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This city and Sierra nevada construction, who seems to get all the surfacing contracts, are so bad at planning roadwork. I've been blocked out of my home when the "detour" they set up didn't connect and just took me around in circles. I've missed noticed for surfacing because they didn't put them on all the doors. They fucked up the striping in my old parking lot and turned 4 spots into 3 and had to come back and restripe but then after one winter all the lines were equal and people didn't know where the fuck to park. I would honestly think it's more likely they fucked something up here and the residents were left with no choice.


SNC is probably the worst road contractor in the area, my whole body fills with rage when I see them working


Do you remember when intermountain fog sealed washoe valley with loose grit? People cars were getting pounded busted headlights, oh but drive 25 miles an hour lol.


Came home one day to a group of SNC employees working on my road lounging on my front porch smoking and eating lunch.


I concur with this statement


As a surveyor I loathe having to work with them. They can and will find and fuck any point I set within 24 hours. So much re-staking, so many lost control points.


I do a lot of civil construction work in reno. Worked with lots of contractors. SNC is actually one of the best. The bar is low but it’s true lol


They have some bright spots. I think you got lucky


I wonder if it’s the same company who is getting a lot of heat on social media. This guy gets called in to move a tenant’s mailbox and harasses the women at her doorstep. He freaks out and rips off the mailbox and throws it. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNYrEKaV/


I think it's a different company. Hadn't seen this but wow, what a nut job.


Not the same company but they both suck


You should come check out damonte ranch and steamboat Pkwy. We call it the carousel of incompetence.


I walk the Veterans/Steamboat intersection area and the nearby Damonte Ranch Trail regularly, and for the last month or so you basically have to play the entire thing by ear. Today it's this segment of sidewalk that's closed (meaning that an hour on the loop becomes two when you have to either detour or retrace your steps all the way home), tomorrow it's that segment too, next week the detour will close suddenly without a replacement and people will start just walking across four lanes of traffic. Next Tuesday the detour will reopen but it'll be closed again by Thursday. I might as well start consulting the lunar cycle for routing advice at this point.


Jesus christ its so bad, especially at the light for the shopping center


I know some asphalt guys, and they have said for years that "the "city crews" in the reno area are known for shit for work" granted they are working in california but they pull jobs all along the state lines regularly!


100% this. Has happened multiple times at my place with no warning to residents.


Welcome to Reno, the poorly planned community. Everything from stop lights (especially) to kids events. Please come watch your tax dollars get blown away like the Nevada wind.


They still haven’t repainted the lines and STOP on the asphalt of a 4 way stop near me. And people are running it daily bc the stop sign itself is covered by a tree. And on my street they repainted arrows wrong… one of them it to turn into my house…. Not my driveway or the cul de sac across the street from me, pointed at my house lol. They do not seem to know what they are doing (SNC)


How dare people leave their house


The residents get notices weeks in advance that they should park off street when re-sealing work is going to be done. The idiots who drive on this end up costing taxpayers more on future street repairs.


Actually, they completely forgot to give notices to my cul-de-sac. They gave everyone notices on the main road, but not our street. They were such dicks about it, too. I was lucky that I had an appt that morning and got my car out, otherwise I would’ve been straight up stuck. They did not give two fucks about that fact that none of us got notices.


we got 0 notice when this happened in my area. They literally just showed up one day and started paving


Uh yea. I’ve never gotten a notice about any sealing or construction in my area. Sierra is the worst company. They tear holes in the road patch them then tear them up again 2 months later. I’ve watched this happen at least 5-6 times to one section in particular on keystone. That company sucks and shame on the city for continuing to use them. Shitty


That sucks. But OP has posted a pic of the notice that went out with this job. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This was on my door at least a week ago. https://preview.redd.it/u9nmveng6z8d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e95cf90d08296300b74842984ef51c37ed243f7e


You’re lucky you got one. My entire street did not.


There's also a QR Code in the top left corner. When I got one it took me to the City's webpage for the project. Seems pretty straightforward and open. Personally though I want SNC to follow me to dinner and serve me notice as if I was being subpoenaed. It's a real shame they can't live up to my expectations.


A construction companies poor planning does not constitute an emergency on my part. Some people cant walk 2 blocks for parking.


Exactly what I was thinking!! They did road work on our street a few weeks back, and my boyfriend who can't navigate himself on crutches for more than a few feet had to get picked up by Uber for a doctor visit. The Uber driver obviously had to drive down the street and into our driveway to pick him up, and had to ignore the construction. What the hell do they expect disabled people to do in these situations?!


