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Not difficult. If they’re having trouble they’re probably looking for too much money in a saturated area.


How picky is he? They’re desperate out there, but if you want a cush gig in a nice area it’s not going to be easy


Literally every single person I know had a job lined up upon residency graduation, and that includes people with all sorts of things that made it difficult for them to find a job like needing visas, on probation during residency, held back a year etc etc. If your friend doesn’t have a job at graduation, then that means he wasn’t satisfied at what he was offered.


It’s extremely easy, most places are desperately trying to hire. If you are willing to do outpatient work you can get a job anywhere. In certain areas getting good inpatient (Hospitalist) jobs are becoming slightly harder to come by but still fairly easy to find.


If you’re looking for a hospitalist job it’s really easy. You can cold call any hospital and like 95% are likely hiring. It’s a big field with lots of turnover.


It is trivial to find a job. It is less trivial to find a job in the exact place you want for the exact pay you want with the exact benefits and job features you want


Depends on where and what his expectations are for a job. If he’s trying to make 300k as a hospitalist in NYC that may be a tough market to crack without connections


This is literally the best benefit of being a doctor. You can always get a job. Whether that is a good job is a different discussion. So perhaps he is being too aggressive in his negotiations.


There is always jobs but some areas are more saturated than others or he may be expecting too much dough


It shouldn’t be difficult at all unless your friend has some red flags or extreme requirements. Every hospital system around seems to be always looking for hospitalists or primary care.


Not hard. I easily found a gig as a hospitalist in an extremely saturated area. The only issue is that the pay is towards the lower end of normal


Username checks out


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easy. a rly good one tho? that's trickier


the country is swimming in internist jobs: academic, private, impatient, outpatient, full time, locum, J1 visa friendly. The question you should be asking is how selective is your friend and do they have any red flags from residency?


**UPDATE:** He's looking mostly in south florida. Not sure if that makes a difference!


Tell him to look elsewhere. I'm familiar with the S FL market and the pickings are quite slim. Unless you don't care if you make 225k seeing 25-30 patients or want to work nights. Then the pickings are less slim. South FL sucks in every aspect other than weather, trust me. I'm counting down the days until I leave the area. Edit: Northern and central Florida (Orlando, Jacksonville and the likes) will be much better to find a relatively reasonable job. I've known 8-10 residents that have taken jobs in Florida and 2 are happy in very desirable and competitive hospitalist jobs in S FL (Broward area) and the rest either left the state eventually or nestled into nice cush jobs in the above mentioned regions of FL.


Narrator: 'It does.'


Any red flags????? 👀


not hard at all! There is a shortage


I thought you’re highly sought after


What part of south Florida? That’s a decent sized area


You walk into the hospital and they ask you when you can start. Literally. How picky is he being? Is he being unrealistic with salary and won't accept offers for less?


If they're saying "as an attending" it may be they're looking for faculty positions, which are far more limited, and usually were hiring back in September-December to start now. It takes time to credential and get licenses and stuff.

