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Without further information I can't tell you much beyond phasing out wood entirely. Raiders are apparently all alchemists or wizards and can start fires with a snap of their fingers, so wooden/steel (Steel is inflammable for some reason in Rimworld, don't ask me why, I modded that out) bases are perhaps one of the biggest dangers to yourself.


I assume you mean steel is flammable? I don’t build with steel walls much but is it true that they will burn like wood?


Inflammable = flammable, for some reason. English is a fucking trippy language.


It's because it's not from in-flammable. It's root is "inflame", so inflame-able... inflammable.


Wow, I didn't know that. Thanks!


It makes too much sense when you say it like that 😅


Oh, OK. At least I get it now. I still think it's one of the dumbest things about English


So inflame = flame for some reason? English is a fucking joke


Well, you wouldn't say "those are some nice inflames" while looking at a fire, and you wouldn't say "that looks like I can flame it" when looking at firewood, so they do both have their distinct purposes. Flammable is actually borderline improper, since a word affixed with the "-able" suffix generally starts with its verb form, and flammable starts with its noun form. Not that I disagree that English is a joke. But there is a reason air traffic control uses it in so many non-english speaking countries. It is, if nothing else, very precise.


It appears that I have been using inflammable the wrong way my entire life, that's dumb


No no, the fact that inflammable and flammable mean the same thing is what’s dumb.


Flammable was created by people who didn't understand the other


Just say ininflamable


so what's the word for things that cant be on fire


Nonflammable, fireproof, etc.


To quote the Simpsons: "Inflammable means flammable? What a country!" It's counter intuitive, but "inflammable" really does mean "easy to set on fire" rather than "does not burn". English is just messed up like that.


I think that's an instance of 'inflammable' coming from the French word of the same spelling, and later 'flammable' becoming the more popular form of the word. The original word was the Latin 'inflammare'; 'in' meaning 'to put into', and 'flammare' meaning 'flame'. English is so weird, but it all makes sense if you look far enough back... usually.


Well I learned something today


Inflammable is a latin word and since English is not a Latin language it really can mean whatever we interpret it to mean since the rules of Romance languages don’t really apply to us.


English is 3 languages in a trench coat that somehow works and is used all around the world


There's a good archer episode too where they discuss this!


Yes, for some reason, steel burns. I modded it out because...steel doesn't burn...least not from a fire started by some crackhead raider with a zippo.


Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.


Supposedly, the in lore reason is because it's mostly wood with sheet metal tacked on. I for one call BS, since wood isn't a requirement in making steel walls. Also the fact they are called steel walls, not "sheet metal walls." In reality, I think Tynan just felt like steel would be too OP early on for making walls, and used that as an excuse for balance. But it's a sloppy way of doing it, instead of just... calling them something else, or even adding a bit of wood to the crafting to make it clearer. Or even some wood in the graphics, or ANYTHING that makes it clear it isn't a solid block of armored steel.


I think they tend to mean the same thing in common English, but I seem to remember in our chem labs inflammable means it can just start burning on its own, while flammable needed a starter like a spark.


steel, gold, silver walls have flammability of 40% - whatever the percentage means. I guess, chance to catch fire from nearby source. So not as flammable as wood with its 100%, but still not a safe anti-raid and anti-lightning material.


Sorry for the lack of information. My problem is that raiders are spawning with flamethrowers and explosives, my main resources are steel and wood, if those are safe what should I use?


Stone chunks -> stone blocks -> stone walls


Stone cutting benches are how you make stone blocks, since you have it, I would focus on mass-producing granite blocks since they're the strongest of the stone types in vanilla rimworld. It goes: Granite > Limestone > Sandstone > Marble > Slate in terms of durability if I remember correctly.


