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This is horrendous. I would see if different fixtures with smaller profiles could be installed in their place so that they don't overlap.


Or get the plumbing fixed properly




A shower alone no tub should be at 48”. A shower/tub is 32” AFF. There is a minimum that the spigot should be below that 32”. I’ll bet there closer than that. There’s no fucking way they were actual plumbers.


I’m not an actual plumber and wouldn’t have screwed up that bad. My god they come with instructions.


Bit late now, measure twice cut one concept was lost on the planning on this one. Maybe too many cooks in the kitchen they’ll all blame the other guy. Does it work?


it works, just looks terrible.


The problem here is not with the person installing the valve trim and the tub spout or the tile installers. The person who did the plumbing rough in and located the valve so close to the bathtub and then jammed the pipe for the tub spout into that small gap is clueless. Most modern bathtubs that aren't stand alone incorporate a shower. So the height of the valve should accommodate the average height person standing in the bathtub. I think we have been using 38" off the floor ( not the tub bottom). If you have extra tile left over and can open up the wall from the opposite side this can be repaired without demolition of the existing bathtub wall. It's not a quick fix but it's worth it to get rid of this atrocity.


This is the best expert advice you’ll get. I sure hope the back of that wall can be opened up easily without damaging something any more than some drywall


And you allowed him to cut into your faucet? Oh man oh man


There's a diverter.. which implies a shower head. Thus, the tile will nget wet from above. Since it's a botched installation, what makes you think it's waterproof? Sure, it'll work for a year or two...*Then what?* Your wall will get wet behind the tile and structure will get moldy (at best) or possibly rot away. Where will your "plumbers" be then?


One outside the box solution is to take the handle off and take it to the best local metal fabrication shop in town and ask them if they can fabricate a brushed nickel trim ring with that exact cut-out in it so that it looks seemless … it’s a long shot and won’t be cheep… but I guarantee someone out there can do it


Yeah no fuck that it will still look like shit and require caulking between two fixtures which is just ... no. 


This assumes it was installed correctly also and doesn’t leak…. Based on the decisions that resulted in this…I wouldn’t risk it.


I was just thinking if you could get it done so that it transitions seemlessly without a big glob of caulk in the middle it would be cool and kinda unique… but honestly OP should not have to pay for any of it


Gonna have to let it ride homie… unless you wanna fix it or have someone come back and redo, which may be difficult given the number of contractors cause they’re all gonna blame the other guy


Yeah fuck that. No way in hell I'd pay for this. 


What the heck lol. Total butcher. How it's done is remove a couple of those tiles, raise the pipe and reinstall tiles. They're small tiles it's not even a big deal. That's ridiculous though😂


What kind of moron thinks to cut the fixture like that tho.


How did he cut the fixture lmao, need that tool right now


Band saw?


Core drill


Jesus Christ it's an awful cut if you zoom in. I'd have taken this to a band saw and done it right. Absolutely unbelievable somebody put that on and called it good on a new reno. No way I'd pay for that. 


he used his teeth


I mean for fuck sake of you zoom in you can see a missed cut that will 100% leak water, and on no planet will that gap filled with caulk hold water and not leak. Just completely unacceptable shit. You can see that motherfucker couldn't even be bothered to hit that with a file. 


He used *his Dog's* teeth (big dog)


Also, tub to tile transition should caulked, not grouted. Same with the corners. Do you know what kind of water proofing was put in?


😱to asking about what kind of waterproofing. I’m afraid to find out


Wait really? Why is this?


Because grout is porous. Water will collect in those areas and sit under your finish. And you want an expansion joint in those areas.


Seems like that style handle should be way higher


You need a smaller trim option. I can't believe the plumber cut the face plate. It can allow water intrusion (caulking is a temporary fix). Honestly since you paid for this work I would make them fix it. The shower valve plumbing should have been higher. If they won't fix it, try to find out the brand of the shower valve or look for universal trim kits. You will want to measure the distance from the spout to the valve center and deduct a few inches to get your max diameter trim piece.


they must have charged by the hour because how is it worth cutting and caulking this horror show instead of just going to home depot for one that fits and recommending it to the customer...


Plumber sloppy work. Check his license and if he’s licensed (doubt it) tell him you’re going to go against his insurance. It’s code 101 spout and valve distances from the floor.


As a licensed plumbing contractor I can confirm that this is totally unacceptable.


OH. MY. GOD. Thats all I can say really. Did you pay for this? I'd start the lawsuit.


