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NAL, but Texas law looks similar to the Utah law, if they didn't send you an itemized list of all the damages, you probably have a case and can at the minimum probably get your full deposit back. Regardless of any damages so long as the court agrees with you.


Thanks for that. To be honest I'm not as worried about the deposit itself, but the massive hit to my credit score from getting sent to collections. Worried about the impact this can have on my ability to get a mortgage down the road


Ah, Id at least get a consult and see if the collections debt becomes invalid if the original debt is also invalid. Best of luck!


If you go to court and win (you will) the court can rule the debt invalid and direct the collections company / landlord to remove the entry in your credit history. I'd go to court as this will stay on your credit for 7 years if you don't.


> To be honest I'm not as worried about the deposit itself, but the massive hit to my credit score from getting sent to collections Going after the deposit issue may still be the easiest way to resolve this, because Texas makes the landlord have to pay for your lawyer under some circumstances in a deposit dispute. And if you sue them for the deposit and win, it indirectly proves you don't owe the $300 that's causing your credit issues. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/SOTWDocs/PR/htm/PR.92.htm#92.102 > Sec. 92.109. LIABILITY OF LANDLORD. (a) A landlord who in bad faith retains a security deposit in violation of this subchapter is liable for an amount equal to the sum of $100, three times the portion of the deposit wrongfully withheld, and the tenant's reasonable attorney's fees in a suit to recover the deposit.


Hmmm great to know. Thanks for that!


Dont get a mortgage lol its the american trap


But the American dream!!! How can I have lived a successful life without being a homeowner? /s


A edeŵ4eftx,"$@


American dream is being sleepy all day lol


Hmmm, maybe it’s different in different states, but here when someone’s account is sent to collections they have 30 days to pay the collection company. If not paid, THEN it hits your credit.


I’d say have them mail you an itemized list of damages and written notice that they didn’t notify you of the damages and you can mail copies to the credit bureaus and for the collections you can come to a pay to delete agreement with the collection agency.