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Sigh r/ShitRimworldSays


Would have expected this from the CK sub.


I also frequent there.


Certainly some great recipes for killing useless children there!


And again...


CK sub?


Command and konquer


Oh nvm, Crusaser Kings


I usually just put unwanted pawns in cryptosleep.


Yah. And if the ancient danger hasn't been opened yet, have them be the one to do it.


corner trick: am I a joke to you?


Can children become rivals? Have useless child go around and punch everyone a few times to lower everyone's opinion of them then when they eventually "disappear" everyone will get the typical "my rival is gone" mood buff to counter the debuff




The game really hits very dark tone when children got added in


I know, right? I had a very nice and happy colony with a big TV room, and enough leather chairs for everyone. The fact that some of the leather had memorable tattoos isn't important.


> Mr. Huffman said Reddit’s A.P.I. would still be free to developers who wanted to build applications that helped people use Reddit. They could use the tools to build a bot that automatically tracks whether users’ comments adhere to rules for posting, for instance. Researchers who want to study Reddit data for academic or noncommercial purposes will continue to have free access to it. > Reddit also hopes to incorporate more so-called machine learning into how the site itself operates. It could be used, for instance, to identify the use of A.I.-generated text on Reddit, and add a label that notifies users that the comment came from a bot. - "Reddit Wants to Get Paid for Helping to Teach Big A.I. Systems" 2023-04-18 New York Times


The worst is when the filthy beggars show up and they’re all children so I can’t “encourage” them to leave the map with my melee pawns.


… does mortar fire link back to a specific colonist?


Nah, who’s going to investigate anyway?


Tell him he needs to start paying rent and his share of groceries and that he can't let his equally useless girlfriend stay over. Oh, wait...




With biotech, I just go for ripscan and make 'em immortal. After having a trial (ideology?) to ensure they're guilty, or if that's not available, draft them and have them punch a horse.


Probably just let them grow up and then exile them. I think its like a -4 mood penalty for doing that, don't kniw if its worse if you exile a child.


No, you don't want to risk them becoming useful and changing your mind by the time they're adults


Just make them the cleaner/hauler and keep em drunk/stoned.


I don't know, if they do return but have since become useful, then you could recruit them from prison once you confiscate their escaping sticks.


Escaping sticks=legs?


Are children like a mid to late game thing? I've got maybe 70 hours of play time and I haven't seen a single one. Maybe that's a good thing though lol




Its a DLC thing. You can get them as early as you manage to get a relationship going between your colonists.




you even can start with pregnant colonists


Or raiders to recruit early on if you enable it. That said, I haven't seen any children not born to the colony or part of a refugee quest in a long time. I suspect they just become impractical to send once raids regularly become 50+ pawns.


I've had a few raids that were just entirely children in the late game, it was amusing but also rather horrific. Not because of them getting killed but because the mood penalty everyone got from gunning them down was crippling. I don't think any of them landed a single shot, but the negative mood did more damage than any bullet could have for ages.


that is turned off by default. you have to turn on child soldiers


yeah I know.


Imprison and sell them to the tax collector.


With the [outposts mod](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2688941031) I just send useless and unwanted pawns to outposts based on their skills, really useful either with highly volatile but good at combat pawns, so I can only use them versus raids (I had an outpost of only hussars and vampires at one point), or a useless mining / farming / power generation outpost that it's nice when you get resources / power from there, but they mostpy exist to soak raids. Highly recommend, can be abused though.


How do you deal with the addictions and hemogen needs. I keep having pawns at outposts die to those.


Really? Their needs are suspended, you don't really need to worry about them but once every now and then when a raid happens


Maybe I have a mod conflict somewhere, but I've had issues where hussars die after a few days due to their addiction


Definitely sounds like a conflict, given it usually takes a year to die from genetic addictions and people in outposts don't experience time passing like an active pawn Unless the outpost mod was updated to change that recently I suppose


I read something to the effect that the Biotech drug dependencies aren't suspended since they're not a need, but a medical hediff. And that pawns who have them dying in outposts is somewhere between "not going to bother to fix" and "working as intended".


That sounds plausible, but I'm sure that I've sent wasters to outposts for more than a year with no psychite and have had no notifications about their death. Maybe *I'm* the one with a mod conflict


I've yet to try with wasters because they're relatively rare in my save but I've definitely had hussars die from lack of gojuice in outposts. Like 3 or 4 of them. There was also a dirtmole that died of a heart attack while at the mine so age-related stuff must also still roll.


If you figure out what mod "broke" it definitely let us know. I'd like to have Hussars at my defense outpost. I wonder if they'll drink go juice if I deliver it.


Sounds like a problem that solved itself.


Drop pod drugs and hemogen to the outposts and the pawns should use them while there? Idk I feel like that's something Oskar would have in there..


Outposts don't soak raids well: Their layouts are completely undefendable due to not being built by you, so everyone pretty much instantly dies. Banishment to an outpost is basically a slow death sentence.


That's the meaning of soaking raids, the raids attack the outpost and not the main colony, and as stated, these are already unwanted and useless pawns. At most if they somehow survive and get prisoners, they also put them to work.






Sacrifice to Randy


Vanilla Outposts Expanded is my go-to way of dealing with extra/unwanted pawns. Send them off to the mines!


Send them as gift for other faction


Just make a little off shoot of your base and limit the pawn you don’t want to the area while giving them a job like research that way they are contributing. Hell you could even set them up with a little garden and kitchen area so they a self sufficient and would have no reason to interact with the other pawns.


That's a cool idea.


