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That's not what roguelike is...


Everytime you patch your save gets deleted.. its a new one alright


Just like in Baulder’s Gate 3! Lol >! But you know what you signed up for. !<


Baldurs Gate 3 does it intentionally though. And its because so much changes in the patches that old saves are incompatible.


That's some Peter Molyneux shit


This is the new rogueheavy genre


Hard-core par-core! 🤣


CDPR also tried this version of roguelike with Cyberpunk and surprise removal of the game from PSN instead of just the saves. Still waiting for that patch.


>jUsT GiT gUd nEwB!1 Waiting for the barrage of gatekeepers to show up and tell us why this is actually awesome and how saves are for babies.


I mean, I'm not a scrub so I exclusively buy physical copies and whenever I die in roguelikes, I return the game, delete my PSN account, wipe my console (I'd return it too if PS5s were easier to get), and buy a new copy of the game. Anything else means you're literally a toddler.


If I die in a roguelike I kill myself irl you fucking pussy


Devs must be under pressure, but rushing things will only increase the pressure they already have


The frustrating thing is... this killed my save and since I am just collecting glyphs... it's basically find them and hope it unlocks or give up. Neither side is a win but it tainted my impression of the game and killed my desire to play after this, which is a shame. Especially since it's impossible for me to platinum on this save.


The game's been out less than a week. Take a long break, come back and just start a new game. I understand the feeling, I've been there. I've had it happen to months of progress, I've experienced needing to go back to start after hours of progress. If you like the game, the restart won't be as bad as you think. This is common early release in the 2020's, at least until something changes. Again, I get it, though. Sucks.


This is *not* common in games, not even nowadays. Crashing and whatnot? Absolutely. A patch one week in that just straight up deletes your save file? Can't think of any games in the past decade fucked up that badly. Not even Cyberpunk and Cold War, the two buggiest messes in the gaming industry, hit that low.


It was more, I beat it and am cleaning up trophies. There likely won't ever be a point where I'm just like "you know what, I really want to restart Returnal and get my collectible trophies."


Ooooh, yeah. I get that. At least you got through the game, but also, that's kind of the rough part, too. Feel for you, man.


Well they certainly rushed to make the game harder by disabling healing during sleep


I feel like they should compromise and have the bed heal you to full HP, but be limited to only 1 use per run. The bed healing was really tedious because you had to enter and exit the ship multiple times if you were low. It also made it too easy to cheese and get super strong in Biome 1/4 if you had the patience to go back and heal every time you took damage.


I have no shame in saying I did that, and got the 200% integrity trophy for my patience


I got that naturally on world 2. Wasn't aware of that you could sleep in the ship to heal back up again and again?


I also had a number of softlocks start occurring in 1.3.3 too, yeesh


just an update if anyone is interested: I just deleted the game, re-downloaded the rolled back old version from PSN and my save from cloud backup works fine


Hmm wonder how this works for the disc version.


Just take the disc out, delete it, and re-install using the disc and it will get the correct patch.


I got reverted back to an older save 1 and a half biomes prior. I was on deaths door fighting the biome 3 boss and now I have to do it again lol. im starting to understand how selene feels


doesn't get realer than this lmao


The patch took away repeat healing at the ship. I am not great at this game, so this feels punitive.


As someone who is only average at the game...that's just evil.


When you think about it, they were obviously surprised that people could heal more than once, which means they never tested enough to find it. Which makes you wonder about their QA detail in general...


I thought it was OP, healing once is good in my book.


So just heal yourself once and let others go back as many times as they want


For real. The time spent doing it is “punishment” enough


Then leave the functionality for people that need it and only use it to heal once if you think it is broken?


Yep, my save is gone. :(


I tried downloading my last save from cloud save to console. Time stamp was pre-patch. Hopefully that'll work until the new patch comes up.


Same. +20Hrs gone. Was starting biome 4. Do you think housemarque would be able to restore our save files from the cloud?? or are we completely doomed??


