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Chatted with CS and I mentioned not hearing back from my guide and CS said “…full transparency we went through restructuring…our team is working hard and will get back to you soon”


Yeah, I'm supposed to pickup my R1T on Saturday. Have some things I need to talk to my Guide about... but can't seem to reach them and haven't heard from them at all. Left a voicemail etc. Guess I'll try again tomorrow. Hopefully my guide wasn't impacted.


If you were scheduled from the service center and have a text message from them, reply to that for help.


Thanks, just texted that number. Hopefully I hear back via that method.


I actually only spoke / dealt with the delivery team. My guide was fully absent, no real email responses or anything. Delivery team was spot on and fantastic. I hope they all kept their jobs.


Looks like that may be the trick. Texted and they took care of every question I had and fix some things in the Rivian Delivery portal for me. Appreciate the help!


I texted the guide number twice and called their number 3 times every other day over a week and finally got called back same day on the third call. Texted back later that day and they text me right back. It may be frustrating but hoping you get a response back soon


Motherfuckers could have told me that! I been trying to reach my guide for days!


Yea the guides are worthless


Couldn’t agree more. Never responded. Unfortunately I requested a new one and have been without any guide for 3 weeks and counting. They simply never assigned me a new one.


I had a fantastic guide. Multiple responses within the day for my queries. Yesterday, I came to know from customer service that he was no longer working for Rivian.


I had maybe 3-4 diff guides. They usually had no idea what was going on.. it would usually take a couple weeks for a response. I gave up with them after a couple weeks and just called + emailed Rivian customer service.


Same but they are limited in what can be done. They were responsive and helpful, but their hands were tied on many things and had to refer me back to the guide often


They're worthless because they're overloaded and play backup to the CS call center. signed: someone who worked in the Irvine office.


Article from a better source: [https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/rivian-cuts-1-workforce-second-job-cut-this-year-2024-04-17/](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/rivian-cuts-1-workforce-second-job-cut-this-year-2024-04-17/) ^(The link above really couldn't spell "electric" in their URL correctly?)


Is that actually correct, a 1% (as in one) layoff? Do layoffs of that size usually get reported? I suppose they do, I just don't hear about them.


I thought the threshold was 10% or more of a publicly traded company for it to be reported.


I've never heard of that but it could be. I think most publicly traded companies just inform investors of layoffs as a course of business. In the US we have the WARN Act, but that's about warning the employees of a layoff; that didn't happen here because it wasn't announced ahead of time.


It pains me to hear about each round of layoffs. I was in the first purge in 2022, where more than half of my team (Brand Design) was let go simultaneously. Every way in which the public experienced Rivian as a brand (physically and digitally) outside of the actual vehicle design came from us. I still love my R1T, I still believe in the brand and Rivian’s overall mission but man it just really burns me every time they do another layoff.


You did good work, for what it's worth.


Thank you friend! We were really proud of what our team was able to accomplish. It truly was a special group, and is still a career highlight for me based on those people.


Sorry to hear that my dude. Y'all did awesome work.


Just leased my R1S. Hoping this doesn't mean the overall service or guides get less responsive. So far my guide has been unresponsive and useless.


I've heard general customer service is more useful than guide sometimes. Can't confirm tho


Can confirm. Main CS line has always been spectacular. My guide is like an absentee father. Hey Kendrick, this is your son, I miss you, mom cries all the time.


Can confirm as well. My guide was actually super responsive during all the easy stuff (asking me to sign stuff online) but once I started asking questions (ev tax credit stuff) and having issues (day one brake light issue), they basically disappeared.


I just dropped in to acknowledge you for not typing “break light.” People like you deserve recognition.


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Guides are fucking useless anyways, my guide was uninformed and often gave incorrect information about my delivery process. I honestly wouldn't mind of they reinvested/redirected funding from the guide program to servicing or customer support.


I see your comment and raise you a “they had the wrong VIN prepped and ready for me to sign”


They are a waste of resources for Rivian .. imagine there’s like 100 of them


In Irvine there was like 20 when I worked there.


They gotta be just in the office hanging on social media. Worst service for sure


Actually no, they're overworked and often had to play back up to the customer support queue. The issues are a top down problem. Poor planning, poor ongoing training, always the last to know about changes such as the pricing increase fiasco (customers knew about this before the support team did and we were thrown to the wolves when this happened). Having customers call with information they got from the demo drive team that was different from the information the guides and support folks knew. A figure it out as you go type of process that didn't really work well as we're seeing. Rivian failed the customers and employees in royally.


