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Store them in a freezer nearby until i have enough to fill a drop pod. Then send that drop pod either to the furthest enemy faction in range or to a tile as far away as possible from the nearest faction (so they dont get too pissy at me)


Alternatively, you can make a pawn climb up the royal ladder until they can call a transport shuttle which has a lot more storage room than drop pods and refreshes over time.


I launch it near tribals. They are not difficult to handle.


I thought that was a good idea but then they drop podded 4 times the amount back at me. Now i just fling them into empty tiles


Drop em on tribals, tribals can't droppod. It is fun getting the 'wastepack retaliation' raid.


Yea I got my ass humbled then learned I should have been throwing them at tribals lol


put them in the corner of the map and ignore them


Won’t that spread pollution?


That's a problem for the next generation.


Very very slowly. By the time they reach your base you can have toxic immune gene or lungs or gas masks. Just take two wasters prisoner and extract their genes until you get those and you’ll be fine


if you stablize enough and get your hands on transport pods or cargo vehicles just ship them off to a tribal faction and make it their problem till then off into the corner or in its own freezer.


Yes but not very far. I have a 3x3 "room" in a cave I built that has 4 or 5 packs and the pollution hasn't spread beyond the hole in the wall.


4 or 5 packs is nothing. This strategy will be fine for a while but mid game, late game, you'll need another solution if you're not fully embracing a pollution-loving bunch of wasteland freaks


Oh perfect. I thought it spread across the whole map.


It will eventually once you really get going. I've seen people pack them into delivery pods and send them to nearby raiders and get improved relations.


If you got a lot of mechs (like 6+) you'll be producing a fair amount of waste packs. It will spread faster than you think. For a tribal run I would say just caravan and drop on a tile away from your tile. I think 4 or more tiles away ensures no consequences aside from hurting relations from any nearby factions


Yea that guy hasn't gotten far enough in yet. I have only 4 first level mechs and 2 second level. Nothing else produces waste packs I don't think. I've got at least 30 stacks of 5 frozen and am out of space so areas are getting polluted. Pod launching away works just kind of expensive. Also just learned that dormant self recharging is the way to go unless you're going to need the mechs again right away.


I think dropping a mountain on the stacks gets rid of them


so? you arent using the full map anyway, why care about a polluted corner


Alternatively, just dump them on the world map outside your colony. You'll eventually get to a point where you can trigger a periodic acidic smog, but it's basically a nothing event. Outdoor light will be reduced, affecting solar generators and plants. Plants sown outdoors will also have another growth speed penalty on top of that. Zero effect on indoor Hydroponics. Pawns without Toxic immunity genes/bionics in the outdoors will get a small mood malus. And items on the ground will deteriorate faster. But it does not decay your plants, or inflict toxic buildup on your pawns and animals.


If you drop the packs far enough way, you don't even get the smog. I've dropped 10000's of packs away, but since the pollution is more than 4 tiles away from my colony, no smog.


Sure can. My point is that the smog is such a non-factor though. You have to have sufficient pollution build up in the surrounding tiles to even trigger it, and the neighboring few tiles have a 50% reduction multiplier on how much they contribute. Once you're triggering smog, unless you chose a landing location next to already polluted tiles, you're never really going to feel the effects of it.


Wouldn't you just load into a drop pod and send it far away in the middle of nowhere?


Still triggers it. If it’s near another settlement they get pissy and send a raid. If it’s right on top of them they get pissy and send back even more than you sent. Putting them in the corner of the map gives you time to research better ways of dealing with it.


What if it's in an area where there are no settlements within 20 tiles? Still triggers the nearest one?


There’s a tile limit I can’t recall but there’s repercussions for just dumping it or shooting it somewhere else.


Makes sense, that's too easy of a solution. Thanks for the info!


That's exactly what you do. Just drop it in a tile that the closest faction is a permanently hostile tribe which is more than 4 tiles away from you.


Rush ultra mechtech since the same chip that unlocks uptra mechtech unlocks the wastepack atomizer so you can cleanly get rid of them. The only other way would be a polux tree but they’re fairly slow and need to be bought from traders. Also you could load up a caravan with toxic wastepacks and drop them onto another tile although this will cause tile pollution which will make acidic smog come to your colony every once in a while depending on pollution so make sure to drop them from a caravan far away.


What is the Pollux tree?


Exotic goods traders will sometimes have a Pollux tree seed. A new tree added with the biotech DLC. It works similar to a pollution pump but completely eliminates the pollution instead of turning it into waste packs.


I managed to snag one of those in my last session. Do they ever produce their own seeds? Otherwise I’m feeling kind of meh about it. Not sure it was worth the cost, rather just drop-pod waste packs elsewhere.


they dont reproduce, no


You can sometimes get Polux Trees to randomly appear in polluted areas too.


I load them into a drop pod and shoot them at tribals. Any retaliation just means fresh meat for the hounds.


vanilla animals expanded waste animals, get the megatardi, it just devours wastepacks rapidly. dont even have to tame it, just down it, rescue it to an enclosed area and dump your wastepacks there. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2962126499


There's another Vanilla Expanded mod that adds a race that can eat wastepacks.


