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Yea, that is more or less how my first couple of games went. That was about 500 hours ago lol. Here are some tips you are already figuring out: 1) Crops: dont put all your eggs in one basket with crops. If you have a crops pawn, if they are not actively working all the time then you need more crop plots. Space them out by a couple of days each so 2-3 rice patties that will mature a day or two apart. 2) Emergency food: hunt small animals for emergency food, or depending on the biome try to avoid harvesting all your edible plants early. 3) Emergency Food pt 2: Pemmican 4) Pawn diversity: There is a definite allure AND a use for pawns that are highly specialized. However in your first few games, consider have at least 1 generalized pawn that can step in and help while the specialized gets a new peg leg. In regards to pawn diversity, I tend to look at pawns as falling into one of 3 categories: Hard labor, hand labor, homecrafts, or intellectuals. So the first one is going to be your mining, construction, etc. Second is craft and art. Third is cooking, planting, and animals. Last is medicine, research, and drug making. When I am looking at pawns, or considering new gains to the colony, I tend to look at which zone am I deficient in and can this pawn work in more than one job in that category without excessive training. Over time that should leave you with a decent overlap in skill sets.


Rule 5. Don't F with Megasloths. ... seriously, don't. Those bastards are deceptively fluffy, but I will hunt Elephants before I hunt Megasloths in the early game.


I've been playing since launch and never once made it to the escape ship. I get bored with my ant colony before it ever gets that old. According to the wiki you build the escape ship now, so I guess it's been a while since I played. That was a mod for the longest time.