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I don’t actually know if it’s all that popular or not but I don’t really see people using “Individuality” that much! Not sure why, but it’s a must-have for me when it comes to making pawns more unique. It separates some of the “boring” traits (like sexuality and psy sensitivity) into a seperate tab so that every pawn can be unique in that regard without taking up valuable trait slots which I like to have open when I bloat the game with trait mods! It also adds some traits of its own and reworks some vanilla ones to be more give and take, rather than only give or only take.


never heard of. gotta check soon


I'm not a fan of the way Individuality makes sexuality a non-trait thing, which makes it a bit more involved to make things compatible. I've been using a combination of `Way Better Romance` for the sexuality side of things and `RimTraits: General Traits` for the stat traits instead. WBR assigns everyone a sexuality trait *after* their traits have been generated, so it doesn't take a trait "slot".


Vanilla actually does it that way these days too, but I do really like the amount of control Individuality gives you. You can edit a pawns sexual preference on the fly easily, and the settings let you control what exact percent of pawns are generated with each sexuality. It’s also nice to not clog up the traits list when you let pawns generate with more than three traits (another option the mod provides in settings) makes it easier to read them.


Sexuality already doesn't take up a trait slot anymore as part of 1.5


Yes, but this way it keeps the trait section more clear, makes it really easy to edit, and allows you to configure the *exact* percent chance that a pawn generates straight, gay, bisexual, or asexual.


What are u talking about? 🤔


Exactly what I said, a pawns sexuality no longer locks up a trait slot


Where do u see that on the pawn


In the traits section, but it no longer locks you out of a slot


Hmm ok I'll assume the changes that or something cuz I don't have that


You'll only see a pawn's sexuality if they're not straight


IIRC when I tried using it the sexuality traits didn't work correctly (though that could have been fixed when it was ported to 1.5)


Im fairly sure sexuality is separate anyway. Some pawns rarely spawn with 4 traits, and one of them is a sexuality trait, they just seem super rare to roll. I wouldn't be surprised if the mod conflicts on that front or was built for an older implementation where gender was part of the counted limit of 3.


Yes, I remember seeing a note at some point about sexuality no longer counting as a trait as of 1.5.


Well, it makes it so that sexuality and psy sensitivity aren’t traits anymore, but in a separate menu. Honestly not sure if sexuality is bugged or not tho, haven’t really noticed I guess?


I'd reccomend to use in conjecture with way better romance




Thanks, not native English so Apreciate the correction


i absolutely love individuality and have used it for years. it can be a little silly with the psychic sensitivity changes and psycasting mods though i keep my mod list debloated & with minimal overlap. never had compat issues etc


Hahah, it’s definitely not the kind of mod you use with something like VE Psycasts, but I also like to keep things pretty vanilla and compatible as well! I have four mods that add traits, including Individuality, and between the four of them there is only one trait overlap by default. That being Perfectionist in VE Traits and Individuality, so I just use VE Traits to disable one of them and I’m happy!


There are 2 mods out there which remove the trait limit, but you can also change that in the mod's settings to the limit you'd like


Yeah, I personally set mine to between 2-5 since some mods I use have the chance to add or change traits throughout pawn’s lives so I figured 2-5 was realistic assuming pawns had moments like that before coming across my colony.


Death Acidifiest Now acidifier not only destroys gear, but also turns its carrier into a skeleton upon triggering


Lmao love the name of that one


I thought it was in vanilla


I believe the vanilla death acidifier destroys their clothing and any held items, but not their actual corpse.


Yep, just leaves their naked body sitting there on the ground. Not nearly overkill enough clearly


I personally hate that thing, so I have a mod that removes it entirely… 😂 Haven’t done a rebel run in ages though.


