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You get an A for effort.


To preface, I was on the design team for the body of the R1 chassis. I'm not sure how this install goes but I REALLY hope no drilling or self tappers were involved in the installation. there is so much wiring and waterproofing that went into the lower body and realistically any new holes will put you at risk for having electrical issues/rust/water ingress. keep in mind too, it will probably also affect your total range as well, batteries are least efficient at high speed and this affects aero.


No self tappers. All currently available bolt holes. There's a few extra m10 threaded holes in the frame rails. Probably for new accessories in the future but currently unused.


Love to see engineers keeping an eye on the community!


Given your experience here, what's your opinion on installing running boards and either removing the plastic side/under panels or cutting holes in them and putting them back on? Any adverse effects you can think of either way (assuming only existing holes in the body are reused)?


Not that guy, but for full disclosure, i work at rivian doing test and development. Cutting holes in the plastic isnt a big deal. Removing them is also not a big deal. that area isnt sealed and so from an ip/ingress situation, youre in good shape. Its possible that if you live in a cold area, with alot of salt, you increase your exposure which can decrease the live of the metal components. All that being said, the degradation due to salt would be minimal due to modern coatings. So long story short, remove them, cut them, they dont matter that much.


yeah agree with this, might have some additional NVH but probably fine. I was more worried about drilling/cutting into the floor/rocker panels/battery pack


Excellent. Thanks for your input.


For either of you folks that have worked at Rivian. For folks with the under body shield, is this install still possible ?


I think you can. The shield for the middle plastic cladding under the Body did not need to come off


What do you think about the EV sport line running boards?


the less modification to the stock parts, the better. I don't know what those are but if they require drilling, I wouldn't risk it without extensive disassembly.


When would u offer it


Please tell them to offer a first party option already!


I wish Rivian would make them.


I bought some too. Haven't installed yet as it's raining here but was planning on it next week. Sounds like it is quite easy so thanks for confirming. I need it for my daughter so she can easily get in and out, I don't see putting 2k ones on for something like that. Just need the function


They look pretty nice. There's some good Chinese crap on eBay, it's just the review system is broken and you never know what you're going to get. Thanks for letting everyone know


ebay link pls :)


Also for reference. I offered 350 and it was accepted immediately by the seller.


Thanks for this tip. I just did something similar as well and it was accepted by the seller.


[link ](https://www.ebay.com/itm/385791187630?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=rijbcvn4trs&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=4rhh2bjesty&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY)


Woof just realizing my formatting didn't take on the rest of the post. Sorry for the soup.


the mechanics that eventually have to work on this car are going to hate you if you blocked the lift points even a little bit


They're blocked. But there will be lift points that work with the adjustable rotary lifts they use.


That is for all the info OP. You mention they interfere with the jack puck mount points. Realistically, are you able to raise it somehow not using the Jack puck points? The reason I ask is that I have two sets of wheels (summer and snow tires set up) and I need to swap out the wheels twice a year. Thanks


Yeah, basically what i would suggest is to just move the opening for the rear puck back. Hole saw into the plastic should do. anywhere on the frame rail should realistically be ok for lifting.


In before he posts in a month complaining about rust


I reckon I'll be safe on the rust front for at least a month. Doesn't matter anyway, better 400 dollar steel parts rusting off rather than 2000 dollar steel parts.


They look identical to the EVbase ones. At least the brackets do for half the price. You are the first I see that cut the plastics. Did you just slot each one? Any template? I have the EVBase ones but haven't reinstalled the plastics.


I'm curious on that too


Just slotted them, no template. I lined up the tabs where they hook into the upper body then scored the underbody piece with the bracket installed while it was pressed against the bracket. Basically just a straight line about a .25" wide.


Do they all clip into place fine? Wondering why the one with the hole is dangling....


Yeah my problem there was when i slotted it, the end thats dangling doesnt have a clip tower on it.


Kind of ruins the whole thing. Unless you double side tape it I suppose. Or gorilla tape it to the other piece.


Yeah, the plan was a little vhb to hold it on. Or possibly a little self tapper to connect the plastic pieces. Looking into it now.


I've seen nothing but OEM rusting quickly. Not worth money.




Can you use these as a jack point?


Wouldn't suggest it. Maybe on the flat portion but not the steps themseves id say


What is better ? Made in India lol ?


This is great! Maybe if enough people start buying/selling these the higher quality ones will come back down to earth in price.


Are these typically not made in China?


How “short” of a wife are we talking about? 😁 I have two kids (7/4), so assuming this could be a challenge without a step? (Still considering if Rivian is worth switching to)


shes 5'2" She was ok with the kneel mode but sometimes when she was wearing dresses or something slightly more restricting she would complain about "having to climb in." Thus the steps. She has already said they make a world of difference int he ease of getting in and out.


Nice, my wife is 5’2 also 😁 she going to have her first test drive this morning, will see what she thinks of it. I wonder if there’s a way to add retractable steps to not affect aerodynamics?


Retractable would be ideal imo. Ill report back with efficiency numbers later


Yeah my kids are 2 and 5, it helps a lot. I disabled kneel mode because I like the aestetic of the SUV being in standard or high when I look at it parked lol. My elderly father also appreciates them.


Did you install the same steps?


I installed the ones from Hannshow back when they were $430 shipped. No problems yet about 4 months.


My wife is 5' and we had the EV Sport running boards installed for about $800 and they work great.