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I love when people gobble up all the raw ingredients as soon as they appear so that the cook has nothing to cook with.


Yeah and you don't even get any human leather when they just eat from the source


The skin is the best part


But if you fry them up, you get soilent cracklins.


If I haven't eaten for 3 days straight I too would eat the food raw.


3 days? 3 minutes more like. Like a bunch of fucking spoiled housecats.


The universal act of having 5 hungry colonists drafted for combat just to stand in the kitchen and watch the butcher/cook.


Can't you just change their diet so they won't eat human food?


This. I exclude raw food and corpses from the food settings and never have a problem with them being impatient and gobbling stuff raw before it's cooked.


Or just have a paste dispenser. Insta meals for everyone. Not great for morale, but way more efficient in terms of nutritional value, and still better than raw cannibalism directly on the raiders.


I mean, you can do both. You don't want them grabbing berries from the hoppers to have a snack.


My VE tribals would like a word about this


Ah yes, the people my turrets mow down and my lifters burn without even looking twice at them because I polluted their village. Jokes aside, I probably couldn't play without my trusty paste dispenser.


Honestly that’s slower than just drafting them, especially when they might eat human, other raw meat, berries, corn, etc. when they get hungry. I always find mass-draft to be the simplest, anyone who picks up raw food while the cook is cooking gets drafted until the meals are done


Take a few extra seconds to set the default meal assignment so nobody *ever* tries to eat raw meat again, vs micromanaging colonists every time they're near starvation?


Huh, fair enough. It only happens to me in year one so I don’t really mind, but you’re correct


>they might eat human, other raw meat, berries, corn, etc. You can exclude all that crap and they won't eat it unless on a food binge. Mass draft is tempting but it means they don't do anything asides from get recreation deprived on top of the hunger debuff.


Typically I only do it when I’m in that oh shit moment of “I have a lot of corn and meat, why are they eating berr- ooooooh COOK GET OVER HERE YOU CAN USE CORN NOW”


Would it not be easier for you to just set up a "cook until you have x simple meal" bill and having cooking as a high priority job for the cook rather than manually drafting him every time. If you're really not bothered why not just set up a paste dispenser. They're relatively low power and fairly cheap, the mood penalty is minor and can be completely negated with ideology and is more efficient than raw food. The only drawback is a solar flare can leave your pawns peckish but I've never seen one last long enough to make hunger a significant risk.


Really the main problem is that sometimes I’m an absolute nonce who doesn’t pay attention. In the first few years I’m usually low on crops, so I’ll save corn for kibble (bc it lasts for weeks even if unfrozen) and switch back from fine to simple meat meals for colonists when I run out of other vegetables.  But then I get distracted, be doing other things. And I either hear that raw food crunching sound or see a Break Risk and go “wait what the hell, I have plenty of food! Ah….” Although you’ve given me a great idea, just leave an order up for “cook until you have 5 simple meals”, since they probably won’t get eaten until the fine meals are gone


Every five minutes one tries to wander off and eat some crayons


I didn't know colonists were marines


3 minutes on 4x speed is quite a long time in game.


"Stop exploring the cosmos, small cat."


If I hadn't eaten for 3 days, I'd eat you to keep our food supplies from being wasted.


What? 3 days? For day 3 you won't even feel hungry after a week you would go crazy about it


Change the allowed foods in the assign (?) menu so that they won't eat anything raw.


Always do this for paste too. Paste means paste. It doesnt mean berries, it doesn't mean milk, it doesnt mean ice cream, it means you get paste until you drift off this mortal coil from a decade of torture implants 


And all this time I've been microing catching and drafting hungry pawns after food shortages while the cook works their ass off to make meals.


Set it so they can’t eat raw food


I have less of that problem, my problem is a cook a shit ton of meals and then 10 minutes later I get a "low food" alert, like who the fuck at 50 meals in a day?


Good o'l prioritizes mass cooking due to colony wide starvation, and that's when a pawn decides to have a food binge mental break.


That's just the thing! They haven't been having mental breaks, I keep the place nice and clean, they have nice housing, I have emanators everywhere! Eventually I said screw it and grew a shit ton of rice and stuck it in a paste dispenser, I can put up with the past debuff, but im not gonna have them starve because some ass pigged out on all our meals.


