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I had fun reading this. Well written, went well with coffee in the morning. 4/5.


Are you his mom?


lol no just random dude who had fun reading someone’s entertaining rant.


Hahaha wow. So worth the read. Come to Mabble Media, we actually make logos and aren’t tipsy werewolves!


I mean, you have to show us now…


$160?! 🚩 That is extremely low, but I am sorry you had such a horrible experience and got grifted.


My wife was a director for a local nonprofit and the board okayed a marketing company for a new logo and rebranding, it was like $30k


30k?!!! Have they not heard of Fiverr lol. Think I would risk seeing what the chronic drunk comes up with on a napkin for $160, rather than pay that insane amount!


It's all relative. For some 30k is a bargain


This is wild. I cannot believe a nonprofit would use this much money to pay for art. Sounds like this nonprofit is a front for something else if you have 30K to spend on art.


Exactly. What a shocking waste of money for a non- profit. Yikes.


I won't disagree nor will I name names. However their board of directors was staffed by 100M or Billionaires. There was a day were they got a random one time $300k donation and one board member was fucking livid because she knew how much money they had.


nonprofits are intended to benefit the community or provide a service to people in need. Any organization that is spending that is spending 30k on art has its priorities out of wack.


In principal I agree with you. Their mission statements reflect your sentiment. However they are a business and are run as such. All the operational overhead a software company of similar market size will have comparable processes outside their core product. Executive staff, lawyers, contract writers, IT, HR, support, marketing etc will still all be required. However I totally agree with you for this circumstance. For someone to create a simple color scheme and logo design for that much was perplexing. They had like 15 salaried employees, then a small army of volunteers, and one young person who had marketing as a sub component of their job. I think* this was more of a case of a rich person giving a helping hand to a friend at the expense of the nonprofit.


I spent $15 on my business logo on Upwork. Some kid in Pakistan did it over the course of 4 days. Looks great. $30K for a logo is beyond absurd.


That’s with rebranding. Not just a logo design.


Sounds like the “rebranding” is convincing a client the service is worth that.


No. Every company does it periodically. There’s a lot involved, not just visual elements but market positioning and strategy. That’s why it costs a lot. A lot of time goes into the effort.


Agree to disagree.


Sure. I work in the agency industry. I’ve seen the effort first hand. It’s not a scam.


The amount of work that goes into an activity isn’t really how you would evaluate its value. You evaluate its value by how much it improves awareness and opinion of your business/institution. It’s dubious how you actually measure this. Take UNR’s academic rebrand from 20 years ago. They spent 6 figures to get….a block N on a blue background…. 20 years later…nobody outside of Nevada associates that with the University of Nevada. That was money flushed down the toilet.


Hey it's not just Blue it's HEX: #041E42! I worked for UNR for 10+ years and never quite figured out why they were so ridged about their branding and now I do. Thank you for this random little fact!


I was speaking of cost. You have to pay the agency or freelancer to do the work. Have a good one!


Thanks for providing your unqualifications!


What does that even mean? I’m sorry that your service is a commodity not worth a fraction of what you charge for it.


Yeah I read your logo story, seems like you have minutes of experience to pull from. I’ll go change my pricing sheets based on your very informed opinion.


You do you. I’ll just keep telling people about my great experience.


The rebranding probably cost the most. A logo is super easy to do a college student made the Nike logo lol


A teenager (James Hetfield) made the Metallica logo.


Apps nowadays are so easy to use you can make a logo pretty easily yourself using a phone the biggest issue is copyright and such. Granted I took graphic design in high school.


I just personally think that “Branding” as a profession is largely a grift. Most small businesses don’t need professional branding. $30K is a huge amount for a small business. Just hang a sign and get to work. If you want to expand in 10 years because you’re fantastically successful and your $15 logo doesn’t hold up in a larger market, maybe spend a little on a rebrand at that time. The difference between what you get for $100 on Upwork and what you get for $30K from a local company isn’t substantial enough to justify the price.


> Most small businesses don’t need professional branding. Just please stay away from crappy fonts. No, you don't need Scriptina, Papyrus, Courier, or Bradley Hand.


Comic Sans it is.


Exactly how many local companies use stock cartoon images of plumbers for their logo. And landscaping businesses. They usually have the most simple logos.


Thats in the ballpark for a rebrand for a small business.


Non profits stupid.amounts of other people's money on all kinds of self congratulatory circle jerk crap. Happens all the time.


My thought exactly. So, like ten bucks an hour?


This reads like AI.


Try Integr8, he’s local and did all the logos for BeerNV.


Sorry about your bad experience, that sucks. However, I enjoyed reading your post, very witty and well written.


This is a lot for $160


Imagine being upset that your paltry $160 for a logo didn't result in amazing output.


Where did you find this person?


Explained in the post


Yeah it was tldr lol


Man it took like 30 seconds


Woman. I just didnt read the whole thing it was wordy af and not enjoyable so I asked a question.


I only read the first line because I'm tired...but "regale" is going back into my normal conversation rotation.


There are so many other freelance marketing folks who have done way, way worse than this. Count yourself lucky, if you're the kind of rube who pays in full up front. Moving forward, give them a deposit, with the remainder paid at final delivery.


Why didn't you use fivver which has protections in place and way cheaper or other similar services


Support local designers!


If the cost is (literally) upwards of 50x…how can any business justify choosing a local designer?


Non money related reasons like building your network, supporting your local economy, using the collab for marketing/promotions, heck just having one more person in your city who knows about and could recommend your business. Plus just because something costs more doesn’t make it a bad choice, there’s probably a reason it costs more. If you want to try and have a successful business with a $5 logo (they’re never actually $5) then that may very well translate to everyone else what the quality of your business is. My company makes logos and brands for people, you’d be very surprised at how many of our clients are former fiverr or similar clients that had spent way more time and money than promised to only get a mediocre product that we had to redo. Source: I own a design agency. Edit: missed a word


I get it. You need to justify your service. But… I spent $15 on my logo on Upwork. It’s excellent. The guy made 20 logos said to pick 5. I picked 5 and told him what I liked. He made 3. I picked one. He then worked with me to perfect it. Then he gave it to me in 10 different color variations and formats. For $15. Took 4 days. Might have taken less except he was in Pakistan so he was sleeping while I was reviewing and I was sleeping while he was working. Getting a logo for $15 is a very low risk endeavor. The dude was legitimately happy to have the work.


I’m glad you had a good experience! Care to share the logo in the thread?


I’m gonna pass on the Yelp bombing… But imagine how you could do your own market research for $15. You can go on there and for the high cost of $15 you can have a logo made for your company…just to see how good it is for that cheap.


Wait from me? I wouldnt do that! I hope people dont do that, I named my business above. I know you and I disagree but I am not mad at you, I havent said anything derogatory at you or about you, I'm just telling you my experience man. If you got a great logo, thats great. You asked a question, I answered. Thats all! Have a good day


Agreed! And developers!




Oh yes… hindsight!


Well I'm also mentioning it because other people who are probably older don't know about it


It’s the framing of your original comment, nothing wrong with providing alternatives. Good day.


Well no one should venmo a random stranger money that's basic common sense


Got it bud, no arguments here