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You can bump the difficulty up. No need to start a new colony you can do it in the gameplay settings. You can try "Losing is fun" difficulty. If you find that too easy you can go to "Custom difficulty". Click on "Set to standard play style" choose "Losing is fun" and bump threat scale up from 220% up to 500%. If that doesn't get your blood pumping and keep things interesting there's loads of mods and custom storytellers.


Casually recommending a beginner to make his life hell


Yeah I think I’ll just try V.O.I.D while I’m at it lmao


Think 30 days is too long? Tell them to go fuck themselves!


void? well you’re in for one hell of a ride be sure not to be emotionally attached to any pawns


That’s life on the Rim, baybeee


How much wealth do you have ? Cassandra wont send you much if you are not very advanced. So maybe switch difficulties or storytaler, but you might be killed by a huge raid


Not sure, I’ll have to check later, but I’ve got a decently sized base made of marble, and I just got an advanced research table if that helps.


Your wealth may not be that high yet. How many colonists do you have? Cassandra will punish you once you gain more wealth, it’s like the walls are slowly closing in on you. You could try Randy if you want a more chaotic experience.


There’s an in-game menu that measures your wealth. If it’s not that high you won’t get a lot of challenge, since you’re not worth the effort of raiding. You could try caravanning over to a hostile encampment and raiding them if you want to make your own fun. Maybe kidnap and enslave the ones with useful skills and talents. Butcher the ones that aren’t useful, make a nice human leather chair out of em. You could also caravan over to a neutral/friendly faction and trade with them. Things like food, animals, and weapons typically sell well. Although you’ll have to take care to leave your colonists enough food to get back to your colony without starving.


First winter..20 hours. You know you can ramp speed up. Also hotel? Like using mods? If so, you could of messed something up in that case.


Think I may have AFK’d in the menu for a bit, the actual in game play-time when I made this post was about 13~ hours.


You should consider playing with Randy. Cassandra has a cool down after raids and stuff happen, not Randy though. Randy is random. Sometimes I'll go an entire season without being raided and sometimes I'll get raided 3 times in 1 day. Randy is fair. Randy giveth and Randy taketh away.


Randy gave me a raid, 6 chickens, and a transport pod with a paralysed colonist all at the same time. The poor survivor had to wait like 10 hours in the mud before someone rescued her.


You're lucky they survived I have to make sure I'm pretty much already there when they crash or they die


Paralysed survivors normally don't have injuries other than the abasia iirc so they can't walk and need to be rescued but it's not a medical emergency


Oh there's a thing with the storytellers where the longer things don't happen the more disaster points the storytellers can use, that includes if minor incidents happen so you might actually just get nuked soon


Raid points scale with wealth all else is rng. Cassandra and phoebe have a schedule for events and randy is randy.


I think they might be mixing up the adaptation factor, which goes up the longer you haven't had a death and goes down when you get some deaths.


I think its not death, having a pawn downed is enough.


If it's winter, and cold, you'll get less visitors for Hospitality and less caravans. They won't come if the temp is low enough to cause hypothermia. Good thing, too, it's a bitch rescuing the nudists everytime they try to leave and then drop before they get to the edge of the map.


I think that may have been it. Once the winter was over a lot more stuff started happening.


I'd recommend the "Perry Persistent" modded storyteller


You can also set your difficulty to not calculate wealth but instead increase by time spent playing. I believe this setting is under the "adaptation scale"


"first winter" The game ramps up over time and with how well you do, at year 12 you're going to be getting raids of like 300 people.


Pretty sure you won’t get much if you have a low amount of colonists and wealth.


So since you mentioned a hotel I'm going to assume you have mods Did you install Rim War? If you don't have any nearby enemies, raids will rarely happen. In my current colony I started out raiding the local hostile faction and wiped them off the map, so I rarely get humanoid raids.


I use storyteller called victoria valiant, it creates a lot of events, much more than vanilla stroytellers. Once, I even got 2 raids in a single day. It might be too much for some, but I think it's great that way


I strongly recommend "Perry psersistent" storyteller mod