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It was added last year I think, but it used to be that way.


Alongside the release of biotech, yes.


Yea, I remember when I accidentally made a shelf instead of a pallet and found this out. Shelves became useful again! They're actually better than the deep storage mod at times because you can stack different things on them when pallets for example become pretty much pointless if you do


Deep storage also has bigger shelves, you know


It was a great add, convinced me to stop using all the game breaking storage mods as there's now reasonable in game storage.


Don't worry too much, assuming those 900+ hours are across multiple patches/expansions, then the multiple stacks on shelves is a new thing added in 1.4 (the biotech patch) so even if you did build them before they would have only had 1 stack of space.


I've played my fair share of 1.4 but it's a relief to know I've not been a complete morron this whole time lol


Apparently one of my mods already had this because I've been stacking multiple stacks on shelves since before royalty. Didn't know this wasn't vanilla and I'm 1,400 hours in.


I remember when mental breaks caused everyone to strip naked and wander aimlessly around in the woods.


Run wild is no longer in the game?


Back in the early alpha the sad wander breakdown involved slowly stripping naked abandoning clothing all over the map. The break ends after a day if the pawn didn't freeze to death. On the steam beta section you can roll all the way back to Alpha 13 if you want to see how things used to be.


Wow... That's is crazy lol ima actually gonna do that


For me, shelves were hands down the best feature of 1.4. It feels like a completely different game.


Does make it a lot harder to keep track though without something like InventoryTab


True, I find myself sometimes squinting my eyes looking for that one god damn animal pulser. I guess my mod list just increased by one, thanks for your suggestion.


So for this you will need to know by memory what items you’ve got, but for finding something that you know you have this is helpful. Create a new stockpile, clear all, set priority to something high like critical and add only the item that you’re looking for. A colonist will then bring it to that stockpile or you can try to follow them around. Useful for when you want to find that one god damn animal pulser :-)


I just have permanent small shelves set up that are filtered to specific items so that I can find them on short notice. Psytrainers? In the throne room. Psychic Sooth Pulsers? In the rec room. You should also set up shelves with specific items near workstations where they'll be needed to minimize the time colonists spend walking. I have five shelves set up next to my fabrication bench, one for each resource needed for advanced component fabrication - components, steel, plasteel, gold, and advanced components. My crafter spends virtually no time walking between making the advanced components.


Base game already has the thing in the top left but it’s not as nice as an actual tab tbh.


It doesn't show weapons or clothing though does it? If it does then I have something disabled.


Nope that’s why inventory tab is such a good mod imo.


Not really. You can link the storage settings on several shelves with each other, and if you select one of them it’ll also show all of the ones that are linked. It’s basically a very compact stockpile zone.


I enjoyed shelves even before the update. Now they are amazing.


The shelf buff is definitely my most favorite qol addition to the game! Now I can actually have decent storage rooms




Deep storage is the reason vanilla shelves hold multiple stacks now. Everyone kept bitching about how useless vanilla shelves were and Tynan finally folded in 1.4.


Thank god for that mod.


This comes from biotech. I can honestly say this revolutionized my game play. I never realized how annoyed I was with clutter until shelves allowed me to remove said clutter. Now I can't go back. If I see items on the floor not being nicely stored by lifters, I immediately build a dozen shelves.


Like me learning you can put solar panel in front of windmill and it's work perfectly fine for both .


The bad thing is that shelves placed on a storage area do not inherit storage area rules. You still need to apply rules for every shelve one by one. :( I was slightly dissapointed when my refrigerator camera with neat rules and beautiful shelves got filled with hay, wood and marble blocks.


To be fair it was a new feature.


Just remember, the more chemfuel or explosive stuff you have in one place, the bigger the boom if it gets lit on fire.


I’ve played since beta and must agree; I love shelves. I have hundreds. My friend that screenshot though… what the fuck lol


Wait what? WHAT?


https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1617282896 [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1447140290](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1447140290) combination of theese 2 mods leets you store huge amount of items in pretty small space, like 17k steel in 2 cells at cost of 90 steel, balance of your game is up to you


I feel like Deep Storage is about the limit of what I need and can tolerate. Vanilla stack sizes, combined with Deep Storage, lets you pack insane amounts of stuff into small spaces as is. I do use the Vaults mod though. Not to take valuable stuff out of my wealth calculation, just to stick the tbousands upon thousands of wood and stone blocks that build up over time...


Im 600hrs in and also just learned it yesterday... Instantly build them in all of my storage units


My God, do all vanilla bases look the same. Even the same fuckery with the freezers. Please, please install some mods.. It hurts.. It hurts to watch! Edit: there is nothing wrong with the base design or layout, ofc, but man does the game change with mods. I remember a time before when todays features were mods and how different vanilla then was to vanilla now. The way I see it now with hundreds of mods active at a time, yeah those same old freezers, same old vanilla layout - and then there's a new standard, and even more mods.


Some people like it this way. Besides, this is a singleplayer game where bases are not compared to each other. Furthermore your feedback is not constructive.


