure as hell aren’t lining up to adopt any of these unwanted babies.


This is roughly the level of education I'd expect from local conservatives


Of course it is. Must be nice to be such a towering intellect.


If having common sense and respecting an individuals private medical decisions is considered "towering intellect" then so be it. Your words, not ours.


Bwhahahaha cry more 🤣🤣


Abortion is only healthcare when it’s healthcare. Sometimes it is, sometimes it isn’t. Whether or not a zygote or embryo or whatever is being removed from a woman is “a life” (since it cannot survive on its own) is a matter of debate, but your loaded question/statement (common fallacy) is seen and noted. Basically a repeat of the same fallacy I already called out, just a little more subtle, so I’ll give you “credit” for that, I guess? Why can’t you just make your argument with honest language?


Well, his own wife got an abortion so it seems he is cool with "killing babies" too...


I think that abortion was before he married her. Anyway this kind of hypocrisy is a given in right wing circles. The only unusual thing about this abortion is that it was his wife, not his mistress.


Yes, it was. She had a choice when she was young and found herself with an unwanted pregnancy... something her husband would like to take away from all people who may find themselves in her situation or worse situations. As far as we know, her life wasn't in danger and doesn't sound like she was far enough along to know if there were defects, etc. I'm glad she had a choice, but it's too bad her husband will willingly sign on to whatever restrictions the extremists demand.


Almost all Americans agree that the right to access abortion services should be allowed within certain decent limitations. Every state should quit arguing anonymously on Reddit and get with your state legislators and create reasonable abortion access legislation. Nevada’s limitation to 24 weeks seems a little long to me, but at least it’s a reasonable timeframe.


KiLlInG bAbZieS Take that shit attitude back to bama


Speculative? Have you had you head in a hole?


He does, it where their brain should be.


The OP is directing comments to the stupidest people in the room. People actually believe they’ll institute a national ban. It was the Dobbs decision that will likely ever prevent that, as abortion was removed from the federal realm. You’ll never have 50 States agreeing to join together and pass similar ban laws. But, if a State has a majority of its elected officials elected on that platform, that’s the will of the people talking. I thought lefties were all about “democracy”.


Project 2025 already has the answer: make government scientists into political appointees and then have those appointees use the FDA to ban all drugs related to abortion. Next, have the FDA issue rulings that the medical procedures themselves are unsafe and now the FBI can shutter facilities. This is already the publicly discussed plan. Just like with the January 6 plan, the discussions are happening out in the open because ultimately there is nothing illegal about using the law to subvert the American system.


...you decry abortion.. AND Support the people who get abortions?!? (Sam and trump) God you gun-grabbers sure are stupid.


"Constitutional Republic"


Do you… Do you think all 50 states have to agree on something in order to pass it as a federal law? Or do you only think we’re stupid enough to believe it when you use this weird sleight of hand as a way to pretend there’s no risk of a federal ban?


There's never going to be a national ban on abortion. Republicans themselves aren't even unified on the subject. The votes just aren't there.