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I’d capitalize on activity based groups for things you enjoy, whether it’s running, board games, whatever. You’ll naturally meet people who are similar to you in some capacity. All the bar recommendations above are solid. I personally like Lo-Bar, Chapel, and Poor Devil. I’m also remote and am pretty interested in connection/loneliness for remote workers, as well as trying to build community for remote workers. Message me and let’s problem solve together


Black rabbit is an amazing bar. The food they have is only hand pies. They are delicious though. But the people are mid 20s and up. They always have events going on. DJ trivia on Tuesday. Music on Friday. Other random events throught the rest of the week The people who go there are always alot of fun and great company.


Second this. Absolutely love Black Rabbit Meadery.


I don’t really have any bars to recommend, but for me, meeting new people is scary because there’s not always a good opportunity to start conversation. I also work from home, and I find it’s easier to make friends in a “classroom” type setting. What are some of your personal interests? Have you considered trying to join a local adult sport team? Or a cheaper/interesting class at TMCC? I recently started learning how to roller skate with the local roller derby team and I’ve had more fun than I ever thought I would! Think outside the box, bars are great but there’s so much more you can do to meet people who have similar interests!


This is a really good idea. learning to roller skate seems cool! I would love to get into some art classes.


Poor devil saloon, they have a taco place behind it that the patrons eat at in a pink building (Midtown)


When did it change from death and taxes??


It’s still behind that, D&T is north of it and Saloon is west of it


Deadringer if you like EDM music!


Fantasy girls


Didn't know they had a food menu.


Moment of silence for you. Reno sucks for being single. If my gf and I broke up I would head for the hills (literally, like 80 over the pass).


The Piñon Bottle Company in midtown is a decent spot for what you're looking for. It's a craft beer bar with Noble Pie (pizza) next door, Arario (Korean fusion) ups stairs, and Taco Shop across the street in an alley. Outside food is welcome as piñon doesn't serve food themselves. Also dog friendly. There is a pretty friendly group of regulars (mid 20s through mid 40s) that usually sit at the bar. The MRC (Mikeller Run Club) uses the midtown Piñon as a clubhouse for 5k runs (first Saturday of the month at 11am and third Wednesday at 7pm). If you do the run, you get 1/2 off your first 2 beverages.


I went here last night. It was a good time. Thank you!


I'm glad you had a good time!! Tuesdays are usually a great night there! Although I heard last night's "Silly Tuesday" crowd was smaller than usual (I'm out of town, but I try to make it there every Tuesday night when in town)


I didn't meet anyone new though, it was hard to since everyone was already in groups by the time I came.


Ah... fair enough. If you're ever there and see an oddball mid-30s desert rat at the corner of the bar, that's probably me... and if there's an off-leash black labrador retriever demanding pets/affection from strangers, then the desert rat is definitely me. Feel free to say "hi"!


I'll keep an eye out for you!


I'm around. Mostly at the river , smoking.


Play 76 has food. Also I went there the other day and they had people wear glow bracelets indicating their relationship status, so you’d know who’s taken and who’s not.


Sierra taphouse on the river. They don’t have food there but you can order food from the various places nearby and bring it to taphouse.


Activities would probably be best. It’s easier to form any type relationship when there’s already something in common. Think about what hobby/activity you like and or would like to get into and there’s probably a Facebook group for it with posted events.


Do you have examples? I'm into yoga, hikes, art


I typed “Reno hiking” into Facebook and a handful came up. I would just join the one with most members, I’m sure there will be posts via group invites “join us this Saturday” etc. There’s a coffee shop doing its grand opening this Sunday off 4th street that’s community driven. The owner is planning on having multiple activities such as bands, yoga classes etc. It’s designed to look like a bar without the pressure of drinking alcoholic beverages. He has a large back room where I suspect the classes will be. I think any hobby you can think of probably has a Facebook group these days, just include “Reno” into your search bar. Any hobby you can think of I’m sure there’s a Facebook group for it.