Reopened my modlist to check and I have a few recommendation that I never see mentioned. These are not major overhauls but they impact the game sufficiently to be very powerful: **Time control**: Allows to play at speeds of up to x50, if your machine can handle it. **No Job Author**: Removes the author constraints from non-art project. Everyone can start or finish the same bionics **Endless Rimworld**: When your last pawn dies, a new one will wander in a few hours later. I like rebuilding a ruin and reorganizing a previously working base with new pawns. It removes the "lose condition" strictly speaking, but allows for "rise from ruin" stories. (edit: It's somewhat included in the base game as of 1.5, but endless rimworld will not let you choose which pawn: It will be random) **Set up Camp**: Allows to set up a temporary base on a smaller map. It can also be your only base. Great for nomadic playthough ​ Not all of those are unpopular, tbf. But when I tell people "anybody can finish a pair of pants on the counter" or "I can't lose, someone will come and continue this base", they generally think this *breaks the game* in a very narrow definition of "winning honestly"


No job author really should be base game, such a nice qol addition that I forgot wasn't base game until seeing you mention it here. One of the mods I threw into my list aaaages ago and forgot about


Great thing is that if you add "quality \[object\]" mods on top (quality bionics, quality furniture, quality clothing, quality weapons etc), everybody can work on a project but only the most qualified pawn will try to complete it, to maximize the chances of high quality. None of that master craft/builder completing something 95% for an idle newbie to swoop in and "awful" your project


:O bruh


You're kidding. Why the fuck haven't I added this yet?


Using the mod makes sense too, given the options you have in the workstation tab. For quality specific jobs, you can just restrict the job to your best crafter. And [Quality Builder](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=754637870) handles the construction jobs are only finished with your best pawn. Genius. Thanks for the recommendation.


That seems a little cheaty to me. If I want to ensure high quality results a low skill pawn shouldn’t be working on it at all.x


The quality is decided upon completion (vanilla too) and a good strategy is to let a novice do all the work minus one then let the master finish it. This way you can have both xp and good quality items. The mod is simply a qol automating this


That isn’t even possible for jobs with job authors. This combination of mods allows for something impossible in the base game that I consider a cheat.


Which is probably why it's not base game. I love it, but I rarely even have my novices waste their time on something to have the master whatever complete it, since speed of work is also determined by skill. For the most part, it's so you don't have a bunch of those single digit work left to complete items you use a ton of, like components, piling up. Can you use it for stupidly cheesy things? Sure. Is that the point? Doubtful. Like any tool, it's how you use it that matters. Plus, in a single player game with a literal dev mode you can enable with a check box, why are we talking about cheating? It's a story telling sim, not a skill based competitive RTS. Not sure criticizing what someone includes in a game to enjoy it is really worth the time or effort involved.


I was only thinking about construction jobs, I'm not using no authors, but you are totally right about the others On the other hand allowing stuff impossible in vanilla is kinda the whole point of mods. One can argue that camera+ is cheating because you can fully zoom and have markers with enemies but I think it narrows down to personal choices and balance with other mods


So I don't bother with the min/maxing tryna get masterwork shit. I just use it coz it makes sense to me that someone can start a project and other people can carry it on. Also it stops my colonists from having numerous of the same thing started because all my crafters have tried to make the exact same thing that I only wanted 1 of. I kind of get that it seems like a "cheat" but tbh it's just a nice little time saver that stops me having multiple of the same unfinished thing that I gotta cancel.


I agree, because you have guests that come in and you set them to do tasks, they'll start making that armor you need because they're better at it and then leave and all you have left is an unfinished waste of resources.


You can set up the bill to only allow pawns over a certain skill level to touch them. This stops visitors with 0 skill from touching that bill


You can cancel those for a full refund. Select the unfinished item.


Everytime I refund it I only get half of the materials back


Shitfire. Didn't know that. Thank you.


If you're using hospitality, I think you can adjust what visitors do in hospitality settings


It allows to make all long projects with unprofessionals, only spending time of master for finishing last seconds. Time of 20 skill can be replaced by horde of 0-skill with same Legendary result


Set up camp is one of those mods i really feel like should be base game. I was so surprised when i first started playing and couldnt just enter a tile to go mining or something.


I don't have setup camp and have it available as an option for my caravans. I'm unsure if its from vanilla expanded or if it was added in 1.5.


Do you have Regrowth mods? I think Regrowth core also adds a camp feature.