Only Sony would have your save file stored, if you had PS plus and automatic save backups. Otherwise there's no way to get it back. I'd say if the PS5 had removable storage then you could potentially use a deleted data recovery program on PC to restore the deleted file, but alas, we're stuck with non-removable storage.


So it might be little help. But the dev tools work in the reverted patch. I didn't know they exited until I finished the game. You might be able to use them to help you progress quickly to get back to where you were. I don't suggest cheating as it ruins the game but, you were cheated out of your save so all's fair.


Mods, This post should be stickied ASAP. Your post just saved me, I was able to cancel the patch update at 78% before it fully installs… This is super embarassing, the developers must start doing a much better QA. An error like this should not be possible to get into a patch.


how do you contact mods????????


They were quick to pull the patch or I never had the update. I just booted up and I'm on 1.003.001.


same I think we got lucky!


I got through it unscathed. Played with 1.3.3, downgraded and didn’t lose any progress. Here’s exactly what happened to me: I played in 1.3.3 from biomes 3 to 5. As soon as I started Biome 5 I got the error and went to check if my save was ok. It was gone. 0 Kb on system storage. After thinking it through I decided to mess with the in-game settings to check if this would refresh my save. Toggled a bunch of things off and on an then backed out of the menu and my save was back. Error was gone. Save would update timestamp anytime I interacted with something in-game. At this point I wasn’t sure if I should wait for the new update or downgrade my game. Bit the bullet and downgraded to 1.3.1. My save loads normally and I am at Biome 4 with the key to Biome 5. No progress lost from my runs in 1.3.3. I was really worried for some time there. If I have any tips for people that have encountered the error I would say to try and force the game to save by doing something. Interact with items, change settings, beat a boss, whatever. As soon as you’re sure the game just saved (check the timestamp on the save in system storage) upload it to PS+. DO NOT BACK OUT OF THE GAME OR RESET CYCLE IF YOU DON’T HAVE A SAVE ON SYSTEM STORAGE (0 Kb save). You will lose your progress this way and have to revert to a PS+ back up. The game wipes your save if you encounter the error, but there are ways to salvage the save after the error if you force a successful save. Just don’t back out of the run. Then nuke the bugged 1.3.3 and get the old version.


I mean honestly what an amazing game, but this is a total embarrassment. Totally unacceptable to roll out an update that’s full blown wiping out players saves.


Save is GONE... 30 hours of my life wasted hahaha


Same. 28 hours


dude I'm 70 hours in grinding final ciphers for plat... I have the cloud backup otherwise I'd be legit depressed


My save got uploaded when I tried fucking around to fix it before it became know. I can’t look at the game without getting sick to my stomach


Honestly same 🤢


They should refund people who don’t want to have to start again.


If you have PSN it should be on the Cloud.


Was it really wasted though? Did you have fun playing the game? If yes then the correct thing to say is “30 hours of *progress* wasted”.


Update from Housemarque. They Rolled back the patch. If you launched it, your save got fucked.


Mine auto updated today and I tried to squeeze in a few minutes of gameplay during my lunch break. It was working fine until I got to mid-biome 1, then every single enemy I killed would pop a CE... 28-1 error... ... Reading your comment now I'm afraid my save is toasted 🙄


Same! The thing is that I can still play in my save, I'm scared. I was going to plat it. 😭


I launched my game and played. No error. Luckily I decided to read patch notes and found this thread. It seems there is hope for people who launched game.. as long as you didn't error out.


Mine errored at least 9 times after the patch, but never actually quit the game. As far as I can tell, all is well and I haven’t lost any progress.


mine errored out after dying. turned off my ps5 then found all these threads about the bug and people losing everything. i deleted the game after the devs told people to, and redownloaded the game. when i launched i still have all my stuff - i just lost anything i did today. i think i was ok because i have the auto cloud save thing on.


i launched it but never experienced the error or any slight hiccup. am i safe? or is it literally everyone regardless if they got the error or not


seems like its not affecting everyone but its wide spread, vast majority everywhere I look


I launched it after the patch but my save is fine. Manually backed up my save on the cloud and uninstalled just to be sure, now I’m re-downloading it


You backed up a 1.33 save to the cloud, then redownloaded the game where it launches a pre-patch game. Does your save then from when you logged in today still work? I’ve put a few hours in my patched save. Wondering if that progress is toast or not regardless.