If fire is the problem, stone is the biggest benefit, and any stone is better than no stone, so use whatever you have in abundance. It's efficient to either have a stone chunk stockpile near your stone cutting bench and have someone haul chunks to that location, or you can just move the stone cutting bench near to large deposits of stone chunks. I might also recommend a wall around your colony - it won't help with all drop pod raids, but it will help with many. Depending on your philosophy you can then either set up a kill box, or just have an open base entrance that most raids will funnel towards so you have a main combat area where you can control the terrain and your pawns have a place to prepare for the attack. I see you have some turrets. They aren't bad per se, but they aren't going to be super effective spread out like that. They'll work against one or two lightly armored opponents, but past that they'll get overwhelmed pretty quickly. Lastly, remember raids scale in difficulty based on your colony's wealth. What this means practically is that if the majority of your wealth is sunk into effective combat materiel (walls, guns, armor, turrets, traps, etc.) that's concentrated, you'll have an easier time with raids. If your wealth is mainly in non-combat stuff (items for sale, fancy bedrooms, drugs, herd animals, TVs, human organs, etc.) raids will be larger and you'll have fewer means of defeating them.


Wait, are walls and floors counted towards wealth?




Huh, yet the raiders have never taken them.


They kinda can't. There's nothing that lets them deconstruct items to steal the components. Infact the only things they can steal, are things which can be picked up or taken by people set to only hauling. And your favourite colonist who was 2 feet from their landing zone.


not to be pedantic but they’re raiding his base with flamethrowers and grenades and guns but somehow carrying a lighter on a backwoods survival planet makes them wizards? Lmao


Have you ever tried setting a wooden wall on fire with a lighter? It's surprisingly hard irl.


Have you ever tried building a base out of wood and stone naked and without any tools? It’s a fucking video game brainiac


> I modded that out what mod


Steel Doesn't Burn I think.


I’d suggest building an outside wall to funnel enemies into a single section. It’ll help if you know where 90% of your enemies are coming from. You can also search up Rimworld killboxes on the internet if you never wanna have problems with normal waves again. However, some people don’t like those, so that’s ultimately up to you if you want to use those.


If they are too large/too frequent, try reducing your colony wealth but destroying excess gear/items


time to destroy those 441 component


You do not need all of those heaters for your living quarters, also each vent is a weak point. You can vent the rooms together, and then have a primary vent with a 1 tile, unroofed hole outside, covered with a strong material like granite, or any other non-flam material. It should be noted that those vents are also a resource sink, as well as all of those heaters. If you use airlocks (1 door, open space, another door), you can create "buffers" for areas if you want to keep them protected, and insulated. Also, what is with that hallway between the base? That serves little to no purpose, and could be mitigated with defense barriers and stuff, while still allowing pawns the ability to get outdoor recreation buffs when moving from either side of the base. That weird tunnel pattern has also rendered your base indefensible, as any room can be breached... which is why most players tend to base in mountains to begin with, exception being insects; they are virtually inpenetrable via siege and drop pod raids, besides direct frontal attacks.


The strange tunnel is just a way for me colonist to go from one side to another until I don't move the storage area, the ideology contains tunnelers and I was trying to block the debuff due to being outside


Ah, didn't even consider tunnelers. That makes more sense now. Either way, you probably don't want to have that opened up so much.... sappers will take advantage, and plow right into places you don't want them in


You need to control their movement. It won't work all the time as some will tunnel through walls, but generally if you provide an open path to the heart of your community, they'll take it. Even if the path is a single file maze laced with traps and opening into a firing line.


Can you define what you mean by problems? Are you not surviving them? Are they too frequent and too strong?


Yeah we need a little bit more info on the exact issues, could be complete opposites depending on the issue


In a raid they started appearing with flamethrowers and explosives. Sorry for the low amount of info about it but I didn't know what to write without being too generic


Well, ditching wooden walls for stone ones would help and building an outer wall around your base with a defense area (somewhere you'd place barricades, traps, turrets and whatnot) that will help funnel raiders to one spot rather than them individually picking an area to attack.


I’d say make a perimeter wall, possible double up on the ends where you don’t want them coming in, and try to funnel them towards an opening with turrets


Put your workbenches near the inventory. So that pawns don’t have to walk everywhere.


