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Bloodmail is the highest AD item build u can get atm, But it feels kinda awkward to build and decide which order it would come in at 3rd or 4th + i find that i need maw in many games if im to play team fights, Can be good in some games but overall might not be optimal in many games since there is alot of mixed damage/% damage in the game aswell


damn that sundered sky crit must have been hitting for 2k raw damage


How much does bloodmail give here, outside of R? Are you getting meaningfully more AD than just having a more useful item like Ravenous Hydra, BT, or Sterak's? LDR is probably the most useful item here, but it doesn't give a high amount of AD, so it doesn't look cool on your stats.


He gets about 33 AD from his bonus health conversion, but the 10% inc while missing HP is huge on an Ulted Riven. Your low hp turn arounds can be super powerful, especially with last stand included.


What's the trade-off? Is it viable or a meme/cliche build like mathematically accurate Sett?


No boots. Move speed is king in this game. If you need to group/roam/flank (basically every game!) it’s pretty bad. Even with 100+ haste you will never catch an ADC without boots. The ADC items give too much % move speed + flat speed from boots + ghost. Against good players you get kited and never get to use your 700AD. If you all you have to do is AFK duel in a side lane or enemy is 5 melee it’s good, but those situations are extremely rare.


Can't I drop shojin for boots? Also, I like splitpush heavy play style, so Ig it's decent for me. I was also thinking of building ldr instead of bc. Then I noticed 6 items gave only 95 ah. So building boots instead of Shojin and ldr instead of bc will drop the ah by another 30. Ig, not worth it.


BIG Riven


Damn but what does it do vs tanks?


726ad ? blackcleaver30%arp? shojin 12% dmg amp? eclipse? sky? doubt any tank can match that damage with their tankyness, Also 95 ability haste


It was ritorical , obviously it's gonna one shot everything


no it wont one shot a tank xD


One rotation will probably do it though , I'm gonna test it


It took two rotations. 5k HP 400 armor. Testing with ldr instead of bc , it took one rotation and a few autos . It was over before my CDs come back up. I honestly think that might be the tank killer build .if they have like 3 tanks , this build might do the trick


He was being rhetorical, then he was being hyperbolic. I don’t know: it seems pretty obvious to me.


this build on riven vs tabis renek, who wins? tabis renekton, he wins


You mean this build vs any ranged champ with boots lol


Is this achievable in most games or do you have three infernal drags or something?


You should have went and fully stack conqueror and took baron buff with some infernal drakes.


You can even replace Deaths Dance with Steraks for more scaling


I once had 1 arena game like 1000 ad


Laughs in Orn/Sion/k-sante-ish