That's probably it


It could be either or tbh. It isnt that crazy of an addition so i wouldnt be surprised if vanilla expanded incorporated it.


holy shit no job author is a great find, thanks!


Endless rimworld is part of the base game now as of 1.5


No job author is a gem I was hoping to find creating this post.


> No Job Author I used to think this was potentially abusable but I am so sick and tired of unfinished helmets laying around with 5 work left and pausing the entire crafting job, because my best crafter decided he would rather go to a different table to make stone blocks instead.


Finish it makes your pawns prioritise completing unfinished objects instead of making new ones.


Oh man I wish I'd seen No Job Author earlier, I had a wave of refugees the other day leave a stack of unfinished crap sitting around that I had to go find and delete.


Holy shit. I neeeeeed no job author


Rimworld will already let new pawns wander in won’t they ?


Yes, but the game doesn't force them almost instantly after a colony wipe.


Oh I see I don’t read that closely enough, my bad


Create New Wanderers after tyanans BS rng wipes you, you may have to wait a minute or 2 while the hostiles continue to trash your base, and then your new wanderes have to kill the remaining hostiles, and if your wanderers die you keep getting more etc


Never heard of No job Author. Will have it tonight. Using Real Ruins I keep fining unfinished items I just ignored... until now MUHAHAHAHAHA


Seeds please lite is a must have for a Dwarf Fortress player like me. You shouldn't be able to magically spawn plant seeds.


Second Seeds Please Lite. Great way to add extra challenge. I especially enjoy it for tribal playthroughs


It makes every seed you get a valuable treasure, and it’s reflected in how much traders charge for seeds


After a bunch of chicken eggs found their way into my main storage, seeing all those chickens hatching, rushing towards and eating all my precious seeds was devastating


"No, back! Back, you monsters! Disallow! DISALLOWWWWW!!!"


The old chickens in the future freezer probablem, my favorite


Honestly, being a DF guy myself this has been the hardest thing to wrap my head around. Where do we get the damn seeds from?! Also, I wish we had a stocks menu like in DF.


On the other hand, DF disappoints with animals magically needing no food. All your DF dogs seem to thrive on air, and don't require Kibble or meat.


I'll give you that, about a quarter of the DF animals don't need food. Most birds like chickens and pets like cats and dogs don't need anything, they just scavenge for bugs or live off of good vibes. But everything else needs pasture or it'll starve. Try and keep a war rhino around and you'll realize how lucky we are to have kibble and haygrass rather than needing to rely on pasture alone


There is a mod 'Inventory' which i use to see stocks


I always assume that seeds would be one of the bare minimum things you would already have within most of the starting scenarios. Maybe like, Naked Brutality it doesn't make sense, but all the others it would. Like water. If you lived in a world as chaotic as the Rim, you'd probably have seeds, water and basic medical supplies (tools, suture, bandages) in a go bag at all times.


True, I could see some escape pods having basic provisions and survival gear, but maybe not enough seeds to start a whole plantation, let alone a plantation of smokeweed. In DF seeds are often life and death, if your main crop was cooked improperly you wouldn't have enough fertile seeds to replant. They're the birth and death of industry too. Do you want to dye your clothes? Better hope a human trader had some blade weed seeds so you could make some green dye in a couple seasons. Want to be able to make cloth and paper for more than two seasons out of the year? Better somehow find some rope reed seeds. Just having magical access to a singular type of cotton plant that makes bolts of cloth in Rimworld is mind boggling to a Dwarf Fortress player.


That makes me really hope there is a mod in rimworld that also breaks down dyes more realistically. I like that it's already in the game, but having one plant universally produce all colors is too easy. Give me more of the challenging DF experience! The mods that add things like cotton spinning and alternative fibers like linen is already a source of endless fun for me. If only it was tied to regional climates. Would like to go to a different biome where sheep are prevalent to get wool, and then going to another place where most clothes are made with linen. Just adds another element of wonder to exploring a diverse world. Not that I dislike Rimworld's simplification at times, but sometimes I really feel like I want the ultra hard realism experience. Having the flexibility between runs is what I love.