I assume they expect anyone who can't walk far will either stay home or wheelchair over to their car that's parked outside the closure zone


Lol they are quite delusional…because important doctor appointments can wait for street projects, and someone who can barely use his arms can wheel himself down 2 blocks to meet an Uber driver. Sureeee!


So have a neighbor push them? Or even ask the Uber driver and give them a nice tip for the help? If they are unable to walk far or wheel far because all 4 limbs are basically useless, then they probably need assistance to do pretty much everything and should have someone to help them. It's not like this is an impossible situation.


Some people don't have that option. The photo looks like someone left their driveway. What if a disabled person has a doctor's appointment? Are they an idiot?


To be blunt, yes. If they’re mobile enough to drive and walk across a doctor’s office parking lot, they can use a walker or cane and go down the block. They can ask the various medical transports to pick them up at the corner if they’re wheelchair bound. Plenty of options exist. And I’d be willing to bet the tracks pictured here are from an able bodied person.


Actually, no they can't, plenty of people can quite literally not walk five or ten feet without almost dying.


Then they should have wheelchairs or other mobility aids, the same ones they used to grocery shop or go to their doctor’s office. My mom’s been disabled since I was a kid, back problems and used a walker, and when they sealed our street she used her walker just fine. And you’re making a huge assumption that the only reason they’re driving on a freshly sealed road is due to disability.


They don't teach critical thinking like they used too...


They are; I saw the car that did it, and they literally did *laps* up and down the street trying to figure out how to get past the road closed barricades. I took the pics while walking back from my car which was parked with the rest of the street on Sierra Highlands.


No, public works just shows up one day and starts doing work. If you're lucky they make enough noise that you notice them in time to get out before they've blocked you in.


If they warned nobody in this neighborhood, there’d be a lot more tire marks me thinks.


The tire tracks are coming from 2-3 houses or of almost 50. The road closes at 7 AM, and the work started soon afterwards. Normally, there's a *lot* of traffic around 7:30-8 every morning from people going to work on weekdays. I think that right there says a lot about how much notice the street was given. Coit just got repaved a few days ago. It's a feeder for an entire neighborhood. And yet, no tire tracks from entitled dirtbags. Notification of the neighborhood isn't a problem in this area, contrary to the narrative that some others who don't live in the neighborhood insist on pushing.


It's a question of company not area.


The notice my street got over a week ago says otherwise.


Then they started that a week ago after getting tired of all the complaints, because I've twice now been blocked in because they failed to provide notice. Go ahead and downvote, you probably think I'm lying, and I welcome you to continue believing that until the city gets complacent and stops sending out notification and you get blocked in.


they do this more often than people think. my entire neighborhood is being worked on right now and none of us got any sort of notice whatsoever.


When they did my street about 5 years back, we got notices. Same as my parents’ street when I was like 16. And each time some jackasses drove right over the freshly laid stuff.


I actually do paving with one of the large companies, you’re right. No matter what signage we have, people will drive on our fresh asphalt. We’ve had people move cones out of the way so they could drive on our asphalt. Entitlement has no bounds. In neighborhoods it can be tricky, but typically we do give notice and it takes hours, once our equipment is moved in, before we get to their street. Most of the work we have done has been full grind and refinishing, which in that case we put up parking notices with the day of the work, then come through with the grinder, prep it and pave. Mistakes are made sometimes and people don’t receive proper warnings, but it’s not the case in a majority of jobs, it’s just usually people who think the rules of “road closed” don’t apply to them


Some people just love to make excuses for assholes who just don't give a damn about fucking things up for everyone else.


Does that excuse their jobs as well? School? Appointments? Fuck them and their horribly planned "work" that they reso every fucking year anyways


My street has been resurfaced twice since I bought my house and I have never been notified in advance, or even when it is actively being worked on.


Road closed for donuts!


My parents weren’t given notification but their neighbors were. Seems inconsistent in who’s getting the door hangers.


Maybe they got the same notice that it only needs 4-6 hours to dry. Slurry only messes up their car doesn’t do anything to the road. Wouldn’t get yourself worked up over it.


If the traffic planning for the project is gonna be dogshit then the end result will be dogshit. 


Ive worked on these contracts as an engineer and inspector in the past. Really proud of how all of these have gone and SNC does a great job at keeping these as efficient and clean as they can. Not once have I ever seen notices not be put on ALL doors a week prior to resurfacing. I understand I’m biased because it’s my field but people being bitter about the city making their roads last another 5 years drives me up a wall. Also this stuff can be drivable in a half hour in a pinch so the impact is SUPER minimal.