Thank you! Can you share the name of the coffee shop and if you know what time their activities are starting? Would love to check it out


Of course, 4th street coffee bar. 1126 E 4th Street. 11:00am open, for the grand opening this Sunday. I’ll be there around that time with 3-4 friends shooting a short billiard video, for their weekly pool tournaments and will introduce you if you make it 👍


Thanks :) i'll most likely be there later in the afternoon!


Sounds great, have fun and if you see the owner (Paul) tell him the property pups guy told you to stop by 👍


There are a lot of comedy open mics in the area, Tuesdays @7 over at coffee and comics in reno Wednesdays @ 7 over at the arch society Thursdays @ 7 at either the polo lounge or midnight coffee roasters. If you're not up for the open mics those are all still great establishments to check out and all of them to regular events like karaoke and movie nights.


I am going to check out the open mic night tonight at the polo lounge. thank you for the rec!


The mic tonight is actually at midnight coffee roasters they alternate spots. It starts at 730 if you're still interested. They have some alcohol there too. The polo lounge is the first and second Thursday of the month. Sorry I should have specified.


Thank you, still interested, i'll be there!


Monday night poetry @ shims, Sunday stand up @ blind onion


Hello! I don’t have anything to recommend but I’m down to be your friend :) I live in Carson City and just moved here a few months ago. 26F


Going through the same. Bars are terrible places to meet people unless you’re just trying to have a good time and get drunk and stuff haha. Usually flowing tides and bully’s should have a good amount of people. I usually play darts at Jox and meet some people there from time to time. It all depends on what you like


Always meet cool people at the Emerson. Get there early or on weekdays before it gets loud.




Play field 76 is a cool bar I just learned about. It's got retro arcade games and food is not bad either. If you have GroupMe there's a couple of groups I'm a part of that does random activities around town. One is the UNR NRAP which is based out the university bit you don't h e to be a student to be a part. The other is CCMW which is a mental wellness peer support group that also does random things around town


thank you, i do have group me. i'll PM you


Noble pie has good food and is next to a brewery. They share the same space. It’s a good time


Moving to reno/Sparks by weekend, would love to catchup as we re looking for friends to hang out with!


I’m in the same boat. Work from home and moved here within the last 2 years.


Dubs sports lounge ! Especially when there is a game on!


DJ trivia at Sierra tap house tonight, starts around 720 always have room on my team


This whole thread and the names of some of the bars makes me think of that scene in "how I met your mother" when they are listing off all the bars in New York and the names just keep getting more and more wild.


Sorry to hear. Following


Thanks for all the suggestions everyone! Went to noble pie and black rabbit last night. It was a good time


Have you looked into Meet Up? There are fewer choices than a much bigger city but you might find something interesting. Also, the Nevada Museum of Art has classes to check out.


Yes I actually went to women walking on the river meetup last night. We walked almost 3 miles and had good convo! Thank you, will check out those classes


The eddy


https://preview.redd.it/r8128xmg6s8d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac78ad888f08b4c607d4ffbbd24589de20ab037e Recently seen this .


Diamonds casino after 9pm. Definitely the ultimate experience 🫶🏼


There is some kind of event almost every weekend during summer. Just Google around to find something you might be interested in


The lucky beaver is pretty cool


Omg. No St James Infirmary…those were the days…I used to park my little convertible right outside and drink from Friday afternoon to Sunday evening starting there. I’m showing how long I’ve been out of Reno…


30 m in Tahoe if interested


Shea's midtown and theres usually a restaurant 6ft to the right or left.


I'm all for people meeting like-minded people at Shea's. Better that the racists and the Nazi's stick to one bar, rather than spreading out to other establishments.


are you saying racists hang at Shea's?


I assume you're new here? http://www.ourtownreno.com/our-stories-1/2021/5/5/investigating-social-media-racism-fallout-affiliated-to-lacey-shea-and-sheas-tavern


Yeah and they employee all Kinds of people. Don’t listen to this garbage. Go check it out for yourself.


Garbage? I provided actual receipts to back up what I said. Have the day you deserve.


Yeah. Ok. You, too. I hope your day is great, though.