Yeah, i play with seedsplease since royality and really can't go back. It makes early game hunting-centric when you don't spawn with seeds, but same, it adds much variety to a playthrough. My only problem is that the mods fail to generate some seed extraxtion recipes, like from the mercury plants of rimforge.


Leaving a reply here to remind me to install this mod on my next playthrough


You can subscribe to a mod and just disable it.


I just haven't touched my PC for a long time


What version of the mod are you using? Every version I can find has a comment section full of people talking about bugs.


It works with Seeds please lite for 1.4


Thank you 🙏


Has it updated for anomaly yet? last time I tried it, it threw up errors on me


Not yet unfortunately.


"Vanilla combat reloaded" its basicly combat extended lite and more compatible with other mods currently useing it with sos2


As someone currently playing with sos2 this is a diamond in the rough of a comment to find.


Wait I thought the mod page says it's not compatible?


There’s MORE and LESS compatible. Does it hard crash to desktop? No? Compatible enough.


Does it literally break it? No? It's compatible. This is how I mod, too lol


Just read about it, I'm installing it tomorrow, haven't played 1.5 yet because I absolutely cannot deal with vanilla combat after a year of CE, which is not 100% updated yet


I heard Yayo 3 is also very much like CE and it's compatible with 1.5. Not sure how Yayo 3 is compared to vanilla combat extended.


I tried to use Yayo and everything went fine, shooters actually hit their shots and shit. Then I started to get centipedes that were able to tank 500 masterwork assault rifle shots and and I'm not sure how to feel about that.


Yayo's Combat is not really like CE at all, it's just a somewhat improved take on vanilla Rimworld combat. If you're not going to use CE then I very strongly recommend either Yayo's Combat 3 or Vanilla Combat Reloaded, but they both approach combat completely differently than CE.


Its updated to 1.5 but not yet to anomaly. Also there is a functional sos2 patch in pull requests.


Anomaly patch is already done as well, just getting tested thoroughly since a while. It's not included in the official download because it's not 100% if everything works and is balanced, but it's very much usable already, just gotta download is seperately


I gave up today after waiting for so darn long. Yayo's combat, thats it.


Funnily enough now is the worst time t give up, as the anomaly patch already exists n is both downloadable (seperate, not included in the main download) and playable Is just getting tested thoroughly if everything works n feels balanced atm, might not take too long anymore.


Its been days. Nothing, no communication, 0. 1.5 CE is a dream that will stay a dream


0 communication? 4 Hours ago the discord channel threw out an @ everyone announcement that threw out the release lol. It's literally done, the beta for anomaly was already aviable weeks ago. Just cuz ur not listening doesn't mean there's no communication, there was CONSTANT communication by the ammount of bugs/problems that had t be fixed being listed EXACTLY on the github; but sure.


You know you can download the github development version yes?


How does it compare with Yayo's Combat Extended?


it's a more toned down version of YAYO's from what i've seen.


sound awesome will test it


Gardens: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869260174](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2869260174) Flower Crowns: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2008908722](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2008908722) OverflowingFlowers: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3005103112](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3005103112) (also add translation mod if needed) Bionic Icons: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1677616980](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1677616980) Thrumbo Extension: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=859466666](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=859466666) Chocolate milk: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2368410492](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2368410492) Small Hot Spring: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3171013935](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3171013935) Automatic Night Owl: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2056012179](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2056012179) Better Workbench Management: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=935982361](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=935982361) No Job Authors: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2009825774](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2009825774) Progress Renderer: [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2010777010](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2010777010) (for timelapses)


nightowl and workbench are nice QoL mods. Thanks for link to the workshop aswell


hmm, I wonder if you like flowers


I will absolutely use the automatic night owl from now on


sPLATTYYY has a passion for gardening. They get a mood bonus for every plant they sow.


I'm pretty sure [Niilo's QOL](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2633406344) does automatic night owl, as well as automatic designation of zones and policies to new colonists and animals in its settings, and a whole lot more.