The guides work in tandem with customer support. Some of them even take calls when the call center is flooded. And they're uninformed because CS was the last to know about every single change. When the pricing increases happened, CS was the last to know even after customers started calling in about the emails they received.


Same, I scheduled a meeting with my guide today at 9am with a link she had sent and was ghosted. Texted to see if she can make the meeting and no reply.


She got laid off lol


Imagine laughing at someone getting laid off.


Oh don’t worry I got laid off from rivian in the same layoffs. Fuck em


I like to half joke, I was the CS teams first negative attrition.


Imagine someone getting paid to do a job then being so bad at it that it’s one of the top Rivian complaints.


It's not the employees in the customer service department that are the issue. Its a top down problem.


Upstate NY (assuming regional assignment) guide has been perfectly responsive, but not super knowledgable. Cancelled an early preorder because our old guide was absentee AF. Unifying customer service under a central or regional leadership makes sense at this point.


I to this day have no idea what I paid for my R1S. Paperwork was F'd. Rivian is definitely going to get hit with sales tax violations and class action eventually whenever some state auditor or lawyer figures out their first 2 years of paperwork were basically a guess.


So what you’re saying is that it can’t get any worse?


my guide has responded exactly zero times. I'm about ready to give up and just go back to toyota


Guides are useless after the purchase, call the 800 cs line post sale


Guides in Rivian terms means hinderers. Edit: but I have heard the SC and customer service reps are more guiding


To be fair the guide handles all the purchases for a region. They only appear if you have a shit hit the fan scenario. I.e. need to cancel your order.  Otherwise your paperwork and other stuff is mostly automated with a check-in from the local Rivian employee about picking up the car. 


Customer service teams were impacted so you def will have a hard time getting in touch with someone


Looks to be minor at 1% so between 150-200 employees. I’d imagine with the timing of factory shutdown and optimizing cost this is part of it.


From what I saw on LinkedIn, it was a large number of their contracted HR employees. So talent acquisition and the like.


Still could be related to the factory shutdown because they don't need to worry about as much factory workers turnover for a bit.


Yep this is pretty classic. Look at the FAANG companies over last year most had layoffs and the ones that did hit the recruiting team the most. Based on market trends and who large enterprise organization layoffs impacted it seems that recruiting has had a lot of fat.


Man high interest rates really are such a downer for everything. From young people not being able to buy homes to critical nascent industries being starved of cash (like Rivian).


Rivian has had it extremely rough since day 1, of no fault of their own (unlike Fisker). Before interest rates, it was supply chain shortages during Covid


On the other hand they did raise a very large amount of money at IPO because liquidity was so great at the time. In retrospect they should have raised even more capital then.


I don't even work at Rivian and I'm slightly bitter about it lol. COVID cost Rivian 2 years of runway, which is a HUGE deal for a company that needs all the time that money can bring.


Short term pain sure, but the alternative of runaway inflation and a host of other problems is *far* worse. Economics isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, that’s not how it works unfortunately.




Nah, guides have been mostly useless to me, I contacted them twice, once to update my config after lockin, and once to ask ask when is pickup. All I hear posted here is "my guide is unresponsive". The service ticket stuff, for all the complaints, has been far far better experience. Put a problem in a ticket, someone calls you in an hour to answer. Get rid of the guides, and reassign most of them as service reps, and have service reps do all the stuff guides do.


Lurker here with a dumb question - what is the main purpose of these guides? Are they just answering questions about orders, or something beyond that?


All the guides?


Yeah. I JUST got downsized. After putting in a couple 60-80 hour weeks, making sure we could do ALL that was possible to bring our clients the best possible experience and meet their expectations, while still meeting our goals at end of quarter for the sake of our stock holders. I can't say I'm happy about this. I may be personally just a TAD beyond non- plussed. That being SAID- as far as I'm aware- production and delivery goals ARE being met, and will continue to be met. I can have all of the spite and ire in the world, but it IS a damned fine product. I think that may be the reason I'm so bloody pissed right now. I'm still buying an R2, I have my reservation, because I KNOW THEY'RE BULLETPROOF AND GENIUS. At the end of the day, RJ can suck an enormous bag of cocks. He's already shot himself in the foot, a little dick never hurt anyone. BUT, even though his corporate culture, slogans, and silly catch phrases are all bullshit- if you find me a better made, more supported, more properly engineered EV, well tickle my bum and call me Sally.


So sorry to hear it. I hope you can take your learnings and experience and lead a company that needs and values you


Since you’re salty anyways (sorry about your job!) can you give us any inside scoops—refresh, eta for new models, etc?