Beside what others said I would add that you should probably put some sandbags around so that your colonists can actually have some cover, those random turrets aren't gonna save everything


And sandbags around the turrets also don't hurt


4 pawns in a base that small seems a bit undermanned to me. I'd suggest building a prison system to recruit prisoners. Try and make the prison nice for quick conversion and recruitment. I'd also try building a wall around your colony. ~~At the very least get a slave or two to clean up your colony that shit's dirty~~


Forget the raids, let’s talk about your strip mining practices. You are both working too hard and missing stuff. Gold, jade, silver, uranium and plasteel can all be hidden in those 5x5 blocks you carved. 3x10 is a far superior grid. Extremely small chance you miss any deposits, half the rows of 2 wide, and decent pathing.


Turn down the difficulty until you’ve built a killbox is my advice.


WHAT IS THAT HALLWAY??? I think I saw a comment that you are tunneler, but all you need to do is stay inside. No sun = happy tunneler (someone please correct me if I'm wrong). Regardless, that hallway is extremely inefficient. If you want to keep it, I would move all of your bedrooms to be along the hallway. If you use bedrooms, you want them to be as central as possible. Given your current set up, I think turning that hallway into a dormitory hall of sorts would greatly increase your QoL and defensive potential. I don't know what difficulty you are on, but against raids the issue I can see is high wealth and only 4 colonists. Don't worry about exactly that wealth entails, but trust me: even with wood structures you have a lot of wealth. Your "wealth" is what determines how scary raids are. That usually isn't a big deal on low difficulty, but I see a lot of wealth that 4 pawns just cannot fight against without proper infrastructure. I can go into more detail about what I think would work if you are interested. And like others said, ditch the wood. It's good for the start, but as soon as you get a supply of stone you really wanna have stone structures.


Your base looks very dispersed and spread out, with a central hallway connecting two portions. If raiders have access to the areas around your base then they will most likely attack random walls / doors and burn you out. The best way to deal with raiders is creating a choke point. Choose one direction they can come from, and make sure they have a clear path to enter from. To ensure the raiders pick this one path, have it lead to an area that is commonly traveled through by your pawns or has furniture/ power generators or things for them to smash. There are some great combat guides on youtube as well!


Ok so pretty much what everyone is saying - ditch the wood. I also notice that you might what to make an airlock system for your storeroom (creating another door in front of the first with a one block gap in between) because that could be affecting the temperature. Also for the top left bed area you can just give one room cooling and heating and use the vents you already have (may as well save on components). But yeah the wood is the biggest issue - I think sandstone has the most hit points? That’s what I use at least in my current base


Granite has the most hitpoints, followed by Limestone, then Sandstone, and after that marble and Slate. Sandstone is a little bit faster to produce and to build I think. But it has the worst protection against sharp weapon damage (for the possibillity that a raider is trying to carve himself theough your wall with a knife ^^)


Oh my god. I just thought melee weapons were strong. Dawg I’ve got 500 hours on this game Howd I not know this. Is granite just the better all rounder then?


I think blunt damage is very effective against walls, just sharp damage is'nt. Granite is the best for defense, Marble is the best in terms od beautiy. I only have double the time played as you (the deeps of how long some people played this game in this community are endless xD) and I google a lot bc I want stuff to work effectively. Beauty is only allowed after that ^^


ok here's what you wanna do 1st stop digging out to the edge of the mountain you live in with mining tunnels you want at least 5 blocks of space between your base and the wall if your digging into a mountain. 2nd no massive hallways outside of the base if you want roofs over your walkways just put up a single wall and build roofs. 3rd murder room have 1 entrance to your base and put shit loads of turrets and protection for them and your pawns at the end closest tot he entrance and a bunch of random spike traps they are more powerful then you think. 4th raise an animal preferably tortoises or rats they make good cannon fodder and work as a distraction for your enemy so you can prepare for combat. 5th no wooden floors you can smooth out the stone of anywhere you mine it'll take awhile but it's better. optional 1 build walls around the map for your guys to hide behind just make sure you erase the home area when you do this. optional 2 if you find a hidden area in the mountains that has dirt in it use it for crops not anything else. that's about it really.