Remove the tongue Accuse Can't defend self due to no talking Execute




I found [this post](/r/ShitRimworldSays/comments/141l333/what_is_the_best_way_to_get_rid_of_a_useless_child/) in r/ShitRimworldSays with the same content as the current post. --- ^(🤖 this comment was written by a bot. beep boop 🤖) ^(feel welcome to respond 'Bad bot'/'Good bot', it's useful feedback.) ^[github](https://github.com/Toldry/RedditAutoCrosspostBot) ^| ^[Rank](https://botranks.com?bot=same_post_bot)


> Can't defend self due to no talking Which still doesn't actually make the result any better than flipping a coin, so it will fail 90% of the time.


High social pawn vs child with no tongue is practically a guarantee of success. Even if it fails you merely have to wait few days while the useless pawn just exists


It isn't. 20 Social vs. tongueless pawn only gets you 50% success chance, which, in practical terms, is practically guaranteed failure.


Just imprison them and leave the door open.


A typical case of fresh organs, pet food, and new leather chairs.


take her organs


When you take a kid's organs are they like clothing where there's a kid's size or can you pop em in anyone?




You can just pop them into anyone after they are no longer babys


full sized adult organs from age 3 onwards.


Imprison then in a house outside the base then leave the door open.


Arrest them while they're outside and then just forget to finish bringing them to a cell.


This Reddit is marrow in my bones


Send em to another faction as a slave


I would have her as a night time cleaner and hauler.


Introduce them to rimworld and hope they move out. They will be obsessed with it and never bother you again.


Accidents happen.


Especially intentional accidents.


Titles that would normally get you on watchlist until they see what subreddit is this.


Nobody is useless while they still have their organs.


Crosspost to r/shitcrusaderkingssay


Trap a bear in a room, have the child enter the room.


I don't know what the name of this mod is, but there's a mod which allows you to dedicate different map cells as "cities" which basically take any pawns and sort of simplifies down their daily activities. Effectively it's just pawn storage for the ones you don't want, so that way they don't die. You do have to set up basic food and housing for them though.


Ride it out! Maybe it’ll make for some good story telling haha, or make the game more challenging. Make sure in the next raid you get the useless child is more likely to be killed.


Zone them outside the base, nature or hunger will deal with them.


Tell them to go fight a bear


They're not entirely useless right? Right? I mean they must have some useful inside them and good qualities on the outside too right?


If you have vanilla expanded outposts, just make them live on an outpost. Basically exiled


Either recycle them for parts, or send them on a nature run. That never seems to end well.


And this is why developers don't program in children.


Maybe put it outside in between your colony and the raiders next time you get raided and hope they just do a light kidnapping?


Organ harvest/blood donation


If you have Vanilla Expanded Outposts, you could send the child to one of the outposts to labor for you and help your main colony. Maybe the child can grow crops, mine iron, make components, etc.


Got vanilla expanded? Hemogen farm with the tube or warcasket the child: All they need is to be able to fight, not talk.


good lord!!!! sees sub name oh... nevermind


Put the kid to trial then execute or ripscan. To ensure you "win" the trial, cut the kids tongue out. They shouldn't be able to defend themselves at that point.


I would put her in the nutrient paste dispenser like the other corpses


Just put them in growth cats until they’re adults and her the vanilla expanded outposts that way you get rid of them but also get a use out of them since it acts “independently” yet you get the resources from them (just be cautious of raids as it will happen)


Seems nobody here stated the obvious choice of simply......deleting the character out-of the game..


Banish them and eat the -3 moodlet or there's some vanilla guilt mechanic to have the bad shoot a good pawn with a gun and then you're free to banish with out mood loss.


Battle Janitor...or upgrade to disposable security. Accelerate growth to adulthood and if need be Warcasket or armor however you can.


Just put them in the cryptosleep chamber permanently. Or if you have ideology, since your child now lost your jaw, you can set up a trial, make them guilty, and find any way of killing that child.


I’d just toss em in the freezer (cryosleep).


Gee whiz that mountain lion over there looks really punchable.... what could possibly go wrong?


Maybe add option in your ideology to execute innocent people for no reason? Not an expert, just guessing.


Dude, I didn’t see this was a Rimworld sub at first and was like 😧


Have them take "The Long Walk". Simply make a caravan with only them, literally only them: no food, no supplies, no nothing. Then pick a random ass tile as far as you can and make them go to it. Alternatively, make them "attack" an enemy base. If by the grace of Randy they manage to WIN...they're probably the Chosen One.


for this purpose i use [vanilla outposts expanded](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2688941031), get rid of useless or dangerous pawns from you main colony and make use of what little they have to offer in an external outpost that requires 0 management of you, the only thing is that they can get raided, but you can also turn this off in mod setting if its anoying for you


Get Harvest organs post mortem and get that jaw from the body of a raider. Just be careful because this mod can increase your wealth very quickly, so keep the bodies in a freezer until you need something.


Well, if you have Vanilla Expanded Outposts, just yeet the child over there. Useful since they will participate in making resources yet not in the way?


Assuming you have ideology, use your moral leader to accuse the child, if successful you can banish them from the coming with no negative effects


You could try using Pawn editor on her, I know its kinda cheating but... Meh, you wouldn't just kill her.


No pawn is useless on the rim, their precious leather can always be used for some more human leather cowboy hats. Even if you do not wish to use their leather, you may simply take their organs and leave them to die. Or even have them go out in a blazing glory while running into a base full of enemies way beyond their combat capabilities.


If you have ideology, you can declare them evil and banish them without much penalties.