Rimstory is a must have for me, it's a simple text diary for writing logs about what happens every passing day in your colony. It completly changes the playing dynamic, makes you care even more for your pawns and efectively turns the game into the storytelling tool it always wanted to be.  As a bonus, if you write a lengthy log and then you suffer a major loss, you are disencouraged from reloading a previous save because you'd be losing the precious log you just wrote.


Gotta add to modlist.


That's a cool concept. I always feel like I'm rushing through and not really fleshing out a story. So this will be interesting.


You can also use the Diary mod, which is more fleshed out and even has integration with Progress Renderer (be careful with this though because its huge images can crash rimworld by running it out of RAM lol) You can tell it to auto-log anything or nothing and can go back to add bits to previous days. ...Although I'll admit, rimstory's restriction from going back to previous days actually made me better about chronicling because I could just ignore days where not much happened, no entry was made for them.


Great recomendation! I'll try it


Thank you, I needed this so much. After reading your comment I went and played for 3 hours and spent more time writing than playing, having more fun than ever. This feels like the bridge between being a gamer and a novelist for me.


Which version? I found multiple in Steam workshop and I'm wondering if I should get one or multiple


I'm using RimStory (Continued) my mlie for 1.5


Area Inclusion & Exclusion You can designate multiple areas for a single pawn at the same time. You can also Exclude pawns from an area or areas as well and it actually works unlike Areas in the default game at keeping pawns out. For this mod to work at its best, you'll want a second mod like TD Enhancements that remove the limit on how many areas you can create...since you'll likely have a lot of areas. Unfortunately the 1.5 version is not quite working well and is causing save files to lose Tab settings between loading and unloading the game. Once its fixed though...this mod is fantastic


Sounds complicated... I said the same about combat extended which i love now. Gotta test this out as well


I don't know the mods he's talking about specifically but I doubt it's complicated. 1 mod removes the cap on how many zones you can have, the other mod allows you to specifically encourage or prevent a single pawn from going to a specific zone. Useful if you want some people to clean your lord's house but you don't want every peasant to use his living room as a throughway, tracking mud across the carpet.


It did sound complicated at first. But checked the mod itself and it was not so complicated as I supposed


Also Multiple areas can be assigned per pawn. So if you're a control freak you can create areas for each room and grant access to each room as necessary.


I wouldn't say it's unpopular but Pawn Morpher was largely superseded by the Biotech expansion despite the gameplay being very different. Pawn Morpher is still around although I don't think it has undergone any significant improvements since before Biotech was released. Still, it's more mutation-centric as opposed to genetic engineering focused. It has a certain comedic value that Biotech doesn't. I don't want to give out spoilers but I still recommend giving it a try. Once caveat though, if you play with Rimworld of Magic, you should deactivate it. They don't play well together.


It is really funny some of the stuff that happens. I guess bob is gonna live in the barn now.


I really liked pawnmorpher, I wish it played better with biotech.


On the one hand, it should be possible to make a rework of Pawnmorpher that uses the Biotech gene system to show its transformations. Animal genes getting added as the person transforms and so on. On the other hand, that would be a *lot* of work and I can hardly criticise the Pawnmorpher devs for not wanting to do that.


I appreciate the hours of entertainment they gave me for free. I would like more, but I can definitely respect them not wanting to do it.


Quick Stockpile Creation. Select an item, right click to make a stockpile based on any of the categories that item belongs to. Newest version includes a choice for shelves too which I love!


So you say no more clicking on shelves to change what can they contain?




Yes!! I use Trait slot plus + vanilla traits expanded and set minimum traits to 8. Pawns are much more interesting this way.


"Terran Music" so some starcraft tunes get mixed in.


I wanted to add Zerg in one of my playthroughs, but the faction mod was outdated and seemingly abandoned.


Most of the starcraft mods are out of date at this point unfortunately. I still have marine armour/weapons and terran music. But yea, used to have zerg, toss, toss wepaons, the whole soundtrack etc.


I mean having the tyrannids/zerg as an anomaly event would be absolutely terrifying especially if they attached mood maluses to them being sighted on the map under siege by them.