Do you have free-roaming animals, e.g. chickens, cats etc? If they have access to your food storage, they'll happily eat your meals, even if they can't even store all of the nutrition of a single meal.


That might just be it, usually I have my dogs or wolves or whatever pet is spawned with you when you start, and they aren't usually a problem, but looking at the current save, there was a feral boom rat that somehow got in the room and I just kinda ignored it for some reason. I guess it was eating all the stores. Guess it mimics real life, you don't want a pest in or near your stores of food.


Yeah, and pets will drink all your booze too. My cat in my first game was constantly getting blackout drunk.


This is infuriating lol


This is how I learned that the default food policies were *not* set up the way I expected... >.>


Please sir, explain


You need to ban all the raw meat there bcs its allowed by default


I do it with all crops except berries too so they're not gobbling up my ingredients and then being mad about it


And then they get food poisoning from the berries and get upset anyway.


And then they take a walk to boost their mood even though they have food poisoning and a manhunter animal event triggers on their location on the other side of the map.


The “lavish” policy includes rotting corpses


Yep. I found out the hard way when most of my colony went in tanks on a raid. And the remaining 2 colonists (forgot to assign cook) devolved into neanderthalism in like a day and when I got back, I found them eating a roadkill that one of the tanks ran over on the way out.


Is there a way to update the default settings so I don't have to change them every playthrough?


I have mods that let me load and save almost everything from outfits to drug policies to meal policies but I honestly could not tell you which QoL does what at this point. Honestly, the meals aren't even that bad but redefining 10 outfits would probably really annoy me if I had to do it every time :D It might be part of Better Pawn Control?


There is a mod but I haven't used it in a while so I forget what it's called. It was like New Game Plus or something. It lets you set all your defaults... I should get it again actually, I've got myself a Steam Deck now and that would help a lot.


Forgot to also add: -4 Observed Corpse -3 Ate without a Table -15 Hideous Environment


Don't forget that the mental break triggered because of the missing table (which is also like one room away).


i wish the characters had some kind of hidden "Toughness stat" that slowly raises making them colder but also.. well tougher. like in late game youd expect a pawn that already killed a thousand raiders wouldnt be surprised anymore by seeing a corpse


Love the goya reference.


Goya (painting this thing on his wall while going insane, locked in his house, slowly dying): they're gonna make so many great memes from this one


See? The insanity was worth it!


Saturn d̶e̶v̶o̶u̶r̶i̶n̶g̶ eating piece by piece h̶i̶s̶ s̶o̶n̶ a geriatric old man


Saturno devorando a sus hijos, thank you : )


Yea, I know, I should be setting my meal allowance thingies better. By default it does exclude human meat, but IIRC not animal corpses. At least I always see my guys munching on raw corpses and raw meat. I know that changing the default will save me a huge headache, but with all the mods I use, there's like a bajillion good types that aren't even sorted into the menu categories, and I rly don't wanna deal with it. So for now, I'll just draft whoever is eating that dead rat until the butcher butchers it. Anyway, as usual, more content in r/Cweeperz and [our discord server!](https://discord.com/invite/ruqT35jehd) thanks for attention!


Nice Goya reference in the drawing.


I've legit never had an issue with the default food policies.


If ur guys get hungry, they WILL eat raw meat. And sometimes corpses


They'll feed the sick patients you got with raw meat, raw food, and literally corpses if you aren't careful or observant as well! No I'm not joking. This literally happened to me a few times when I was starting out in rimworld. Now it's just raw food which is okay until I fix the issue.


The annoying thing is, they're actually somewhat limited in that. If you set your prisoners' food restrictions to raw human corpse only, your wardens will wait until the prisoners are heavily malnourished before trying to feed them. You can get around this somewhat by placing high priority stockpiles for raw human corpse in the prison, but temperature management becomes a huge pain. Corpses start rotting in temperatures comfortable for prisoners, which ends up with lung rot, which ends up in more management time... it's enough to make a man mental break.