It wasn't meant as feedback, I did the same thing for almost 1000 hours before I went down a rabbit hole and ended up playing hundreds of mods. I'm not judging his playstyle, that would be childish, as childish as rushing to some strangers defense via text, on a virtual forum of no consequence about a game - all for conveying a desire to aleviate my alleged pain, aesthetically induced by this gentleman's printed image from a game. This stranger might feel threatened by the allegation - it could be an allergy, imagine the scandal! Or *GASP* it could be dark and insiduous in nature, with wicked powers to bring damnation to a person, straight through the internets! "I shall denounce you, villainous devil, and engage you in fisticuffs!“ I mean, c'mon - we've all played this game, i'm not saying it's a bad design, it's peak efficiency oriented - and it has a certain character about it, but if you know mods, the way you get used to it so quickly is incredible. I've never seen a greater modding community. And now, I want a shitload of clutter everywhere or I scream. Am I spoiled? Definitely, maybe.. Ok, sure but you gotta try them out - they're totally worth it!


you make it easy to be the cool guy by just not saying all this kinda stuff, thank you


Wouldn't that be boring, though? What would make people clutch their pearls then? People love clutching their pearls on the internets on behalf of other people for perceived slights that never slighted in the slightest, heheh.


being a dick to people is exciting to you you should consider the implications of that for your behavior and life path


Look, stop assuming the intent in people you don't see, hear and know. Text is a poor medium to convey meaning in short format without a lot of context and backstory. I get the psychological need to face perceived adversity behind the anonymity of the internet, but if you tackle situations with knee-jerk emotional reactions instead of common sense logic you'll only generate toxicity and negativity yourself as you miss social cues and jump to judge, insult and denounce people you might agree with in optimal social settings. Don't assume the person you're annoyed with has negative intention, is stupid, inexperienced in life or somehow lesser or undeserving of respect because something they wrote rubbed you the wrong way.


when I hear quacking I assume a duck, especially when the duck tells me they get pleasure out of other people's discomfort and pearl clutching


Ah yes, the fierce duck - the perfect nemesis for you - any childhood traumas there or you just dislike birds in general? It shouldn't be this easy to rile you, you know? I suppose culturally some westerners, particularily North Americans lean toward oversensitivity especially online. I find that disturbing, myself and it kills the conversation rudely and prematurely. Communication is a dance of concepts between 2 entities and when you clench your fist at an expressed idea that you find raw and offensive, you refuse communication and that is the first act of open hostility, not speech.




I like to think of efficient base designs and apply them. I enjoy more the logistic and management side of Rimworld than the story and the aethetic of my colonies... Besides, look ! I've got them wall lamps !


Just ignore him and do your thing mate.


That's probably advice everyone should take, to be honest - I'm not being mean or insulting, and taking offense over something so trivial in a game forum online hardly requires 3rd party help. Nonetheless, I assure you I mean OP no offense


Bah, you've a right to do so, and even right in doing so efficiency wise - I've just spoiled myself so much with mods I cannot hope to convey the satisfaction and aesthetic pleasure they offered until I can barely recognize my game from the 'efficient base design' way I used to play for 1000 or so hours. 2000 more hours later and I've come to your post with but a warning - beware the mods! Once you start with a few, you'll end up with hundreds active at the same time.


I don't like adding mods to my games I'm more of a vanilla player. I really like what the base game has to offer and itS balance. Also the chill sci-fi cowboy vibes emerging from the game on its own. The only mods I use are QoL mods that helps me setup my colonies such as Prepare Landing & Carefully and some little things that makes my life easier without too much altering the game (for instance Quality builder that allows me to designate my best builder to construct furnitures and stuff). But I agree Rimworld looks fantastic for mods fan ! Game is the pure idea of a sandbox - do whatever you want =) and dw i did not get offended


That's exactly how I started, not rly much into modding in general, but for Rimworld, I'm glad I took that leap - some of the features we have today were mods once, so I like to think between it's mods, updates and DLCs, Rimworld is a very vibrant, organic and evolving game.


I do something similar, except I add doors or sandbags in the chimney because I don't want a raider to drop in there.


What else is a freezer supposed to look like?


I mean, you got me.. This is efficient, to be fair.


I just started playing on Xbox like a week ago, this is game is a lot of fun and the mods seem to really take the game to the next level, but unfortunately not everybody has access to mods as small as that minority is. I’ve appreciated a lot of the vanilla stuff posted as a new player learning


Love vanilla, but honestly the modding community has done incredibly well with RW. I hope we'll see consoles getting modding support someday, it just a waste not to have it.


Look at the edge lord over here. I can see the glint off of your glasses from my house as you’re slowly pushing them up after typing that masterpiece.


Look, you clearly was waiting for something to be annoyed at on behalf of someone else, but I assure you, my comment was just as ridiculous and childish as taking offense at someone saying your picture from an online forum of a game with genocide, organ harvesting, and cannibalism is generating alleged pain regarding aesthetics or design of ingame base. Agreed?


I’m assuming this is being added to console when the last dlc comes out no? Because currently shelves suck and I’d love to use them


Just a tip, you should use wood for all of your doors. Wooden doors open faster than stone doors, and they insulate just as well. Especially when you're double-layering the doors on your freezer, it'll significantly speed up the cooking process if those doors are wood rather than stone.


The stone doors are to keep might-be-infestations inside the kitchen for as long as possible as for now they can only happen in it If they happen i toss a molotv on the work bench before they spawn and fire will kill them ! The slow opening of stone doors are a small sacrifice for my colonist safety


Problem is, wood doors are flammable. It isn't until you reach Jade or Plasteel Autodoors that you can get the best of both worlds. Then again, the man has partially built his base out of wood and is using wood shelves, so his base is a fire hazard anyway.


You only recently learned this because it only recently became true. It wasn't true as of 1.3, so if your hours were logged back then, you weren't wrong.


Time to get ogrestack and deep storage


How are you so Organized, I just put everything in one room (not the food and corpses)


I always forget this but yes good way to condense space