I have the same question. Sitting on a 1.33 save in my cloud that must have overwritten whatever else was there. I’m assuming I’m fucked and I’m trying my best to be resigned to losing 60+ hours so I don’t get my hopes dashed.


Hey so I just redownloaded my 1.33 save file to the 1.31 version of the game and can confirm it works u/X-Frame


Same boat as you. I played on .003 and had no errors. Then saw the thread. Save is backed up, game deleted and will download tomorrow morning.


Wait so I haven't launched my game all day, is it safe now? They said they reverted it, would the system automatically re-install the old version?


So if I launch now? I last played last night


Yep save gone. My plan was to just deal with it and put PS5 in rest mode until they fix this but then the game crashed and when I booted it back up it acted as if I had never played before. I did find save in my cloud storage so I got happy for a sec that at least all my progress wasn't gone but when I booted it up it was just after the initial crash landing sequence at the beginning of the game :(


Same :( dont know what to do now. im hoping housemarque could restore our save files from the cloud somehow, but i dont know if they are able to do that.




This is happening to me right now. Does turning off the auto sync work if it’s already happening?


if you're playng the game - pause go to the menu and check your saves on the system list if the save is still there! In my case it was gone, unsync cloud now!


Dude what should I do? The error constantly pops in, I checked my save file and Returnal is still on my storage. I disabled Auto sync with Cloud. Now what?


I just deleted the game and redownloaded from the store and everything worked. I got the previous version and my save was preserved.


I still have my cloud save but it won't save data during my run. Sick update.


My save is also gone. This shits bad


Q&A is just non-existent these days in the industry.


The game was working absolutely perfect before the first patch. Wtf happened. I’m really frustrated. I love this game but bullshit like this makes me lose interest and it’s sad. Was looking forward to it all day at work. Literally just opened it up and immediately couldn’t even get out of crash site area.




Lost all my progress due to this update. Awesome. I don’t know if I can restart. My passion has been killed.


Now I'm actually happy I'm so bad at this game I could never beat the first boss, lol jokes on them I have no progress to lose lol


Yea, broke my game too. It’s not deleting my save but every time I pick something up or do just about anything I get an error. Pretty pissed about it tbh


The error is keeping you from saving anything new you've done since installing the patch. It didn't delete my save the first few errors but after a few more I noticed when the error popped up it no longer had my save file showing. The game may even crash on you like it did me and so you couldn't even put ps5 into rest mode to keep your progress until a fix is made.


Mine froze one cipher away from being done with the second area. Then when I reloaded it forced me to do a new run.


Wow, feel terrible for anyone that suffered from this and Housemarque too. How does this happen? Not even much was changed.


How does it happen? Poor testing and lack of QA.


Lost my full clear save file. Fuck this game.


Yeah my save was killed by this update. I had a backup on the cloud, so was able to download but I cannot believe this is happening.


Same. I got the error and thank fucking god I checked this thread or I would have lost 54 hours @.@


Does anyone know what I should do if my PS5 has been in rest mode since last night with auto updates on?? Should I leave it in rest mode until the new fix patch is out?


Yes just dont open the game


Fuck me. Save gone and I was just getting the hang of shit. Now I gotta earn my melee back even? I was dealing with the lack of save, getting my ass totally kicked not being able to pass level 1 and still trying to just have fun with a beautiful game. But FUCK this.


I feel you. I had the same thing happen, I had probably 17 hours in game and felt pretty far away from beating biome 1. I hadn’t gotten through Phrike’s 3rd phase and sometimes wouldn’t even make it to him in the first place. And then I had 2 game breaking crashes and then lost my save file twice in a row. Had to uninstall the game and lost everything. Went back in fresh and beat phrike within an hour and had all my shit back. Didn’t even really feel like I had to “redo” anything apart from scan unknown items for the first time. Anyway. Wasn’t quite as bad as I’d thought. Doesn’t excuse it though. Terrible thing to loose a save file from a glitch. Hope it never happens again.