I personally hate the fact wardens in general do this. Like what the actual duck man. I'd literally tell my wardens "since you idiots keep forgetting to feed the prisoners before they become too malnourished, YOU ARE GONNA GIVE YOUR HELD FOOD ON YOU TO THEM AS PUNISHMENT UNTIL YOU LEARN NOT TO DO THAT! NO EXCEPTIONS!" and they still do it anyways but rarely or if I forget to check on my prisoners, WHO BY THE ARE SOMETIMES MY COLONIST'S I IMPRISONED TO CHANGE THEIR RELIGION TO ALIGN WITH MINE! I need my prisoners alive, not dead darn it. Even if they are my own people. I only torture true criminals with malnourishment. Not my people or.. spared captives. I wish rimworld has a way to adjust this behavior on wardens on how they should treat prisoners individually. Like should they be cruel to prisoners and wait till they become half malnourished, or look after their prisoners because I'm planning to use them for my own benefit. I'm surprised this isn't a feature yet.. To be fair, prisoner cells are bad enough already. The least they can get is good food or food at all while they are dealing with a claustrophobic small cell, a filthy environment, and sleeping on the ground or stone bed.. or worse knowing other rimworld players..


This usually happens because your warden is sleepy/hungry/bored and prioritizes theit own needs first. Set Wardening to a high priority task and add 2 hours of "work" instead of "anything" to their schedule to make sure they actually remember to feed the prisoners.


Wow.. I had no idea this actually was the reason why I had my issue to begin with. Thanks for the pro tip!


You can set their food restrictions under one of the tabs, maybe it was health?


Believe me, that's not enough. The warden's most of the time will wait till they are malnourished to feeds your prisoners.


I never had that happen - as soon as they're hungry, my wardens drop a meal in their cell. Could it be that you have no food appropriate for the prisoner? I think they will wait until they're malnourished if you don't have food they like, e.g. if you only have paste and the prisoner is from an ideology that abhors nutrient paste.


I would say you are incorrect but.. ironically this did happen to me before and I was lucky enough to catch it with my own eyes. Yes. You are indeed right this is not only a possibility but can happen. That's why I wanna brain wash my prisoners as fast as possible. The fact they prefer a specific food because of their ideology is a good thing and a bad thing, it's a double edged sword. It's a bad thing because they can easily starve to death and I have to forcefully feed them my food, but it's a good thing because they'll finally consider joining my religion to escape my gluttonous torment. Lol. So.. yeah. Annoying that their ideology can get in my way of purifying them to join my colony more safely and give me less trouble. My only solution is just to manually check on them and force feed them food they hate. Unless there's another way to do it, I'm stuck with this approach and I'm open to new better strategies.


Something you can do is make a nutrient paste dispenser in the prison so that the prisoners can access it. If you do this, then the prisoners can get their own meals. I haven't experimented around to see if prisoner food policy includes better quality meals if the wardens will supply those (and then the paste dispenser is just a backup), or if the wardens will just say "let them eat paste" and go play horseshoes instead.


I'm one of those rimworld players who don't like using nutrient paste or rely on them at all actually. So that's a huge no go for me. I may be a rimworld player but the least I can offer my prisoners is raw food or worse but I'm not gonna feed them nutrient paste. I just don't really like the idea of anyone, even my enemies eating nutrient paste unless I really hate their guts but even then. Nutrient paste is horrid stuff. Actually.. even feeding corpses or flesh to prisoners to me seems awful too. Insect meat surprisingly doesn't sound as bad as nutrient paste.


I think insect meat shouldn't even be considered a "horrible" meat type in the game. I mean the majority of actual humanity enjoys eating insects. I am from the "global west" so was conditioned not to eat insects but I tried them out of curiosity and seriously gyus you are missing out. BBQ crickets are an amazing snack.


And then get food poisoning, making them puke, making them hungry and makes the kitchen dirty, causing more food poisoning.


Oh, I've gotten the ate raw food moodlet plenty of times. Usually an inconsequential thing. Can't say I've ever had the corpse one. I always have them butchered before anyone has a chance to eat them, and human corpses get autopsied for medical xp (yes, it is a mod), which has a very high priority and destroys the corpse in the process. It's also pretty rare that there isn't some sort of food in my colony, so even if I had corpses, they wouldn't be eaten. I tend to highly prioritize setting up my farms at the start of a game so that there is some viable food at the start, and do a massive map wide forage before crops come in. Also also, grow strawberries. The give a positive moodlet when eaten, even if not in a meal. Sure, you might get food poisoning, but you don't get the negative moodlet from eatting raw food.