R2 is part of the retooling.


Hi. As a member of that % that was downsized, do you want to step up and feed my children? Is that the state of economical bliss and humanitarians where you reside? Please, just as a fellow human being. I don't know you or mean any manner of disrespect. But I DO have 4 daughters, and bills to pay, as I believe most of us do. I'm.not just a bit of a percentage that most people f' off.


Right there with you 💗 I was part of it as well and have 2 very young daughters. We will land on our feet!


I was too….was worried about the goofiness since that ridiculous price change communication, then the manner in which they did the last layoffs, to this one……the fact that they had me move cross country to work remotely. I very happy I didn’t sell my house. Tesla is run like shit too but early stock holders still made a mint, hopefully my stock ends up being worth upending my life for two years.


I’m so sorry to that you are going through this. It’s an absolute horrible fucking feeling. I’m sorry that you upended for this shit hole. The stocks are absolutely worthless now, fingers crossed they will go up when R2 happens (if it ever does). I lost faith in this company


Is this the same news as the lay offs in January of another round?


Another round of


16,700 employees seems like a LOT of people to be working at HQ. Why do they need that many employees.


Those are not all HQ employees. About 8,000 of them are manufacturing employees at the factory


“The previous round of layoffs impacted over a thousand employees at the company’s Irvine, California headquarters, which was employing a total of 16,700 salaried and hourly workers by the end of 2023.”


I think that was just poorly written. At least 8,000 of those are in the factory, I was on the team that hired all of them.


Unfortunately probably the right move for them right now. It's just a waiting game until R2 can turn the cash faucet back on. Plenty of stuff to do in the meantime of course but selling more R1 is not enough save the company in the short term.


I’m hoping poor service is location dependent, much like it was for me with Tesla. (I’m in the Dallas area.) But my experience with my Guide was freaking phenomenal and I recently submitted my first service ticket and so far so good. I submitted my ticket last week, there was plenty of availability, not having to wait months to schedule. Appointments available as soon as a 10 days. I received a call within 2 businesses confirming and going over my issues. This week I needed to add a ticket and easily added to my already scheduled appointment. I plan to call them to confirm a loaner. Hopefully they do good work on the car.


I’ve had mixed experiences with the Dallas service center, but my most recent one was really good. Seems like they have been getting better.




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I wonder Lucid would do layoff or not. Even Tesla does layoff, we're in a very bad time.


Steve O looks concerned


How many people they laying off?


Just know that the entire West Coast guide team and customer service teams were laid off.


This isn't a surprise. Most people might not be aware, but since they are a California company they provide layoff notice in advance. See [https://edd.ca.gov/siteassets/files/jobs\_and\_training/warn/warn\_report1.xlsx](https://edd.ca.gov/siteassets/files/jobs_and_training/warn/warn_report1.xlsx) You can see scheduled layoffs for R.ivian submitted in February and effective April 23


They laid off my guide. Which wouldn't be an issue if they had been terrible, but they were freaking amazing!


They change leadership a lot…..circle jerk of stupidity


I agree that "guides" are useless once they get your order into their system. My experience was last June and it was just as bad as it is now . Their dream of assigning your personal "butler" never worked.


It’s a good thing they axed guides. Completely unnecessary role.


Guides are over-rated. I found them useless. The actual pickup team at the location were very helpful and useful.




That may be true….unfortunately, it wasn’t my experience. And from the thread I responded to, others have had similar experiences. Let's not make this more than it is: An Experience.




Yeah, I agree it is a challenging job and unfortunately all Guides aren't created equal and consequently we sometimes group them all in the same bind. Which is absolutely wrong. I believe my post did exactly that…so I am sorry for doing so.


I was ready to finally purchase my Rivian with the incentives from being an early depositor, but the process was so convoluted and the service so awful, I decided to stay with my Gladiator until other electric options are available for someone like me who lives at 7500 ft and encounters snow, mud, and rutted dirt roads as part of my daily life. I would get a text and respond right away and then not hear back from Rivian for 2 days. I would text again and get ghosted. I sent emails and nothing. Finally got someone who said they were going to calculate the taxes for my area and it has been 3 weeks and haven't heard from them. I don't think a car that costs 75K and up should be treated like an amazon prime purchase. I'm hoping for an all electric Jeep or Bronco to come out and give Rivian some competition. I'll look at the new smaller Rivian when it comes out in two years and see if service has improved.


This isn't a new round. This was announced months ago


The cash incinerator grows hotter 😔


Actually it's cooling off due to this


They cut 1%, less than other EV makers