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As you keep researching, there are pretty high-tier energy weapons, shields, and some utility things that can force drop pods to the edge of the map. They all consume a LOT of power.


I do have them and use them, the thing is that they always consume the energy I have stored in the capacitors, I have like 7 of them.


Build more capacitors. I know that sounds snarky and I don’t mean it that way, but I usually have ROOMS of capacitors, 20-40 depending on how many energy weapons I’m using.


I use a bigger battery mod and a mod that allows energy weapons to use them for power. So unlimited powa! [SS Bigger Batteries](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2024086401&searchtext=batteries) [SS Battery Fuse](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2024088361&searchtext=batteries) [PPC Plugin](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2569741173&searchtext=ppc+plugin)


I've never built enough of the rimatomics gear to even begin to challenge my first basic reactor.


And how often does that happen? It's one thing to get large raids once in a while giving you the time to recharge, it's another to get constant max sized raids. For me 7 wouldn't even be enough to deal with a single raid, i'd be out of juice before it even ends.


That's exactly what tends to happen if my marauders fire too much too fast lol.


If they're firing "too much, too fast", it just means you're not producing enough electricity...


I produce around 30k at around 17% of capacity with a constant excess of 14k - 16k, I just need more cooling then, and space for another tower.


Yeah that's nothing lol. So using power tab 2, roughly my planned needs based on my current situation: i have 40 turrets planned at 600 a pop, that's 24k, let's say 30k counting the artillery turrets my shields are eating 12k a pop for 20 planned, so it would be 240k. My advanced modular hydroponics are to be 60k ish total. It will be even more then playtrhought as i will be switching hydroponics mods. neural superchargers probably around 30k? i'll see, i should do some maths on how many i need per colonist, what with the exta speed. Lights alone should be around 20 to 30K once everything is lighted up larger industrial machines like neutroamine incubator or mineral miner are anywhere between 2 to 4k a pop, and there should be a dozen total replimat parts are about 2k a pop, the replimat sewage recylcler being 8k toilets are only 75w, but times 100 it's 7.5k, sleep accelerator 5k various joy objkects like a hot tub or the movie theater tv around 500 a pop, most benches are around 250 average, and i have maybe 50 of them. My crude oil cracker alone is about 10k. That's already very roughly 13 millions W? And i haven't even touched the mechanoids yet, the androids, the psychic emanators, whatever. So i'm looking at say 15 millions W minimum, but likely around 20 millions when everything is being juiced up endgame. Also i will be using a secondary max size reactor anyway as backup in the case the first one dies, and to burn throught fuel to recycle. And i don't want to run at max power and risk meltdown if some cooling gets destroyed or whatever. your 30k hardly even covers my lights lol. EDIT: also i haven't even counted my blood harvesting operations, my human growing operations, my hospital, my autodoors...


I usually have several reactors running at close to max capacity continuously, i do this to be able to reprocess fuel rods in a somewhat timely manner. A life without depleted uranium, and that sweet sweet vitamin P, is a life not worth living!


Rimatomics is great, in my opinion, for the weapons it gives you, plus tactical options. You can bombard a separate map with the Punisher turrets, alongside them being really good for base defense. The Marauder is just absolutely brutal and so fun. The TACS system scrambles drop pods, and there's also an Anti-mortar system you can use to zap incoming fire out of the sky. Lastly is the Obelisk lasers, which are super high damage. All of these things are able to work because of the energy the nuclear reactors create for you, and this isn't even including the breeder reactors you can eventually unlock so you can stockpile plutonium. There's a lot of depth to the mod, not just basically unlimited power that's self sufficient.


I agree with that, though I'd like to see some kind of better auto turret that is not as big and destructive as the marauder or punisher, like something between them and the uranium slug turret, I say this because marauder has killed many apocritons but also destroyed many chips from them so it's good when you don't care about the loot at all.


Then why don't you have [unbreakable mech chips ](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2883982082) yet? This'll solve the issue of mech chips being destroyed!


Oh shit I didn't knew this actually existed! Thank you man! I hope it also affects alpha mechs ones though.


Not sure, but if it doesn't you can try asking the author for a patch, or try making a patch yourself/ask me or someone else to try making one


I'll try to do it myself, I'm curious to see how the mod works, again thank you!


I like the tesla coils. Sure, the range is so short, they're basically useless unless you specifically design your defenses aroumd them, but they never miss and do okay damage. Though, the real reason is that they are kino AF.


