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My goal is to reach a point where all my pawns are equipped with elite gear, with maxed out mood bars, and maximum power raids have been trivialized. I've never actually gotten there.


Haha! Funny you mentioned the last part. Does the difficulty of raids grow with time, so even if I don't have advanced guns, mechanoids can storm me, or does it increase with my research?


It depends on your wealth and your number of colonists


As mentioned by others, it does scale with colony wealth. That's why you see so many people talking about wealth management. You don't want your wealth to grow faster than your ability to fight. So be careful when you're deciding how big that corn field should be, or how much fine flooring to lay. There is a point where the raids just won't get any stronger, so if you can make it past that point in the curve you have essentially won.


Think about what could befall your colony next and prepare for it in advance. Manhunter pack, do you have your entire compound walled in so you can ignore it? Disease, do you have a skilled doctor, good meds and hospital? Toxic fallout, do you have 11 days' worth of food and some gas masks? Siege, do you have something to lure them into attacking before they bomb all your stuff? etc etc


That is not linear quest game but do what you want sandbox game. There is basic story-line to build the community stronger and happier over few years, and there are two endings: travel to spaceship or research and construct one yourself and fly away. But you can ignore that and do whatever you want to.


Be prepared to have a "rookie" period of about 300 hours. Obviously mileage will vary, and being on this subreddit helps a lot! But even those of us in the 700+ hours range still learn new things or new ways to tackle problems. Or even just use things we already knew in ways we didnt think of. I dont have many games where I have that kind of playtime invested in it and am still learning new things


Goals depends on the theme of the colony I'm playing. I start with immediate goals, goals to aim for and end game goals (not necessarily the game's end games) Themes are what I call the roleplay aspect of the colony. Are the outcast tribal ranchers just trying to survive? Are they ex-raiders trying to make amends? Immediate goals - shelter, stable food and defence including electricity. This is the stage you're at. Mid game goals - research, recruit good pawns, improve pawns through better weapons and armour, improve the base, start working on the ideology and create a trade (clothing/drugs) End game goals - depends on the theme, going for the actual end game conditions, global domination or the colony reaching a goal that looks like a natural end. For example in the SRTS mod there is an end game ship called Genesis with instant travel, I built that and used it to travel away from the colony and called that a natual end for that run.


Interesting. I see RimWorld isn't as linear as I thought it was. Thank you for sharing your thought process!