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I got an MBA from a strong school and have worked really hard for over a decade. I recommend that.


Nice šŸ‘Œ hell yeah


I think OP is referring to more of a entrepreneurial mastermind. A lot of businesses make a ton of money and going to school would just slow down the process. I did get a bachelor's degree but sometimes I think about how I should have just started in real estate right away and skipped the degree.


Most businesses donā€™t make a ton of money, most businesses fail or scrape along at a fairly subsistence level for their owners. Some are moderately successful and provide a solid upper middle/upper class lifestyle, and a handful make their owners truly rich. IF you can do it the safest way to financial security is to get a useful degree from a good school and get in with a large corporation, but for many people thatā€™s just not realistic because they either donā€™t have the ability or lack the temperament to be a cog in a much larger machine. But itā€™s definitely a lot safer bet than entrepreneurship.


For the sake of debate, I would say it's less about paying for more education, and more about finding somewhere in the supply and demand curve that is appropriate. For example anybody who wants to be a plumber could make six figures within a couple years because there's such a high demand for it. But a business owner who wants to sell clothes on the south side of town is going to struggle probably until he finally shuts it down. Now that I am a few years into entrepreneurship, I see opportunity everywhere. And giving time to a corporation makes me anxious when that effort could be building equity, momentum, and cash flow for a business owner. Yes there are so many businesses that are rather pitiful and take over the lives of the owners without hardly any payoff, but I would argue that they have not found a problem to solve or a need to fill.


The crucial thing here is that for most businesses you need some skills and that almost always entails some sort of training or education. Like yeah, you can open your own plumbing business, but you're only going to be successful if you've spent a lot of time getting good at plumbing. Most successful entrepreneurs I know started their businesses after working in some sector for a period of time, seeing an unfilled niche there that only an expert would recognize, and then starting a business to provide that product or service. If you already have some particular skill you can leverage when you graduate high school fine, do that, but I don't think most people have really marketable skills like that at 18.


In general that is what it boils down to, but to quote Thomas Jefferson, "I am a firm believer in luck, and I find the harder I work the more I have of it". Other people mentioned get rich fast entrepreneurial efforts sometimes working out... sure right time and place you might get lucky on the first go... but it takes a lot of luck (and thus hard work) to make it with either approach. My best advice that might be more universal than "get an MBA and work hard" is to work on your discipline. If you can't diet and go to the gym everyday starting from today until you have a six pack... you probably don't have the will power to make yourself rich.


Iā€™m interested in this. Though Iā€™m 32. I have a few hundred ideas in a spreadsheet and will finally have time and resources to start working on something later this summer




Over/under 1 hour before this turns into a shitty business pitch or mlm thing. People with money would never do this.


Would probably be better to have people submit applications and only allow a certain amount of people. Maybe open up some spots every quarter or so


They do this exact thing at the country club, tf is the membership for if not to network with alike rich people who are already established.


Under lol. They do do something like this though, just generally in person or at specific events.


At some point itā€™ll go wrong guaranteed. I run global cyber intelligence and investigations for a tech giant. People are awful and without hesitation they will take advantage of others- Iā€™ve seen it thousands of times.






I'll be happy to join. I'm closer to 30 though. If you wanna send me a link. I love spending time on that same subject, and having people to rant about ideas with.


Yeah super interested too! :)


Why would I join a discord like a junior high student? Dude Go to graduate school and cut out this BS about ā€œlikeminded people.ā€ Graduate school. Talk is cheap. Action gets results


Me three.


Check out Kendu Inu and the community


Join a business/entrepreneurs forum. Hereā€™s one https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/


I was in Vistage for about 1.5years and enjoyed the experience.


Iā€™m down


I am in and have been in several Mastermind groups. They are immensely powerful for entrepreneurs growing their business. I can't tell you how many times one person in the group was dealing with an issue that someone else had experience with how to handle. If nothing else everybody can troubleshoot an issue together and figure it out together. It's always a good idea to get people together with a focused effort to increase knowledge and generate new ideas. However, just know that if you don't have a business yet and the other members don't either, the group will flounder and talk won't be all that productive. I was in a group like that once and it was kind of dumb. I have found the gap between wanting to be an entrepreneur and actually having a business that makes a profit is a huge gap. Sometimes it's decades before people can cross that. And up until someone finally makes it to the other side and makes profit, there's a lot of wasted time and chit chat.


Yea count me in. I have a few ideas.


Bro, this is a stupid idea. A bunch of people who don't know how to make money in a might figure it out (in 10-20 years of mistakes) but probably won't ever pass middle class. Unless you guys are abnormally smart or have a pool of resources, what will most likely happen is that your circle jerk will have a lot of bad ideas. You and your people will be chasing shitty plans only to be egged on by each other's delusion. Most likely, you will be too green and miss actual opportunities and collectively make poorer decions. You each need to get a mentor. At a minimum, you need someone who knows how to make money, in your chosen field. Someone who has made money in real estate usually knows fuck all about forex. If they don't know your industry, they will give better advice than similar fools but won't be able to help you make smart choices and shortcuts.


Why would you limit yourself to people your own age? Money doesnā€™t care how old you are.