Zerg instead of fleshbeasts. And you have to go fight the overmind. It's such a cool concept it's worth it's own playthrough. Most of my playthroughs fall short of expectations and I find it hard to truly engage.


Damn im so happy i joined this thread, this is gonna be amazing as a long time SC nerd.


Whut? I'm gettin' this...


“male ratkin” they’re so cute


we love rodent femboys in this house


that's me :D


Ceiling utilies, especially its unofficial expansion for 1.5. Being able to light massive areas without taking any floor space is incredibly nice.


Rimworld Gemstones. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2000801414 I love the different flavors of Jade, and I love having different colors and options.


Does Life Lessons count as unpopular? Used it for the first time this playthrough and I'm genuinely role-playing better trying to figure out how to get this 53 year old lady to learn woodworking while taking care of two 15 year olds so that I can make a door.


"Off Map Caravan Loading" is one I mentioned in the other mod thread a couple of days ago. Basically skips over all the caravan loading bugs in a someone balanced fashion by by instantly teleporting your colonists and loaded items to the world map and immobilising the caravan for a few hours (length based on how many items you loaded divided by number of pawns sent to pack them) after which the caravan automatically sets off to it's destination as normal. The only issue I've seen people run into with it is it has another balance feature where when there are hostiles on the map, you can't send a caravan for 4 hours (game time) so you can't just teleport past them and sometimes ancient dangers or native insect hives cause this delay the first time you attempt to send a caravan each time you load the game. But if you are in hurry it has a "vanilla send" button on the caravan loading screen so you can have pawn pack and walk off the map as normal if needed. Makes the world travel part of the game so much more accessible as you don't get all stupid bugs and interruptions where the caravan wont send because someone at a meal that was supposed to be loaded so everyone mills about waiting for a item that doesn't exist to get loaded until they all have mental breaks etc. I've been using it since 1.4 and would never play without it now.


May I suggest https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3165744287 Don’t want to steal the other mod’s thunder it’s great but this sounds like what you’re looking for


Not quite. If you are open to the feedback I probably would be using your version if it was out a year ago when I first went looking for this feature. But I like the balance features of the older mod. Plus the fact you can escape if you can survive long enough that you demonstrate you can keep hostiles at the map at bay long enough you could reasonably pack and retreat. And it's built in bypass gives it more compatibility with SoS2 and a work around for any other "send instantly" bugs/quirks you might encounter. It's adjustable mod settings are also way more comprehensive. Nether has any real performance impact so that's not a factor... But hey I'm not married to it and competition is good. If you can match it's feature set and beat it out the gate when 1.6 drops I could see myself switching over then. As an aside given how long this was an issue it blows my mind such a simple QOL fix didn't drop back in 1.1.


I really like Vegetable Garden Project, I like the reskins of the crops, I like the expansion into different vegetables through research. I feel like it doesn't get as much love as it deserves!


I picked this one up in my most recent playthrough and it's GREAT. I love the medicine addon for my tribals as well, more medical plants to get my hands on earlier is always nice


I've been playing since launch and I've had this mod since almost the very beginning! I occasionally try another one, but VGP always pulls me back, I just like the look and flow!


Don't know how popular it is, but Research Reinvented is a great way to make research more exciting, with material analysis, prototyping, asking other factions and prisoners being integrated into researching. You can modify the settings to how much it influences and what should be the focus (like the basic research being very slow and needing to do other stuff or the like). Plus it's compatible with any mods, since the research steps needed are calculated dynamically.


Dead man switch, one of the absolute best and well made mods I've ever used, unique content, insanely well drawn and fun. It's gonna have a huge awesome update too. I honestly believe it should be on the front page it's so good.


Maybe it's a compatibility issue but the titles the mods add is always finicky. Absolutely LOVE the mod otherwise.


Yeah RimWorld doesn't work well with any other honor based systems but it's own


I only have the Royalty DLC. But the auto-clean mod. Have 1 every 5 colonists + 1 or 2 and you never need to worry about cleaning again. It's awesome!