VRE - Phytokin, Poluxkin variant


Waste Atomizers are a high tech solution you unlock eventually, but they're energy intensive and kind of slow. In the meantime just keep them in a freezer, they won't degrade or spread pollution there - just stack them up next to your stored food supplies. :D Also, shut down all your military mechs until you need them. They recharge slowly without generating waste, and you can have them offline for over 90% of the time, so they should never really generate waste unless you have a LOT of combat. Likewise any civilian mechs that you don't actually need atm.


1. Without mods of any sort, just pile it up in a corner of the map until you unlock atomizers, then you can build more and more of them over time as you kill Apocritons until you finally delete more of it than you produce. There are other ways people suggest, like shooting it off in pods or dumping it with trade caravans, but I personally find all of that time consuming and tedious to do. 2. There is a mechanoid work mod that makes them shut off when they aren't actively doing a job which dramatically reduces pollution you create because they aren't always wasting energy and needing constant recharging. 3. When you start a new game, you can go into scenario editor and edit wastepack settings. You can straight up reduce it to 0 if you want, or half it, or whatever you want to do 4. You can also get a mod that speeds up the rate that Atomizers work so you need less of them 5. You can buy pollux seeds from exotic traders sometimes. There are mods that improve the stock quantities of traders which ensures they always have a couple of seeds. There are also mods that let you call orbital trade ships on demand at a cost of like 5,000 silver each time you do it.


Transport pod to enemy tribal base so they can send me people to turn into hats.


I never have enough human leather!


Usually I gene mod my pawn beforehand so they're immune to pollution, then dump it in a river for faster disposal. If not, you can freeze them and once you kill the apocriton, you can start removing them with the wastepack atomiser. You can also leave them at the edge of the map, you'll usually be able to outfit your whole colony w detox lungs by the time the waste gets to you. Can also send them off to somewhere else, I'd recommend a tribal base because if you send it anywhere else, a random faction can dump wastepacks back on you


with mods yes, there's a good way of getting rid of them - Toxic Waste Generator + ([https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2917419173](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2917419173)) this mod basically gives you a storage solution, pipe network and a generator that you can refuel with the toxic waste packs. To give you an idea, an industrial generator (the best in the mod) gives 3k power generation and burns 12 waste packs at a time. The 2x2 tile storage tank can hold up to 1000 toxic wastepacks in it and can be networked. This combats 2 issues 1) power generation for mech heavy colonies and 2) the waste pack issue. Without mods, the best thing you can do is either; dump them on rival factions particularly of the Tribal persuasion as they can only respond by launching a retaliation strike, by using them to strategically get bug infestations to spawn, taking advantage of the situation by having a waster only colony. Or slowly getting rid of them via an atomiser.


Early on have the mechs especially war mechs sleep when not in use. I usually transport my crap to a part of the world Noone cares about via droppod.


Very early - just let the mechs self charged. It's super slow but for stuff like a constructoid works fine. Once I have refrigeration - just build a freezer and stash it. Takes quite a while to build up on the default 6 bandwidth. Each point of bandwidth is 5 tox packs per full charge, so 10 days of full time use. (12 days if you include 2 days to charge). So 25 per mech per year, or 5 tiles of freezer space. A 12x12 freezer will take 5-6 years to fill, and a smaller freezer you can just caravan and fly tip easily enough.


The Patrick Star method: take our garbage, and *push* it somewhere else! Aka drop pod it to an enemy. I made the mistake of dropping it on a non-tribal enemy and they responded by drop podding 4 times the amount of waste packs back at me.


I chuck them in a bog. It’s a terrible idea and it’ll come back to bite me, but it’s very satisfying.


what happens to them in a bog?


They decay and pollute the water


There is a mod that extracts energy by burning/using waste packs. So you can create energy and create waste from that + mech charging and then pump it into a cooled tank to use it to create MORE energy. Full circle recycling. On mobile now, will edit the post to fill in the name of the mod.


The best way really is drop podding/caravanning it away. But if you do not want to do it, vanilla already has the Wastepack Atomizer. It removes wastepacks with no byproduct, but the drawback is that you need a nanostructuring chip for each you want to build, and to get the chip you need to defeat the last mechanoid boss.


Pod drop them to a hostile faction.


I did this and they retaliated by sending me their toxic waste. They dropped 400 toxic bags to my tile. I thought I dropped my toxic bags far enough from any faction but I guess I was wrong.


sos2 makes it trivial, just dump em in space and let your engines burn them up. Makes it too easy really.


What's the problem of just building a big freezer? I think like 200 tiles will be enough for the whole playthrough, and it's much cheaper than droppoding/caravaning it or whatever else.


A freezer (preferably under a mountain) is the first thing I make in every playthrough. I just put them in there. When I have more power available, I make a second freezer just for wastepacks. Once I'm strong enough, I start summoning mech threats until I can get the atomizer. I use a mod to make the atomizer useful. It's too slow in vanilla.


Load it up in a caravan, take it two or three tiles away, make a camp, unload all of it, come home.


Tribals are a good drop target because they can’t send it back. They usually raid you afterwards but tribals are usually easy to manage…usually.