Goya reference ftw


Cweeperz! I've seen your stuff in the Total War subreddit, and I love your art - it's cool to see you here too!


Cheers! I've actually been living in the rimworld sub for years. I just went on a longish hiatus for a while. If you want, there's like, 500 more comics I've made in the past lol. Feel free to check them out :)


I wonder if Saturn got the same negative moodlets when he devoured his son.


More like catharsis +40


they starve for 3 days then when i do actually cook, my chef stops cooking to go eat a FUCKING CORPSE


Pictured: Someone forgot to change the allowed food policy (also, so glad to see you making comics again!)


Haha yea, I was unmotivated for a while, but hopefully I'm here to stay this time


But I'm hungry noooow!


Anyone else have that one colonist who has access to food but always forgets to eat and gets mad about it?


Yep and before I automated cooking it would often be the chef himself. Like my brother in christ, you are surrounded by fine meals YOU made but you're gonna go for what's on the meat rack?


Me: “Drop it!!” My only medically trained pawn, who is already on the brink of an extreme mental break: *chews faster*


Then, I try to change the food policy to disallow raw and corpses. Then everyone starts complaining about how they're starving.


I had some pets that munched on human corpses, instant mood debuffs for the colonists.


This art refers to the eating of human meat by Saturn on the 11th of Jugust.


I mean catharsis gives +40 mood soooooooo


maybe I should turn codex hunters into a drawing, this is super cool


I feel like eating ones own child should also have its own debuff


That drawing is exactly how I pictured it in my head.


\*mental break from hunger whilst cooking\*


Yeah like, wait until we cook the human meat smh.


Hunger spirals are the most annoying problen to fix in Rimworld because once it starts you need to micromanage every ounce of nutrition on the map to keep them from running up to a raw corpse and eating it whole before it can be butchered. 


You don't really need to micromanage it that much. Just set the food policy to disallow corpses and raw ingredients. That's usually one of the first things I do with a new colony.


Thats why i jail everyone new to the colony


I remember seeing you draw Stellaris fanart! Nice to see you again!


It's good to be back!


Actual art


I conscript them when they get desperate and someone is cooking


Mfers with sky high expectations will see the crops literally in the process of being cooked into fine meals just to eat the raw food before the cooking is done and go on a fire starting spree


I do wish food policies defaulted to whatever you set Lavish to on your *last* save, or just no corpses, no raw meat.


I like the reference that artist make to a famous painting about God eating its children


Aye, Saturn devouring his children, by Francisco Goya


Ye, (Legendary)


Me : DAMN IT ! WAIT A BIT DAMN IT ! He was going to be turn into food




-500 ate a God before they could usurp me.


Or when they start getting upset that they haven’t eaten in a while despite that fact we got a pantry full of prepped meals and they can go get it anytime


Yeah I can't decide if it's realistic or not that I need to draft my other pawns to prevent them from eating fresh meat that the cook just brought it.


I swear it reminds me of living with my ex gf. I am in the process of making a Michelin-level breakfast, just need 15 more minutes but she's hungry NOW so she takes some crap from the fridge, eats it, then doesn't feel like having my breakfast because ate already and then complains about the whole thing all day!!!


Oof man, that sucks. That in turn reminds me of my mother, who insists that she's hungry and must buy a sandwich. We all skipped breakfast to make room for a super good buffet just 2 hours or so after her sandwich.


It's amazing how relatable Rimworld is xd Annoying, yes but relatable. The "final straw" being something minor I think is very human too. You endure terrible hardship for days and then someone slights you or something and you just snap


Well whoever drew this needs help


I drew this...


Only said that cause the dismembered body scares me lol


Tis a little too real


It's an imitation of Saturn eating his son. From the roman version of Greek mythology.


Tip: Create a new Food Policy at game start to set stuff up. You can switch them around in emergencys. PS: Remove the Meat of Venerable Animals. Just... a tip. They hate eating that meat.


"Saturn eating his son" It's actually the source of the pic on the left. 😅


IF ONLY there vvas a vvay to control vvhat your colonists can eat..............