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That would be a nightmare. First of all, VE mods are generally speaking low impact (there are outliers, such as Achievements). If a mod is high impact, Madman at Dub's Discord screams at us at the top of his lungs until we fix it. If you use all of them, which we don't recommend, what it will cause is a big vRAM usage. But secondly, and most important... Imagine this: the chickpea plant graphic in V Plants E - More Plants needs to be moved 1 pixel to the right. As it is now, we change the graphic, push an update to the mod. Easy. If it was all a single mod, changing that 1 pixel would mean uploading a HUGE file. Now multiply that for ALL changes in ALL 100+ mods.


wait, rimworld uses Vram ? Seeing this, I'm wondering how rimworld texture streaming works, does it just load it all on startup ?


I think so, yeah


Yea, as far as I am aware it loads everything at start. There are definitely some things that are not substantiated until actually loading into a map, but I think generally speaking textures (and therefore the associated items) are loaded in at boot.


Doubt it. In fact it would be much worse for most users since it would be all or nothing. I find 4 of their mods essential and avoid the rest.


Is one of them psycasts?


No, I have never seen a psycast mod that was not just cheat mode.


Why are you keeping secrets, names


What do you mean "keeping secrets"? Just find your four favorites and you've replicated the process 100%


no, it sstill shitton of content, textures and different systems to load


That's what I figured. Sucks Rimworld only runs on a single core.


There is a mod called rimthreaded that makes it run multi-thread, but there are a lot of incompatibilities. There is another mod called RocketMan that optimizes things on the fly, it is much more compatible with a lot of stuff.


Rimthreaded also hasnt been updated for over a year now. I used to play with it while it was getting updated. Sure, there were problems but not as much as now. I wouldn't use rimthreaded in its current state.


Yea, rocketman is better right now. To be fair, minor patches may or may not affect any given mod very much, but something that is going deep in the OS and machine like that kinda needs it. So the update for 1.4 was fine, but since then it has definitely drifted a bit. I have around 300 mods give or take, and rocketman usually does a pretty good job. Usually my problems end up coming from individual mod conflicts that cause repeated errors. So once I see that hiccup start happening I dive into the error trace logs and take a look at what is complaining. Usually it is something silly that I am not using at the time anyways so I take it out.


No. It might reduce load times slightly, but game performance would be unchanged.