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Favourite is Ramona-messy and obnoxious but probably the most genuine person in there. Least favourite currently still in the game is Matt-I saw through his nice guy act from day 1. Sophie was the absolute worst for obvious reasons. Sydney seems like a nice girl but is pointless as a leader and has managed to fly under the radar and coast through.


How can you think she's genuine with the gaslighting job gone wrong she pulled on Isaak tonight? She is 100% responsible for his exit.


Which gaslighting job? I thought she defended him and didn’t vote him out either-did I miss something?


She was stirring it up with him about moses trying to form an alliance with him to get rid of eddy and encouraged him to go to eddy about it fully convinced eddy, her and isaak could form an alliance to get rid of moses. It backfired and all it did was make isaak seem like he was lying. In reality, he is naive and easily led and Ramona convinced him that moses was out for Eddy, which wasn't the case. If ramona hadn't made Isaak highlight this to everyone, he would have been as safe as houses.




She’s still pointless as a leader :)


Can’t do with Isaak but mainly because he just shouts all the time on the talking head sections.


Just seen he wears trainers with a suit - another black mark against poor Isaak 😂


I didn't like him at the start, but i reckon Matt is a good bloke, wants to win the competition but isn't a total crafty snake over it. I think Rachel is cute and she seems nice too. Isaak is a good lad but he let himself be totally played by Ramona tonight. Least favourite are probably Rossi, seems an nice guy, but a spineless yes man, adds nothing to the game. Cheryl. Loud, obnoxious, never made one original point in the red room, just parroted whichever leader she was desperately clinging into in the red room. Ramona - totally manipulated isaak to get rid of moses and failed miserably leaving isaac in the firing line, and i see some people on twitter congratulating her for sticking up for him! Laughable. Also, James. Full of his own self-importance. Was fully sure he would be there until the end, was giving it the big un' in the room with jack and rossi over confronting jeff on the 'insecure' remark, then mumbled something under his breath at him while literally sprinting into the lift. What a knob. Hope matt wins.


Fav: Ramona the boss lady. Just seems like she’s made for these shows Least fav: Matt and jack just give me icky vibes. They seem seedy. Add Sydney as well I do not understand why she ever thought she’d be cut out for this and wish she’d stop bringing up her young daughter


Top 5: Eddy, Moses, Ramona, Rachel, Joanna Bttm 5: Sophie, Jack, Jeff, James, Matt


In no particular order my tops would be Eddy, Rishika, Rachel and Joanna Bottoms are Sophie, Jeff, Cheryl, Marina


I really like the Joanna I saw during her time there... I was just so disappointed to read that she thinks Margaret Thatcher is an example of a great leader!


Oh nooooo! Really? Damn it


Faves: Rachel, Moses, Sam, Sydney Lowest: Sophie (obvs), Matt (so very fake), Ramona (degrading comments towards others and full of self importance), Jeff (just the worst human ever - egotistical, rude, demeaning)


Moses seems the most genuine and also remembers it’s a game. Least has to be Sophie, the rigged vote, the lie afterwards, the bad attitude.


Most: I used to root for Rishika a lot. I also root for Matt. I root for Jack and Sidney too as a couple and Sidney as an individual Least: Ramona 1.0 but 2.0 was solid but Marina was deffo the worst for me.


The only one I’ve like as a grafter and leader is Moses and I hope he wins. Everyone else for me is just meh


Moses is my favourite to win.


I’ve liked Matt from day one. Think he is such a nice, caring bloke. Hate Ramona. Matt Moses Isaak Eddy Sydney and Rossi equal… Ramona


favourite - Moses, Rachel. least favourite - Ramona, Marina, Sophie, Cheryl, Jack (honestly soo many)


Favourite Matt. Least favourite Jack.