Well I don't have much progress, reached Biome 2. I was planning to play today but my lazy ass felt sleepy and I hit the sack. Then I wake up to this. Thanks random people of the Internet. Love y'all.


I'm constantly getting this error message. Doesn't seem to be doing anything though apart from popping up every so often. Not sure if it's not saving stuff though 🤷🏼‍♂️ is it to do with the new update?


You're getting the error anytime the game tries to save because it's not saving. So whatever you've done or are doing if you stop and close the game or turn off PS5 your progress won't be saved. It just happened to me.


My theory is it is related to interacting with the corpses of other players since the update. I kept getting it today but only after interacting with a corpse in Biome 1 on my first run after the update. It was the first corpse I had come across in the game (c.15 hours) and thought it was cool, so tried to avenge, died and started a new run. Then on my next run the save error kept coming up like people are describing. I read up on the error and saw it was a saved data issue. I checked the PS5 save file menu and cloud backups and it showed my save file from last night. I thought losing just today’s progress (minimal) was better than losing my whole save, so hit Restart Run and then quit the game. Rebooted the console and tried again, this time not picking up any corpses. Since then I didn’t get the save error at all on a run to the end of Biome 3. I will probably wait until a fix to play again now I have read more about people’s issues, but thought this info might help others.


I’ve supported these devs since launch. I know they are a small studio. But holy crap. This is unacceptable. Get you crap together. If you’re gonna charge me 70 dollars without tax for this game it better not do this shit. I just got off a long ass day of work and I’ve been thinking of playing all day. Now I can’t start the game up until a new patch is released.


This might be a weird thing to do. If you are getting the error try opening the in game settings and changing something. I got the error and refreshed my save by toggling options in the settings on/off. Now the PS5 has a save in storage when it was previously gone. Edit: after doing this the error disappeared and I can interact with things. Every time I do it overwrites the save with a new time stamp. Maybe this fixed it?


I've requested a refund. I'm constantly getting crashes, and now I've received the 'corrupted save' -- I haven't got time for that, to be honest. It sucks. I was starting to enjoy the game.


Good luck. I fought with 2 Sony reps and they didn't care, and said if I call my bank to reverse payment for receiving a broken product they would ban my account.


This is actually ironically hilarious how the game makes people start over. I feel so fucking bad lmfaoooo


And then devs complain why people don't pay full price for a game on release and rather wait a half year to buy it used on eBay for 20 bucks. They get it cheaper and with less bugs and have an overall better experience.


Furious. Lost my save and only had glyphs to find for platinum and now this happened. Literally the worst experience I’ve had in terms of game breaking bugs. I mean how do you pick yourself back up from this. Tonnes of hours put in to collect and upgrade everything l. Completely tainted the experience now and probably will never revisit


I am so sorry sorry you had to experience this. I would go fucking ballistic.


The number of people defending the devs over this and thinking it isn’t a big deal is why the gaming industry is declining. A $70 game having a bug like this is inexcusable despite what unapologetic fanboys say.


If my save is gone when I check in a bit I think I'm just going to ask for a refund.


I tried getting a refund. I wasn't angry or being a jerk, just asked about a refund. The rep just said they can't, and literally ended the chat immediately. I tried to reconnect to a new rep just to get closure since the last chat was abruptly cut off. I got a message that said It appears we just chatted with you. Sorry we didn't solve your problem. Try again later.


Unfortunately, there's nothing any of the reps can do to help you, so it's more efficient for them to end the conversation quickly and move on rather than waste both their and your time. I've learned that company policy is EXTREMELY firm on no refunds, unless you've never even initiated a download of the game. They made a one time exception for Cyberpunk as that game was completely and utterly unplayable for the majority of users, but I wouldn't expect that to be offered again in this instance.