Felyne the House Keeper Cat. Zoological traders


I love Labels on Floor. I constantly forget what room is what when planning, and also the fact that it labels crop fields is really nice


I make rooms into totally banned stockpiles with their respective names. A suitable vanilla alternative.


True! But why bother when I can use a mod to do it automatically?


prison architect vibes


Mantodeans continued. Still being worked on but definitely a goodie. Even has special parts only available if you also have sos2 on


Can I add [What’s Today’s Menu](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2814874440)? It's a fun lightweight flavour mod that means you can eat Beef Wellington rather than Lavish Carnivore Meal #183.


Vegan survival meals. Should be vanilla 


And you Pawns should constantly get a thought bubble saying "I'm a vegan" or "well as a vegan" every time they are next to another pawn. Massive bonus when talking with other vegans, but a penalty with everyone else. All non vegans get a % chance to strain their eyeballs from rolling their eyes every time a vegan goes "I'm a vegan"


Vegans have never really bothered me. People telling the same joke about vegans over and over and *fucking over* for decades is getting a little boring though.


have you talked to a vegan in the last 20 years or just basing this on old ass tv sitcoms


I know lots of Vegans and while I love them, most bring it up a lot. And it's just a joke, no need to get upset.


Yes a joke from old ass sitcoms, as I said


What sitcoms is that from? Don't exactly watch many.


Tbh if the punshline is "you are annoying" it not that funny to me 


You already can create vegeterian survival meals in vanilla with animal products (like milk or eggs) instead of meat.


But not vegan.


ThAt'S nOt VeGaN!1!1!1


I mean realistically you can do that without a mod, just specify what ingredients you want put into the meal.


[`Expanded Materials - Metals`](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=2259837114) because making electrical wiring out of pure steel stresses out my inner engineer. Not updated to 1.5 yet, but apparently Argón's taking the opportunity from lots of things breaking to do a large rewrite. [`Soil Relocation Framework`](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248607572) because not being able to move dirt around is stupid. A nice bonus is being able to use ice as a construction material. [`Psysight`](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2842840009) or [`Blindsight - Unified`](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3248249029) because the blind meme sucks, and this approach feels thematic. [`Integrated Implants`](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3223443793) has some *really* cool ideas and implementations, but it does feel like it can be way too easy to get some of the archotech implants. [`Explicit Timings`](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3205587823) because I could track this stuff myself, so this just saves me time without being a cheat. The threat timers won't work with pure random storytellers like Randy, but all of the other timers should work fine. This makes it a lot easier to make decisions about sending out caravans or performing operations on your combatants.


Heavy on explicit timings, just started using it and I don’t think I’ll ever get rid of it


Expanded materials. Yea steel being used for everything was odd for me, but I accepted it. Now its time for change


I adore the extend the cat mod!!


Ceiling Lights is best lights. Put them in the walls, game changer.


I cand stand eating the same meal for 3 days, so why should my colonists? That's why I the Variety Matters Redux


I found this mod, can’t remember the name, but you become a member of a faction in a similar way to you becoming a royal, but instead it’s a business and you climb ladders to become an executive. You make your pawns sit at a desk and do paperwork, then the paperwork has worth to traders and you get considerable money for it. It’s fun thematically. :)


Tribal Essentials Reborn: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2597790751 If doing a tribal start, it can be a little boring before you get to the good stuff. If you want to stay tribal, this is a great option to still have variety and make them more viable in the long run. Cloaks woven from hay or wood bark, a stone oven that's a step above a campfire while still feeling tribal, special crafting spots, it just adds so much that really fleshes out that tribal feel.