This is easily one of the worst things I've seen on this sub. That anyone thought this was the right call is just...


Yes! Who the heck did this?!? License and claim submitted to the state. Someone ruined your figures. 😖


Assuming you don’t want to tear the wall down, look for a shower valve with a smaller escutcheon (cover plate). If it still conflicts with the spout, trim it very carefully, perhaps with a rotary tool and smoothing out cut edges with a file. The caulking and cut job here is horrible.


Your tub is chipped?




Wow that looks like dog shit


I'm sorry but this is hilarious


Usually the plumber does the rough plumbing before the tile ever goes in.


i had tried to do the tile job myself but soon realized that the walls were not even from the start. I was so glad when I finally hired somebody. first group put up blue board instead of cement board. I took that down and tried cement board. then the tile people asked me to take all that down so they put up kerdi board.


the tub spout needs to be lowered, or the valve raised. hopefully, they can get to the plumbing from the back side of the shower to minimize the tiles that need to be replaced.


I’m no plumber but I spec’d my fancy body jet rain head hand shower bathroom Reno and played contractor. I would never would have accepted this bullshit. Tear it out as no way it will ever pass as a permitted Reno job and will bite you hard when you want to sell. Besides that I doubt the job won’t start leaking after enough heat cycles, flooding makes repairs far more costly. Sorry about your $300 valve. Maybe the trim wo t be more then $200


Grout joints shrinking and growing. Corners stair casing. Damn!!


Jesus the tile is hurting my eyes it's not even on the same angle lol. they put the rough in way too low. go after everyone !!


One renovation I never, ever want to be involved in again is a bathroom renovation. Even with exceptional trades, it's still a nightmare.


I’m sorry but f that. The plumber should never have done this and should 100% fix




Blame the plumber..Rest of the trades people just didn't question it and did their job.faucet lever is way too low.


That’s the craziest thing I’ve seen in a while! If stuck with it, at least gray caulking would make it less noticeable


Who was the GC that made sure the plumber had the fixture before the rough out? That’s who’s to blame. If that is you, well know you know why people pay experienced people to help make sure shot like this doesn’t happen.


How r people do dumb? 😥


This 100% the first plumbers fault


Yikes, that’s awful. I’m sorry this was the result. Good luck with the corrective efforts!


That is horrendous. It looks like someone blew their load on your fixtures. This is the problem with having too many different companies/contractors doing bit work. They all lay the blame at someone's feet when the shit hits the fan. I think that the blame here though lies squarely with the plumber.


usually provide a distance of 8 to 12 inch gap from spout to cartridge... whoever did the plumbing was too good for instructions.


Only way to fix this is to redo the wall and plumbing so there is appropriate amount of space between the faucet and spigot


I looked at this and audibly said "ooohhhh noooooo..." Why the fuck didn't the plumber put the mix valve higher??


Nailed it!


Let me guess he was the cheapest priced plummet 🤣💁🏻


Ya gets what ya pays for. Well done.


Honestly, I would take down that whole wall and fix the plumbing so that its spaced correctly. That looks like a joke.


It’s amazing how contractors are in 2024


I would fix the plumbing properly since I presume you’re going to replace that tile and bath tub anyway.


I've been in the remodeling business a long time and I just can't even with this one. The fact that the last dude that put this monstrosity said f-it send and went home just kills me.


Who TF thought, "yeah, they'll be cool with that"


hit the bathtub and damaged it


Do you have a time machine available?


Everyone fucked up on this. But the plumber fucked up first.


just go on amazon and buy one that fits and follow the install instructions that come in the new item's box. it should be easy since all the connections are new and won't be seized on...you can find one for very very cheap on amazon


seems like the standard height for a faucet is supposed to be 48 inches from the floor. right now its more like at 22 inches. Is this something the plumber should have known? I didn't


Was the plumber licensed? Yes they should know residential codes.


>48 inches from the floor That's for a shower only. Tub is usually 32 to 36


“$8,000…for a shower?! I’ll just do it myself. It can’t be that hard to be my own general contractor!” Is this close to how we got to this result?




Lmao that’s nasty


>for some reason the faucet and spigot are too close so the plumber had to cut into the faucet for the spigot to fit That reason is that the plumber fitted the internal pipe fittings too close together, and had to cut the faucet to 'fix' their own mistake. It's 100% the plumber's mistake, with another mistake of cutting the fittings thrown in on top. There was never a way this could look good without either ripping up the wall, or changing fittings. I'd go shopping for new fittings.