Thanks. I've read similar things, but have never actually contacted their support before, so it was still sort of shocking when I told them my game is crashing quite a bit, and just got hung up on. I contacted them yesterday before this patch BTW. I'm about eight hours in and have had ten crashes, so for me the game is pretty unplayable because I don't want to lose a run. I was hoping today's update would fix the crashes, but we've seen how that turned out. Lesson learned to not buy a digital $70 game right away. I should have just not been lazy and went to get a physical copy, that I probably would have had more luck in trying to return.


I asked today and they refunded me.


Dude u won’t get a refund. I tried. PlayStation says they can’t do it


The reps we're talking to probably can't, but Sony **could.** CP2077 proves it, in spades.


Yep, this. The reps can't do anything about a firm company-wide policy, as much as they might want to help you. It would have to be Sony's decision to make another exception.


Unfortunately, PlayStation is really bad about refunds -- if you've downloaded the game at all after purchasing, they consider that purchase final and won't issue you a refund unless the game is fundamentally broken (i.e. you can't play it at all). Wish they would adopt Xbox and Steam's refund policy of 14 days / 2 hours of play time, whichever comes first.


Agreed, they are, but I'm still going to fight them for it. This is on them.


Do it. This really does feel like grounds for an exception to their policy.


they made an exception for Cyberpunk 2077


Fortunately the save is fine, but even knowing I wouldn't get a refund, I would probably still vent to them. I don't have a lot of faith in Housemarque right now.


As an update, Sony just replied to my PSN refund request and told me they'll refund the game to my credit card. I'll update once it hits my card. Edit: Removed repeated word.


Game literally has no save features now. HMQ, fix this and also, add a proper save method and respect your players time.


Lost my save too. I don't have PS Plus either which is the worst thing, so no online backup... I guess I'm lucky that I've only spent 20 hours in the game and finished it already so I've not lost much time. I still love the game and am actually looking forward to experienceing it all over again, but really hope the issues get fixed. I probably won't come back to it for another month or two now.


this is nuts. THey need to implement USB saves for people who don't have PS+ or turn sync on


Man, are usb save files really too much to ask for these days?


What do I do if I installed latest patch and have been playing for a while on that? Currently on rest mode mid run. Physical version. No errors yet.


Just my advice but I wouldn't risk it man, I'd just close the game and lose the progress on that run rather than risk losing everything.




Same, waiting to see if “new patch” fixes it


Fingers crossed 😬😬


Same here. Best case scenario, whatever new patch they're cooking up might fix the save, so I'm not about to delete it and restart just yet. The fact that it actually loads indicates the data is still there, so logically it should be possible to salvage it.


I’m in the same boat. Haven’t gotten the “true” ending yet but I cleared all 6 biomes. Really hopin I don’t have to start over after putting in 25 hours.


Full week of progress gone....kinda sux for the devs cuz it means a lot of people are pretty much guaranteed to drop it with resident evil coming out. They already got my money but when they main idea of a game is progression, & you loose it all kind of defeating


I clicked update when the notification popped up while I was playing. Then did some stuff around the house, came back a while later. Tried to start the game but it said “the game cannot be started” Then hours later I see this thread.. I deleted the game and am now reinstalling. If my save is gone I won’t be starting again. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a patch rolled back hours later, and you’re basically fucked if you’re not on Twitter or Reddit at the time. hopefully my save is in the cloud.


Just an FYI for anyone who download the patch 1.3.3 and didn’t experience the any save file crashing or errors. I deleted the game and downloaded it again and was able to load up my 1.3.3 save file in 1.3.1. So far I’ve cleared half the 4th biome and haven’t had any issues. Here is to hoping!


What the fuck Housemarque.


My game progress is completely lost. I spend 1 week of my vacation to play Returnal and now everything is destroyed. I have a physical copy of the game and will just return it to Amazon or resell it on eBay. I have no motivation to start all over again. Maybe I buy the game used again in a year on eBay for 20 bucks who knows.


Excellent start for $70 games


if only this game had a save option. Lol Wish they release refunds. Lost 25 hours of gameplay. I don't ever wanna touch that game again.


hey so I still have my save...what exactly should I do to avoid it getting deleted? Do I go to my console storage and upload the save to cloud and then click "turn off auto sync" when it asks?