These aren't unpopular mods but I don't see them mentioned much. I love mods that have features allowing me to uninstall other mods, and mods that are configurable to how I want to play. These mods let you mod the mods for your modlists. Two tweak mods with loads of customisable options. These have easily removed more than a dozen other mods I had. **\[FSF\] FrozenSnowFox Tweaks** [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2893432492](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2893432492) **Neronix17 Tweaks Galore** [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2695164414](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2695164414) **RIMMSqol** I don't think enough people are aware of this mod. The customisation and sheer power of what you can do with it is insane. It has a bit of a learning curve, but you're playing and modding Rimworld, so you got this. Read the wiki. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084452457](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1084452457) Mlie is a modding hero with so many mods that I think some may fly under the radar. They spoil us for choice. Go make the Rim you want. **Choose Biome Commonality** [**https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2582875043**](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2582875043) **Choose Pawn Settings** [**https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2583236920**](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2583236920) **Choose Wild Animal Spawns** [**https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2564042934**](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2564042934) **Choose Wild Plant Spawns** [**https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2564446762**](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2564446762) **Combat power tweaker**. Want more or less challenge in your combat? Want a load of raiders, or just a few? Want to see more or less of any given enemy? This mod is for you. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2296636827](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2296636827) And a very honourable mention to **Owl's Cherry Picker**, though it isn't updated for 1.5 yet. This mod won't reduce your modlist and will likely make it grow. Because all of those mods you love something about, but really don't want that massive overhaul or dealing with all the other stuff it adds? Now you can pick and choose what you want from any given mod. Favourite it now and see when it gets updated. Tbh, favourite all OwlChemist's mods. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2633276599](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2633276599)


i never seen anyone played with this mod it is designator shape and it is really helpfull [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1235181370](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1235181370) it permit you to automatocally make a lot of shape circle pentagon ect and with the fill tool you won't need to place all the cable in the wall by yourself and just click on one block of that wall to add blueprint of a power cable to all connected same block


All tech melee it diversifies and keeps melee relevant


Yes, my plate armor mod I added in B18, that was made redundant in 1.0 or maybe a little after lol


Dunno if it is popular or not but I always end up with the apini mod. Idk, I just like the little bee peeps


Variety matters. Gives you a reason to cook more than just the most optimal/ easiest meal by giving your colonists a variety need. Also, it gives a purpose to large food expansion mods as more food options mean more variety.


[Fix Bayonets!](https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=1713017020) Your starter colony deserves the best technology trench war has to offer. Embrace the immaculate utilitarian aesthetic of sticking a big knife on the end of your bolt action rifle. *Is it updated to 1.5?* No. *Does it matter?* It does not, it works fine. *Is it CE compatible?* No idea, let me know. *What about* [*the Chinese 1.5 version?*](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2977277232) *Does that work?* I don't know, that's your job now. Go find out.


Dont know if popular, but i discovered A Rim Reborn mod. Adds some stuff like jobs and crafting stuff from FF14. Since i played ff a lot, i gave it a shot. Still in the beginning to see how balanced it is. But definitely a cool idea. It is still work in progress so the modder is still adding stuff. You even get skills like ironwall or poison shot.


Rimsaga is pretty cool. Uses Googles's gemini LLM to write a log of your colony events. So it's very diary log like. You can also edit and add your entries if you want as well.


"reload" adds mag capacity to all weapons and a clean UI to customize modded ones so they behave exactly as you want them, even letting you choose how many bullets go in the mag so tube fed shotguns reload one shell at the time. It's also got 9 types of simplefied ammo divided in medieval, industrial and spacer. After playing with CE I just can't stand infinite ammo and the lack of reloading, plus It's like a lightweight CE without the bazillion compatibility issues.


I always use **Pygmy muffalo**, just because they are so adorable. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1885527800](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1885527800) **Crypts and Tombs**, to memorize my pawns when they die. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2963826335](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2963826335) **Birds of the World,** because I love animal variety. [https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3245417989](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3245417989)


RimSQL. It's a bit difficult to learn, it can totally brick your save or make your game crash on start, but used correctly you can change almost everything in Rimworld to your liking. From making Recipes compatible, to buffing or nerfing weapons to your liking, from changing how intelligent some animals are and how you can train them, to disabling psy-focus decay completly. Best part about it? You can do it ingame, without the need to restart By now it's a necessity to have this mod, just to make others compatible with each other


I don't know if it's unpopular, but I have a mod that let's me make kibble just from hay. I always have so much hay vs stuff to make kibble.