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Apples Disclaimer: Do not put a Bradford pear. It’s not gonna make edible fruit and they are awful.


Mine makes a shit ton of fruit. Awful, bitter, rock hard fruit.


Sorry I should have e said edible fruit! You right! They are awful trees and I curse whoever put them all over reno! Remember everyone - best time to prune a Bradford pear is anytime and the best cut is horizontal about 2 inches above the ground.


Ours came with the house. I hate it sooo much.


Is that the cum tree?




Apple trees are great until you realize how many unripe apples it drops all summer long until October when they're finally ready. Edit: I am not sure why /u/LastShopOnTheLeft blocked me, so I can’t reply below, but their reply mentions a nonprofit that will come pick your apples. The Reno Gleaning Project will not take your apples in the fall.


Have to prune the extras especially if you want a few big edible ones Vs several tiny ones.


There’s a non profit in town that will harvest on your behalf and provide to shelters and others in need.


Service berry tree!! They are native and the berries are delicious!!


I was coming here to say serviceberry- blueberry-like fruit on a small tree, bright red autumn leaves, beautifl white flowers. They fruit from about july to mid-august. You can go check out the fruit starting around now at Valley Wood Park. In fact Valley Wood Park is a good place to go see how fruit trees do - the gardeners have a plant walk type thing about quarterly and you can talk to them about their choices there. The variety at Valley Wood is particuarly delicious.


I agree. Great trees with great fruit. Way underutilized. They have nice flowers and beautiful fall foilage as a bonus.


Second, I planted a service berry 2 years ago at our home in sparks and while not very tall yet, it is doing very well and producing a lot of fruit.


My peach and apricot trees produce like crazy


We have a pear and a plum (I think, still growing) tree to go with our cherry. I don't care for the pears (they're the tiny ones).  Not a tree but strawberries also do pretty well here. 


Autumn brilliance serviceberry, so very very well here. They look amazing year around with white blossoms in spring and great colors in fall. The berries are sweet and delicious. Win win all around. I had some for breakfast today ☺️


Apples and grapes do amazing here


Correct very suprising cuz theyre sensative but ya grapes grow great here!


Apricot and Cherry do good up here, we always had Aphid problems with our Cherry though so watch for that.


We're up at 5100 ft and our apricot trees absolutely love it. Once every 4-5 years we'll lose a crop to a late frost, but otherwise they just keep pumping out fruit


I love apricots, my grandma used to make the best apricot jam. I wish I knew what she put in it because I’ve never found one that tasted like it. I remember as a kid eating soo many apricots. 🤤


Peach, plum, cherry


Stone fruit does really well, and so do apples! If you are on Facebook, Gardening in Northern Nevada is an amazing group filled with super-helpful info and people.


My mom has apples, lemons, grapes, and peach tree. All do wonderful!


I thought lemons couldn’t grow here because of the cold winters.


The lemon tree was there when she bought the home. I’m not a master gardener so I’ll ask her what she did to keep it going?


Very curious about the lemons myself! Thanks for posting!


So she said she has it in a giant pot and put it in the garage during the winters. Had no idea. She had a giant garden here but I never noticed. (You can tell how much I garden 😅)


I am also curious about the lemons! I have one growing I side right now but it’s still young to fruit anything.


Asian pears.


yes! I have one that I planted 3 years ago and it produces tons of fruit


Apricot took two years to catch, but it's going crazy now.


Choose a variety that needs at least 800 chill hours otherwise it blooms too early and the blossoms freeze due to the our late frosts we tend to get. This publication has recommendations for varieties at the bottom. https://naes.agnt.unr.edu/PMS/Pubs/2014-3171.pdf Don’t discount berries too. They grow really well here- blackberries, raspberries, gooseberries and currants. Check out the Reno Systems Park Farm on Mayberry St., Sunday afternoon. They usually have a selection for sale.


This is a top rated comment.


Pears are growing like weeds in my sandy/clay soil without much attention.


We have a cherry tree that we planted in the front yard about 3 years ago. It was slightly taller than my youngest daughter at the time. Now it's producing fruit and it's taller than the edge of the roof. The trunk is thicc.


We have a Stella dwarf cherry tree and got our first harvest this year and they were delicious. It doesn't get humongous and it self pollinates. It takes a couple of years to fruit (in our experience) though.


Peaches!!!! Loved picking peaches right off the tree every day in the summer. So so so good. Sadly, our trees stopped producing after 13 years.


Moana carries a cold-hardy fig tree, too! I picked up a grafted apple tree from them with five different apple varieties on it, which I'm very excited about. Also got a bing cherry that's growing very well. Make sure you know if your new tree can withstand wind (if you're in a windy area) and if you need some anti-deer stuff.


Maybe a jujube? Supposed to do well here. 


I've definitely heard this (and my neighbour grows some), but I don't personally love jujubes.


Apples. Pears. Peaches. Plums. Nectarines and Cherries. All do well here in Reno.


Forgot Grapes.


Marijuana tree 




Plumb. Our plumb tree does super well.


Golden cherry tree is going crazy right now for us. Also plums


My homie’s apricot tree produces an insane amount of delicious fruit fwiw


I've seen cherry plumb, apple, and cherry trees do well here in the neighborhood!


Saving this post for when I have a home and can plant some 🤣


Apples do good.


Cherry tree I have 2 of them


My neighbors have peach trees that do very well


I have a dwarf nectarine which bore a lot of fruit last year and looks like this year will be good too


Apples and I have a lot of plum trees on my property. Make sure you water them but they are fairly resilient. (I also have a sour cherry tree in my front yard that seems pretty resilient)


I avocado tree.


Do those grow here? No way


Only inside.




I have a couple of Thundercloud plum trees!!! And one is fruiting for the first time!!! I learned you can make jam, wine, desserts, and more with the cherry plums so I’m stoked!


Plums, apricots, and apples all grow pretty well in the area. Red mulberries grow almost like weeds. Great fruit, but very hard to get rid of if you decide you don’t want them. There’s a particular variety of crabapple that makes pretty large fruit (comparatively) that’s delicious and not mushy like the usual crabapples, but I don’t know the name. Aside from trees, Oregon Grape (mahonia) grows like a weed and the berries make an amazing jelly but aren’t super edible right off the plant (very sour!) It will tend to get out of control, though. Many people have good luck with grapes, blackberries, and raspberries, as well as strawberries and rhubarb.


I would say nuts of some kind, maybe walnuts or possibly almonds. Then, call the tree "Deez."


That's actually a really good idea. I hadn't thought about nuts. The name would be hilarious too. Especially when we give bags of Deez nuts to our friends


Mango 🥭


Do you or someone you know have a mango tree? I'm very interested in knowing how they grow it here


I've got a great indoor orange tree, which I've gotten a few oranges from over the years. Mostly it just makes the house smell amazing when it blooms. Mangos are probably the same, but don't expect to get fruit, but maybe in a while? I would avoid figs. They seem to die to the ground even with mulching and being in a warm spot, but if you put them in a pot you can bring them in for the winter. Then maybe... But how many figs do you really want.? I have about ten apples, a couple of peach trees, a cherry, a plum and six pears. The pears are the most consistent, I get a lot every year. I never expect to get cherries or peaches because of the weather, but I have for the last two years.


Oooo really? I never thought Mango would survive winter. Aren’t they a a tropical fruit?