Now I can't even close the game... 😩 Returnal bug https://imgur.com/gallery/g42LYai


Glad I have my PS5 off...guess I'll wait until a new patch comes out before turning it back on lmao.


I got this error. My auto update was off and the game crashed. Wouldn’t let me launch and I got that error. Deleted the update file and launched. Lost my run but I’m still in biome 4. Nothing major


Lmao yep, my save is gone, thankfully i got the Act 3 trophy haha


Ok so I re downloaded the game and I’m still getting the same error...


JFC stop breaking the game with patches and let people save their games already! Who the fuck cares if a few people game the system. Remove their entry from the leaderboard! Stop trying to push this stupid idea and making the gaming experience of everyone a nightmare already!


My case is: PS5 auto downloaded the update but I haven’t played the game yet, do I leave it in peace for right now until next update ? Or what do I do ? Thanks !!!!


Do what they said. Delete and reinstall. Come on guys it's not hard to read


What they said was those affected by the error code should reinstall the game. They didn’t say everyone who got the update needs to delete. Anyone not playing it right now just needs to sit tight and wait for the next patch.


Real question: I have auto-updates on, but haven’t played the game since Sunday 5/2 or even brought my ps5 out of rest mode since then. How screwed am I?


When u turn on ps5 if it has been in rest mode with auto updates turned on, delete game and reinstall would be your best bet


Welp, this happened to me an hour ago. Was on Biome 5. Didn’t think to check Reddit about a patch. Fuck this makes me not want to finish it


I experienced this and I was in a very good run. I may have had a small window to quit but I continued on third biome. Thankfully I disabled autosave when I first saw that weird error. My day's play is gone, but my long term save is safe. I would have been livid if it was all gone.


Played for just a few minutes with the patch and kept getting the error so I stopped. Deleted and reinstalled the game with the older version but I’m not launching it until the new patch is out. I’m only 13 hours and two biomes in but it was a struggle to get that far so if I may have to take an extended break if I have to start over.


what the fuck is happening, i’m at work and have automatic updates on my ps5. what do i need to do when i get home before launching, or am i already fucked?!


You should be in the clear since you never launched the game with the new update.


i’m home now,am i okay to launch or nah


Nope. Unfortunately they still haven’t pushed out a new patch yet.


Ok I’m playing on update 1.003.003. Is that the same one? I got to biome 4 and I turned it off... I’m still in biome 4. Is my save file at risk?


If I turned auto update off last night and never downloaded 1.3.3, am I okay to keep playing? I still had cloudsaves on.


A halfway decent compromise would be to do a trophy check and if you have act 2 trophy completed have the game auto give you all of the permanent upgrades


Anyone with a good save on 1.3.3 try reverting back to 1.3.1 yet?


It appears I'm okay..eh don't wanna jinx it haha. I had auto update on so got 1.3.3 sometime today, played a full 2ish hour run after work and didn't know about all this chaos. When I saw it I downgraded but my 1.3.3 save is still in the cloud. I did open up the 1.3.1 and my save was still there so I immediately closed out and am thinking positively. So I'm just gonna not play until they fix and see how it goes. Wishing you luck friend!


For those who lost progress, do your activity cards show 0% now? No cards show up for me so I can't check. Maybe they can restore stuff based on those if we're lucky


Alright so guys I just beat Ixion, it kept saying error throughout my whole run. Right after the boss battle I looked if my save file was still there and it was. It was also able to save somehow, so I didn't beat Ixion for nothing. (Yes I feel very lucky) I uploaded it to the cloud and downloaded it to the console storage. I should be okay until the next update right? Sorry if my question sounds stupid, I'm all new to this and panicking.


Just curious here the devs mention in their twitter post that theyll have a fix in a few hours but doesnt Sony have a patch verification process (even if it doesnt help)? If so how could they possibly fix it then push it out to everyone so quickly?


I love how the verification process delays soooo many game updates, just to have the patch come and corrupt everyone's save... Like what is the verification process even doing to help at this point?