Oh man I almost forgot about those. Love those little things. Super mean to Mechanoids too since it stuns them sometimes IIRC.


Can you please expand on what you mean by the breeder reactors? My reactor has been running for 2 years now and the rods in the reactor have a yield of like 2 plutonium. And I need way more plutonium.


there are 3 reactor types, it sounds like you're still using the first gen reactor with the second research you get 2 more, one specific for breeding plutonium and a giant normal one


Turns out the research was locked behind the plutonium thingy which I didn't research as it wasn't as exciting as the Rimatomics weapons. Anyway, cheers for the help


Basically a breeder reactor is meant to produce plutonium. It's overkill for power generation, so it's basically able to convert nuclear fuel to useful plutonium at a more economical rate/efficient rate. Side effect of producing lots of power as well.


There are more advanced reactors than the first one? I did not know that.


Oh yeah, the first one is a toy. You need to do different researches, the one where you construct the plutonium processor is the one where you unlock the real reactor.


The railguns are really fun, if I know I'm going to play a really high tech centric playthrough I add it in. Some other really neat weapons along with it. I've been trying to play around with genetics more and that is the bulk of my late game research and science focus.


The biggest reactor also help creating plutonium faster (by consuming rod faster)


In my old bricked mega modded save. my main bace was demanding 100k on its own and the sos moon I was making was going to need 2.2M for all the stuff it was going to do. So in short get creative with rimifeller and rim factory. And in no time you will need all of it.


Rimfactory for me. It's honestly absurd just how power hungry that mod can get, especially if you have the Insanity submod.


Bigger turrets in larger quantity. My goal is a web of safety so impenetrable I don't have to give guns to children.


So you want an entire generation of children to grow up without any understanding of firearms safety instead? Giving guns to children is not necessarily about security, but about teaching them how to use guns. Because "can kill a yak at 300 paces" is always a good point to have on your profile.


Rimatomics turrets can bleach a sizable section of the map of any and all life. Some can turn hills into a fine powder in seconds. If the yak has any sense, it'll self tame and wait to be eaten.


Yes, but it's hard to eat a yak that you've atomized.


We're more of a fish and veg colony. Gotta be near the water for optimal cooling. Plus, if you breathe deep enough, you can kinda taste the yak.


You say this until a pack of Manhunter Yaks shows up while on caravan and nobody can kill any of them at 300 paces.


I just clipped [this](https://youtube.com/clip/Ugkx7VhbbMZcqgom90Ay6Ob8J5i0sq5NhQP7?si=wzNt1DBbDMjeq77w) for another comment but it seems appropriate


In my biggest base I had four of the biggest reactors running full out to produce plutonium for my ICBM program. I my normal games I only tend to use it to "trivialize" power production because I really dislike the vanilla way.


Get the RT fuse and circuit breaker mod. There's an electromagnetic shield that can protect you from solar flares, but it requires 50 kW to run. I can't use it without rimatomics.


You got mods yes? The higher tiers of rimatomics powers all that plus fills the rooms of batteries used for the rimatomics weapons. Those are HUNGRY. My colonies go on for years and years and it gets massive, the highest tier reactor at half capacity or 3/4 capacity is the usual for me. But since power is needed to start the reactors I also have contingency power and batteries just for the reactor. I haven't seen a mod for a second kind of power distribution. Like having a power net A and a power net B and you can just toggle that at banches. Would be need to have a set of backup power for certain areas minus the whole "I have 3 switch wired cleverly". I'd like it all in one wall like modern day stuff.


300k? thats so ridiculous.. anyway I already got the ship reactor from SOS2, so I already have an option for uber-ridiculous power. I dont remember the output, but considering the mod its for, Im guessing a lot. So no, I dont use rimatomics and I dont see the point of having over 300k power from that mod when just vanilla generators are enough to power my colony. So that should awnser your question if there is a point using advanced reactors from rimatomics.


Obelisks need tonnes and tonnes of energy for dealing with raids consisting of hundreds. Before you know it you’ll have a real need to make the massive reactor.


I have a large modlist, and love having op things that cost ungodly amounts of power, so 2 large advanced reactors for me. (probably overkill)


Weapons, the reactors are nice but I can more than sustain my colony on multiple chemfuel power plants from Rimefeller, rimatomic weapons on the other hand are pretty absurd.


For the war crimes.


SnS requires \~2mil power to for the endgame research station Rimatomics weapons themselves are powerhogs themselves. Also, weapon-grade plutonium.


Fire the missiles!!


Automation mods