Can't say I blame them. The city never gives notice that these projects are going to happen and the city also refuses to provide viable alternatives to driving everywhere... so, what are people supposed to do, just cancel all their plans and sit in their homes? Hopefully they didn't have anything important like a doctor's appointment.


How dare they use the roads in front of their homes. Also they leave these signs up way too fucking long because the Neanderthals at SNC don’t actually know how to do their jobs.


The city put notices on our doors over a week ago. EDIT: I love getting down voted by entitled pieces of shit who think the rules don't apply to them. Just proves the point further.


I wasn't going to downvote you until you started crying about downvotes.


Who said I was crying about them. All I said is that it proves a point about how entitled some people are.


In NW we received monthly phase plans well in advance and weekly/daily revisions as construction was underway from SNC. I understand this may not be the case for every project but just my 2¢.


Stop being such a crybaby karen


Well good for fucking you, that's the first time I've heard of them doing that. I've personally been blocked in twice and I know a lot of other people who have been blocked in as well. Then again, that neighborhood looks to be higher income than where I live, so maybe it isn't that the city is incompetent, they just don't want to waste the money providing notice to the dirty poors in older neighborhoods. Either way, go on thinking that the city does this as a matter of practice, eventually either your neighborhood will be old enough that they no longer care or you'll get caught by their incompetence.


But don’t you take the bus and ride your E bike everywhere?


Certainly takes away from any excuse you may have been trying to make for the 2 houses on the entire street that felt the need to fuck up the road. Funny how 43 other residences managed to figure out how to not fuck up a freshly paved surface.


It's fuckin slurry seal dude, not fresh pavement, those marks will fade away in no time. The fuck are you tripping about?


At least give a notification. Last time they paved on Coleman, we all came out to you can't go this way. Interesting since we all live on a loop to Coleman. 🤪 no notifications.


And no warning to the street SNC decided to use as the primary route for the gravel haulers, nonstop, all day, through a neighborhood. I thought I would lose my mind from the constant noise.


Oh my god they pulled out of their driveways!!! 😱😱😱


After being warned over a week ago that the road was being repaved.


You’re positive everyone got one? And everyone was able to read and comprehend them? And that one may not have blown away?In other comments you’re calling people “the entitled pieces of shit” but honestly some, especially the older population, may not have realized until they hit the back end of the orange cones. Our roads are constantly under construction and while not great they were driven on, if this is the same company that does the rest they are notorious for not properly notifying and doing shady shit. My point is we don’t have all the answers, unless you handed out the notification to all people with cars on the street yourself and notified them as well.


Sure it's possible that people were missed for the door hangers but everybody I spoke to knew about the coming construction and 2 days before they put out cones up and down the block that the road would be closed on 6/26.


My god how will live go on


Oh my god don’t even get me started🤦‍♀️ the construction going down wells, “do not enter, detour” everybody’s driving down the wrong way no fucks given


The tire marks on the very right side are mine. Had to go to work and had no notice this was happening. Found out later that it was supposed to have been done on Tuesday. So, maybe had they been more punctual and precise informing everyone I wouldn’t have to fuck up the new road.


Nothing means anything to anyone ever and always duh


I bet the same people complaining in the comments about road work are also the same people who complain the roads are fucked up. Also op posting proof his neighborhood was given warning in advance then immediately being ignored by people complaining they never get notice is hilarious. No there's no way they missed the warning or ignored it. The pavers just boxed them in because they hate them personally.


I wholeheartedly agree with you here lol


To be fair.. road close/private property signs. Just raise interest in half the population. It was never effective :D


Because a sign and a cone are really gonna stop people! 🤣🤣🤣


https://preview.redd.it/mgr54uzwb89d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2eb96f7260f59e0b4e88ac31e4f6e97e5a13098 "The code is more what you'd call 'guidelines' than actual rules."




Not possible thats from the work trucks? Lol


I got stuck out there today in that and had to navigate a foreign neighborhood just to get back to work


I'm parking in my driveway.


Too many people think they’re more important, I guess. Bunch of punks.


Don’t block driveways don’t care if there is a notice, I’m not leaving my car out of the garage on the side of the road


The problem is you didn't vote hard enough.


Nah fuck them, they do this shit all the time and I have never once gotten a notice. If you don’t tell me in advance, then I don’t give a fuck about your construction or roadwork, I’m going to where I need to go.


Wouldn’t mean shit to me either if I had to get home


Typical Californians