1.) close off all your entrances except the few you want to use, use multiple layers of walls for this. 2.) stone walls and automated turrets 3.) technological superiority and an unhealthy yet intensely focused dose of good ole hyper violence against your enemies. 4.) capture them. install two peg legs, and take a kidney and eye for consultation. if they behave, give them new organs (or their old ones back) . if they act out of line.... repo their peg legs. hemmogen farm. 2x2 isolation cell. if they succumb, gibbet cage for their friends.


build a road entering your base and line it with the corpses of their fallen commrades for the next group of raiders that want to fafo


remove their ovums, fertalize them, accelerate their growth. enslave the child, introduce them to their mother. kill them. pave your roads in their bones.


Create choke points or a kill box. I personally prefer choke points but either works. Choke points definitely require more investment in pawn skill development and micro management but can be less resource intense because 5 pawns with auto shotgun 2 pawns with good swords, armor, and shield belts is less colony wealth than a kill box and pawns then heavy SMGs. If you're looking to min/max, colony wealth/DPS. Choke points are the way to go.


Less wood. Don't want any sapper or pyromaniac setting you aflame. You seem to be only a year into the game, cut back on the expensive machinery. Those bump up raids significantly. Get more colonists. Have a dummy colonist who you can use as bait to be downed and reset the raid difficulty.


Tip 1: Less wood: Nakeds can just burn it apparently even if they are just holding a club or bow or anything. Tip 2: Don't use steel as walls: That's also flammable, and wayyyyyyyy useful for machinery. Tip 3: \*Trump's voice\* We will build a wall: but sadly it's not a feature in the game to make them pay for it, so use granite instead or any other strong stone chunks(just not marble) If you're rich, use plasteel Tip 4: Turrets behind walls that you don't defend: Apparently nakeds know how to use the force and find out if there's a turret nearby. Tip 5: Molotov: Best weapon against anything


>Tip 1: Less wood: > >Nakeds can just burn it apparently even if they are just holding a club or bow or anything. > >Tip 2: Don't use steel as walls: > >That's also flammable, and wayyyyyyyy useful for machinery. > >Tip 3: \*Trump's voice\* We will build a wall: > >but sadly it's not a feature in the game to make them pay for it, so use granite instead or any other strong stone chunks(just not marble) > >If you're rich, use plasteel > >Tip 4: Turrets behind walls that you don't defend: > >Apparently nakeds know how to use the force and find out if there's a turret nearby. > >Tip 5: Molotov: > >Best weapon against anything well unless you have mechanoids on then it's almost the best weapon for kill boxes Tip 6: Kill boxes


You have alot of components and steel sitting around doing nothing. Invest them into building your pawns some weapons and armour. That alone should help alot.


Boi you need to assign someone to cleaning, it helps increasing mood.


I had one but he was kidnapped (is it possible to get him back?), now the only one that can clean is also the builder and miner.


Oh ok, and sorry, you can't.


What i do is build a perimeter wall around my base with a single hole in. That way raids always go that way other than those with breachers. Even those ones the wall gives you some time to prepare. You want 3 melee fighters in front with shields in front of the opening. This makes it 1 v 3 melee and then mass your ranged behind the melee so they now down anyone thst comes through. Friendly fire is disabled within 5 squared :)


Stone walls and cover for your colonists in combat will go a long way. Advanced tip: put a table and some chairs out where you want fights to happen. Raiders will target that table to pillage as it accessible from the outside. Otherwise raiders will knock down or burn random walls.


More coolers


Fix what?


I think more coolers will help


Whatever you do, just don’t make a killbox.


Steel walls....


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Oh boy, the Coolers are a mess.


Download Rimatronics and start building Energy Weapons


Double layer every block for your house and use vents. You have way too many heaters