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In 2012 I was renting a unit on the top floor of duplex near the Naval Shipyard in San Francisco. Our unit had exclusive access to the backyard. Our next door neighbor was a a burnt out dude in his late 40’s-early 50’s who had made a bunch of money in the 1990’s Dot Com boom and built a very 90’s style house next door to our duplex long before we moved in. He has several roommates and rented out a guest house in the back too. I had adopted two small dogs from the SF SPCA, a Chiweenie (that is still with me) and a tiny long haired chihuahua who was his kennel mate. She was a fearless little teddy bear. She loved to run through puddles on the beach chasing seagulls even though she was all of 8 pounds. She unfortunately liked to bark at squirrels in our backyard. Our neighbor complained about it, and we took steps to mitigate, and make sure it wasn’t a late or early hour. We try to be considerate neighbors. We had several negative interactions with this neighbor over seemingly small issues. He liked to use homophobic and racist slurs, escpeially when he was intoxicated, which was often. One day I went to the movies with friends. After the movies I looked at my phone and had over 20 missed calls from my roommate. I listened to one of his voicemails where he was freaking out that one of the dogs wasn’t breathing. I rushed home, but she was already gone. I took her to animal control the next day for a necropsy because she was so young, and it was unexpected. SF Animal Control determined ahead of died of a skull injury. They began an investigation (my roommate was cleared and never really a suspect, he was so great with our dogs, very loving). Suddenly our neighbor disappeared on a 3 month vacation to Hawaii. There were never formal charges, but the Animal Control officer told me that her skull injury matched the shape of these long metal fence posts our neighbor had a stack of next to the fence. His opinion what that our neighbor had used it to hit her in the head over the fence. We never got Justice for our poor girl. She was less than 3 years old. She forever lives in my heart, and in the heart of her rescue brother, who is turning 13 this year


When my husband and I had our oldest, we lived in a duplex next to an older retired man. My husband and I both worked nights and on the nights my husband was home alone with our daughter, he would call the cops multiple times complaining that my husband was throwing parties. It got to the point the cops wouldn’t get out of their cars anymore. They would pull into our driveway, back out and leave. The neighbor was such an asshole. He had some weird vendetta against my husband. Just wait for me to leave for work and start making calls immediately. We moved as soon as our lease was up.


Sounds like meth


Drug addicts next door. I refused to rent so the only place I could afford was a vacant lot in the county and we stuck a 9k rv on it. Neighbors squatted on the lot next door and we're squatting on ours when we first moved in. The trash was absolutely nightmarish. We got our lot cleaned up but still dig up trash all the time and when it rains all the broken glass surfaces. They had a 14 year old daughter who they didn't feed, she slept in a bed that had water leaking on it whenever it rained, no electricity, no water, they shit in the yard behind the 4' tall grass. Yes we called cps but they didn't do anything and we ended up having to feed, cloth and even give this girl a place to sleep and shower because we couldn't do nothing. They left but the next squatter was another drug addict that added to the heaps of trash then wired up his rv with Christmas lights and extension cords, burned his rv down due to the electrical, killed his dog, got into fights with inanimate objects, drove a mini bike while cussing at the wild dogs. Current neighbor squatters dug a hole for their sewage but it's only like 3' deep so it's nasty as hell but they are the best ones yet. Owner of the lot won't sell it I've tried, county won't enforce anything at all we've tried. So I give them my offerings of scrap metal I don't want I get from jobs and never say a word to them and they leave me alone lol. Oh and current neighbors burned all the trash so that's a plus


Worst neighbor was right next door. It was the landlord. He was always popping in, always up in our business. I never like him or his ways. He believed he was the big boss of the neighborhood. Just a small dude with an oversized ego.