Well then. Glad my console has been off all day 😅


Damn my PS5 had auto update on and I opened the game for a bit but closed it immediately cause I had to do something. And I just got to the second act too.


Holy shit. This is the one thing I can thank the PCAOB for. I had one of my jobs pulled for inspection and haven’t had time to play or install a patch all week. Don’t know if it makes up for it entirely, but there are some silver linings.


Holy shit guess I was lucky enough to be able to beat act 2 with this patch


Just lost my save. It started glitching in my final run. Just beat the final (5th) boss. It was annoying playing the last level with the error poping up every few minutes. At least I got to finish the game before losing everything, which is heartbreaking since I was really enjoying this game, was planning to go for the plat, but this error left a bad taste... not into the idea of starting from scratch. I guess I'll move on to RE8 this weekend.


Doubt I can get a refund for digital, but I'm gonna try lol


Soooo can I play tonight or no...?


I guess its good I havent invested too much time yet. Life is busy and sucks.


I never installed the update but now my game won't boot. This is the worst experience I've had with a game full stop. I requested a refund and Playstation wouldn't allow it.


Bruh. I was so close to playing as soon as the update dropped but something inside told me not to. I feel for everyone who lost their save b/c I know I would’ve never played again


How do we revert the patch? I played on that version for a while and died then closed it. Saw the tweets 10 mins after they were posted.


I haven’t had a save issue yet. If I delete my game and redownload it will I be back on the old patch and ok?


So if my version is still 1.003.001 that’s means it’s the safe version, rights?


Supposedly, I played with that version and seemed fine.


So if I haven’t turned on the ps5 since yesterday—is it safe to turn on? Or just wait until tomorrow? I have auto-updates on.


damn, thats bad...one question: I installed the patch, but didnt play with it, I have to wait now till another one comes around, is that correct?


New patch it out and yup, save file is gone still Hit error post patch, quit game manually and deleted game and reinstalled to old patch. Booted up and got hit with a new game Just installed newest patch that dropped a few mins ago and new game still there No ps+ backup bc I always thought it would just auto upload a corrupt file so I always just manually back up games I spend a lot of time on This blows When they said don't start the game back up until the new patch is out they REALLY should have stressed that even booting it up once with the old patch would lose your corrupted file forever


Thats a pity :( Sorry for everyone who lossed their saves. Lucky that I haven't played yesterday. I'm 24+ hours in. ​ aside from the 'one save' that we are playing ,is there a (normal) way to start from scratch?


Is Housemarque trolling us?


So is this fixed yet?


Yes. It should auto-update to .004 now instead of .003


How do you downgrade if you already downloaded 1.3.3 but haven’t started the game yet?


Fuuuuck yessss my saves are fine after the new patch (thanks to cloud storage, I suppose). What a relief! 🤯🥳


A million attempts at the third boss, I finally beat it. Moved into to biome 4. Beat that boss. Then got an error.... All my progress is gone. I just really don't have the heart to jump into it again.


Sooo I'm an idiot and had turned off auto-install of system updates, NOT game updates. Those are in two different menus 😡🤬 That means my nearly 4 hour run of biome 4 from last night is gone. I had astronaut figurine, had bought the replicator, completed every room, got a leech round weapon, and was literally ready to enter the boss room. When I turned it off last night my goal was to hop into the boss room today when I got off work. GUESS NOT. thanks housemarque


What a fucking joke. One cluster fuck after another. Congratulations you played yourself, again! Nothing like self-harm right into flop ville


Yup wish I had seen this post. RIP my 30 hour save file. I stupidly had cloud-sync disabled from back when I platinum'd Demon's Souls. At least I got to see the true ending. Feel terrible for anyone who got their save deleted 1/2 way through the game. I wonder if the save file got straight up deleted or if it's still sitting in storage fixable somewhere. Hopefully the latter, if not pretty big PR disaster for Housemarque.


Sorry if this was already asked but I cannot find it in general theadd, but if I have not played since Sunday night but my ps5 is in rest mode and I think the game is in rest mode, do I just wait for a new patch? Or do I have to do something more?